Sustaining Organization Goals and Impact During a Leadership Turnover


In this creative project, I explore the effects of Founder's Syndrome and use my own experience as a co-founder of a student organization to determine effective practices for ensuring the sustainability of the organization. I conducted a literature review of

In this creative project, I explore the effects of Founder's Syndrome and use my own experience as a co-founder of a student organization to determine effective practices for ensuring the sustainability of the organization. I conducted a literature review of other sources related to Founder's Syndrome and used their results to guide my decisions, and then later reviewed the effectiveness of those practices. For the final product, I created a website that can be passed down among future generations of leaders with important information regarding the organization and operations. I presented this website, as well as my research and findings in a presentation for my defense.

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With the assistance of my thesis committee, I created a podcast to fulfill my objective of interviewing survivors of sexual abuse/grooming practices and their support systems. I utilized this method to have in-depth discussions and provide people with a safe

With the assistance of my thesis committee, I created a podcast to fulfill my objective of interviewing survivors of sexual abuse/grooming practices and their support systems. I utilized this method to have in-depth discussions and provide people with a safe space to share their experiences. By doing so, we were able to reflect on the areas in which professionals can improve on recognizing signs of abuse in their communities. My goal was to show how training teachers to recognize signs of trauma is essential for effectively assisting the population we serve. Ultimately, this came down to what instruction was taught in the Teachers College. Curricula centered on properly managing trauma in the classroom, including sexual abuse, should be required for courses in the upper and lower division degree program for Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.

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Education and Prevention: An Open Communication Against the Sexual Abuse and Grooming of Adolescents

With the assistance of my thesis committee, I created a podcast to fulfill my objective of interviewing survivors of sexual abuse/grooming practices and their support systems. I utilized this method to have in-depth discussions and provide people with a safe

With the assistance of my thesis committee, I created a podcast to fulfill my objective of interviewing survivors of sexual abuse/grooming practices and their support systems. I utilized this method to have in-depth discussions and provide people with a safe space to share their experiences. By doing so, we were able to reflect on the areas in which professionals can improve on recognizing signs of abuse in their communities. My goal was to show how training teachers to recognize signs of trauma is essential for effectively assisting the population we serve. Ultimately, this came down to what instruction was taught in the Teachers College. Curricula centered on properly managing trauma in the classroom, including sexual abuse, should be required for courses in the upper and lower division degree program for Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.
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The Experiences That Motivated Disabled Students to Enroll in an Honors College

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Honors colleges are recognizing the need for diversity in their student populations and are taking steps toward that end. However, disabled students are still underrepresented in honors collegiate student bodies. Through a series of open-ended questions posed to thirty-five students

Honors colleges are recognizing the need for diversity in their student populations and are taking steps toward that end. However, disabled students are still underrepresented in honors collegiate student bodies. Through a series of open-ended questions posed to thirty-five students enrolled in Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University, this study will examine how experiences with family, school personnel, and peers during their grade school (K-12) years effect a student’s choice to enroll in an honors college. This study will briefly explore how the intersection of factors such as race/ethnicity, sex, gender, and disability impacted these experiences. Finally, implications for collegiate honors programs and for grade school teachers and the families of children with disabilities will be discussed. Areas for future research will be considered.

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