Design and Engineering of Synthetic Gene Networks

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Synthetic gene networks have evolved from simple proof-of-concept circuits to

complex therapy-oriented networks over the past fifteen years. This advancement has

greatly facilitated expansion of the emerging field of synthetic biology. Multistability is a

mechanism that cells use to achieve a discrete number

Synthetic gene networks have evolved from simple proof-of-concept circuits to

complex therapy-oriented networks over the past fifteen years. This advancement has

greatly facilitated expansion of the emerging field of synthetic biology. Multistability is a

mechanism that cells use to achieve a discrete number of mutually exclusive states in

response to environmental inputs. However, complex contextual connections of gene

regulatory networks in natural settings often impede the experimental establishment of

the function and dynamics of each specific gene network.

In this work, diverse synthetic gene networks are rationally designed and

constructed using well-characterized biological components to approach the cell fate

determination and state transition dynamics in multistable systems. Results show that

unimodality and bimodality and trimodality can be achieved through manipulation of the

signal and promoter crosstalk in quorum-sensing systems, which enables bacterial cells to

communicate with each other.

Moreover, a synthetic quadrastable circuit is also built and experimentally

demonstrated to have four stable steady states. Experiments, guided by mathematical

modeling predictions, reveal that sequential inductions generate distinct cell fates by

changing the landscape in sequence and hence navigating cells to different final states.

Circuit function depends on the specific protein expression levels in the circuit.

We then establish a protein expression predictor taking into account adjacent

transcriptional regions’ features through construction of ~120 synthetic gene circuits

(operons) in Escherichia coli. The predictor’s utility is further demonstrated in evaluating genes’ relative expression levels in construction of logic gates and tuning gene expressions and nonlinear dynamics of bistable gene networks.

These combined results illustrate applications of synthetic gene networks to

understand the cell fate determination and state transition dynamics in multistable

systems. A protein-expression predictor is also developed to evaluate and tune circuit

Date Created

Regulation of Cancer Epigenomes With a Histone-Binding Synthetic Transcription Factor

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Chromatin proteins have expanded the mammalian synthetic biology toolbox by enabling control of active and silenced states at endogenous genes. Others have reported synthetic proteins that bind DNA and regulate genes by altering chromatin marks, such as histone modifications. Previously,

Chromatin proteins have expanded the mammalian synthetic biology toolbox by enabling control of active and silenced states at endogenous genes. Others have reported synthetic proteins that bind DNA and regulate genes by altering chromatin marks, such as histone modifications. Previously, we reported the first synthetic transcriptional activator, the “Polycomb-based transcription factor” (PcTF) that reads histone modifications through a protein–protein interaction between the polycomb chromodomain motif and trimethylated lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27me3). Here, we describe the genome-wide behavior of the polycomb-based transcription factor fusion protein. Transcriptome and chromatin profiling revealed several polycomb-based transcription factor-sensitive promoter regions marked by distal H3K27me3 and proximal fusion protein binding. These results illuminate a mechanism in which polycomb-based transcription factor interactions bridge epigenomic marks with the transcription initiation complex at target genes. In three cancer-derived human cell lines tested here, some target genes encode developmental regulators and tumor suppressors. Thus, the polycomb-based transcription factor represents a powerful new fusion protein-based method for cancer research and treatment where silencing marks are translated into direct gene activation.

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Molecular Structures Guide the Engineering of Chromatin

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Chromatin is a system of proteins, RNA, and DNA that interact with each other to organize and regulate genetic information within eukaryotic nuclei. Chromatin proteins carry out essential functions: packing DNA during cell division, partitioning DNA into sub-regions within the

Chromatin is a system of proteins, RNA, and DNA that interact with each other to organize and regulate genetic information within eukaryotic nuclei. Chromatin proteins carry out essential functions: packing DNA during cell division, partitioning DNA into sub-regions within the nucleus, and controlling levels of gene expression. There is a growing interest in manipulating chromatin dynamics for applications in medicine and agriculture. Progress in this area requires the identification of design rules for the chromatin system. Here, we focus on the relationship between the physical structure and function of chromatin proteins. We discuss key research that has elucidated the intrinsic properties of chromatin proteins and how this information informs design rules for synthetic systems. Recent work demonstrates that chromatin-derived peptide motifs are portable and in some cases can be customized to alter their function. Finally, we present a workflow for fusion protein design and discuss best practices for engineering chromatin to assist scientists in advancing the field of synthetic epigenetics.

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Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Based on Bacterial Motion Tracking

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Antibiotic resistant bacteria are a worldwide epidemic threatening human survival. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests (ASTs) are important for confirming susceptibility to empirical antibiotics and detecting resistance in bacterial isolates. Current ASTs are based on bacterial culturing, which take 2-14 days to

Antibiotic resistant bacteria are a worldwide epidemic threatening human survival. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests (ASTs) are important for confirming susceptibility to empirical antibiotics and detecting resistance in bacterial isolates. Current ASTs are based on bacterial culturing, which take 2-14 days to complete depending on the microbial growth rate. Considering the high mortality and morbidity rates for most acute infections, such long time frames are clinically impractical and pose a huge risk to a patient's life. A faster AST will reduce morbidity and mortality rates, as well as help healthcare providers, administer narrow spectrum antibiotics at the earliest possible treatment stage.

