Novel Gas Sensor Solutions for Air Quality Monitoring

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Global industrialization and urbanization have led to increased levels of air pollution. The costs to society have come in the form of environmental damage, healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and premature mortality. Measuring pollutants is an important task for identifying its

Global industrialization and urbanization have led to increased levels of air pollution. The costs to society have come in the form of environmental damage, healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and premature mortality. Measuring pollutants is an important task for identifying its sources, warning individuals about dangerous exposure levels, and providing epidemiologists with data to link pollutants with diseases. Current methods for monitoring air pollution are inadequate though. They rely on expensive, complex instrumentation at limited fixed monitoring sites that do not capture the true spatial and temporal variation. Furthermore, the fixed outdoor monitoring sites cannot warn individuals about indoor air quality or exposure to chemicals at worksites. Recent advances in manufacturing and computing technology have allowed new classes of low-cost miniature gas sensor to emerge as possible alternatives. For these to be successful however, there must be innovations in the sensors themselves that improve reliability, operation, and their stability and selectivity in real environments. Three novel gas sensor solutions are presented. The first is the development of a wearable personal exposure monitor using all commercially available components, including two metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors. The device monitors known asthma triggers: ozone, total volatile organic compounds, temperature, humidity, and activity level. Primary focus is placed on the ozone sensor, which requires special circuits, heating algorithm, and calibration to remove temperature and humidity interferences. Eight devices are tested in multiple field tests. The second is the creation of a new compact optoelectronic gas sensing platform using colorimetric microdroplets printed on the surface of a complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) imager. The nonvolatile liquid microdroplets provide a homogeneous, uniform environment that is ideal for colorimetric reactions and lensless optical measurements. To demonstrate one type of possible indicating system gaseous ammonia is detected by complexation with Cu(II). The third project continues work on the CMOS imager optoelectronic platform and develops a more robust sensing system utilizing hydrophobic aerogel particles. Ammonia is detected colorimetrically by its reaction with a molecular dye, with additives and surface treatments enhancing uniformity of the printed films. Future work presented at the end describes a new biological particle sensing system using the CMOS imager.
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Monitoring the Molecular Quality of Biopsy Tissue Samples Using Volatile Organic Compounds

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A major challenge with tissue samples used for biopsies is the inability to monitor their molecular quality before diagnostic testing. When tissue is resected from a patient, the cells are removed from their blood supply and normal temperature-controlled environment, which

A major challenge with tissue samples used for biopsies is the inability to monitor their molecular quality before diagnostic testing. When tissue is resected from a patient, the cells are removed from their blood supply and normal temperature-controlled environment, which causes significant biological stress. As a result, the molecular composition and integrity undergo significant change. Currently, there is no method to track the effects of these artefactual stresses on the sample tissue to determine any deviations from the actual patient physiology. Without a way to track these changes, pathologists have to blindly trust that the tissue samples they are given are of high quality and fit for molecular analysis; physicians use the analysis to make diagnoses and treatment plans based on the assumption that the samples are valid. A possible way to track the quality of the tissue is by measuring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from the samples. VOCs are carbon-based chemicals with high vapor pressure at room temperature. There are over 1,800 known VOCs within humans and a number of these exist in every tissue sample. They are individualized and often indicative of a person’s metabolic condition. For this reason, VOCs are often used for diagnostic purposes. Their usefulness in diagnostics, reflectiveness of a person’s metabolic state, and accessibility lends them to being beneficial for tracking degradation. We hypothesize that there is a relationship between the change in concentration of the volatile organic compounds of a sample, and the molecular quality of a sample. This relationship is what would indicate the accuracy of the tissue quality used for a biopsy in relation to the tissue within the body.
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Novel colorimetric sensors with extended lifetime for personal exposure monitoring

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Air pollution has been linked to various health problems but how different air pollutants and exposure levels contribute to those diseases remain largely unknown. Researchers have mainly relied on data from government air monitoring stations to study the health effects

Air pollution has been linked to various health problems but how different air pollutants and exposure levels contribute to those diseases remain largely unknown. Researchers have mainly relied on data from government air monitoring stations to study the health effects of air pollution exposure. The limited information provided by sparse stations has low spatial and temporal resolution, which is not able to represent the actual exposure of individuals. A tool that can accurately monitor personal exposure provides valuable data for epidemiologists to understand the relationship between air pollution and certain diseases. It also allows individuals to be aware of any ambient air quality issues and prevent air pollution exposure. To build such a tool, sensors with features of fast response, small size, long lifetime, high sensitivity, high selectivity, and multi-analyte sensing are of great importance.

