A Microcosm for Healthy Aging in Arizona

The primary objective of this study is to explore the lived experience of individuals in CCRCs, with a focus on healthy aging within the United States healthcare system, using Arizona as a representative example of broader regional healthcare structures. This

The primary objective of this study is to explore the lived experience of individuals in CCRCs, with a focus on healthy aging within the United States healthcare system, using Arizona as a representative example of broader regional healthcare structures. This objective was guided by three research questions: 1) How do residents in CCRCs perceive healthy aging within the context of their community? 2) Do specific features of the built environment either facilitate or hinder individual health objectives? 3) Is there a connection between healthy aging and access to healthcare within CCRCs? The anticipated outcomes aim to offer fresh perspectives on residents' perceptions within these communities, examining how particular features either bolster or pose challenges to their health objectives. These perspectives will ultimately offer new insights into planned community design at a granular level within the American context.
Date Created

A novel mindful eating program for improving diet quality and reducing household food waste: a feasibility study

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The health of the planet and its people face considerable challenges; the climate faces threats of irreversible damage while chronic disease and obesity rates continue to rise. Both issues can be attributed in part to humanity’s poor treatment and attitude

The health of the planet and its people face considerable challenges; the climate faces threats of irreversible damage while chronic disease and obesity rates continue to rise. Both issues can be attributed in part to humanity’s poor treatment and attitude towards food. Humans throw away much of the nutritious food available, resulting in unhealthful diets and considerable amounts of food waste, leading to harmful greenhouse gas emissions. The current solutions for improving the separate matters of planetary and human health include tradeoffs between the two, despite their interrelatedness. Paradoxically, current research shows that increased fruit and vegetable intake is associated with increased food waste. Current literature has not emphasized a focus on interventions aimed to improve diet quality and food waste simultaneously.Recent research shows that mindfulness can have impacts on human health, such as in relation to chronic pain, mental wellbeing, and self-awareness. Mindful eating specifically has demonstrated improvements in disordered eating behaviors and relationship with food. Yet, no research has been conducted to explore mindful eating in relation to healthful and efficient relationships with food. Therefore, the present study explores mindfulness as a mechanism to improve diet quality and reduce food waste. The protocol presented in the study, titled Mindful Waste Watchers (MWW), was a 4-week novel virtual program incorporating nutrition education, household food waste reduction education, and mindfulness/mindful eating exercises into each lesson. Entry, exit, and 4-week follow-up surveys, each identical, were distributed to participants to assess diet quality, household food waste habits, mindful eating, mindfulness, and food appreciation, primarily by utilization of validated scales. The two primary outcomes evaluated in the present article were diet quality and household food waste behaviors. It was found that the intervention did not produce significant effects for either parameter, suggesting that the protocol was not feasible. However, a significant positive effect was found for food appreciation, a factor that may show promise in future research. While no significant effects were found for the primary outcomes, the findings of this study can be considered in future research targeted towards discovering effective interventions to improve diet quality and reduce household food waste.
Date Created

Disparities in Fruit and Vegetable Promotions at Different Socio-economic Levels in the Phoenix Metro Area

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Disparities in fruit and vegetable consumption in the United States is widely recognized. There are various factors that play a role in these disparities. The basis of this research project was to identify disparities in the total number of fruits

Disparities in fruit and vegetable consumption in the United States is widely recognized. There are various factors that play a role in these disparities. The basis of this research project was to identify disparities in the total number of fruits and vegetables promoted at various grocery store chains, representative of varying income levels and racial/ethnic groups in the Phoenix Metro Area.

Date Created

Neighborhood Perceptions and Active School Commuting in Low-Income Cities

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Few children accumulate the recommended ≥60 minutes of physical activity each day. Active travel to and from school (ATS) is a potential source of increased activity for children, accounting for 22% of total trips and time spent traveling by


Few children accumulate the recommended ≥60 minutes of physical activity each day. Active travel to and from school (ATS) is a potential source of increased activity for children, accounting for 22% of total trips and time spent traveling by school-aged children.


This study identifies the association of parents’ perceptions of the neighborhood, geospatial variables, and demographic characteristics with ATS among students in four low-income, densely populated urban communities with predominantly minority populations.


Data were collected in 2009–2010 from households with school-attending children in four low-income New Jersey cities. Multivariate logistic regression analyses (n=765) identified predictors of ATS. Analyses were conducted in 2012.


In all, 54% of students actively commuted to school. Students whose parents perceived the neighborhood as very unpleasant for activity were less likely (OR=0.39) to actively commute, as were students living farther from school, with a 6% reduction in ATS for every 0.10 mile increase in distance to school. Perceptions of crime, traffic, and sidewalk conditions were not predictors of ATS.


