A Spatial Proteome of Paramecium tetraurelia

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I studied the evolution and cell biology of Paramecium tetraurelia—a model ciliate with over 40,000 distinct protein-coding genes resulting from as many as three ancient whole-genome duplication events. I was interested in the functional diversification of these gene duplicates at

I studied the evolution and cell biology of Paramecium tetraurelia—a model ciliate with over 40,000 distinct protein-coding genes resulting from as many as three ancient whole-genome duplication events. I was interested in the functional diversification of these gene duplicates at the level of protein localization, but the commonly used tools to study this were tedious. I instead applied a protein-correlation profiling approach to this system by way of generating a dozen sub-cellular fractions with different protein constituents due to the density of their resident organelle and then assayed these fractions using quantitative mass spectrometry. Each protein’s unique abundance profile provided evidence for its subcellular localization, and I used both supervised and unsupervised classification algorithms to cluster proteins together based on the similarity of these profiles to several hundred “marker proteins” which I manually curated. After expanding the protein inventory for numerous organelles by as many as a thousand proteins, I determined many features not previously understood or appreciated such as mosaic biochemical pathways, evidence for differential sorting mechanisms, and the abnormal evolutionary patterns of the mitochondrial proteome of ciliates. I developed a simple bioinformatic tool to probe spatial proteomics datasets more easily for proteins of interest. I demonstrate its applicability using a handful of well-characterized proteins in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as well as interesting proteins in less well-studied model systems like P. tetraurelia and the apicomplexan Toxoplasma gondii to both recapitulate known interactions and discover new ones. Finally, I look for large-scale evidence of gene duplicates relocalizing to new cellular compartments in P. tetraurelia and S. cerevisiae using this new dataset and a previously generated one, respectively. I find thousands of pairs of duplicates which are differentially identified and display evidence for subcellular divergence, and this seems to be largely decoupled from large changes in protein sequence but are instead associated with indels in their N-terminal peptide. These findings support the use of high-throughput proteomic techniques to determine evidence of functional divergence of gene duplicates. Taken together, this works provides a deep characterization of one of the largest unicellular proteomes in nature.
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Partial Purification of Telomerase Enzyme From the Choanoflagellate M. brevicollis

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The transition from circular to linear chromosomes in eukaryotes introduced the “end-replication problem” which is the inherent inability of cellular DNA polymerases to completely replicate linear chromosomal ends. Over evolutionary time, eukaryotes evolved “caps” at their chromosomal ends which are

The transition from circular to linear chromosomes in eukaryotes introduced the “end-replication problem” which is the inherent inability of cellular DNA polymerases to completely replicate linear chromosomal ends. Over evolutionary time, eukaryotes evolved “caps” at their chromosomal ends which are DNA protein complexes known as telomeres. Although telomeric DNA does suffer from the incomplete end-replication, the telomerase ribonucleoprotein enzyme was evolved as the dominant and winning solution to this problem in eukaryotes. The protein component of telomerase known as Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), is well conserved across broad eukaryotic groups. In contrast, the RNA component of telomerase, telomerase RNA (TR) is extremely divergent in terms of sequence and length. This presents insurmountable challenges in the identification of novel TR molecules, especially from more distant and previously unexplored eukaryotic groups. Although animal TRs have been identified and studied in detail, the early evolution and origins of animal telomerases remain a mystery. Thus, it is crucial to study telomerases from the earliest ancestors of animals. The Choanoflagellates are a group of free-living unicellular eukaryotes that are deemed to be the closes living relatives of animals. The choanoflagellate M. brevicollis (Mbr) is a model eukaryote used to study the origins of multicellularity. Thus, we determined to purify M. brevicollis telomerase to isolate, sequence and identify the co-purifying TR. Towards achieving this ultimate goal, this study focuses on partially purifying M. brevicollis telomerase via polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation. As the first step, reliable and reproducible culture conditions for M. brevicollis were established. Following this, larger scale cell cultures were grown and used for PEG precipitation. Final concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 20% PEG were used. PEG precipitates were resuspended in buffer and quantitated using Bradford assay. PEG precipitated macromolecular complexes were subject to Western blot using custom generated anti-MbrTERT antibodies which revealed a clear band proximal in size to the 75 kDa marker consistent with the 87 kDa putative MbrTERT. This study serves as a launchpad for the identification of MbrTR towards delineating the early evolution of telomerase in animals.

