ASU Army ROTC Latino Cadets’ Motivations and Challenges

The United States military, even including ROTC programs, is becoming increasingly diverse which reflects the variety of cultures present in the country. Latinos are a notable and growing part of this diversity, contributing to the country’s armed forces while dealing

The United States military, even including ROTC programs, is becoming increasingly diverse which reflects the variety of cultures present in the country. Latinos are a notable and growing part of this diversity, contributing to the country’s armed forces while dealing with a unique set of opportunities and obstacles. The current demographic of our nation’s leaders in the military consists of mainly white individuals (Department of Defense, 2022). To understand why this is the case, survey and interview data were gathered from both male and female Latino cadets participating in ASU Army ROTC currently. Latino cadets in ASU Army ROTC were asked what experiences or opportunities either hindered or reaffirmed their decision to become officers in the Army. Moreover, the research delves into the rich cultural and familial factors that can play an important role in shaping motivations. The research has found that Latino cadets are experiencing hardship in the form of lack of mentorship in the early years, lack of intentional integration for Latino cadets joining the program, and limited diversity found in upper levels of leadership in the Army. By addressing and recognizing the unique issues regardless of background, military institutions can garner diversity and assure that all incoming cadets, have equal opportunities to excel as leaders in the armed forces in the United States.
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Embarking on a Journey of Purpose and Happiness Through Travel and Exploration

This thesis explores the transformative impact of travel on personal growth, fulfillment, and happiness. Drawing inspiration from Eat, Pray, Love, the project explores the psychological aspects of finding purpose and meaning from any of our surroundings, investigating the modern travel

This thesis explores the transformative impact of travel on personal growth, fulfillment, and happiness. Drawing inspiration from Eat, Pray, Love, the project explores the psychological aspects of finding purpose and meaning from any of our surroundings, investigating the modern travel trends towards immersive experiences, ranging from cultural travel, holistic travel, volunteer travel, and student travel. The aim for this thesis is to shed light on how diverse immersive experiences from all corners of the world can contribute to our overall sense of purpose.
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The Effects of Managing Dual Cultural Identities on the Self Perception of Female Indian
American Undergraduate Students at Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State

Female Indian American students pursuing higher education face an increased amount of pressure and prejudice as a result of their dual cultural identities. The convergence of their gender and ethnicity allows them to be vulnerable to the intersecting forces of racism, sexism, and

Female Indian American students pursuing higher education face an increased amount of pressure and prejudice as a result of their dual cultural identities. The convergence of their gender and ethnicity allows them to be vulnerable to the intersecting forces of racism, sexism, and the resulting intersectional biases. As a result, these students face higher degrees of animosity relative to their male or monocultural counterparts, and are more likely to deal with challenges associated with negative self perception, manifesting as symptoms of a myriad of mental health issues (Pieterse & Roberson, 2021). To further develop the discourse around dual cultural identities and how resulting experiences with prejudice and feelings of inadequacy affect an individual’s self perception, survey and interview data was collected from female, Indian American, undergraduate students at Barrett. Participants were surveyed to collect basic traits and identity markers, followed by specific inquiries about their relationships with dual cultural identities, code-switching experiences, and prejudice related to gender and culture, revealing a recurring pattern of shared negative self-perceptions and encounters with prejudice linked to bicultural identities. This data analysis identified five predominant themes that consistently emerged across all interviews, shedding light on the shared aspects of self-perception in the context of dual cultural identities. By highlighting shared struggles and their implications on self-perception, this research aims to foster community relationships and encourage students to re-evaluate how they define their self-perception in the context of their bicultural experiences.
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Hybrid Schedule Preferences and its Impact on Undergraduate Learning

Hybrid schedules have become a popular mode of learning during the last decade as new classroom technologies have emerged. Universities have utilized online learning as a format to include more accessibility, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. College students are often

