Treading Lightly: The Effects of Textured Insoles on Postural Control and Locomotor Adaptation

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The current program of work explores the potential efficacy of textured insoles for improving biomechanical performance and cognitive acuity during static and dynamic performance. Despite the vast conceptual framework supporting the versatile benefits of textured insoles, the current literature has

The current program of work explores the potential efficacy of textured insoles for improving biomechanical performance and cognitive acuity during static and dynamic performance. Despite the vast conceptual framework supporting the versatile benefits of textured insoles, the current literature has primarily focused on incorporating this treatment during low-phase movements within the diseased and elderly subset populations. The current study expands this research application by administering textured insole treatments to a healthy population during a physically demanding dynamic assessment and correlating the results to subjects' sensory perception. A convenience sample of 10 subjects was evaluated for their ability to maintain bilateral standing balance in a static condition and adapt to confined lane perturbations during standard track running. These evaluations were conducted under both control and textured insole conditions. Subjects also completed a visual analog scale test, rating the insole treatments based on surface roughness to establish a statistical relationship between individual perception and biomechanical performance. Results showed that textured insole treatments given intermediate ratings of perceived surface roughness significantly enhanced performance during bilateral standing balance and standard track running perturbation adaptation.
Date Created

Dexterous manipulation: Differential sensitivity of manipulation and grasp forces to task requirements.

How humans coordinate digit forces to perform dexterous manipulation is not well understood. This gap is due to the use of tasks devoid of dexterity requirements and/or the use of analytical techniques that cannot isolate the roles that digit forces

How humans coordinate digit forces to perform dexterous manipulation is not well understood. This gap is due to the use of tasks devoid of dexterity requirements and/or the use of analytical techniques that cannot isolate the roles that digit forces play in preventing object slip and controlling object position and orientation (pose). In our recent work, we used a dexterous manipulation task and decomposed digit forces into FG, the internal force that prevents object slip, and FM, the force responsible for object pose control. Unlike FG, FM was modulated from object lift onset to hold, suggesting their different sensitivity to sensory feedback acquired during object lift. However, the extent to which FG and FM can be controlled independently remains to be determined. To address this gap, we systematically changed either object mass or external torque. The FM normal component responsible for object orientation control was modulated to changes in object torque but not mass. In contrast, FG was distinctly modulated to changes in object mass and torque. These findings point to a differential sensitivity of FG and FM to task requirements and provide novel insights into the neural control of dexterous manipulation. Importantly, our results indicate that the proposed digit force decomposition has the potential to capture important differences in how sensory inputs are processed and integrated to simultaneously ensure grasp stability and dexterous object pose control.
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Design of Reinforcement Learning Controllers with Application to Robotic Knee Tuning with Human in the Loop

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This dissertation focuses on reinforcement learning (RL) controller design aiming for real-life applications in continuous state and control problems. It involves three major research investigations in the aspect of design, analysis, implementation, and evaluation. The application case addresses automatically configuring

This dissertation focuses on reinforcement learning (RL) controller design aiming for real-life applications in continuous state and control problems. It involves three major research investigations in the aspect of design, analysis, implementation, and evaluation. The application case addresses automatically configuring robotic prosthesis impedance parameters. Major contributions of the dissertation include the following. 1) An “echo control” using the intact knee profile as target is designed to overcome the limitation of a designer prescribed robotic knee profile. 2) Collaborative multiagent reinforcement learning (cMARL) is proposed to directly take into account human influence in the robot control design. 3) A phased actor in actor-critic (PAAC) reinforcement learning method is developed to reduce learning variance in RL. The design of an “echo control” is based on a new formulation of direct heuristic dynamic programming (dHDP) for tracking control of a robotic knee prosthesis to mimic the intact knee profile. A systematic simulation of the proposed control is provided using a human-robot system simulation in OpenSim. The tracking controller is then tested on able-bodied and amputee subjects. This is the first real-time human testing of RL tracking control of a robotic knee to mirror the profile of an intact knee. The cMARL is a new solution framework for the human-prosthesis collaboration (HPC) problem. This is the first attempt at considering human influence on human-robot walking with the presence of a reinforcement learning controlled lower limb prosthesis. Results show that treating the human and robot as coupled and collaborating agents and using an estimated human adaptation in robot control design help improve human walking performance. The above studies have demonstrated great potential of RL control in solving continuous problems. To solve more complex real-life tasks with multiple control inputs and high dimensional state space, high variance, low data efficiency, slow learning or even instability are major roadblocks to be addressed. A novel PAAC method is proposed to improve learning performance in policy gradient RL by accounting for both Q value and TD error in actor updates. Systematical and comprehensive demonstrations show its effectiveness by qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluation in DeepMind Control Suite.
Date Created