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Investigations on the Role of the U1 snRNA in Pre-mRNA Splicing

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The splicing of precursor messenger RNAs (pre-mRNAs) plays an essential role in dictating the mature mRNA profiles of eukaryotic cells. Mis-regulation of splicing, due to mutations in pre-mRNAs or in components of the splicing machinery, is associated with many diseases.

The splicing of precursor messenger RNAs (pre-mRNAs) plays an essential role in dictating the mature mRNA profiles of eukaryotic cells. Mis-regulation of splicing, due to mutations in pre-mRNAs or in components of the splicing machinery, is associated with many diseases. Therefore, knowledge of pre-mRNA splicing mechanisms is required to understand gene expression regulation during states of homeostasis and disease, and for the development of therapeutic interventions.Splicing is catalyzed by the spliceosome, a dynamic and protein-rich ribozyme composed of five small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and ~170 auxiliary factors. Early interactions that occur in prespliceosomal complexes formed by the 5′- and 3′-splice-site bound U1 and U2 snRNPs are responsible for committing introns for removal. However, the mechanisms underlying these early interactions remain to be fully characterized for understanding the influence of alternative splicing factors and the impact of recurrent disease-associated mutations in prespliceosomal proteins. The goal of my dissertation research was to delineate the role of the U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) during prespliceosome assembly. By applying a cellular minigene reporter assay and a variety of in vitro techniques including cell-free protein expression, UV-crosslinking, electrophoretic mobility shift assays, surface plasmon resonance, and RNA affinity purification, my work establishes critical roles for the U1 snRNA stem-loops 3 (SL3) and 4 (SL4) in formation of intron definition interactions during prespliceosome assembly. Previously, the SL4 of the U1 snRNA was shown to form a molecular bridge across introns by contacting the U2-specific splicing factor 3A1 (SF3A1). I identified the Ubiquitin-like domain of SF3A1 as a non-canonical RNA binding domain responsible for U1-SL4 binding. I also determined a role for the SL3 region of the U1 snRNA in splicing and characterized the spliceosomal RNA helicase UAP56 as an SL3 interacting protein. By knocking-down the SL3- and SL4-interacting proteins, I confirmed that U1 splicing activity in vivo relies on UAP56 and SF3A1 and that their functions are interdependent. These findings, in addition to the observations made using in vitro splicing assays, support a model whereby UAP56, through its interaction with U1-SL3, enhances the cross-intron interaction between U1-SL4 and SF3A1 to promote prespliceosome formation.
Date Created

The Expression and Initial Biophysical Characterization of the Human Ion Channel TRPM8 Pore Domain Plus

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Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are a superfamily of ion channels found in plasma membranes of both single-celled and multicellular organisms. TRP channels all share the common aspect of having six transmembrane helices and a TRP domain. These structures tetramerize

Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are a superfamily of ion channels found in plasma membranes of both single-celled and multicellular organisms. TRP channels all share the common aspect of having six transmembrane helices and a TRP domain. These structures tetramerize to form a receptor-activated non-selective ion channel. The specific protein being investigated in this thesis is the human transient receptor potential melastatin 8 (hTRPM8), a channel activated by the chemical ligand menthol and temperatures below 25 °C. TRPM8 is responsible for cold sensing and is related to pain relief associated with cooling compounds. TRPM8 has also been found to play a role in the regulation of various types of tumors. The structure of TRPM8 has been obtained through cryo-electron microscopy, but the functional contribution of individual portions of the protein to the overall protein function is unknown.
To gain more information about the function of the transmembrane region of hTRPM8, it was expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli) and purified in detergent membrane mimics for experimentation. The construct contains the S4-S5 linker, pore domain (S5 and S6 transmembrane helices), pore helix, and TRP box. hTRPM8-PD+ was purified in the detergents n-Dodecyl-B-D-Maltoside (DDM), 16:0 Lyso PG, 1-Palmitoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (LPPG), and 14:0 Lyso PG, 1-Myristoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (LMPG) to determine which detergent resulted in a hTRPM8-PD+ sample of the most stability, purity, and highest concentrations. Following bacterial expression and protein purification, hTRPM8-PD+ was studied and characterized with circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy to learn more about the secondary structures and thermodynamic properties of the construct. Further studies can be done with more circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, planar lipid bilayer (BLM) electrophysiology, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) to gain more understanding of how the pore domain plus contributes to the activity of the whole protein construct.
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Determining the oncolytic potential of Myxoma virus on triple negative breast cancer

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Oncolytic virotherapy (OV) is the use of viruses that do not target normal human cells to infect and destroy cancer cells; some also stimulate the immune system against the tumors. Myxoma virus (VMYX) is a candidate for use as an

Oncolytic virotherapy (OV) is the use of viruses that do not target normal human cells to infect and destroy cancer cells; some also stimulate the immune system against the tumors. Myxoma virus (VMYX) is a candidate for use as an oncolytic agent, as it is not pathogenic to humans and can infect a variety of human cancer cells. VMYX also can initiate immune responses against the virus-infected tumor. Thus, we investigated the oncolytic efficacy of a few recombinant constructs of VMYX on triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), a highly aggressive subtype of breast cancer with limited treatment options. TNBC lacks an estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2, which render hormone-based therapies useless. Further challenges of TNBC include early metastasis and recurrence, as well as poor prognosis due to a lack of molecular targets. Here, we utilized 4T1-Luc2 cells, an in vitro mouse model of TNBC, to examine the oncolytic potential of recombinant viral constructs of VMYX. Ability to infect was measured by fluorescence intensity, while ability to induce cytotoxicity was measured through MTS and SYTOX assays. Further characterization of cell death was performed using Caspase 3/7 activity assay, immunofluorescent staining and confocal microscopy to detect ecto-expression of calreticulin, and ATP release assays. We demonstrated the ability of recombinant VMYX constructs to infect and induce cell death in 4T1-Luc2 cells. VMYX-p14-FAST-GFP induced the most cell death, while VMYX-M011LKO-GFP best activated Caspase 3/7. Through ATP release assays and examination of ecto-expression of calreticulin, preliminary data indicated that VYX-135KO-GFP is unable to stimulate immunogenic cell death, a form of cell death that stimulates an adaptive immune response, in these cells. Future directions include further characterization of cell death in vitro, as well as in vivo studies.
Date Created

Expression and Purification of the Telomerase RNA Binding Domain of Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase from Purple Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus)

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Telomerase is a reverse transcriptase that is responsible for the addition of telomeric repeats on to the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. The purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, telomerase enzyme is unique in that its telomerase RNA does not contain the

Telomerase is a reverse transcriptase that is responsible for the addition of telomeric repeats on to the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. The purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, telomerase enzyme is unique in that its telomerase RNA does not contain the ancestrally conserved CR4/5 domain and instead contains the functionally equivalent eCR4/5 domain. Binding between the purple sea urchin TRBD and eCR4/5 domain is currently poorly understood due to eCR4/5's unique structure. In this work the telomerase RNA binding domain, TRBD, of the purple sea urchin telomerase reverse transcriptase, TERT, was fused to maltose binding protein (MBP) using several different short amino acid linkers and purified via amylose column purification. Short amino acid linkers were cloned into the MBP sea urchin TRBD constructs to facilitate better crystallization of the fusion protein. Future work of this project includes testing telomerase RNA binding affinity to the TRBD constructs and determining the crystal structure of the sea urchin TRBD with bound eCR4/5. Elucidating how eCR4/5 binds to the sea urchin TRBD will provide insights into the evolutionary relationship between eCR4/5 and the pseudoknot/template domain of sea urchin telomerase RNA.
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Validating a Model for Catalytic Function in 9°N Polymerase Based on Structural Conservation