Parents’ perceptions of the pleasantness of the neighborhood, independent of the effects of distance from school, may outweigh concerns about crime, traffic, or conditions of sidewalks in predicting active commuting to school in the low-income urban communities studied. Efforts such as cleaning up graffiti, taking care of abandoned buildings, and providing shade trees to improve neighborhood environments are likely to increase ATS, as are efforts that encourage locating schools closer to the populations they serve.

Date Created

The Role of Distance in Examining the Association Between Active Commuting to School and Students' Weight Status

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Background: Active commuting to school (ACS) increases students' daily physical activity, but associations between student weight and ACS are inconsistent. Few studies examining ACS and weight account for distance commuted. This study examines the association between students' weight status

Background: Active commuting to school (ACS) increases students' daily physical activity, but associations between student weight and ACS are inconsistent. Few studies examining ACS and weight account for distance commuted. This study examines the association between students' weight status and ACS, taking into account distance to school.

Methods: In 2009-10 a random digit-dial household survey conducted in low-income minority cities collected information about ACS for 1 randomly selected school-going student per household. Parents provided measured heights and weights. Distance commuted was obtained using geocoded home and school addresses. Multivariate regression analyses assessed associations of ACS and distance commuted with weight status.

Results: 36.6% of students were overweight/obese; 47.2% engaged in ACS. Distance walked/biked to school was associated with 7% lower odds of overweight/obesity (OR = 0.93, 95% CI: 0.88- 0.99). Without distance commuted in the model, ACS was not associated with students' weight status. Compared with no ACS, ACS greater than a half-mile was associated with 65% lower odds of a student being overweight/obese (OR = 0.35, 95% CI: 0.16- 0.78); ACS less than a half-mile was not.

Conclusions: ACS is significantly inversely associated with overweight/obesity among students who commute beyond a one-half mile threshold.

Date Created

Cost of Children's Healthy vs Unhealthy Snacks Does Not Differ at Convenience Stores

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Objective: This study compared the prices of unhealthy (chips) and healthy (ready-to-eat fruit) snacks that students are likely to purchase from corner stores.

Methods: Snacks were purchased from 325 New Jersey corner stores; chip prices were compared with fruit

Objective: This study compared the prices of unhealthy (chips) and healthy (ready-to-eat fruit) snacks that students are likely to purchase from corner stores.

Methods: Snacks were purchased from 325 New Jersey corner stores; chip prices were compared with fruit prices overall and by store sales volume and block group characteristics.

Results: Prices did not differ significantly between chips and fruit in the overall sample in which both items were available (n = 104) (chips: $0.46 ± $0.15; fruit: $0.49 ± $0.19; P = .48) or by store or block group characteristics. Neither mean fruit prices nor mean chip prices differed by store sales volume or by neighborhood characteristics.

Conclusions and implications: Promoting ready-to-eat fruits in corner stores to children as a price-neutral alternative to calorically dense snacks can be a viable strategy to improve the nutritional quality of snacks commonly purchased at corner stores.

Date Created

Short-Form Audit Instrument for Assessing Corner Store Healthfulness

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Purpose: To develop a valid and feasible short-form corner store audit tool (SCAT) that could be used in-store or over the phone to capture the healthfulness of corner stores.

Design: Nonexperimental.

Setting: Four New Jersey cities.

Subjects: Random selection

Purpose: To develop a valid and feasible short-form corner store audit tool (SCAT) that could be used in-store or over the phone to capture the healthfulness of corner stores.

Design: Nonexperimental.

Setting: Four New Jersey cities.

Subjects: Random selection of 229 and 96 corner stores in rounds 1 and 2, respectively.

Measures: An adapted version of the Nutrition Environment Measures Survey for Corner Stores (NEMS-CS) was used to conduct in-store audits. The 7-item SCAT was developed and used for round 2 phone audits.

Analysis: Exploratory factor analysis and item response theory were used to develop the SCAT.

Results: The SCAT was highly correlated with the adapted NEMS-CS ( r = .79). Short-form corner store audit tool scores placed stores in the same healthfulness categories as did the adapted NEMS-CS in 88% of the cases. Phone response matches indicated that store owners did not distinguish between 2% and low-fat milk and tended to round up the fruit and vegetable count to 5 if they had fewer varieties.

Conclusion: The SCAT discriminates between higher versus lower healthfulness scores of corner stores and is feasible for use as a phone audit tool.

Date Created

Patterns of food and physical activity environments related to children's food and activity behaviors: A latent class analysis

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Relationships between food and physical activity (PA) environments and children's related behaviors are complex.

