Do Analysts Fully Understand the Tax Implications of Foreign Operations?

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U.S. based multinational firms are able to use foreign subsidiaries as a means to reduce their overall tax burden. As disclosure requirements are vague, there is very little useful information provided to firm outsiders to analyze a firm’s foreign operations

U.S. based multinational firms are able to use foreign subsidiaries as a means to reduce their overall tax burden. As disclosure requirements are vague, there is very little useful information provided to firm outsiders to analyze a firm’s foreign operations activity and earnings. I demonstrate that even sophisticated financial statement users, financial analysts, have difficulty predicting the effective tax rate for firms with foreign operations, as evidenced by increased forecast errors for multinational firms as compared to domestic firms. I examine factors that may contribute to the increased difficulty of forecasting for multinationals and find that decreased ETR persistence and the presence of a loss may affect the difficulty of the forecasting task, but the presence or quality of management forecasts may not. The market finds tax forecasts important as evidenced by the positive response to the tax and non-tax components of earnings forecasts. This evidence is useful to investors, policy makers, and others interested in the tax activities of multinational firms.
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Introversion and Success in Public Accounting

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This thesis analyzes the connection between introversion and success in public accounting by looking at traits introverts need to develop in order to do well in this field. The paper begins by giving a background on both public accounting and

This thesis analyzes the connection between introversion and success in public accounting by looking at traits introverts need to develop in order to do well in this field. The paper begins by giving a background on both public accounting and introversion and why the relationship between these two needs to be studied. It discusses how introversion is not the norm in business, but how the traits outlined in the paper give introverts a strong opportunity for success. The first trait looked at is one-on-one skills and how the ability to communicate well in small groups helps introverts in public accounting to build solid relationships with their clients and coworkers. Next, the paper talks about public speaking and how introverts need to lean into their ability to prepare thoroughly in order to avoid speaking anxiety, which likely plagues them. After that, the paper looks at networking and how an introvert's ability to create deep connections outweighs some natural setbacks they may face in this endeavor. The final trait analyzed is creativity and how introverts possess a unique aptitude in this area because of the differences in how they think and process information. For public accounting, this is a useful skill, especially when it comes to problem solving. The last section of this thesis examines the importance of self-awareness for introverts to understand themselves and be understood by others while working on teams. The conclusion of this paper outlines the main ideas on how introverts can succeed in public accounting by leaning into these traits, owning who they are, and contributing from their unique perspective.
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