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Nucleic acids encode the information required to create life, and polymerases are the gatekeepers charged with maintaining the storage and flow of this genetic information. Synthetic biologists utilize this universal property to modify organisms and other systems to create unique

Nucleic acids encode the information required to create life, and polymerases are the gatekeepers charged with maintaining the storage and flow of this genetic information. Synthetic biologists utilize this universal property to modify organisms and other systems to create unique traits or improve the function of others. One of the many realms in synthetic biology involves the study of biopolymers that do not exist naturally, which is known as xenobiology. Although life depends on two biopolymers for genetic storage, it may be possible that alternative molecules (xenonucleic acids – XNAs), could be used in their place in either a living or non-living system. However, implementation of an XNA based system requires the development of polymerases that can encode and decode information stored in these artificial polymers. A strategy called directed evolution is used to modify or alter the function of a protein of interest, but identifying mutations that can modify polymerase function is made problematic by their size and overall complexity. To reduce the amount of sequence space that needs to be samples when attempting to identify polymerase variants, we can try to make informed decisions about which amino acid residues may have functional roles in catalysis. An analysis of Family B polymerases has shown that residues which are involved in substrate specificity are often highly conserved both at the sequence and structure level. In order to validate the hypothesis that a strong correlation exists between structural conservation and catalytic activity, we have selected and mutated residues in the 9°N polymerase using a loss of function mutagenesis strategy based on a computational analysis of several homologues from a diverse range of taxa. Improvement of these models will hopefully lead to quicker identification of loci which are ideal engineering targets.
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Telomere Homeostasis Within Medaka (Oryzias Latipes)

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ABSTRACT Telomeres are vital in protecting chromosome ends to prevent telomere shortening. Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein responsible for adding telomere repeats and maintaining telomere length. Telomerase holoenzyme consists of 2 major subcomponents: telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and telomerase RNA (TR).

ABSTRACT Telomeres are vital in protecting chromosome ends to prevent telomere shortening. Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein responsible for adding telomere repeats and maintaining telomere length. Telomerase holoenzyme consists of 2 major subcomponents: telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and telomerase RNA (TR). The catalytic subunit is TERT and the subunit that adds deoxyribonucleotide to the ends of chromosome is TR. TR contains an alignment portion and a template portion. Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) has 4 nucleotide bases in its alignment region, which is similar to the 5-nucleotide bases in the human telomerase RNA alignment region. Because of the similar alignment region length, Japanese Medaka with 24 chromosomes was chosen to be used in this study. The question in this research was whether we could overcome heterogeneity. It was expected that when breeding short mean telomere length fish with another short mean telomere length fish, the new generation would have homogeneity. If short average telomere length fish and long average telomere length fish were to breed, the next generation fish would have heterogeneity in their average telomere length. In order to make a strong result statement further research needs to be done. The results from this study have somewhat supported the hypothesis, but will need additional information for a stronger validation. There were two inbreedings of short mean telomere length fish with another short telomere length; however, only one of the inbreeding pairs produced a fish with homogeneity (and supported the hypothesis). The other inbreeding pair depicted a large smear, a sign of heterogeneity. This may be due to a mutation in the subtelomeric portion. The method used to measure average telomere length was the terminal restriction fragment assay. Future research will involve using a different technique, quantitative fluorescence in sifu hybridizatrort to measure a more accurate telomere length of each chromosome.
Date Created

