Faces of the Fast: Demographics of Elite Marathon Runners and its Change Over Time

This thesis asks what the demographics of elite marathon runners are and how they have changed over the past 40 years. Differences in age and nationality of elite marathon runners are examined for the top 100 men’s and women's marathon

This thesis asks what the demographics of elite marathon runners are and how they have changed over the past 40 years. Differences in age and nationality of elite marathon runners are examined for the top 100 men’s and women's marathon results each year from 1983 to 2022. This thesis found that 28 is the best age for an elite marathoner to run their best time and that the nations producing top marathon runners are more concentrated now than in the 1980s, prompting the question of whether the resources provided to athletes showing potential are more focused in a select few countries.
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Assessing Correctional Rehabilitation: Reducing Recidivism & Approaching Causation

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Literature review of existing prison-based programs meant to reduce the post-release likelihood of recidivism. Upon completion of the literature, this paper leverages criminology theories to explore the potential causes of program correlations to recidivism.

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Assessing Correctional Rehabilitation: Reducing Recidivism & Approaching Causation

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Do existing programs offered during incarceration successfully reduce recidivism rates in the United States and if so, how can criminology theories be leveraged to understand why?
Date Created

The Effects of Board Diversity on Overall Firm Performance

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This thesis analyzes the relationship between diversity within U. S. boards of directors and overall firm performance. In the summer of 2020, various political and social movements erupted, fighting against police brutality and racial violence. These events were followed by

This thesis analyzes the relationship between diversity within U. S. boards of directors and overall firm performance. In the summer of 2020, various political and social movements erupted, fighting against police brutality and racial violence. These events were followed by an influx of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) frameworks across corporate America. It was becoming increasingly clear that diversity within company leadership was lacking. A company’s board of directors, who is responsible for creating value for shareholders, was not an accurate representation of the people it served. First, I will begin by discussing the current state of diversity in corporate boards by discussing reasons firms diversify, benefits and risks of a diverse board, and major barriers to diversification efforts. A main goal of directors is to maximize shareholder return, which prompts the question: is there a financial benefit to having directors of different backgrounds, skills, and perspectives? In the second part of my thesis, I explore the correlation of board compositions and the company’s financial performance through a study of 45 Fortune 500 companies. Previous studies have mixed results; some studies concluded that there is a positive correlation, some found a negative correlation, and others were inconclusive. While the results of my study did not demonstrate that a relationship between firm performance and diversity exists, I want to emphasize that it does not mean that diverse boards do not contribute at all to the success of the board. There are various factors that contributed to my results, but regardless of my findings, I believe that further research of this topic is necessary and will be beneficial for those in corporate governance.

Date Created

Long Lines: Looking at The Starbucks On Campus from A Business Process Management Perspective

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This project aimed to find implementable solutions to the long flow times at the Starbucks locations on campus. Surveys of the consumers indicated a dissatisfaction rating of 29%, neutral rating of 29% and satisfaction rating of 42%. Showing room for

This project aimed to find implementable solutions to the long flow times at the Starbucks locations on campus. Surveys of the consumers indicated a dissatisfaction rating of 29%, neutral rating of 29% and satisfaction rating of 42%. Showing room for improvement in satisfaction, respondents were asked if a decrease in flow time or if mobile ordering was implemented would affect their frequency, over 50% responded that it would increase their frequency. Implementation of a mobile ordering system into the ASU app or separating the register line into M&G only and then cash and card only, is recommended to decrease the flow time.
Date Created

Who's in Control?: On the relationship between locus of control and the influence of unethical authority

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The goal of this study was to explore the relationship between locus of control and the influence of an unethical authority figure. This research is a preliminary, exploratory study given research design limits. It was hypothesized that subjects oriented towards

The goal of this study was to explore the relationship between locus of control and the influence of an unethical authority figure. This research is a preliminary, exploratory study given research design limits. It was hypothesized that subjects oriented towards internal locus of control are better able to resist pressure from an unethical authority figure. Subjects oriented towards the powerful others and chance orientations were hypothesized to be less able to resist pressure from an unethical authority figure. The results found that the presence of an unethical authority figure had little to no influence on self-perceived unethical decision-making; the difference in unethical behavior between cases with an authority figure present and without one present was not statistically significant. Further, no support was found for the hypotheses as no statistically significant relationship between locus of control orientations and the difference between the control case and test case was found (R2 = 0.02, model P-value > 0.05). Further analysis confirmed the results of Detert et al. (2008), finding no relationship between survey subjects’ locus of control orientations and unethical decision-making. Additional analysis indicates a relationship between unethical decision-making and gender (B = -5.14, P = 0.03, P < 0.05), providing some interesting avenues for future research.
Date Created

