Understanding Influence of Nanoparticles Loading and Pore Structure on Adsorption: A Case of Study of Titanium Dioxide Nano-impregnated Fibers for Arsenate Removal

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Generally, porous structures are nano-enabled with a high loading of nanoparticles (NPs) to enhance adsorption capacity, but pore blockage plays a determinant role in kinetics in this approach. The goal of this study is to investigate the effect of NPs

Generally, porous structures are nano-enabled with a high loading of nanoparticles (NPs) to enhance adsorption capacity, but pore blockage plays a determinant role in kinetics in this approach. The goal of this study is to investigate the effect of NPs loading on the adsorption kinetics and capacity of titanium dioxide (TiO2). To accomplish this, side-emitting optical fibers impregnated with different mass loadings of TiO2 (Ti-NIFs) were developed and characterized. Additionally, taking advantage of the use of optical fibers, the potential influence of ultraviolet light (UV) irradiation in arsenate adsorption over TiO2 was studied. The adsorption kinetics and capacity of Ti-NIFs were compared with slurry TiO2 nanoparticles in batch reactors. Arsenate adsorption was evaluated under both UV irradiation and dark conditions. The Ti-NIF with the lowest TiO2 loading showed comparable adsorption rate to NPs in suspension. Higher loadings resulted in high mass-transfer limitations. Interestingly, the normalized adsorption capacity of the produced Ti-NIFs maintained the adsorption capacity similar as they were freely dispersed. The experiments showed that UV has no influence in arsenate adsorption onto TiO2, contrary to previous literature indicating a positive effect, which was likely due to pH drift. Overall, this study shows that loadings of nanoparticles below 1% effectively enhance nano-enabled surfaces' performance.
Date Created

Monitoring Key Water Quality Parameters in Water Resources Systems Using Bioactive Electrodes

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Existing water quality sensors in surface, environmental, and drinking water systems are not well suited for long-term, scalable use as they require calibration, replacement of reagents, and are subject to biofouling which degrades measurement accuracy. Microbial Potentiometric Sensors (MPSs) offer

Existing water quality sensors in surface, environmental, and drinking water systems are not well suited for long-term, scalable use as they require calibration, replacement of reagents, and are subject to biofouling which degrades measurement accuracy. Microbial Potentiometric Sensors (MPSs) offer an alternative approach to water quality monitoring by monitoring a biofilm-mediated potentiometric response to diverse water quality parameters. MPS biofilms grow naturally on graphite electrodes in diverse aqueous systems, are regenerative, and their potentiometric response correlates with numerous water quality parameters. As such, the overarching hypothesis of this dissertation is that MPS signal can be used to assess water quality trends and that its signal is driven by biofilm vitality. To test this hypothesis, machine learning, statistical regression, and the use of more complex, impedimetric measurement techniques were explored to characterize water quality trends in diverse water systems. This was accomplished by completing three dissertation objectives: 1.) Assess whether Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) tools can be used to disaggregate various surface water quality parameter values from Open Circuit Potential (OCP) signals produced by MPSs; 2.) Determine whether residual free chlorine concentration in drinking water could be determined by monitoring MPSs; and 3.) Determine whether OCP and/or Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)-derived impedance data from an MPS can be used to determine water quality trends while confirming its biological origins. The findings confirm the hypothesis by demonstrating that ML/AI can be used to disaggregate MPS signal and determine numerous water quality parameters, offering unique opportunities for real-time monitoring of aqueous environments. Additionally, MPSs are particularly useful in measuring free chlorine concentrations in drinking water distribution systems which offers opportunities for scalable, in-situ, continuous monitoring of chlorine throughout a distribution network. Finally, the findings demonstrate that coupling MPSs’ OCP signal with more advanced measurement techniques such as EIS can improve understanding of drinking water quality trends, however current open source, affordable technologies capable of conducting EIS are prone to high measurement noise and are not currently accurate enough to be used in drinking water systems.
Date Created

Predicting De Facto Reuse Impacts on Drinking Water Sources at Small Public Water Systems

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De facto potable reuse (DFR) occurs when surface water sources at drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) contain treated effluents from upstream wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Contaminants of emerging concerns (CECs) originate from treated effluents (e.g., unregulated disinfection by-products, pathogenic microorganisms