Identification of Autogenic Force Feedback Responses In Elbow Flexor Muscle Group

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Although previous studies have elucidated the role of position feedback in the regulation of movement, the specific contribution of Golgi tendon organs (GTO) in force feedback, especially in stabilizing voluntary limb movements, has remained theoretical due to limitations in experimental

Although previous studies have elucidated the role of position feedback in the regulation of movement, the specific contribution of Golgi tendon organs (GTO) in force feedback, especially in stabilizing voluntary limb movements, has remained theoretical due to limitations in experimental techniques. This study aims to establish force feedback regulation mediated by GTO afferent signals in two phases. The first phase of this study consisted of simulations using a neuromusculoskeletal model of the monoarticular elbow flexor (MEF) muscle group, assess the impact of force feedback in maintaining steady state interaction forces against variable environmental stiffness. Three models were trained to accurately reach an interaction force of 40N, 50N and 60N respectively, using a fixed stiffness level. Next, the environment stiffness was switched between untrained levels for open loop (OL) and closed loop (CL) variants of the same model. Results showed that compared to OL, CL showed decreased force deviations by 10.43%, 12.11% and 13.02% for each of the models. Most importantly, it is also observed that in the absence of force feedback, environment stiffness is found to have an effect on the interaction force. In the second phase, human subjects were engaged in experiments utilizing an instrumented elbow exoskeleton that applied loads to the MEF muscle group, closely mimicking the simulation conditions. The experiments consisted of reference, blind and catch trial types, and 3 stiffness levels. Subjects were first trained to reach for a predetermined target force. During catch trials, stiffness levels were randomized between reaches. Responses obtained from these experiments showed that subjects were able to regulate forces with no significant effects of trial type or stiffness level. Since experimental results align closely with that of closed loop model simulations, the presence of force feedback mechanisms mediated by GTO within the human neuromuscular system is established. This study not only unveils the critical involvement of GTO in force feedback but also emphasizes the importance of understanding these mechanisms for developing advanced neuroprosthetics and rehabilitation strategies, shedding light on the intricate interplay between sensory inputs and motor responses in human proprioception.
Date Created

Effects of Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation on Visuomotor Learning

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A current thrust in neurorehabilitation research involves exogenous neuromodulation of peripheral nerves to enhance neuroplasticity and maximize recovery of function. This dissertation presents the results of four experiments aimed at assessing the effects of trigeminal nerve stimulation (TNS) and occipital

A current thrust in neurorehabilitation research involves exogenous neuromodulation of peripheral nerves to enhance neuroplasticity and maximize recovery of function. This dissertation presents the results of four experiments aimed at assessing the effects of trigeminal nerve stimulation (TNS) and occipital nerve stimulation (ONS) on motor learning, which was behaviorally characterized using an upper extremity visuomotor adaptation paradigm. In Aim 1a, the effects of offline TNS using clinically tested frequencies (120 and 60 Hz) were characterized. Sixty-three participants (22.75±4.6 y/o), performed a visuomotor rotation task and received TNS before encountering rotation of hand visual feedback. In Aim 1b, TNS at 3 kHz, which has been shown to be more tolerable at higher current intensities, was evaluated in 42 additional subjects (23.4±4.6 y/o). Results indicated that 3 kHz stimulation accelerated learning while 60 Hz stimulation slowed learning, suggesting a frequency-dependent effect on learning. In Aim 2, the effect of online TNS using 120 and 60 Hz were characterized to determine if this protocol would deliver better outcomes. Sixty-three participants (23.2±3.9 y/o) received either TNS or sham concurrently with perturbed visual feedback. Results showed no significant differences among groups. However, a cross-study comparison of results obtained with 60 Hz offline TNS showed a statistically significant improvement in learning rates with online stimulation relative to offline, suggesting a timing-dependent effect on learning. In Aim 3, TNS and ONS were compared using the best protocol from previous aims (offline 3 kHz). Additionally, concurrent stimulation of both nerves was explored to look for potential synergistic effects. Eighty-four participants (22.9±3.2 y/o) were assigned to one of four groups: TNS, ONS, TNS+ONS, and sham. Visual inspection of learning curves revealed that the ONS group demonstrated the fastest learning among groups. However, statistical analyses did not confirm this observation. In addition, the TNS+ONS group appeared to learn faster than the sham and TNS groups but slower than the ONS only group, suggesting no synergistic effects using this protocol, as initially hypothesized. The results provide new information on the potential use of TNS and ONS in neurorehabilitation and performance enhancement in the motor domain.
Date Created