Hybrid schedules have become a popular mode of learning during the last decade as new classroom technologies have emerged. Universities have utilized online learning as a format to include more accessibility, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. College students are often given the option of choosing different learning modalities when scheduling courses. The objective of this study is to determine how multi-modal schedules impact preference, motivation, and learning. Fifty undergraduate students at Arizona State University were asked several questions pertaining to their academics. These included the types of courses they have taken in the past year, their motivation to learn in these modalities, and how they think they retained the information from their courses. Participants showed much higher motivation and learning within in-person classes, but an overall higher satisfaction for multi-modal schedules. These results show that Arizona State University should make an effort to increase student motivation for online and asynchronous classes, in addition to adding a variety of learning modes that best accommodate undergraduate students and their needs.
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Hybrid Schedule Preferences and its Impact on Undergraduate Learning

Hybrid schedules have become a popular mode of learning during the last decade as new classroom technologies have emerged. Universities have utilized online learning as a format to include more accessibility, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. College students are often

Hybrid schedules have become a popular mode of learning during the last decade as new classroom technologies have emerged. Universities have utilized online learning as a format to include more accessibility, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. College students are often given the option of choosing different learning modalities when scheduling courses. The objective of this study is to determine how multi-modal schedules impact preference, motivation, and learning. Fifty undergraduate students at Arizona State University were asked several questions pertaining to their academics. These included the types of courses they have taken in the past year, their motivation to learn in these modalities, and how they think they retained the information from their courses. Participants showed much higher motivation and learning within in-person classes, but an overall higher satisfaction for multi-modal schedules. These results show that Arizona State University should make an effort to increase student motivation for online and asynchronous classes, in addition to adding a variety of learning modes that best accommodate undergraduate students and their needs.
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The Psychosocial Impacts of Academic Stress in First to Second Generation Asian American Female Students Attending Barrett the Honors College at Arizona State University

The pursuance of higher education has always been a competitive feat and as the years progress competition amongst students becomes tighter. This competition increases when focus is placed upon the Asian American student population and the stressors that are placed

The pursuance of higher education has always been a competitive feat and as the years progress competition amongst students becomes tighter. This competition increases when focus is placed upon the Asian American student population and the stressors that are placed on them to excel in their respective fields of academics. The Asian American population in particular also has a high prevalence of not seeking out mental health services as a whole due to high stigma associated with the topic (Zhang et al 2019). This study intended to determine the psychological and social impacts that academic stress may have on female Asian American students and why university mental health services go underutilized by this crowd. The impacts of academic stressors on student’s lives were measured using a 5 point survey scale (1 being not stressful and 5 being extremely stressful). Willing participants were then selected for an interview in which 10 individuals' experiences were recounted. The results indicate that an overwhelming majority of students reported experiencing negative impacts to multiple aspects of psychological well being. A high number of these students also reported feeling uncomfortable to seek mental health aid due to familial judgment and cultural taboos. These findings indicate significant numbers of students struggling to cope with the implications of poor mental health in their lives. This study serves to decrease the prevalence of academic stress in the lives of Asian American students by increasing their therapy seeking behaviors. Upon its completion, the researcher provided ASU counseling services with suggestions to increase utilization by female Asian Americans.
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Most Effective Strategies for Mitigating Burnout Among Female Emergency Department Providers

In the emergency department of a hospital, providers are responsible for diagnosing and treating multiple critical patients at a time. Their ability to make quick and careful decisions often will determine whether their patient lives or dies. Because of this,

In the emergency department of a hospital, providers are responsible for diagnosing and treating multiple critical patients at a time. Their ability to make quick and careful decisions often will determine whether their patient lives or dies. Because of this, emergency department (ED) providers experience significant amounts of stress during each shift which consequently may lead to burnout (Lall et al., 2019). It is crucial to investigate strategies to help control burnout among ED providers, as their own well-being directly affects the physical health of their patients. Furthermore, female providers are subject to increased stress from unique challenges within the workplace due to their gender. The purpose of this study was to determine which strategies are the most effective in the mitigation of burnout among female emergency department providers. A survey was administered to emergency department providers (M.D., D.O., P.A., and N.P.) from three hospitals in Arizona. It was found that spending time with family, maintaining good nutrition, and exercising were the most effective strategies in the mitigation of female provider burnout. These results should be considered by providers who work in the ED, female providers working in other medical specialties, other ED staff, hospital administration, and ED patients. With the implementation of these three strategies into their daily life, female ED providers may find a decrease in burnout and, consequently, an improvement in patient care.
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Evaluating the Efficacy of a Personal Wellness Workshop Series on ASU Honors Students

