The Implementation of Integrated Delivery and Management in Large Government-Owned Engineering Construction Projects

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Innovative project delivery methods and project management systems have advanced the world of construction engineering and management, yet the benefits of their applications remain not wholly accomplished without accompanying them with the suitable methods of implementation. As integrated delivery methods

Innovative project delivery methods and project management systems have advanced the world of construction engineering and management, yet the benefits of their applications remain not wholly accomplished without accompanying them with the suitable methods of implementation. As integrated delivery methods have arisen from the need for faster project delivery with early teams’ involvement, their benefits are not attained unless they are executed by the most qualified contracting firms for the job and administered following collaborative approaches. More holistically, integrated project management systems support meeting project guidelines while enforcing the social role played by individuals and teams in addressing challenges that influence their technical performance. Thus, the author was one of the 41 team members that developed an innovative IPM framework which is the Integrated Project/Program Management Maturity and Environment Total risk Rating known as IP2M METRR that helps them review their project team environment and levels of system maturity. Like the integrated delivery methods, an IPM framework is not expected to solve challenges on its own unless supported with guidance for practitioners to efficiently implement the framework. Thus, in this dissertation the author aims to address the challenges by studying the implementation of innovative methods for integrated delivery and integrated management in large government-owned engineering construction projects. The objective is to guide the implementation of (1) design-build (D-B) and construction manager-general contractor (CM-GC) methods in the contractor procurement phase and post-award contract administration phase; and (2) earned value management system (integrated project management application) through a paradigm shift in its assessment, using the IP2M METRR, and focusing on the novel sociotechnical aspect. The author studied data from 128 government-owned projects with total worth of about $46.7 U.S. billion, 11 experts, and 215 practitioners; and used mixed-methods research and industry engaging research techniques, including remote research charrettes which the author supported its development and testing and reported on in this dissertation.The contributions of this dissertation include: (1) identifying best practices for D-B and CM-GC contractor procurement, (2) developing D-B and CM-GC contract administration tool selection framework, (3) gauging lessons learned on IP2M METRR application, (4) identifying issues and recommendations in IPM application implementation, (5) validating IP2M METRR framework, and (6) developing and testing industry-engaging research approach.
Date Created

Enhancing Competence in Civil Engineering: Assessment of International Research Experience

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The accelerated pace of globalization necessitates that civil engineering graduates possess a broad spectrum of competencies to meet the evolving needs of a dynamic, interconnected professional environment. This necessity encompasses a blend of practical, personal, and intercultural skills in aspiring

The accelerated pace of globalization necessitates that civil engineering graduates possess a broad spectrum of competencies to meet the evolving needs of a dynamic, interconnected professional environment. This necessity encompasses a blend of practical, personal, and intercultural skills in aspiring engineers, driven by employers' increasing demand for multifaceted skill sets. International research experiences are pivotal in bridging the gap between traditional academic training and the complexities of the real world, offering substantial benefits in terms of personal growth, intercultural understanding, and enhanced research innovation through exposure to diverse methodologies and global professional networks. Despite these advantages and the critical need for engineers adept at navigating the global landscape, participation in international programs remains markedly low among civil engineering graduates, underlining an urgent need for increased engagement and methodological research to elucidate the immediate and long-term benefits of such experiences. This dissertation critically assesses the effects of international research experience on developing key competencies of graduate students, including personal, academic, and professional development, intellectual growth, and intercultural competence. Recognizing the scarcity of rigorous, empirical studies capturing the comprehensive benefits of abroad research, this study adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys with qualitative interviews to enhance the validity and reliability of findings through data triangulation. Additionally, data collection occurs at multiple time points before and after the experience, providing an in-depth exploration of how such experiences contribute not only to immediate skill enhancement but also to sustained competence development. The research addresses a critical gap in the existing literature, providing evidence-based insights into the multifaceted value and transformative potential of these experiences on graduate engineering competence advancement. The findings indicate improvements in academic proficiency, marked by adopting innovative research techniques and professional capabilities through expanded networks and enhanced communication skills. Moreover, immersion in international settings elevated students' self-reliance and global consciousness, alongside fostering comprehensive growth in intercultural understanding, thereby contributing to their holistic development across personal, intellectual, and professional domains. Through this comprehensive analysis, the study aims to offer actionable recommendations for designing and evaluating future research programs abroad to foster engineering graduates with the advanced competencies required to tackle contemporary challenges and flourish in the global environment.
Date Created

