In this study, models will be introduced which are developed from historical UFC data and aim to predict the fight outcomes between mixed martial arts fighters within the UFC. The paper will explore multivariate linear probability regression analysis using variables

In this study, models will be introduced which are developed from historical UFC data and aim to predict the fight outcomes between mixed martial arts fighters within the UFC. The paper will explore multivariate linear probability regression analysis using variables which were provided and developed from a large dataset to effectively predict the probability of a fighter winning a given fight. It will analyze several multivariate regression models and compare, internally, the accuracy of each model and account for limitations within the models. Then, the model’s efficacy will be tested by recent UFC fights and adjusted to find a more accurate equation that maximizes profit in sports betting using implied probability from betting odds and comparing them to the model’s predicted probabilities.
Date Created

Exploring the Uses and Value of Green Roofs and Green Walls

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In this paper, I cover the background and economic history of green buildings, including four case studies. Based on this exploration, I find that green roofs and walls are best suited to dense, highly paved cities with little capacity to

In this paper, I cover the background and economic history of green buildings, including four case studies. Based on this exploration, I find that green roofs and walls are best suited to dense, highly paved cities with little capacity to expand their sewer systems. Green infrastructure is best suited for stormwater management to avoid combined sewer overflow (CSO) pollution and managing urban heat island (UHI) effects, while at the same time providing many positive externalities for people and the environment. Green buildings take those benefits and fit them into a smaller area (on roofs and walls), which is most applicable where tearing up pavement to provide more ground-level green space and expanding the sewer systems would be too costly.

Date Created

The Impact of Lobbying on U.S. Market Competitiveness

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Over the past twenty years, the United States has experienced what Dr. Thomas Philippon calls "The Great Reversal," or a slow drift away from the free market competition which defined the American economy for the last century, towards an increasingly

Over the past twenty years, the United States has experienced what Dr. Thomas Philippon calls "The Great Reversal," or a slow drift away from the free market competition which defined the American economy for the last century, towards an increasingly oligopolistic consolidation of market power. What does this mean? For the average American, prices have increased, wages remain stagnant, quality has declined, and the variety of goods has diminished. The reason? The growing political power of incumbent firms, who use their established economic power to influence the political process in their favor, towards high barriers to entry and decreased antitrust scrutiny, through lobbying and the financing of campaigns. Or have they? "The Great Reversal," and hypotheses like it, are far from a consensus... This Thesis is a meta study of the literature surrounding domestic competition in the United States and the impact that the lobbying activity of industry leaders has on said competition. Analyzing over 20 papers covering economics, political science, and political economy, this Thesis argues that domestic competition in the United States has indeed declined over the past two decades and that the growing political power of firms, rather than "unique" technological or structural changes in the economy, has caused this drift away from free markets. Using this analysis, this Thesis further suggests a few solutions to "The Great Reversal" and restoring competition in the American economy.

Date Created

The Cost of Prison on the Average American Taxpayer: Solutions to Make the Penal System More Efficient

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Over the past several decades, the incarceration rates have continued to rise in the United States with seemingly no end in sight. Many of the prisons within America are experiencing major overcrowding of incarcerated persons in addition to an ever

Over the past several decades, the incarceration rates have continued to rise in the United States with seemingly no end in sight. Many of the prisons within America are experiencing major overcrowding of incarcerated persons in addition to an ever expanding budget that seems impossible to adhere to. Qualitative and quantitative studies conclude that preventative and post release programs reduce crime rates and recidivism which saves taxpayer dollars. This paper addresses how much prisons cost, why this is important to the taxpayer, and possible solutions to make the penal system more efficient.

Date Created

How a Basic Income impacts labor outcomes: A primer on Universal Basic Income

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Economists, policy-makers, and various intellectuals have consistently debated the strongest way to support citizens. Lately, however, the simplest idea has managed to gain an unbelievable amount of traction. Maybe, rather than a complex policy solution targeted towards to certain demographics