De facto potable reuse (DFR) occurs when surface water sources at drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) contain treated effluents from upstream wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Contaminants of emerging concerns (CECs) originate from treated effluents (e.g., unregulated disinfection by-products, pathogenic microorganisms as Cryptosporidium oocyst, Giardia cyst, and Norovirus) can be present in surface water and pose human health risks linked to CECs. Previously developed De facto Reuse Incidence in our Nations Consumable Supply (DRINCS) model predicted DFR for the national largest DWTPs that serve >10,000 people (N = 2,056 SW intakes at 1,210 DWTPs). The dissertation aims to quantify DFR at all surface water intakes for smaller DWTPs serving ≤10,000 people across the United States and develop a programmed ArcGIS tool for proximity analysis between upstream WWTPs and DWTPs. The tested hypothesis is whether DWTPs serving ≤10,000 people are more likely to be impacted by DFR than larger systems serving > 10,000 people.The original DRINCS model was expanded to include all smaller DWTPs (N = 6,045 SW intakes at 3,984 DWTPs) in the U.S. First, results for Texas predicted that two-thirds of all SW intakes were impacted by at least one WWTP upstream. The level of DFR at SW intakes in Texas ranged between 1% to 20% under average flow and exceeded 90% during mild droughts. Smaller DWTPs in Texas had a higher frequency of DFR than larger systems while < 10% of these DWTPs employed advanced technology (AT) capable of removing CECs. Second, nationally over 40% of surface water intakes at all DWTPs were impacted by DFR under average flow (2,917 of 6,826). Smaller DWTPs had a higher frequency (1,504 and 1,413, respectively) of being impacted by upstream WWTP discharges than larger DWTPs. Third, the difference in DFR levels at smaller versus larger DWTPs was statistically unclear (t-test, p = 0.274). Smaller communities could have high risks to CECs as they rely on surface water from lower-order streams impacted by DFR. Furthermore, smaller DWTPs lack more than twice as advanced unit processes as larger DWTPs with 52.1% and 23%, respectively. DFR levels for DWTPs serving > 10,000 people were statistically higher on mid-size order streams (3, 5, and 8) than those for smaller DWTPs. Finally, DWTPs serving > 10,000 people could pose risks to a population impacted by DFR > 1% as 40 times as those served by smaller DWTPs with 71 million and 1.7 million people, respectively. The total exposed population to risks of CECs served by DWTPs impacted by upstream WWTP discharges (DFR >10%) was estimated at 12.3 million people in the United States. Future studies can use DRINCS results to conduct an epidemiological risk assessment for impacted communities and identify communities that would benefit from advanced technology to remove CECs.
Date Created

Electrospun polymeric nanocomposites for aqueous inorganic and organic pollutant removal

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Electrospinning is a means of fabricating micron-scale diameter fiber networks with enmeshed nanomaterials. Polymeric nanocomposites for water treatment require the manipulation of fiber morphology to expose nanomaterial surface area while anchoring the nanomaterials and maintaining fiber integrity; that is the

Electrospinning is a means of fabricating micron-scale diameter fiber networks with enmeshed nanomaterials. Polymeric nanocomposites for water treatment require the manipulation of fiber morphology to expose nanomaterial surface area while anchoring the nanomaterials and maintaining fiber integrity; that is the overarching goal of this dissertation. The first investigation studied the effect of metal oxide nanomaterial loadings on electrospinning process parameters such as critical voltage, viscosity, fiber diameter, and nanomaterial distribution. Increases in nanomaterial loading below 5% (w/v) were not found to affect critical voltage or fiber diameter. Nanomaterial dispersion was conserved throughout the process. Arsenic adsorption tests determined that the fibers were non-porous. Next, the morphologies of fibers made with carbonaceous materials and the effect of final fiber assembly on adsorption kinetics of a model organic contaminant (phenanthrene, PNT) was investigated. Superfine powdered activated carbon (SPAC), C60 fullerenes, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and graphene platelets were added to PS and electrospun. SPAC maintained its internal pore structure and created porous fibers which had 30% greater PNT sorption than PS alone and a sevenfold increase in surface area. Carbon-based nanomaterial-PS fibers were thicker but less capacious than neat polystyrene electrospun fibers. The surface areas of the carbonaceous nanomaterial-polystyrene composites decreased compared to neat PS, and PNT adsorption experiments yielded decreased capacity for two out of three carbonaceous nanomaterials. Finally, the morphology and arsenic adsorption capacity of a porous TiO2-PS porous fiber was investigated. Porous fiber was made using polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as a porogen. PVP, PS, and TiO2 were co-spun and the PVP was subsequently eliminated, leaving behind a porous fiber morphology which increased the surface area of the fiber sevenfold and exposed the nanoscale TiO2 enmeshed inside the PS. TiO2-PS fibers had comparable arsenic adsorption performance to non-embedded TiO2 despite containing less TiO2 mass. The use of a sacrificial polymer as a porogen facilitates the creation of a fiber morphology which provides access points between the target pollutant in an aqueous matrix and the sorptive nanomaterials enmeshed inside the fiber while anchoring the nanomaterials, thus preventing release.
Date Created