Motivation Crowding Theory and Its Limits

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This paper consists of a literature review, wherein four papers surrounding Motivation Crowding Theory (MCT) were read and analyzed. The paper then goes into an analysis of a survey I conducted. The survey consisted of three main questions with three

This paper consists of a literature review, wherein four papers surrounding Motivation Crowding Theory (MCT) were read and analyzed. The paper then goes into an analysis of a survey I conducted. The survey consisted of three main questions with three sub-questions for each, and all attempted to find a "limit" to MCT. However, results for the survey were ultimately inconclusive. The paper concludes with lessons learned in conducting research and surveys in particular, as well as a nod to the relevancy of MCT in business and personal applications.
Date Created

The Effect of Empowerment Literature on Perceptions of Gender Inequality

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Society has formed certain stereotypes surrounding genders and the roles that they play in society based on the qualities that each gender is assumed to have (Lopez & Ensari, 2014; Eagly & Wood, 2012; Heilman, 2012). Leadership is seen as

Society has formed certain stereotypes surrounding genders and the roles that they play in society based on the qualities that each gender is assumed to have (Lopez & Ensari, 2014; Eagly & Wood, 2012; Heilman, 2012). Leadership is seen as a masculine role because of the similar perceptions between what qualities men possess and what qualities leadership requires. (Koenig et al., 2011). Biases against women in leadership prevent women from successfully gaining high-level positions at the same rate as men, despite equal qualifications (Lopez & Ensari, 2014). There is great debate on how this problem can be resolved. On the one hand, trends toward institutional and policy changes in the 1970’s and 1980’s were intended to create greater equality and help women reduce bias in the workforce. More recently, however, the tone of the conversation has shifted. Books like Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” have seen great popularity as they emphasize the role women have to combat bias through personal empowerment rather than waiting for the system to change. As a consequence of this shift in ideology, a possible shift has occurred in perceptions of where responsibility for change lies. This presents the question: Does exposure to empowerment literature increase perceptions of women’s responsibility to fix the gender inequality issue in the workplace?
Date Created

WE of South Sudan

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South Sudan is the world’s newest nation, having gained its independence in 2011. Despite significant promise, South Sudan faces many serious internal issues. Among the most pressing is the treatment and status of women and, in particular, their lack of

South Sudan is the world’s newest nation, having gained its independence in 2011. Despite significant promise, South Sudan faces many serious internal issues. Among the most pressing is the treatment and status of women and, in particular, their lack of involvement in the economy and in academia.
Women’s Education (WE) is our proposed nonprofit designed to address these problems by providing business education, financial assistance, and academic services to women business owners operating in South Sudan. We believe our targeted intervention in these areas will result in improved social and economic standing for women, the natural byproduct of which is an improved country with increased stability.
In the first half of this paper, we explore the social and historical context of South Sudan to illustrate both the need for (and viability of) of our organization. We outline what we will do to achieve our goal of equality within the business and academic sectors for women, and the effects such equality will have upon society.
In the second half of the paper, we address the logistics behind our operations, including our mission and vision, client needs, budget, management strategies, and other internal and external factors that need to be considered.
KEY WORDS: South Sudan, Gender, Business Education, Academic Intervention, Economy, Societal Infrastructure
Date Created

Third World Corruption: The Effect of Corruption to Brazilian and Angolan Citizens

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The results in this research study shows that experience with corruption affects a person's behavior, although it does not impact their attitude towards corruption. Condemnation to both corruption and bribery is widespread amongst citizens of both countries; however, more Angolan

The results in this research study shows that experience with corruption affects a person's behavior, although it does not impact their attitude towards corruption. Condemnation to both corruption and bribery is widespread amongst citizens of both countries; however, more Angolan citizens experienced bribe demands and confessed paying more bribes than Brazilians did. This paper studies the effect of corruption towards citizens by analyzing a sample of 200 surveyed Brazilians and Angolans. The surveys questioned participants about their (i.) experience with corruption by looking at the number of bribe demands, (ii.) attitudes by identifying their values or views towards corruption and bribery and finally (iii.) their behavior through their actions.
Date Created