In this dissertation, I developed a nonculture-based AST using an imaging and cell tracking technology. I track individual Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. coli O157:H7) Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli (UPEC) cells, widely implicated in food-poisoning outbreaks and urinary tract infections respectively. Cells tethered to a surface are tracked on the nanometer scale, and phenotypic motion is correlated with bacterial metabolism. Antibiotic action significantly slows down motion of tethered bacterial cells, which is used to perform antibiotic susceptibility testing. Using this technology, the clinical minimum bactericidal concentration of an antibiotic against UPEC pathogens was calculated within 2 hours directly in urine samples as compared to 3 days using current gold standard tools.

Such technologies can make a tremendous impact to improve the efficacy and efficiency of infectious disease treatment. This has the potential to reduce the antibiotic mis-prescription steeply, which can drastically decrease the annual 2M+ hospitalizations and 23,000+ deaths caused due to antibiotic resistance bacteria along with saving billions of dollars to payers, patients, and hospitals.
Date Created

Preparing Synthetic Biology for the World

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Synthetic Biology promises low-cost, exponentially scalable products and global health solutions in the form of self-replicating organisms, or “living devices.” As these promises are realized, proof-of-concept systems will gradually migrate from tightly regulated laboratory or industrial environments into private spaces

Synthetic Biology promises low-cost, exponentially scalable products and global health solutions in the form of self-replicating organisms, or “living devices.” As these promises are realized, proof-of-concept systems will gradually migrate from tightly regulated laboratory or industrial environments into private spaces as, for instance, probiotic health products, food, and even do-it-yourself bioengineered systems. What additional steps, if any, should be taken before releasing engineered self-replicating organisms into a broader user space? In this review, we explain how studies of genetically modified organisms lay groundwork for the future landscape of biosafety. Early in the design process, biological engineers are anticipating potential hazards and developing innovative tools to mitigate risk. Here, we survey lessons learned, ongoing efforts to engineer intrinsic biocontainment, and how different stakeholders in synthetic biology can act to accomplish best practices for biosafety.

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Large Scale Expansion and Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells (hNPCs)

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Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis are marked by the loss of different types of neurons and glial cells in the central nervous system (CNS). Human Pluripotent Stem Cell (hPSC)-derived Neural Progenitor Cells (hNPCs)

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis are marked by the loss of different types of neurons and glial cells in the central nervous system (CNS). Human Pluripotent Stem Cell (hPSC)-derived Neural Progenitor Cells (hNPCs) have the ability to self-renew indefinitely and to differentiate into various cell types of the CNS. HNPCs can be used in cell based therapies and have the potential to reverse or arrest neurodegeneration and to replace lost neurons and glial cells. However, the lack of completely defined, scalable systems to culture these cells, limits their therapeutic and clinical applications. In a previous study, a completely defined, robust, synthetic peptide- a Vitronectin Derived Peptide (VDP) that supports the long term expansion and differentiation of various embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell (hESC/hIPSC) derived hNPC lines on two dimensional (2D) tissue culture plates was identified. In this study, the culture of hNPCs was scaled up using VDP coated microcarriers (MC). VDP MC were able to support the long term expansion of hESC and hiPSC derived hNPCs over multiple passages and supported higher fold changes in cell densities, compared to VDP coated 2D surfaces. VDP MC also showed the ability to support the neuronal differentiation of hNPCs, and produced mature neurons expressing several neuronal, neurotransmitter and cortical markers. Additionally, alzheimer’s disease (AD) relevant phenotypes were studied in patient hIPSC derived hNPCs cultured on laminin MC to assess if the MC culture system could be used for disease modelling and drug screening. Finally, a microcarrier based bioreactor system was developed for the large scale expansion of hNPCs, exhibiting more than a five-fold change in cell density and supporting more than 100 million hNPCs in culture. Thus, the development of a xeno-free, scalable system allows hNPC culture under standard and reproducible conditions in quantities required for therapeutic and clinical applications.
Date Created

Generation of isogenic pluripotent stem cell lines for study of APOE, an Alzheimer’s risk factor

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Alzheimer’s disease (AD), despite over a century of research, does not have a clearly defined pathogenesis for the sporadic form that makes up the majority of disease incidence. A variety of correlative risk factors have been identified, including the three

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), despite over a century of research, does not have a clearly defined pathogenesis for the sporadic form that makes up the majority of disease incidence. A variety of correlative risk factors have been identified, including the three isoforms of apolipoprotein E (ApoE), a cholesterol transport protein in the central nervous system. ApoE ε3 is the wild-type variant with no effect on risk. ApoE ε2, the protective and most rare variant, reduces risk of developing AD by 40%. ApoE ε4, the risk variant, increases risk by 3.2-fold and 14.9-fold for heterozygous and homozygous representation respectively. Study of these isoforms has been historically complex, but the advent of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) provides the means for highly controlled, longitudinal in vitro study. The effect of ApoE variants can be further elucidated using this platform by generating isogenic hiPSC lines through precise genetic modification, the objective of this research. As the difference between alleles is determined by two cytosine-thymine polymorphisms, a specialized CRISPR/Cas9 system for direct base conversion was able to be successfully employed. The base conversion method for transitioning from the ε3 to ε2 allele was first verified using the HEK293 cell line as a model with delivery via electroporation. Following this verification, the transfection method was optimized using two hiPSC lines derived from ε4/ε4 patients, with a lipofection technique ultimately resulting in successful base conversion at the same site verified in the HEK293 model. Additional research performed included characterization of the pre-modification genotype with respect to likely off-target sites and methods of isolating clonal variants.
Date Created

Can the Natural Diversity of Quorum-Sensing Advance Synthetic Biology?


