Millennials' Views of Terror Impacted Tourist Destinations

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Throughout history, terrorism has had major effects on tourists and tourism destinations that are targeted. When terrorists execute an attack in order to communicate a message, resulting impacts go far beyond lives lost. Included in these impacts is the fear

Throughout history, terrorism has had major effects on tourists and tourism destinations that are targeted. When terrorists execute an attack in order to communicate a message, resulting impacts go far beyond lives lost. Included in these impacts is the fear that terror attacks leave on tourists, sometimes creating such an impression that tourists change travel plans as a result. Although there are many studies on destination image, risk perception, and decision-making, very few focus specifically on the millennial generation. Because millennials are changing the travel and tourism scene - as they now make up the largest percentage of the population \u2014 it is important for stakeholders in the tourism industry and DMOs to understand this shift and the implications that come with these changes. This study provides a qualitative analysis of millennials' views, attitudes, and beliefs regarding terror impacted tourist destinations. Specifically, it will explore how millennials develop their destination images, if millennials view international travel to be risky, and if millennials are willing to travel to terror impacted tourist destinations. Using focus group methodology, this study gathered data from students from a number of disciplines, genders, and travel experience, in order to understand the themes listed above. Analysis of the findings and implications for officials and DMOs follow, as well as a conclusion including limitations and recommendations for future studies.
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