Using Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Analyses to Develop Large Diameter Water Pipeline Maintenance Strategies

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The consequences of failures from large-diameter water pipelines can be severe. Results can include significant property damage, damage to adjacent infrastructure such as roads and bridges resulting in transportation delays or shutdowns, adjacent structural damage to buildings resulting in

The consequences of failures from large-diameter water pipelines can be severe. Results can include significant property damage, damage to adjacent infrastructure such as roads and bridges resulting in transportation delays or shutdowns, adjacent structural damage to buildings resulting in loss of business, service disruption to a significant number of customers, loss of water, costly emergency repairs, and even loss of life. The American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) 2020 “State of the Water Industry” report states the top issue facing the water industry since 2016 is aging infrastructure, with the second being financing for improvements. The industry must find innovative ways to extend asset life and reduce maintenance expenditures. While are many different assets comprise the drinking water industry, pipelines are a major component and often neglected because they are typically buried. Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a process used to determine the most effective maintenance strategy for an asset, with the ultimate goal being to establish the required function of the asset with the required reliability at the lowest operations and maintenance costs. The RCM philosophy considers Preventive Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Based Monitoring, Reactive Maintenance, and Proactive Maintenance techniques in an integrated manner to increase the probability an asset will perform its designed function throughout its design life with minimal maintenance. In addition to determining maintenance tasks, the timely performance of those tasks is crucial. If performed too late an asset may fail; if performed too early, resources that may be used better elsewhere are expended. Utility agencies can save time and money by using RCM analysis for their drinking water infrastructure. This dissertation reviews industries using RCM, discusses the benefits of an RCM analysis, and goes through a case study of an RCM at a large aqueduct in the United States. The dissertation further discusses the consequence of failure of large diameter water pipelines and proposes a regression model to help agencies determine the optimum time to perform maintenance tasks on large diameter prestressed concrete pipelines using RCM analysis.
Date Created

Artificial Intelligence Models for Digitized Operations and Maintenance of Large Infrastructure Systems

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Large-scale civil infrastructure systems are critical for the functioning and development of any society. However, these systems are often vulnerable to degradation and the effects of aging, necessitating consistent monitoring and maintenance. Current methods for infrastructure maintenance primarily rely on

Large-scale civil infrastructure systems are critical for the functioning and development of any society. However, these systems are often vulnerable to degradation and the effects of aging, necessitating consistent monitoring and maintenance. Current methods for infrastructure maintenance primarily rely on human intervention and need the implementation of advanced sensing and computing technologies in field operations and maintenance (O&M) tasks. This research aimed to address these gaps and provide novel contributions. Specifically, the objectives of this study were to leverage artificial intelligence models to enhance point cloud noise processing, to automate tree species detection using Mask R-CNN, and to integrate imagery data and LiDAR datasets for real-time terrain analysis. First, the study proposed leverages neural networks to eliminate unwanted noise from point cloud datasets, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of infrastructure data. Secondly, the research integrated Mask R-CNN into automated tree species detection. This component offers an efficient solution to identify and classify vegetation surrounding infrastructure, enabling infrastructure managers to devise proactive vegetation management strategies, thereby reducing risks associated with tree-related incidents. Lastly, the study fused image and LiDAR datasets to support real-time terrain analysis. This integrated approach provides a comprehensive understanding of terrain characteristics, allowing infrastructure managers to assess slope, elevation, and other relevant factors, facilitating proactive maintenance interventions and mitigating risks associated with erosion. These contributions collectively underscore the potential of artificial intelligence models in advancing the operations and maintenance practices of large civil infrastructure systems. By leveraging these models, infrastructure managers can optimize decision-making processes, streamline maintenance efforts, and enhance critical infrastructure networks' overall resilience and sustainability.
Date Created

