Trust in Influencer Marketing on TikTok and Its Effects on Consumer Decisions

Influencer marketing is when individuals with dedicated social media followings are sought out by brands to utilize their position on certain platforms to endorse a brand’s products and be compensated through payment or merchandise. I will be looking at the

Influencer marketing is when individuals with dedicated social media followings are sought out by brands to utilize their position on certain platforms to endorse a brand’s products and be compensated through payment or merchandise. I will be looking at the concept of trust when it comes to influencer marketing alongside the Fogg Behavior Model. Used to evaluate an individual’s behavior in the decisions making process, The Fogg Behavior Model bases itself in a persuasive environment by focusing on three key elements: motivation, ability, and trigger. When utilized in collaboration with influencer marketing, these elements together could have a strong effect on driving consumer behaviors. I utilized one of the most recent and popular social media platforms, TikTok, known for its short-form mobile videos, to explore these behavioral elements in action. Like any other media platform, TikTok influencer marketing requires a high amount of trust between the consumer and influencer to be successful and efficiently persuade the target market. I collected primary research by surveying opinions on trust and buying behaviors based on three different videos. One video had a hidden partnership disclosure in the caption, the second had a plainly visible partnership disclosure, and the third had a plainly visible partnership disclosure and verbally disclosed the relationship between the brand and the influencer. The analysis showed that participants felt a higher degree of trust towards the video which contained a verbal disclosure of the influencer’s partnership with the brand. The results lacked specificity on whether this perception of trust would successfully lead to a purchase, which could be adjusted for in future research; however, it did show there was motivation through the Fogg Model to look further into the product presented. I recommend influencers be as transparent and genuine as possible to earn the trust or their followers, as well as ensure all three factors of Fogg are present to increase their persuasive abilities over consumers completing a purchase.
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Reimagining BMW During a Major Shift in the U.S. Automotive Industry

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The current automotive industry is at a watershed moment: consumer preferences are shifting in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, innovative powertrain technologies have become increasingly viable in new vehicles, and increasingly strict government regulations are forcing many brands to

The current automotive industry is at a watershed moment: consumer preferences are shifting in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, innovative powertrain technologies have become increasingly viable in new vehicles, and increasingly strict government regulations are forcing many brands to reevaluate their current portfolio and shift their brands focus into this new market of electric vehicles. Within the last 10 years, new start-up brands have taken a strong stance in consumers minds as the go-to for a certain class of vehicle when shopping for an EV, as opposed to what they might similarly shop for in a traditional internal combustion engine (I.C.E). Amongst all of these changing factors, BMW has fallen quite short in updating its brand in preparation for the future. BMW has traditionally stood for executive, sporty, German sedans since the brand introduced the “BMW New Class” of automobiles in 1962. For the last 3 generations of cars, about 10 years, BMW has attempted to shift its brand to a techy, luxury, executive, sedan. Unfortunately, as they enter the electric space, Tesla has a stranglehold on this market segment- and frankly produces the better car for those consumers. While they were one of the first companies to identify the need for electric vehicles, in the i3, their implementation of these ideas was so far away from this core identity of BMW that it has actually hurt their branding moving into this electric future. The goal of this thesis is to investigate these factors, the shift towards electric vehicles, and how BMW fits into this new environment. With this information, a business plan will be created that should point BMW into a direction that continues its heritage as a brand, while appealing to modern consumers and lawmakers.

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Cause Marketing: How Philanthropy Can Bolster the Bottom-Line


Consumers have changed their purchasing preferences from only requiring a product or service be of quality and affordably priced to demanding the businesses that offer such products or services be socially responsible entities, as well. As corporate social responsibility endures

Consumers have changed their purchasing preferences from only requiring a product or service be of quality and affordably priced to demanding the businesses that offer such products or services be socially responsible entities, as well. As corporate social responsibility endures to be regarded as a necessary business practice in the minds of consumers, brands must align their marketing strategies accordingly. Specifically, brands must use philanthropy as a selling point to attract consumers. Philanthropy serves the dual purpose of improving communities and, if done properly, creating a competitive context that businesses can use to their fiscal benefit. Cause marketing, in its simplest form, is the use of philanthropy by for-profit companies as a means of attracting clientele to increase sales. Through charitable involvement, for-profit companies can generate goodwill that in turn creates a positive public perception of their brand. By partnering with carefully selected charities and investing in charity-centric endeavors, companies can engage their customers and drive revenue while bettering their communities. From this standpoint, it behooves any business to engage in cause marketing initiatives as a means of attaining customers. This thesis articulates the value that cause marketing can add to a corporate portfolio, how community involvement can be parlayed into increased revenue, and why brands should invest in cause marketing tactics. A literature review was conducted, empirical information was collected and analyzed, and interview testimonials were used in defense of these claims. In conclusion, this thesis establishes statistical proof that cause marketing promotes sales by positively affecting consumer brand perception, a key factor in purchase consideration and purchasing decisions.

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A Content Creator's Handbook to Fashion, Lifestyle, & Beauty

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This research covers the landscape of influencer marketing and combines it with the knowledge of 11 content creators and one social media specialist, ultimately producing an actionable handbook. Participants were asked questions that were intended to discover key strategies, level

This research covers the landscape of influencer marketing and combines it with the knowledge of 11 content creators and one social media specialist, ultimately producing an actionable handbook. Participants were asked questions that were intended to discover key strategies, level of difficulty, and overall insight into the content creator world. Best practices and key findings are identified in the research paper, and outlined into four parts in the handbook. The handbook serves as a compilation framework derived from my primary and secondary sources designed to provide anyone interested in becoming a content creator or social media influencer on steps they may take given what their predecessors have done to successfully launch their careers in the space.