In order to meet these requirements, three generations of novel colorimetric sensors have been developed. The first generation is mosaic colorimetric sensors based on tiny sensor blocks and by detecting absorbance change after each air sample injection, the target analyte concentration can be measured. The second generation is a gradient-based colorimetric sensor. Lateral transport of analytes across the colorimetric sensor surface creates a color gradient that shifts along the transport direction over time, and the sensor tracks the gradient shift and converts it into analyte concentration in real-time. The third generation is gradient-based colorimetric arrays fabricated by inkjet-printing method that integrates multiple sensors on a miniaturized sensor chip. Unlike traditional colorimetric sensors, such as detection tubes and optoelectronic nose, that are typically for one-time use, the presented three generations of colorimetric sensors aim to continuously monitor multiple air pollutants and the sensor lifetime and fabrication methods have been improved over each generation. Ozone, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide are chosen as analytes of interest. The performance of sensors has been validated in the lab and field tests, proving the capability of the sensors to be used for personal exposure monitoring.
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Charge sensitive and label-free detection of molecules

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Quantifying molecular interactions is pivotal for understanding biological processes at molecular scale and for screening drugs. Although various detection technologies have been developed, it is still challenging to quantify the binding kinetics of small molecules because the sensitivities of the

Quantifying molecular interactions is pivotal for understanding biological processes at molecular scale and for screening drugs. Although various detection technologies have been developed, it is still challenging to quantify the binding kinetics of small molecules because the sensitivities of the mainstream technologies scale down with the size of the molecule. To address this problem, two different optical detection methods, charge sensitive optical detection (CSOD) and virion
ano-oscillators, are developed to measure the binding-induced charge change instead of the mass change, which enables quantification of the binding kinetics for both large and small molecules.

In particular, the nano-oscillator approach provides a unique capability to image individual nanoparticles and measure the size and charge of each nanoparticle simultaneously. This approach is applied to measure one of the smallest biological particles - single protein molecules. By tracking the oscillation of each protein molecule, the size, charge, and mobility are measured in real-time with high precision. This capability also allows to monitor the conformation and charge changes of single protein molecules upon ligand binding. Measuring the size and charge of single proteins opens a new revenue to protein analysis and disease biomarker detection at the single molecule level.

The virion
ano-oscillators and the single protein approach employ a scheme where a particle is tethered to the surface with a polymer molecule. The dynamics of the particle is governed by two important forces: One is entropic force arising from the conformational change of the molecular tether, and the other is solvent damping on the particle and the molecule. The dynamics is studied by varying the type of the tether molecule, size of the particle, and viscosity of the solvent. The findings provide insights into single molecule studies using not only tethered particles, but also other approaches, including force spectroscopy using atomic force microscopy and nanopores.
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Novel image-based methods for quantitative real time environmental monitoring

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Environmental pollution has been one of the most challenging problems in modern society and more and more health issues are now linked to environmental pollution and especially, air pollution. Certain sensitive group like patients with asthma are highly influenced by

Environmental pollution has been one of the most challenging problems in modern society and more and more health issues are now linked to environmental pollution and especially, air pollution. Certain sensitive group like patients with asthma are highly influenced by the environmental air quality and knowledge of the daily air pollution exposure is of great importance for the management and prevention of asthma attack. Hence small form factor, real time, accurate, sensitive and easy to use portable devices for environmental monitoring are of great value.

Three novel image-based methods for quantitative real time environmental monitoring were introduced and the sensing principle, sensor performances were evaluated through simulation and field tests. The first sensing principle uses surface plasmon resonance (SPR) image and home-made molecular sieve (MS) column to realize real time chemical separation and detection. SPR is sensitive and non-specific, which makes it a desirable optical method for sensitive biological and chemical sensing, the miniaturized MS column provides small area footprint and makes it possible for SPR to record images of the whole column area. The innovative and system level integration approach provide a new way for simultaneous chemical separation and detection. The second sensor uses scattered laser light, Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) imager and image processing to realize real-time particulate matter (PM) sensing. Complex but low latency algorithm was developed to obtain real time information for PM including PM number, size and size distribution. The third sensor uses gradient based colorimetric sensor, absorbance light signal and image processing to realize real-time Ozone sensing and achieved high sensitivity and substantially longer lifetime compared to conventional colorimetric sensors. The platform provides potential for multi-analyte integration and large-scale consumer use as wearable device.