The Investigation of Sustainable Construction Perceptions in the Kuwaiti Construction Industry

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The world faces significant environmental and social challenges due to high economic development, population growth, industrialization, rapid urbanization, and unsustainable consumption. Global communities are taking the necessary measures to confront these international challenges and applying sustainable development principles across all

The world faces significant environmental and social challenges due to high economic development, population growth, industrialization, rapid urbanization, and unsustainable consumption. Global communities are taking the necessary measures to confront these international challenges and applying sustainable development principles across all sectors. Construction is a critical driving instrument of economic activity, and to achieve sustainable development, it is vital to transform conventional construction into a more sustainable model. The research investigated sustainable construction perceptions in Kuwait, a rapidly growing country with a high volume of construction activities. Kuwait has ambitious plans to transition into a more sustainable economic development model, and the construction industry needs to align with these plans. This research aims to identify the characteristics of sustainable construction applications in the Kuwaiti construction market, such as awareness, current perceptions, drivers and barriers, and the construction regulations' impact. The research utilized a qualitative approach to answer research questions and deliver research objectives by conducting eleven Semi-structured interviews with experienced professionals in the Kuwaiti construction market to collect rich data that reflects insights and understandings of the Kuwaiti construction industry. The Thematic analysis of the data resulted in six themes and one sub-theme that presented reflections, insights, and perspectives on sustainable construction perceptions in the Kuwaiti construction market. The research findings reflected poor sustainable construction awareness and poor environmental and social application in the construction industry, the determinant role of construction regulations in promoting sustainable construction. and barriers and drivers to sustainable construction applications. The research concluded with answers to research questions, delivery of research objectives, and an explanation of sustainable construction perceptions in the Kuwaiti construction market.
Date Created

Crew Balance in Construction Tasks for Productivity Analysis - A Sustainability Perspective

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The following report followed three separate construction crews at a construction site at ASU and performed labor productivity analysis to quantitatively measure the efficiency of the workers performing specific tasks. These crews were tasked with electrical wiring, concrete pouring, and

The following report followed three separate construction crews at a construction site at ASU and performed labor productivity analysis to quantitatively measure the efficiency of the workers performing specific tasks. These crews were tasked with electrical wiring, concrete pouring, and drywall sanding. Crew balance measured the down time of individual crew members compared to the overall time spent on a task, and the results of these observations were calculated, and suggested improvements given.
Date Created

Beyond recycling: design for disassembly, reuse, and circular economy in the built environment

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Today, we use resources faster than they can be replaced. Construction consumes more resources than any other industry and has one of the largest waste streams. Resource consumption and waste generation are expected to grow as the global population increases.

Today, we use resources faster than they can be replaced. Construction consumes more resources than any other industry and has one of the largest waste streams. Resource consumption and waste generation are expected to grow as the global population increases. The circular economy (CE) is based on the concept of a closed-loop cycle (CLC) and proposes a solution that, in theory, can eliminate the environmental impacts caused by construction and demolition (C&D) waste and increase the efficiency of resources’ use. In a CLC, building materials are reused, remanufactured, recycled, and reintegrated into other buildings (or into other sectors) without creating any waste.

Designing out waste is the core principle of the CE. Design for disassembly or design for deconstruction (DfD) is the practice of planning the future deconstruction of a building and the reuse of its materials. Concepts like DfD, CE, and product-service systems (PSS) can work together to promote CLC in the built environment. PSS are business models based on stewardship instead of ownership. CE combines DfD, PSS, materials’ durability, and materials’ reuse in multiple life cycles to promote a low-carbon, regenerative economy. CE prioritizes reuse over recycling. Dealing with resource scarcity demands us to think beyond the incremental changes from recycling waste; it demands an urgent, systemic, and radical change in the way we design, build, and procure construction materials.