Telomere Biology and Telomerase Mutations in Cirrhotic Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences at linear chromosome termini, protecting chromosomes against end-to-end fusion and damage, providing chromosomal stability. Telomeres shorten with mitotic cellular division, but are maintained in cells with high proliferative capacity by telomerase. Loss-of-function mutations in telomere-maintenance

Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences at linear chromosome termini, protecting chromosomes against end-to-end fusion and damage, providing chromosomal stability. Telomeres shorten with mitotic cellular division, but are maintained in cells with high proliferative capacity by telomerase. Loss-of-function mutations in telomere-maintenance genes are genetic risk factors for cirrhosis development in humans and murine models. Telomerase deficiency provokes accelerated telomere shortening and dysfunction, facilitating genomic instability and oncogenesis. Here we examined whether telomerase mutations and telomere shortening were associated with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) secondary to cirrhosis. Telomere length of peripheral blood leukocytes was measured by Southern blot and qPCR in 120 patients with HCC associated with cirrhosis and 261 healthy subjects. HCC patients were screened for telomerase gene variants (in TERT and TERC) by Sanger sequencing. Age-adjusted telomere length was comparable between HCC patients and healthy subjects by both Southern blot and qPCR. Four non-synonymous TERT heterozygous variants were identified in four unrelated patients, resulting in a significantly higher mutation carrier frequency (3.3%) in patients as compared to controls (p = 0.02). Three of the four variants (T726M, A1062T, and V1090M) were previously observed in patients with other telomere diseases (severe aplastic anemia, acute myeloid leukemia, and cirrhosis). A novel TERT variant, A243V, was identified in a 65-year-old male with advanced HCC and cirrhosis secondary to chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) and alcohol ingestion, but direct assay measurements in vitro did not detect modulation of telomerase enzymatic activity or processivity. In summary, constitutional variants resulting in amino acid changes in the telomerase reverse transcriptase were found in a small proportion of patients with cirrhosis-associated HCC.

Date Created

Structure and Function of Echinoderm Telomerase RNA

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Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) enzyme that requires an integral telomerase RNA (TR) subunit, in addition to the catalytic telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), for enzymatic function. The secondary structures of TRs from the three major groups of species, ciliates, fungi,

Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) enzyme that requires an integral telomerase RNA (TR) subunit, in addition to the catalytic telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), for enzymatic function. The secondary structures of TRs from the three major groups of species, ciliates, fungi, and vertebrates, have been studied extensively and demonstrate dramatic diversity. Herein, we report the first comprehensive secondary structure of TR from echinoderms—marine invertebrates closely related to vertebrates—determined by phylogenetic comparative analysis of 16 TR sequences from three separate echinoderm classes. Similar to vertebrate TR, echinoderm TR contains the highly conserved template/pseudoknot and H/ACA domains. However, echinoderm TR lacks the ancestral CR4/5 structural domain found throughout vertebrate and fungal TRs. Instead, echinoderm TR contains a distinct simple helical region, termed eCR4/5, that is functionally equivalent to the CR4/5 domain. The urchin and brittle star eCR4/5 domains bind specifically to their respective TERT proteins and stimulate telomerase activity. Distinct from vertebrate telomerase, the echinoderm TR template/pseudoknot domain with the TERT protein is sufficient to reconstitute significant telomerase activity. This gain-of-function of the echinoderm template/pseudoknot domain for conferring telomerase activity presumably facilitated the rapid structural evolution of the eCR4/5 domain throughout the echinoderm lineage. Additionally, echinoderm TR utilizes the template-adjacent P1.1 helix as a physical template boundary element to prevent nontelomeric DNA synthesis, a mechanism used by ciliate and fungal TRs. Thus, the chimeric and eccentric structural features of echinoderm TR provide unparalleled insights into the rapid evolution of telomerase RNP structure and function.

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