Learning-based Estimation of Parameters for Spectral Windowed Regularization using Multiple Data Sets

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During the inversion of discrete linear systems, noise in data can be amplified and result in meaningless solutions. To combat this effect, characteristics of solutions that are considered desirable are mathematically implemented during inversion. This is a process called regularization.

During the inversion of discrete linear systems, noise in data can be amplified and result in meaningless solutions. To combat this effect, characteristics of solutions that are considered desirable are mathematically implemented during inversion. This is a process called regularization. The influence of the provided prior information is controlled by the introduction of non-negative regularization parameter(s). Many methods are available for both the selection of appropriate regularization parame- ters and the inversion of the discrete linear system. Generally, for a single problem there is just one regularization parameter. Here, a learning approach is considered to identify a single regularization parameter based on the use of multiple data sets de- scribed by a linear system with a common model matrix. The situation with multiple regularization parameters that weight different spectral components of the solution is considered as well. To obtain these multiple parameters, standard methods are modified for identifying the optimal regularization parameters. Modifications of the unbiased predictive risk estimation, generalized cross validation, and the discrepancy principle are derived for finding spectral windowing regularization parameters. These estimators are extended for finding the regularization parameters when multiple data sets with common system matrices are available. Statistical analysis of these estima- tors is conducted for real and complex transformations of data. It is demonstrated that spectral windowing regularization parameters can be learned from these new esti- mators applied for multiple data and with multiple windows. Numerical experiments evaluating these new methods demonstrate that these modified methods, which do not require the use of true data for learning regularization parameters, are effective and efficient, and perform comparably to a supervised learning method based on es- timating the parameters using true data. The theoretical developments are validated for one and two dimensional image deblurring. It is verified that the obtained estimates of spectral windowing regularization parameters can be used effectively on validation data sets that are separate from the training data, and do not require known data.
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An exploration of proofs of the Szemerédi regularity lemma

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This paper focuses on the Szemerédi regularity lemma, a result in the field of extremal graph theory. The lemma says that every graph can be partitioned into bounded equal parts such that most edges of the graph span these partitions,

This paper focuses on the Szemerédi regularity lemma, a result in the field of extremal graph theory. The lemma says that every graph can be partitioned into bounded equal parts such that most edges of the graph span these partitions, and these edges are distributed in a fairly uniform way. Definitions and notation will be established, leading to explorations of three proofs of the regularity lemma. These are a version of the original proof, a Pythagoras proof utilizing elemental geometry, and a proof utilizing concepts of spectral graph theory. This paper is intended to supplement the proofs with background information about the concepts utilized. Furthermore, it is the hope that this paper will serve as another resource for students and others to begin study of the regularity lemma.
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