The three projects provide novel, state-of-the-art and sensitive solutions for environmental and personal exposure monitoring. Moreover, the sensing platforms also provide tools for clinicians and epidemiologists to conduct large scale clinical studies on the adverse health effects of pollutants on various kinds of diseases.
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Comparison of SPR and Edge Tracking as a Measure of Binding Kinetics in Whole Cells

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Most drugs work by binding to receptors on the cell surface. These receptors can then carry the message into the cell and have a wide array of results. However, studying how fast the binding is can be difficult. Current methods

Most drugs work by binding to receptors on the cell surface. These receptors can then carry the message into the cell and have a wide array of results. However, studying how fast the binding is can be difficult. Current methods involve extracting the receptor and labeling them, but both these steps have issues. Previous works found that binding on the cell surface is accompanied with a small change in cell size, generally an increase. They have also developed an algorithm that can track these small changes without a label using a simple bright field microscope. Here, this relationship is further explored by comparing edge tracking results to a more widely used method, surface plasmon resonance. The kinetic constants found from the two methods are in agreement. No corrections or manipulations were needed to create agreement. The Bland-Altman plots shows that the error between the two methods is about 0.009 s-1. This is about the same error between cells, making it a non-dominant source of error.
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Novel Plasmonic Imaging Techniques for Measuring Protein Kinetics

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Proteins play a central role to human body and biological activities. As powerful tools for protein detections, many surface plasmon resonance based techniques have been developed to enhance the sensitivity. However, sensitivity is not the only final goal. As a

Proteins play a central role to human body and biological activities. As powerful tools for protein detections, many surface plasmon resonance based techniques have been developed to enhance the sensitivity. However, sensitivity is not the only final goal. As a biosensor, four things really matter: sensitivity, specificity, resolution (temporal/spatial) and throughput.

This dissertation presents several works on developing novel plasmonic based techniques for protein detections on the last two aspects to extend the application field. A fast electrochemically controlled plasmonic detection technique is first developed with the capability of monitoring electrochemical signal with nanosecond response time. The study reveals that the conformational gating of electron transfer in a redox protein (cytochrome c) takes place over a broad range of time scales (sub-µs to ms). The second platform integrates ultra-low volume piezoelectric liquid dispensing and plasmonic imaging detection to monitor different protein binding processes simultaneously with low sample cost. Experiment demonstrates the system can observe binding kinetics in 10×10 microarray of 6 nL droplet, with variations of kinetic rate constants among spots less than ±5%. A focused plasmonic imaging system with bi-cell algorithm is also proposed for spatial resolution enhancement. The two operation modes, scanning mode and focus mode, can be applied for different purposes. Measurement of bacterial aggregation demonstrates the higher spatial resolution. Detections of polystyrene beads binding and 50 nm gold nanoparticles oscillation show a high signal to noise ratio of the system.

The real properties of protein rely on its dynamic personalities. The above works shed light upon fast and high throughput detection of protein kinetics, and enable more applications for plasmonic imaging techniques. It is anticipated that such methods will help to invoke a new surge to unveil the mysteries of biological activities and chemical process.
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Label Free Methods for the Quantification of Molecular Interaction with Membrane Protein on Cell Surface

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Measuring molecular interaction with membrane proteins is critical for understanding cellular functions, validating biomarkers and screening drugs. Despite the importance, developing such a capability has been a difficult challenge, especially for small molecules binding to membrane proteins in their native

Measuring molecular interaction with membrane proteins is critical for understanding cellular functions, validating biomarkers and screening drugs. Despite the importance, developing such a capability has been a difficult challenge, especially for small molecules binding to membrane proteins in their native cellular environment. The current mainstream practice is to isolate membrane proteins from the cell membranes, which is difficult and often lead to the loss of their native structures and functions. In this thesis, novel detection methods for in situ quantification of molecular interactions with membrane proteins are described.