This dissertation aims to answer three research questions: 1) How can researchers estimate the environmental benefits of reusing building components, 2) What variables are susceptible to affect the environmental impact assessment of reuse, and 3) What are the barriers and opportunities for DfD and materials’ reuse in the current design practice in the United States.

The first part of this study investigated how different life cycle assessment (LCA) methods (i.e., hybrid LCA and process-based LCA), assumptions (e.g., reuse rates, transportation distances, number of reuses), and LCA timelines can affect the results of a closed-loop LCA. The second part of this study built on interviews with architects in the United States to understand why DfD is not part of the current design practice in the country.
Date Created

Design for Disassembly and Deconstruction: Challenges and Opportunities

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Construction waste management has become extremely important due to stricter disposal and landfill regulations, and a lesser number of available landfills. There are extensive works done on waste treatment and management of the construction industry. Concepts like deconstruction, recyclability, and

Construction waste management has become extremely important due to stricter disposal and landfill regulations, and a lesser number of available landfills. There are extensive works done on waste treatment and management of the construction industry. Concepts like deconstruction, recyclability, and Design for Disassembly (DfD) are examples of better construction waste management methods. Although some authors and organizations have published rich guides addressing the DfD's principles, there are only a few buildings already developed in this area. This study aims to find the challenges in the current practice of deconstruction activities and the gaps between its theory and implementation. Furthermore, it aims to provide insights about how DfD can create opportunities to turn these concepts into strategies that can be largely adopted by the construction industry stakeholders in the near future.

Date Created

Assessing the Influence of Automated Data Analytics on Cost and Schedule Performance

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This article assesses the combined influence of information integration and automated data analytics on project performance. To this end, retrospective data on 78 completed projects, with a total installed value of $8 billion, was collected. The data collection effort characterized,

This article assesses the combined influence of information integration and automated data analytics on project performance. To this end, retrospective data on 78 completed projects, with a total installed value of $8 billion, was collected. The data collection effort characterized, for each project, the level of internal and external information integration. Information integration was assessed as the seamlessly interoperable sharing of data produced from a work function with other functions/stakeholders so that no manual data transfer was required. Also, the level of automated data analytics, understood as the full automation of the data analysis function after input data are entered, was also characterized on a project basis. Then, non-parametric statistical techniques were used to assess the impact of such functions on cost and schedule performance. The statistical analysis was also stratified by project type, e.g. greenfield and brownfield, additions, and modifications or shutdowns. Overall, projects with a sophisticated degree of information integration and automated data analytics can control their projects with more reliable information and in a proactive manner so that informed decisions can be timely made on behalf of the project and the organization.

Date Created

An Analysis of Craft Labor Productivity

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Productivity in the construction industry is an essential measure of production efficiency and economic progress, quantified by craft laborers' time spent directly adding value to a project. In order to better understand craft labor productivity as an aspect of lean

Productivity in the construction industry is an essential measure of production efficiency and economic progress, quantified by craft laborers' time spent directly adding value to a project. In order to better understand craft labor productivity as an aspect of lean construction, an activity analysis was conducted at the Arizona State University Palo Verde Main engineering dormitory construction site in December of 2016. The objective of this analysis on craft labor productivity in construction projects was to gather data regarding the efficiency of craft labor workers, make conclusions about the effects of time of day and other site-specific factors on labor productivity, as well as suggest improvements to implement in the construction process. Analysis suggests that supporting tasks, such as traveling or materials handling, constitute the majority of craft labors' efforts on the job site with the highest percentages occurring at the beginning and end of the work day. Direct work and delays were approximately equal at about 20% each hour with the highest peak occurring at lunchtime between 10:00 am and 11:00 am. The top suggestion to improve construction productivity would be to perform an extensive site utilization analysis due to the confined nature of this job site. Despite the limitations of an activity analysis to provide a complete prospective of all the factors that can affect craft labor productivity as well as the small number of days of data acquisition, this analysis provides a basic overview of the productivity at the Palo Verde Main construction site. Through this research, construction managers can more effectively generate site plans and schedules to increase labor productivity.
Date Created