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The Greater Impact that Micro Influencers Have on Brand Marketing

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Micro influencers have become extremely powerful in terms of swaying buying patterns among consumers. This thesis examines the greater impact that micro influencers have on brand marketing. This was completed through a literature review that highlights the evolution of marketing,

Micro influencers have become extremely powerful in terms of swaying buying patterns among consumers. This thesis examines the greater impact that micro influencers have on brand marketing. This was completed through a literature review that highlights the evolution of marketing, influencer marketing, discussing reach, relevance, and resonance, and Generation Z’s purchasing decisions. In addition, we conducted an online survey through Qualtrics that allowed us to analyze the impact social media influencers have. The results of our research indicate that TikTok is used most frequently, but Instagram is where social media influencers are followed most. From our data, we concluded that Generation Z is most influenced by authentic, genuine content created by influencers regardless of follower count. We recommend that a brand interested in reaching Generation Z (we refer to the brand as “Brand X”) use micro influencers, as our research shows that genuine relationships are valued among this generation. We believe that micro influencers are the most valuable to use as they are able to create meaningful relationships with consumers due to their reach, relevance, and resonance with the individuals their content reaches.

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The Greater Impact that Micro Influencers Have on Brand Marketing

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Micro influencers have become extremely powerful in terms of swaying buying patterns among consumers. This thesis examines the greater impact that micro influencers have on brand marketing. This was completed through a literature review that highlights the evolution of marketing,

Micro influencers have become extremely powerful in terms of swaying buying patterns among consumers. This thesis examines the greater impact that micro influencers have on brand marketing. This was completed through a literature review that highlights the evolution of marketing, influencer marketing, discussing reach, relevance, and resonance, and Generation Z’s purchasing decisions. In addition, we conducted an online survey through Qualtrics that allowed us to analyze the impact social media influencers have. The results of our research indicate that TikTok is used most frequently, but Instagram is where social media influencers are followed most. From our data, we concluded that Generation Z is most influenced by authentic, genuine content created by influencers regardless of follower count. We recommend that a brand interested in reaching Generation Z (we refer to the brand as “Brand X”) use micro influencers, as our research shows that genuine relationships are valued among this generation. We believe that micro influencers are the most valuable to use as they are able to create meaningful relationships with consumers due to their reach, relevance, and resonance with the individuals their content reaches.

Date Created

Current Trends of the Beauty Industry 2020

Trends in the beauty industry begin when large portions of the market shift to focus on a specific idea. These trends can be fleeting, or they can be permanent, but they have the ability to alter the course of the

Trends in the beauty industry begin when large portions of the market shift to focus on a specific idea. These trends can be fleeting, or they can be permanent, but they have the ability to alter the course of the industry for decades. Every trend that comes and goes must be analyzed by brands to determine if it is worth following or if it would be more advantageous to take a different path. Some of the biggest trends in the beauty industry right now are inclusivity, sustainability, and clean beauty. I conducted a survey to determine the importance of these trends through consumers’ level of awareness and how the trends effect their purchasing decisions. I found that consumers are very aware of all three trends and that their willingness to purchase from brands that are more inclusive, sustainable, and clean is correlated with how much they are willing to spend on products from brands that follow the trends. The results from the survey suggest that there is a high demand for brands that are inclusive, sustainable, and clean. Therefore, it could be a good idea for brands to follow one or multiple of these trends and incorporate them into their marketing strategies.
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Cross-Business Loyalty Rewards Program Business Proposition

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Research has shown that acquiring a new customer is between 5 and 25 times more costly than retaining existing customers and that a 5% increase in customer retention can increase profits anywhere between 25% and 94%, (Gallo, 2014). In

Research has shown that acquiring a new customer is between 5 and 25 times more costly than retaining existing customers and that a 5% increase in customer retention can increase profits anywhere between 25% and 94%, (Gallo, 2014). In part because of these statistics, many businesses utilize loyalty rewards programs to both incentivize potential customers into trying their business and to retain their existing customers. Once a customer has joined a loyalty rewards program, they will bring in more revenue than those outside the program. For example, in the retail industry, members of loyalty rewards programs generate between 12% and 18% more revenue than their counterparts not participating in the loyalty rewards program, (Accenture, 2016). Creating an attractive loyalty rewards program can greatly boost a business’s revenue – if done correctly.

This Thesis proposes a business plan for a cross-business loyalty rewards program. There are two target markets for this business - small to medium sized business (specifically businesses that attract large numbers of repeat customers) and the customers they seek to attract. This cross-business loyalty rewards program will be made possible through management software that will allow these businesses to both manage their rewards programs and have access to tools that will allow them to collect data on their consumers’ habits, manage marketing campaigns, and allow them to better connect with their consumers. The aspect of this management software that will differentiate it from competitors will be the cross-business nature of the program. Points earned by a customer frequenting one business (e.g. restaurant) can be used in other businesses using the same program (e.g. hairdresser). By “sharing” consumers in this way, businesses will incentivize customers to try new businesses, greatly reducing the cost these businesses will invest in acquiring new customers while also helping to retain both existing and new customers, thus increasing revenue.
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