Modeling Health Indicators of Arizona State's Women's Soccer Team

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Winning records are critical to a team's morale, success, and future. As such, players need to perform their best when they are called into a game to ensure the best possible chance of contributing to the team's success. During the

Winning records are critical to a team's morale, success, and future. As such, players need to perform their best when they are called into a game to ensure the best possible chance of contributing to the team's success. During the 2013 fall season of Arizona State's NCAA soccer team, twenty-five females had quantities measured, such as heart rate workload, weight loss and playing time, that were analyzed using a least squares regression line and other mathematical relationships with mathematical software. Equations and box plots were produced for each player in the hopes that the coaches could tailor practices to the athletes' bodies needs to increase performance and results for the upcoming fall 2014 season. The playing time and heart rate workload model suggests that increased playing time increases heart rate workload in a linear fashion, though the increase varies by player. The model for the team proposes that the heart rate workload changes in response to playing time according to the equation y=2.67x+127.41 throughout the season. The weight loss and heart rate workload model suggest that establishing a relationship between the two variables is complex since the linear and power regression models did not fit the data. Future studies can focus on the Rate of Perceived Exertion scale, which can supplement the heart rate workload and provide valuable information on players' fatigue levels.
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