Economists, policy-makers, and various intellectuals have consistently debated the strongest way to support citizens. Lately, however, the simplest idea has managed to gain an unbelievable amount of traction. Maybe, rather than a complex policy solution targeted towards to certain demographics and with various work requirements we should simply give people money. The beauty of the idea is in its simplicity – and it is a key reason for its growing popularity. Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a policy proposal that has been steadily gaining momentum throughout the United States and across the world. Recently, it has been viewed as a stimulus to the economy in the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as well as a solution to labor-displacing technological advancements. Additionally, many economists, politicians, and various thought-leaders have portrayed basic income as a one-stop solution to many challenges facing the world. The idea behind UBI comes down to this idea – basic income will not solve all your problems – it makes your problems easier to solve. Many UBI advocates use that phrase to argue in favor for a basic income, but it is important to ensure that it doesn’t add to most people’s problems by discouraging work and encouraging seemingly unhealthy habits.
Date Created

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Opioid Legislation in the United States

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To address and evaluate opioid legislation in the United States and its effectiveness in combating the opioid epidemic.
This paper will assess current and past legislation, on both the state and federal level, in terms of its effectiveness by cross-examining

To address and evaluate opioid legislation in the United States and its effectiveness in combating the opioid epidemic.
This paper will assess current and past legislation, on both the state and federal level, in terms of its effectiveness by cross-examining it with existing data. This paper also examines failures on the state and federal levels to properly target at-risk groups. Furthermore, this paper makes recommendations for future legislation to properly allocate resources to localities most affected by the opioid epidemic, and contribute to the decrease in opioid-related overdose deaths.
Date Created

Universal Basic Income: Changing the Narrative in the United States

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To address the costs of Universal Basic Income (UBI) implementation while promoting new perspectives and broader thinking.

This paper will introduce UBI as a concept and a program to better understand its implementation around the world and the underlying theory of

To address the costs of Universal Basic Income (UBI) implementation while promoting new perspectives and broader thinking.

This paper will introduce UBI as a concept and a program to better understand its implementation around the world and the underlying theory of how to afford its sustained use. The paper examines several different implementation and funding mechanisms that are all focused on economic growth as the sole measure of success. It displays how UBI's program costs make it insufficient for further use under those metrics. This paper introduces the need to change the narrative to focus less on GDP-growth and more about the positive benefits of income distribution to raise the poverty line, decrease income inequality, and increase the overall well-being of each citizen in the United States.
Date Created

The AfCFTA in Context of Developmental Policy

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The African Continental Free Trade Agreement is one of the latest developments in the world of African politics. It influences several key policy arenas, including the focus of this paper: developmental policy. The AfCFTA hopes to integrate the intra-African trading

The African Continental Free Trade Agreement is one of the latest developments in the world of African politics. It influences several key policy arenas, including the focus of this paper: developmental policy. The AfCFTA hopes to integrate the intra-African trading system, as well as implement several measures to integrate their entire economies. This paper examines the intersection between the AfCFTA and developmental policy defining how it helps and hinders African development goals. This thesis intends to give a clear picture of how this agreement coincides with developmental policy through both economic and political research. The goal of this paper is to provide readers with a detailed report on how this economic agreement could be shaping the developmental policy of the African world.
Date Created


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This paper analyzes the correlation between unionization, corporate income taxes, and educational attainment with manufacturing firm locations at the state level across the USA. The paper analyzes the factors that influence firms per capita in a state using the Ordinary

This paper analyzes the correlation between unionization, corporate income taxes, and educational attainment with manufacturing firm locations at the state level across the USA. The paper analyzes the factors that influence firms per capita in a state using the Ordinary Least Squares regression model, with panel data, and fixed effects. The regression takes data from 2012 through 2016 and shows the correlation between unionization, educational attainment, and taxes on firm location. The paper cites Timothy Bartik’s findings (1985) and addresses reasons for changes in results for today’s economy.
Date Created

The 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis: The Causes, Effects, and Recoveries of the Most Impacted Economies

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The 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis is one that is not widely understood by many. The easy access to cheap credit and the global over-confidence leading up to 2008 both played a large factor in how economies were affected by the

The 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis is one that is not widely understood by many. The easy access to cheap credit and the global over-confidence leading up to 2008 both played a large factor in how economies were affected by the crisis. This paper looks at the stories of Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Iceland leading up to, during, and after this crisis in order to discover how it happened and why it was so widespread. I explain three lessons that can be learned from this crisis in attempt to avoid this type of crisis in the future. First, countries were not automatically safe investments once they joined the European Monetary Union. Second, easy access to credit is not sustainable in the long run. Finally, confidence plays a main role in the performance of an economy, and the loss of confidence can be detrimental.
Date Created