Tiered Approach to Detect Nanomaterials in Food and Environmental Matrices

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Nanomaterials (NMs), implemented into a plethora of consumer products, are a potential new class of pollutants with unknown hazards to the environment. Exposure assessment is necessary for hazard assessment, life cycle analysis, and environmental monitoring. Current nanomaterial detection techniques on

Nanomaterials (NMs), implemented into a plethora of consumer products, are a potential new class of pollutants with unknown hazards to the environment. Exposure assessment is necessary for hazard assessment, life cycle analysis, and environmental monitoring. Current nanomaterial detection techniques on complex matrices are expensive and time intensive, requiring weeks of sample preparation and detection by specialized equipment, limiting the feasibility of large-scale monitoring of NMs. A need exists to develop a rapid pre-screening technique to detect, within minutes, nanomaterials in complex matrices. The goal of this dissertation is to develop a tiered process to detect and characterize nanomaterials in consumer products and environmental samples. The approach is accomplished through a two tier rapid screening process to screen likely presence/absence of elements present in common nanomaterials at environmentally relevant concentrations followed by a more intensive three tier characterization process, if nanomaterials are likely to occur. The focus is on SiO2 and TiO2 nanomaterials with additional work performed on hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH)). The five step tiered process is as follows: 1) screen for elements in the sample by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF), 2) extract nanomaterials from the sample and screen for extracted elements by LIBS and XRF, 3) confirm presence and elemental composition of nanomaterials by transmission electron microscopy paired with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, 4) quantify the elemental composition of the sample by inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry, and 5) identify mineral phase of crystalline material by X-ray diffraction. This dissertation found LIBS to be an accurate method to detect Si and Ti in food matrices (tier one approach) with strong agreement with the product label, detecting Si and Ti in 93% and 89% of the samples labeled as containing each material, respectively. In addition XRF identified Ti, Si, and Ca in 100% of food samples TEM-confirmed to contain Ti, Si, and Ca respectively. As a tier two approach, LIBS on the 0.2 micrometer filter identified nano silicon in 42% of samples confirmed by TEM to contain nano Si and 67% of TEM-confirmed samples to contain Ti. XRF identified Si, Ti, and Ca loaded on to a 0.1 µm filter and Ti in the surfactant rich phase of CPE of water and water with NOM.
Date Created

Improving activated carbon performance in point of use and municipal processes

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Specific inorganic and organic pollutants in water (As(V), Cr(VI), THMs, and hardness) cause health concerns or aesthetic problems. The goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate novel approaches to improve the performance of point of use and municipal activated carbon

Specific inorganic and organic pollutants in water (As(V), Cr(VI), THMs, and hardness) cause health concerns or aesthetic problems. The goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate novel approaches to improve the performance of point of use and municipal activated carbon processes to provide safe and reliable water to the public at distributed centralized locations.

Template Assisted Crystallization system would adjust saturation index (SI) value of TAC treated water to zero when SI value of influent water was in the range at 0.08~0.3. However, the reduction in SI when SI values were higher (e.g. 0.7~1.3) was similar to the reduction at lower SI values which could be due to limitations in kinetics or mass transfer with the template on TAC media.