A Mixed Reality Platform for Systematic Investigation of the Neural Mechanisms of Multisensory Integration During Motor Planning

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Multisensory integration is the process by which information from different sensory modalities is integrated by the nervous system. This process is important not only from a basic science perspective but also for translational reasons, e.g., for the development of closed-loo

Multisensory integration is the process by which information from different sensory modalities is integrated by the nervous system. This process is important not only from a basic science perspective but also for translational reasons, e.g., for the development of closed-loop neural prosthetic systems. A mixed virtual reality platform was developed to study the neural mechanisms of multisensory integration for the upper limb during motor planning. The platform allows for selection of different arms and manipulation of the locations of physical and virtual target cues in the environment. The system was tested with two non-human primates (NHP) trained to reach to multiple virtual targets. Arm kinematic data as well as neural spiking data from primary motor (M1) and dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) were collected. The task involved manipulating visual information about initial arm position by rendering the virtual avatar arm in either its actual position (veridical (V) condition) or in a different shifted (e.g., small vs large shifts) position (perturbed (P) condition) prior to movement. Tactile feedback was modulated in blocks by placing or removing the physical start cue on the table (tactile (T), and no-tactile (NT) conditions, respectively). Behaviorally, errors in initial movement direction were larger when the physical start cue was absent. Slightly larger directional errors were found in the P condition compared to the V condition for some movement directions. Both effects were consistent with the idea that erroneous or reduced information about initial hand location led to movement direction-dependent reach planning errors. Neural correlates of these behavioral effects were probed using population decoding techniques. For small shifts in the visual position of the arm, no differences in decoding accuracy between the T and NT conditions were observed in either M1 or PMd. However, for larger visual shifts, decoding accuracy decreased in the NT condition, but only in PMd. Thus, activity in PMd, but not M1, may reflect the uncertainty in reach planning that results when sensory cues regarding initial hand position are erroneous or absent.
Date Created

Oral Movement Similarities between [i] vs. [Λ] Word Articulation and Emotional Expressions Explain the Gleam-Glum Effect

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This project investigates the gleam-glum effect, a well-replicated phonetic emotion association in which words with the [i] vowel-sound (as in “gleam”) are judged more emotionally positive than words with the [Ʌ] vowel-sound (as in “glum”). The effect is observed across

This project investigates the gleam-glum effect, a well-replicated phonetic emotion association in which words with the [i] vowel-sound (as in “gleam”) are judged more emotionally positive than words with the [Ʌ] vowel-sound (as in “glum”). The effect is observed across different modalities and languages and is moderated by mouth movements relevant to word production. This research presents and tests an articulatory explanation for this association in three experiments. Experiment 1 supported the articulatory explanation by comparing recordings of 71 participants completing an emotional recall task and a word read-aloud task, showing that oral movements were more similar between positive emotional expressions and [i] articulation, and negative emotional expressions and [Ʌ] articulation. Experiment 2 partially supported the explanation with 98 YouTube recordings of natural speech. In Experiment 3, 149 participants judged emotions expressed by a speaker during [i] and [Ʌ] articulation. Contradicting the robust phonetic emotion association, participants judged more frequently that the speaker’s [Ʌ] articulatory movements were positive emotional expressions and [i] articulatory movements were negative emotional expressions. This is likely due to other visual emotional cues not related to oral movements and the order of word lists read by the speaker. Findings from the current project overall support an articulatory explanation for the gleam-glum effect, which has major implications for language and communication.
Date Created

Classification of Fabric Based Soft Actuators and Feedback Controller for At-home Hand Rehabilitation

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With an aging population, the number of later in life health related incidents like stroke stand to become more prevalent. Unfortunately, the majority those who are most at risk for debilitating heath episodes are either uninsured or under insured when