Burnout due to work and school-related stress negatively impacts college student’s confidence, motivation, and mindset. Burnout can manifest as lower quality of a student’s education, performance, relationships, and overall well-being. Using the Maslach Burnout Inventory™ - General Survey for Students:

Burnout due to work and school-related stress negatively impacts college student’s confidence, motivation, and mindset. Burnout can manifest as lower quality of a student’s education, performance, relationships, and overall well-being. Using the Maslach Burnout Inventory™ - General Survey for Students: MBI-GS (S), researchers assessed the effectiveness of a five-part workshop series titled “A Series on Self-Reflection, Self-Understanding, and Strengthening the Mind,” focused on improving burnout symptoms in students attending ASU’s Barrett, the Honors College, against a control group of non-workshop participating honors students. Data was collected through MBI-GS (S) evaluation surveys after each workshop attendance, via the daily honors newsletter, and through subject interviews. The researchers conducted a qualitative study consistent with case studies and focus groups. Descriptive statistics of survey responses were quantified in Excel, representing varying burnout levels in honors students throughout the Spring 2023 school semester. Overall, the surveys from the workshop attendees and Honors Digest students yielded insignificant differences in burnout levels. The eight interviewee case studies emphasize the complex influences of culture and environment on burnout. While burnout levels between Honors Digest students and workshop attendees were insignificantly different, each interviewee student presented changed perspectives on their studies and themselves.
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Barriers to Change: Confronting Obstacles to Behavior Change for Sustainability in Students at Arizona State University


Sustainability is a critical global issue that requires urgent action at all levels, as emphasized by the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Education has been identified as a key driver for advancing sustainability globally, and higher education institutions are

Sustainability is a critical global issue that requires urgent action at all levels, as emphasized by the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Education has been identified as a key driver for advancing sustainability globally, and higher education institutions are uniquely positioned to contribute to the social, economic, and environmental transformations required to tackle the world's most pressing issues due to their capacities to produce groundbreaking research, innovative solutions, and critical education to address sustainability issues across disciplines. However, these efforts alone are not enough to confront the sustainability challenges we face in the present and future, as ultimately, change for sustainability must occur in human behavior at the community and individual levels. Universities can play a key role in promoting behavior change due to their status as living laboratories, and their responsibility to prepare students, regardless of discipline, for addressing the challenges they will face as leaders in the future. By addressing student behavior change for sustainability, universities can create a model for changing community behaviors and produce future leaders in all disciplines that will be prepared to confront global sustainability issues. As a university recognized for its dedication to sustainability, this study addresses barriers to behavior change for sustainability in students at Arizona State University (ASU). Despite ASU’s championing of sustainability, the overall university community has yet to consistently practice sustainable behaviors, especially students. To understand why sustainable behaviors are not being practiced at ASU, interviews with ASU students, staff, and faculty find barriers to behavior change at the university pertaining to university infrastructure, campus culture, messaging, and student engagement. The study recommends actions to address these issues, as well as recommends further research into the individual sustainability issues where these barriers occur.

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Evaluating Recruitment Practices of Arizona State University’s Next Generation Service Corps: Are They Attracting Diverse Candidates


Service corps and service-focused leadership programs are popular approaches for higher education institutions to prepare their students to become civically engaged future leaders. It is established that integrating diverse students into higher education produces better educational outcomes through active thinking

Service corps and service-focused leadership programs are popular approaches for higher education institutions to prepare their students to become civically engaged future leaders. It is established that integrating diverse students into higher education produces better educational outcomes through active thinking and decision-making as well as introducing students to new perspectives. This study aims to evaluate how effective recruitment practices in Arizona State University’s Next Generation Service Corps (NGSC) are at attracting diverse students. By reviewing the current literature on recruiting diverse candidates, best practices can be established. Data was collected through interviews with NGSC staff on their current recruitment strategies and personal concepts of diversity. Data was also collected from the current students in the program to determine the common channels of recruitment and reasons for their application. There was a misalignment in staff reported recruitment strategy and how students reported finding out about the program. A misalignment in the recruitment strategy and application questions with NGSC staff’s desired traits for applicants was also found. With this in mind, this research provides staff with a full picture of the current state of their recruiting practices and identifies areas for improvement.

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