High-throughput identification of miRNA targets in the 3`UTRs of the soil nematode C. elegans

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miRNAs are short non-coding regulatory RNAs that have an important roles in a wide range of biological processes. Dysfunction of miRNA regulation has also been shown to occur in diseases such as cancer. Despite the widespread influence of miRNAs in

miRNAs are short non-coding regulatory RNAs that have an important roles in a wide range of biological processes. Dysfunction of miRNA regulation has also been shown to occur in diseases such as cancer. Despite the widespread influence of miRNAs in these contexts, the vast majority of miRNA targets are poorly characterized. The aim of this research project was to gain a better understating of miRNA targeting by using the model organism C. elegans. In order to do this I adapted a novel high-throughput assay to detect miRNA targets for use with the C. elegans 3`UTRome. As a proof of principle I performed this assay on 96 C. elegans 3`UTRs using high-throughput techniques. The results revealed miRNA interactions with two predicted 3`UTR targets for the miRNA lin-4 and ten unpredicted targets. The results also corroborated previous findings that certain worm miRNAs require special modifications to be expressed in human cells.
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The Biomedicalization of Studying

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The nonmedical use of prescription ADHD medications by American college students for the purpose of enhancing academic performance has been well-documented for more than a decade. A closer look at this trend through the lens of biomedicalization theory shows us

The nonmedical use of prescription ADHD medications by American college students for the purpose of enhancing academic performance has been well-documented for more than a decade. A closer look at this trend through the lens of biomedicalization theory shows us that this behavior, which is often dismissed as a simple abuse of the system by deviant young people, is consistent with broader trends in post-modern medicine and health. The goal of this project was to describe the biomedicalization of studying by illustrating the historical, sociocultural, and politico-economic roots of nonmedical stimulant use by college students in the United States. An online survey was administered to students at ASU and responses from students studying in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (n=233) were analyzed. A 12.4% lifetime prevalence of illicit stimulant use was found among the sample population. Thematic analysis was performed on students' open-ended commentary and several themes related to the biomedicalization framework were uncovered including Necessity, Identity, Inextricability from academia, and Trust in the system. Through these themes it was found that many of the theorized transitions of biomedicalization were visible in the data set, confirming the idea that nonmedical stimulant use is embedded in the complex network of processes that represents post-modern medicine today.
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The Bible Retold

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A short, fantasy novel using essential characters, themes, and events as depicted in the Bible.
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Gene Expression Profiling in Skeletal Muscle of Patients at Risk for NODAT

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New-onset diabetes after kidney transplantation (NODAT) occurs in 20% of kidney transplant patients. In 5 patients who are at risk for new-onset diabetes after kidney transplantation, skeletal muscle gene expression profiling was performed both before and after kidney transplant. The

New-onset diabetes after kidney transplantation (NODAT) occurs in 20% of kidney transplant patients. In 5 patients who are at risk for new-onset diabetes after kidney transplantation, skeletal muscle gene expression profiling was performed both before and after kidney transplant. The differences in gene expression before and after transplant were compared in order to identify specific genes that could be linked to developing NODAT. These findings could open new avenues for future research.
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A Comparative Analysis of Arizona State University's American English and Culture Program and English Language Education in Five Other Countries

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The American English and Culture Program (AECP) at Arizona State University is an intensive language program that has taught English to speakers of other languages from over 115 countries. This study focuses on English education from five of those countries

The American English and Culture Program (AECP) at Arizona State University is an intensive language program that has taught English to speakers of other languages from over 115 countries. This study focuses on English education from five of those countries by examining the similarities and differences between AECP and English education in those countries, as well as analyzing the concerns about English education in these countries and how they may impact students who come to AECP. Those countries are Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Korea, and Kuwait. The primary characteristics that are analyzed are history of English in relation to that country, the goals of English learning, the teaching methods used in the classes, and textbook content. The implications of this study are to help EFL educators learn about their students' backgrounds in the English language through learning the students' countries' various histories and difficulties concerning English, thus allowing them to help students better transition into the English programs such as AECP. This study also shows what research is readily available about English education in other countries, and reveals that there is a lack of research in some aspects of English education for some countries.
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Discovery and characterization of a potential human AMPylator

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Protein AMPylation is a recently discovered and relatively unstudied post-translational modification (PTM). AMPylation has previously been shown to play an important role in metabolic regulation and host pathogenesis in bacteria, but the recent identification of potential AMPylators across many species

Protein AMPylation is a recently discovered and relatively unstudied post-translational modification (PTM). AMPylation has previously been shown to play an important role in metabolic regulation and host pathogenesis in bacteria, but the recent identification of potential AMPylators across many species in every domain of life has supported the possibility that AMPylation could be a more fundamental and physiologically significant regulatory PTM. For the first time, we characterized the auto-AMPylation capability of the human protein SOS1 through in vitro AMPylation experiments using full-length protein and whole-domain truncation mutants. We found that SOS1 can become AMPylated at a tyrosine residue possibly within the Cdc25 domain of the protein, the Dbl homology domain is vital for efficient auto-AMPylation activity, and the C-terminal proline-rich domain exhibits a complex regulatory function. The proline-rich domain alone also appears to be capable of catalyzing a separate, unidentified covalent self-modification using a fluorescent ATP analogue. Finally, SOS1 was shown to be capable of catalyzing the AMPylation of two endogenous human protein substrates: a ubiquitous, unidentified protein of ~49kDa and another breast-cancer specific, unidentified protein of ~28kDa.
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Targeting a Novel Genetic Risk Factor for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a devastating illness that causes the degeneration of both upper and lower motor neurons, leading to eventual muscle atrophy. ALS rapidly progresses into paralysis, with patients typically dying due