With an aging population, the number of later in life health related incidents like stroke stand to become more prevalent. Unfortunately, the majority those who are most at risk for debilitating heath episodes are either uninsured or under insured when it comes to long term physical/occupational therapy. As insurance companies lower coverage and/or raise prices of plans with sufficient coverage, it can be expected that the proportion of uninsured/under insured to fully insured people will rise. To address this, lower cost alternative methods of treatment must be developed so people can obtain the treated required for a sufficient recovery. The presented robotic glove employs low cost fabric soft pneumatic actuators which use a closed loop feedback controller based on readings from embedded soft sensors. This provides the device with proprioceptive abilities for the dynamic control of each independent actuator. Force and fatigue tests were performed to determine the viability of the actuator design. A Box and Block test along with a motion capture study was completed to study the performance of the device. This paper presents the design and classification of a soft robotic glove with a feedback controller as a at-home stroke rehabilitation device.
Date Created

Micro-Scale In Vivo Human Electrophysiological Functional Connectivity During Simple Language Production and Parkinson’s Disease

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Information processing in the brain is mediated by network interactions between anatomically distant (centimeters apart) regions of cortex and network action is fundamental to human behavior. Disruptive activity of these networks may allow a variety of diseases to develop. Degradation

Information processing in the brain is mediated by network interactions between anatomically distant (centimeters apart) regions of cortex and network action is fundamental to human behavior. Disruptive activity of these networks may allow a variety of diseases to develop. Degradation or loss of network function in the brain can affect many aspects of the human experience; motor disorder, language difficulties, memory loss, mood swings, and more. The cortico-basal ganglia loop is a system of networks in the brain between the cortex, basal ganglia, the thalamus, and back to the cortex. It is not one singular circuit, but rather a series of parallel circuits that are relevant towards motor output, motor planning, and motivation and reward. Studying the relationship between basal ganglia neurons and cortical local field potentials may lead to insights about neurodegenerative diseases and how these diseases change the cortico-basal ganglia circuit. Speech and language are uniquely human and require the coactivation of several brain regions. The various aspects of language are spread over the temporal lobe and parts of the occipital, parietal, and frontal lobe. However, the core network for speech production involves collaboration between phonologic retrieval (encoding ideas into syllabic representations) from Wernicke’s area, and phonemic encoding (translating syllables into motor articulations) from Broca’s area. Studying the coactivation of these brain regions during a repetitive speech production task may lead to a greater understanding of their electrophysiological functional connectivity. The primary purpose of the work presented in this document is to validate the use of subdural microelectrodes in electrophysiological functional connectivity research as these devices best match the spatial and temporal scales of brain activity. Neuron populations in the cortex are organized into functional units called cortical columns. These cortical columns operate on the sub-millisecond temporal and millimeter spatial scale. The study of brain networks, both in healthy and unwell individuals, may reveal new methodologies of treatment or management for disease and injury, as well as contribute to our scientific understanding of how the brain works.
Date Created

Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Identify the White Matter Correlates of Motor Skill Learning and Visuospatial Processes in Older Adults

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Repetitive practice of functional movement patterns during motor rehabilitation are known to drive learning (or relearning) of novel motor skills, but the learning process is highly variable between individuals such that responsiveness to task-specific training is often patient-specific. A number

Repetitive practice of functional movement patterns during motor rehabilitation are known to drive learning (or relearning) of novel motor skills, but the learning process is highly variable between individuals such that responsiveness to task-specific training is often patient-specific. A number of neuroimaging and neurophysiological methods have been proposed to better predict a patient’s responsiveness to a given type or dose of motor therapy. However, these methods are often time- and resource-intensive, and yield results that are not readily interpretable by clinicians. In contrast, standardized visuospatial tests may offer a more feasible solution. The work presented in this dissertation demonstrate that a clinical paper-and-pencil test of visuospatial function may improve predictive models of motor skill learning in older adults and individuals with stroke pathology. To further our understanding of the neuroanatomical correlates underlying this behavioral relationship, I collected diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images from 19 nondemented older adults to determine if diffusion characteristics of white matter tracts explain shared variance in delayed visuospatial memory test scores and motor skill learning. Consistent with previous work, results indicated that the structural integrity of regions with the bilateral anterior thalamic radiations, corticospinal tracts, and superior longitudinal fasciculi are related to delayed visuospatial memory performance and one-week skill retention. Overall, results of this dissertation suggest that incorporating a clinical paper-and-pencil test of delayed visuospatial memory may prognose motor rehabilitation outcomes and support that personalized variables should be considered in standards of care. Moreover, regions within specific white matter tracts may underlie this behavioral relationship and future work should investigate these regions as potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
Date Created