Quorum-sensing networks enable bacteria to sense and respond to chemical signals produced by neighboring bacteria. They are widespread: over 100 morphologically and genetically distinct species of eubacteria are known to use quorum sensing to control gene expression. This diversity suggests

Quorum-sensing networks enable bacteria to sense and respond to chemical signals produced by neighboring bacteria. They are widespread: over 100 morphologically and genetically distinct species of eubacteria are known to use quorum sensing to control gene expression. This diversity suggests the potential to use natural protein variants to engineer parallel, input-specific, cell–cell communication pathways. However, only three distinct signaling pathways, Lux, Las, and Rhl, have been adapted for and broadly used in engineered systems. The paucity of unique quorum-sensing systems and their propensity for crosstalk limits the usefulness of our current quorum-sensing toolkit. This review discusses the need for more signaling pathways, roadblocks to using multiple pathways in parallel, and strategies for expanding the quorum-sensing toolbox for synthetic biology.

Date Created

Modulation of mammalian cell behavior for enhancing polymer-mediated transgene expression

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Gene delivery is a broadly applicable tool that has applications in gene therapy, production of therapeutic proteins, and as a study tool to understand biological pathways. However, for successful gene delivery, the gene and its carrier must bypass or traverse

Gene delivery is a broadly applicable tool that has applications in gene therapy, production of therapeutic proteins, and as a study tool to understand biological pathways. However, for successful gene delivery, the gene and its carrier must bypass or traverse a number of formidable obstacles before successfully entering the cell’s nucleus where the host cell’s machinery can be utilized to express a protein encoded by the gene of interest. The vast majority of work in the gene delivery field focuses on overcoming these barriers by creative synthesis of nanoparticle delivery vehicles or conjugation of targeting moieties to the nucleic acid or delivery vehicle, but little work focuses on modifying the target cell’s behavior to make it more amenable to transfection.

In this work, a number of kinase enzymes have been identified by inhibition to be targets for enhancing polymer-mediated transgene expression (chapter 2), including the lead target which appears to affect intracellular trafficking of delivered nucleic acid cargo. The subsequent sections (chapters 3 and 4) of this work focus on targeting epigenetic modifying enzymes to enhance polymer-mediated transgene expression, and a number of candidate enzymes have been identified. Some mechanistic evaluation of these targets have been carried out and discussion of ongoing experiments and future directions to better understand the mechanistic descriptions behind the phenomena are discussed. The overall goal is to enhance non-viral (polymer-mediated) transgene expression by modulating cellular behavior for general gene delivery applications.
Date Created

Metabolic engineering for the biosynthesis of styrene and its derivatives

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Metabolic engineering is an extremely useful tool enabling the biosynthetic production of commodity chemicals (typically derived from petroleum) from renewable resources. In this work, a pathway for the biosynthesis of styrene (a plastics monomer) has been engineered in Escherichia coli

Metabolic engineering is an extremely useful tool enabling the biosynthetic production of commodity chemicals (typically derived from petroleum) from renewable resources. In this work, a pathway for the biosynthesis of styrene (a plastics monomer) has been engineered in Escherichia coli from glucose by utilizing the pathway for the naturally occurring amino acid phenylalanine, the precursor to styrene. Styrene production was accomplished using an E. coli phenylalanine overproducer, E. coli NST74, and over-expression of PAL2 from Arabidopsis thaliana and FDC1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The styrene pathway was then extended by just one enzyme to either (S)-styrene oxide (StyAB from Pseudomonas putida S12) or (R)-1,2-phenylethanediol (NahAaAbAcAd from Pseudomonas sp. NCIB 9816-4) which are both used in pharmaceutical production. Overall, these pathways suffered from limitations due to product toxicity as well as limited precursor availability. In an effort to overcome the toxicity threshold, the styrene pathway was transferred to a yeast host with a higher toxicity limit. First, Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 was engineered to overproduce phenylalanine. Next, PAL2 (the only enzyme needed to complete the styrene pathway) was then expressed in the BY4741 phenylalanine overproducer. Further strain improvements included the deletion of the phenylpyruvate decarboxylase (ARO10) and expression of a feedback-resistant choristmate mutase (ARO4K229L). These works have successfully demonstrated the possibility of utilizing microorganisms as cellular factories for the production styrene, (S)-styrene oxide, and (R)-1,2-phenylethanediol.
Date Created