Pre-chlorination prior to municipal-scale granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment was evaluated to control THM formation in distribution systems. Pre-chlorination decreased UVA, shift the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) molecular weight distribution and pre-formed trihalomethanes (THM). GAC treatment of pre-chlorinated water achieved lower THM formation in distribution systems.

To add functionality in POU systems to remove As(V) and Cr(VI), activated carbon was nano-tized to fabricate nano-enabled carbon block (CB) by (1) impregnating iron or titanium metal oxides chemically or (2) attaching titanium based P25 through electrostatic attraction force. Nanoparticle loadings of 5 to 10 wt % with respect to activated carbon enables reduction of As(V) or Cr(VI) from levels of common occurrence to below regulatory levels across carbon block designs. Minimal impacts on As(V) and Cr(VI) sorption were observed up to a nanoparticle pre-treatment temperature of 200 C, which is the temperature for CB production. Through controlling pH at 4.5 during mixing of nanoparticles with pH IEP=6 and activated carbon with pH IEP=3, electrostatic attachment of nanoparticles to activated carbon could be achieved prior to fabricating carbon block. A mini carbon block test device was designed, fabricated, and validated to mimic performances of full-scale carbon block using less volumes of test water. As(V) removal tests showed Fe impregnated CB achieved the highest As(V) removal while P25 attached CB had the lowest among three nanoparticles loaded CBs.
Date Created

Novel operation of granular activated carbon contactors for removal of disinfection byproducts precursors

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Granular activated carbon (GAC) is effectively used to remove natural organic matter (NOM) and to assist in the removal of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) and their precursors. However, operation of GAC is cost- and labor-intensive due to frequent media replacement. Optimizing

Granular activated carbon (GAC) is effectively used to remove natural organic matter (NOM) and to assist in the removal of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) and their precursors. However, operation of GAC is cost- and labor-intensive due to frequent media replacement. Optimizing the use of GAC is necessary to ensure treatment efficiency while reducing costs. This dissertation presents four strategies to reduce improve GAC usage while reducing formation of DBPs. The first part of this work adopts Rapid Small Scale Tests (RSSCTs) to evaluate removal of molecular weight fractions of NOM, characterized using size exclusion chromatography (SECDOC). Total trihalomethanes (TTHM), haloacetic acids (HAA5) and haloacetonitriles (HAN) formation were quantified after treatment with GAC. Low MW NOM was removed preferentially in the early bed volumes, up until exhaustion of available adsorption sites. DBP formation potential lowered with DOC removal. Chlorination prior to GAC is investigated in the second part of this work as a strategy to increase removal of NOM and DBP precursors. Results showed lower TTHM formation in the effluent of the GAC treatment when pre-chlorination was adopted, meaning this strategy could help optimize and extend the bed life if GAC filters. The third part of this work investigates in-situ GAC regeneration as an alternative to recover adsorption capacity of field-spent GAC that could potentially offer new modes of operation for water treatment facilities while savng costs with reactivation of spent GAC in an external facility. Field-spent GACs were treated with different oxidant solutions and recovery in adsorption capacity was evaluated for NOM and for two micro pollutants. Recovery of GAC adsorption capacity was not satisfactory for most of conditions evaluated. This indicates that in-situ GAC regeneration could be more effective when the adsorbates are present at high concentrations. Lastly, this work investigates the impact of low molecular weight polyDADMAC on N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation. Water treatment facilities rely on polyDADMAC as a coagulant aid to comply with NOM removal and turbidity requirements. Since polymer-derived NDMA precursors are not removed by GAC, it is essential to optimize the use and synthesis of polyDADMAC to reduce NDMA precursors during water treatment.
Date Created

Simplifying Functional Assays for Partitioning of Nanoparticles in Immiscible Phases

Conventional functional assays (FAs), which are used to describe the behaviors and assess the impacts of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), have extensive human factor related errors (i.e. extraction process errors due to human laboratory skills), and consume considerable amounts of laboratory