First, a label-free surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) platform is developed for the in situ detection of the molecular interactions between membrane protein drug target and its specific antibody drug molecule on cell surface. With this method, the binding kinetics of the drug-target interaction is quantified for drug evaluation and the receptor density on the cell surface is also determined.

Second, a label-free mechanically amplification detection method coupled with a microfluidic device is developed for the detection of both large and small molecules on single cells. Using this method, four major types of transmembrane proteins, including glycoproteins, ion channels, G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and tyrosine kinase receptors on single whole cells are studied with their specific drug molecules. The basic principle of this method is established by developing a thermodynamic model to express the binding-induced nanometer-scale cellular deformation in terms of membrane protein density and cellular mechanical properties. Experiments are carried out to validate the model.

Last, by tracking the cell membrane edge deformation, molecular binding induced downstream event – granule exocytosis is measured with a dual-optical imaging system. Using this method, the single granule exocytosis events in single cells are monitored and the temporal-spatial distribution of the granule fusion-induced cell membrane deformation are mapped. Different patterns of granule release are resolved, including multiple release events occurring close in time and position. The label-free cell membrane deformation tracking method was validated with the simultaneous fluorescence recording. And the simultaneous cell membrane deformation detection and fluorescence recording allow the study of the propagation of the granule release-induced membrane deformation along cell surfaces.
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Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Based on Bacterial Motion Tracking

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Antibiotic resistant bacteria are a worldwide epidemic threatening human survival. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests (ASTs) are important for confirming susceptibility to empirical antibiotics and detecting resistance in bacterial isolates. Current ASTs are based on bacterial culturing, which take 2-14 days to

Antibiotic resistant bacteria are a worldwide epidemic threatening human survival. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests (ASTs) are important for confirming susceptibility to empirical antibiotics and detecting resistance in bacterial isolates. Current ASTs are based on bacterial culturing, which take 2-14 days to complete depending on the microbial growth rate. Considering the high mortality and morbidity rates for most acute infections, such long time frames are clinically impractical and pose a huge risk to a patient's life. A faster AST will reduce morbidity and mortality rates, as well as help healthcare providers, administer narrow spectrum antibiotics at the earliest possible treatment stage.

In this dissertation, I developed a nonculture-based AST using an imaging and cell tracking technology. I track individual Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. coli O157:H7) Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli (UPEC) cells, widely implicated in food-poisoning outbreaks and urinary tract infections respectively. Cells tethered to a surface are tracked on the nanometer scale, and phenotypic motion is correlated with bacterial metabolism. Antibiotic action significantly slows down motion of tethered bacterial cells, which is used to perform antibiotic susceptibility testing. Using this technology, the clinical minimum bactericidal concentration of an antibiotic against UPEC pathogens was calculated within 2 hours directly in urine samples as compared to 3 days using current gold standard tools.

Such technologies can make a tremendous impact to improve the efficacy and efficiency of infectious disease treatment. This has the potential to reduce the antibiotic mis-prescription steeply, which can drastically decrease the annual 2M+ hospitalizations and 23,000+ deaths caused due to antibiotic resistance bacteria along with saving billions of dollars to payers, patients, and hospitals.
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In Situ Drug-Receptor Binding Kinetics in Single Cells: A Quantitative Label-Free Study of Anti-Tumor Drug Resistance

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Many drugs are effective in the early stage of treatment, but patients develop drug resistance after a certain period of treatment, causing failure of the therapy. An important example is Herceptin, a popular monoclonal antibody drug for breast cancer by

Many drugs are effective in the early stage of treatment, but patients develop drug resistance after a certain period of treatment, causing failure of the therapy. An important example is Herceptin, a popular monoclonal antibody drug for breast cancer by specifically targeting human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (Her2). Here we demonstrate a quantitative binding kinetics analysis of drug-target interactions to investigate the molecular scale origin of drug resistance. Using a surface plasmon resonance imaging, we measured the in situ Herceptin-Her2 binding kinetics in single intact cancer cells for the first time, and observed significantly weakened Herceptin-Her2 interactions in Herceptin-resistant cells, compared to those in Herceptin-sensitive cells. We further showed that the steric hindrance of Mucin-4, a membrane protein, was responsible for the altered drug-receptor binding. This effect of a third molecule on drug-receptor interactions cannot be studied using traditional purified protein methods, demonstrating the importance of the present intact cell-based binding kinetics analysis.

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