Latent class analyses derived patterns from proximity to healthy and unhealthy food outlets, PA facilities and parks, and counts of residential dwellings and intersections. Regression analyses examined

Relationships between food and physical activity (PA) environments and children's related behaviors are complex.

Latent class analyses derived patterns from proximity to healthy and unhealthy food outlets, PA facilities and parks, and counts of residential dwellings and intersections. Regression analyses examined whether derived classes were related to food consumption, PA, and overweight among 404 low-income children.

Compared to children living in Low PA-Low Food environments, children in High Intersection&Parks-Moderate Density&Food, and High Density-Low Parks-High Food environments, had significantly greater sugar-sweetened beverage consumption (ps<0.01) and overweight/obesity (ps<0.001). Children in the High Density-Low Parks-High Food environments were more likely to walk to destinations (p = 0.01)

Recognizing and leveraging beneficial aspects of neighborhood patterns may be more effective at positively influencing children's eating and PA behaviors compared to isolating individual aspects of the built environment.

Date Created

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children Spillover Effect: Do Siblings Reap the Benefits?

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Participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) among 0- to 5-year-old children is associated with healthier diets. Extension of dietary benefits to older, age-ineligible children (5-18 years old) residing in WIC households


Participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) among 0- to 5-year-old children is associated with healthier diets. Extension of dietary benefits to older, age-ineligible children (5-18 years old) residing in WIC households has not been fully investigated.


Examine the association between household WIC participation and dietary behaviors of age-ineligible children.


Cross-sectional secondary analysis of data collected from 2 independent panels (2009-2010 and 2014) of the New Jersey Child Health Study, using household surveys. Questions derived from national surveys assessed consumption frequency of specific foods among 5- to 18-year-old children.


The analytic sample included 616 age-ineligible children from households with incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level, 398 of whom were from WIC-participating households.

Main outcome measures

Eating behaviors were measured as frequency of daily consumption of fruit, vegetables, 100% juice, sugar-sweetened beverages, and sweet and salty snacks.

Statistical analysis

Multivariable negative binomial models examined the association between eating behaviors and household WIC participation status adjusting for child’s age, sex, and race; mother’s education; city of residence; household size; and panel. Results are expressed as incidence rate ratios (IRRs).


Household WIC participation was not associated with dietary behaviors among age-ineligible children (5-18 years old) in the overall sample. However, healthier dietary patterns were observed for specific demographic groups. Compared with age-ineligible children in non-WIC households, age-ineligible children in WIC households had (1) a higher frequency of vegetable consumption among 12- to 18-year-old children (IRR = 1.29; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.05-1.58; P = .015); (2) a marginally significant higher frequency of 100% juice consumption among females (IRR = 1.27; 95% CI 1.00-1.62; P = .053); and (3) a lower frequency of sugar-sweetened beverages consumption among Hispanic children (IRR = 0.61; 95% CI 0.43-0.86; P = .004).


Household WIC participation may positively influence dietary behaviors of age-ineligible children, suggesting a possible WIC spillover effect. Revisions to WIC package composition should consider the possible dietary implications for all children in the household.

Date Created

The relative contribution of layers of the Social Ecological Model to childhood obesity

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Objective: The Social Ecological Model (SEM) has been used to describe the aetiology of childhood obesity and to develop a framework for prevention. The current paper applies the SEM to data collected at multiple levels, representing different layers of

Objective: The Social Ecological Model (SEM) has been used to describe the aetiology of childhood obesity and to develop a framework for prevention. The current paper applies the SEM to data collected at multiple levels, representing different layers of the SEM, and examines the unique and relative contribution of each layer to children's weight status.

Design: Cross-sectional survey of randomly selected households with children living in low-income diverse communities.

Setting: A telephone survey conducted in 2009-2010 collected information on parental perceptions of their neighbourhoods, and household, parent and child demographic characteristics. Parents provided measured height and weight data for their children. Geocoded data were used to calculate proximity of a child's residence to food and physical activity outlets.

Subjects: Analysis based on 560 children whose parents participated in the survey and provided measured heights and weights.

Results: Multiple logistic regression models were estimated to determine the joint contribution of elements within each layer of the SEM as well as the relative contribution of each layer. Layers of the SEM representing parental perceptions of their neighbourhoods, parent demographics and neighbourhood characteristics made the strongest contributions to predicting whether a child was overweight or obese. Layers of the SEM representing food and physical activity environments made smaller, but still significant, contributions to predicting children's weight status.

Conclusions: The approach used herein supports using the SEM for predicting child weight status and uncovers some of the most promising domains and strategies for childhood obesity prevention that can be used for designing interventions.

Date Created