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a devastating illness that causes the degeneration of both upper and lower motor neurons, leading to eventual muscle atrophy. ALS rapidly progresses into paralysis, with patients typically dying due to respiratory complications within three to five years from the onset of their symptoms. Even after many years of research and drug trials, there is still no cure, and current therapies only succeed in increasing life-span by approximately three months. With such limited options available for patients, there is a pressing need to not only find a cure, but also make new treatments available in order to ameliorate disease symptoms. In a genome-wide association study previously conducted by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), several single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) upstream of a novel gene, FLJ10968, were found to significantly alter risk for ALS. This novel gene acquired the name FGGY after publication of the paper. FGGY exhibits altered levels of protein expression throughout ALS disease progression in human subjects, and detectable protein and mRNA expression changes in a mouse model of ALS. We performed co-immunoprecipitation experiments coupled with mass spectrometry in order to determine which proteins are associated with FGGY. Some of these potential binding partners have been linked to RNA regulation, including regulators of the splicesomal complex such as SMN, Gemin, and hnRNP C. To further validate these findings, we have verified co-localization of these proteins with one another. We hypothesize that FGGY plays an important role in ALS pathogenesis, and we will continue to examine its biological function.
Date Created

Effects of novel functional food on wellness indicators

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With obesity and metabolic diseases reaching epidemic levels, it is important to find ways to increase physical activity and improve diet. Previous studies have shown that improvements in mood can increase desire to perform physical activity, and that vitamin C

With obesity and metabolic diseases reaching epidemic levels, it is important to find ways to increase physical activity and improve diet. Previous studies have shown that improvements in mood can increase desire to perform physical activity, and that vitamin C intake is linked to improvements in mood. Based on this, two hypotheses were formed and tested to investigate the effect on physical activity levels and mood states from vitamin C supplementation at a dose of one gram per day in the form of a novel functional food. Thirty-one college students or faculty at Arizona State University were screened from a pool of applicants and placed into either a vitamin C or placebo group; all participants received the novel functional food to eat daily for four weeks. Serum levels of vitamin C, weight, height, BMI, body fat percentage, mood, and physical activity were measured before and after the functional food intervention. Vitamin C changed significantly through the course of the study in the experimental group. Baseline data for participants showed a positive correlation between vitamin C status and vigor, and a negative correlation between vitamin C status and weight and BMI. Physical activity was not related to vitamin C status, according to baseline data, and it did not significantly change over the course of the study. The results indicate that variance in BMI can be attributed to vitamin C status, but the study should be refined and tested again.
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Evaluating the Impact of the Learning Center on Elementary School Children: Collaboration Between Chicanos Por La Causa and the Community Action Research Experience Program

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The purpose of this study was to provide a foundation for a plan for evaluations of the impact of the Learning Center on elementary school children with respect to academic achievement and school-related behaviors. Exploratory pre- and posttest data were

The purpose of this study was to provide a foundation for a plan for evaluations of the impact of the Learning Center on elementary school children with respect to academic achievement and school-related behaviors. Exploratory pre- and posttest data were collected and analyzed and recommendations were provided for a broader evaluation plan to be used in the future. The experience from the exploratory evaluation, limitations and the recommendations in this study can be used by Chicanos Por La Causa to strengthen the Learning Center and thereby optimize the benefit to the children served within the San Marina residential community.
Date Created

Modeling Health Indicators of Arizona State's Women's Soccer Team

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Winning records are critical to a team's morale, success, and future. As such, players need to perform their best when they are called into a game to ensure the best possible chance of contributing to the team's success. During the

Winning records are critical to a team's morale, success, and future. As such, players need to perform their best when they are called into a game to ensure the best possible chance of contributing to the team's success. During the 2013 fall season of Arizona State's NCAA soccer team, twenty-five females had quantities measured, such as heart rate workload, weight loss and playing time, that were analyzed using a least squares regression line and other mathematical relationships with mathematical software. Equations and box plots were produced for each player in the hopes that the coaches could tailor practices to the athletes' bodies needs to increase performance and results for the upcoming fall 2014 season. The playing time and heart rate workload model suggests that increased playing time increases heart rate workload in a linear fashion, though the increase varies by player. The model for the team proposes that the heart rate workload changes in response to playing time according to the equation y=2.67x+127.41 throughout the season. The weight loss and heart rate workload model suggest that establishing a relationship between the two variables is complex since the linear and power regression models did not fit the data. Future studies can focus on the Rate of Perceived Exertion scale, which can supplement the heart rate workload and provide valuable information on players' fatigue levels.
Date Created