Conventional functional assays (FAs), which are used to describe the behaviors and assess the impacts of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), have extensive human factor related errors (i.e. extraction process errors due to human laboratory skills), and consume considerable amounts of laboratory material. Consequently, there is a need and opportunity to improve conventional FAs by minimizing the potential for human factor related errors, reducing the usage of ENMs and reagents, and increase experimental reproducibility. The goal of this study was to simplify the conventional FAs and evaluate the feasibility and reproducibility of the simplified FAs. The underlying hypothesis implies that simplified FAs could quickly quantify the partitioning of nanoparticles between immiscible phases with minimum human factor related errors, low usage of ENMs, and high experimental reproducibility. Three different FAs were studied for this project: octanol-water assay, distribution to sediment assay, and cloud point extraction (CPE) assay. Three widely applied ENMs were selected: silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) coated with citrate, magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) capped with polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTS) dispersed in an organic solution. Removal efficiency was the selected parameter used to describe the distribution of ENMs. Based on the variability and the t-tests on the removal efficiencies of conventional and simplified FAs, it is conclusive that the conventional octanol-water FAs on Fe3O4, the sediment FAs on Fe3O4, and the CPE FAs on MWCNTs and Fe3O4 can be simplified. The conventional octanol-water on AgNPs and the sediment FAs on AgNPs and MWCNTs cannot be simplified. It is inconclusive that the conventional octanol-water FAs on MWCNTs and the CPE FAs on AgNPs can be simplified, due to the uncertain causes and consistency of the differences on the removal efficiencies.
Date Created

Enhancing American Resilience: Testing An Alternative Evaluation Method For Governmental Contingency Planning

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As the frequency of US-based disasters increases, so does the need for effective governmental contingency planning and improvement. The current, external evaluation method presents several opportunities for improvement, including cost, efficacy of results, and turnaround time for results. Utilizing a

As the frequency of US-based disasters increases, so does the need for effective governmental contingency planning and improvement. The current, external evaluation method presents several opportunities for improvement, including cost, efficacy of results, and turnaround time for results. Utilizing a tabletop exercise as it's model, this study designed a self-evaluation tool to test if the data provided by such a tool is similar to the data provided by an external evaluator. After testing it in a government-sanctioned tabletop exercise, the tool showed its ability to be utilized in an exercise and evaluate the participants, based off their perceived success in the exercise. The results of the study indicate a strong, positive correlation between the results of the participant and evaluator populations surveyed as well as statistical equality between the two groups.
Date Created

Use of granular activated carbon and carbon block filters at municipal and point of use drinking water treatment for removal of organics

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Activated Carbon has been used for decades to remove organics from water at large scale in municipal water treatment as well as at small scale in Point of Use (POU) and Point of Entry (POE) water treatment. This study focused

Activated Carbon has been used for decades to remove organics from water at large scale in municipal water treatment as well as at small scale in Point of Use (POU) and Point of Entry (POE) water treatment. This study focused on Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and also activated Carbon Block (CB) were studied.

This thesis has three related elements for organics control in drinking water. First, coagulation chemistry for Alum and Aluminum Chlorohydrate (ACH) was optimized for significant organics removal to address membrane fouling issue at a local municipal water treatment plant in Arizona. Second, Rapid Small Scale Column Tests were conducted for removal of Perfluorinated compounds (PFC), PFC were present in groundwater at a local site in Arizona at trace levels with combined concentration of Perfluorooctaneoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfloorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) up to 245 ng/L. Groundwater from the concerned site is used as drinking water source by a private utility. PFC Removal was evaluated for different GAC, influent concentrations and particle sizes. Third, a new testing protocol (Mini Carbon Block (MCB)) for bench scale study of POU water treatment device, specifically carbon block filter was developed and evaluated. The new bench scale decreased the hydraulic requirements by 60 times approximately, which increases the feasibility to test POU at a lab scale. It was evaluated for a common POU organic contaminant: Chloroform, and other model contaminants.

10 mg/L of ACH and 30 mg/L of Alum with pH adjustment were determined as optimal coagulant doses. Bituminous coal based GAC was almost three times better than coconut shell based GAC for removing PFC. Multiple tests with MCB suggested no short circuiting and consistent performance for methylene blue though chloroform removal tests underestimated full scale carbon block performance but all these tests creates a good theoretical and practical fundament for this new approach and provides directions for future researchers.
Date Created