Quiet, Please: Exploring Disability, Mental Health, and Neurodivergence through a Coming-of-Age Superhero Story


"Quiet, Please" is a coming-of-age speculative fiction novel about how a super-powered neurodivergent girl and her friends navigate and attempt to save a world that is equal parts beautiful and cruel.

Date Created

What is True to You at This Moment? - An Inquiry of One's Tradition(s) to Become Aware of Acculturation

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Global occurrences from the past and present such as colonization and globalization play a part in current realities. With the advent of such events, a false belief seems to have been created that in order to be modern, relatable to

Global occurrences from the past and present such as colonization and globalization play a part in current realities. With the advent of such events, a false belief seems to have been created that in order to be modern, relatable to the present trend and global, it is mandatory to be Westernized and/or Americanized. This document focuses on the issues behind some Indians’ perception of their own culture(s), its traditions and values and how that perception might impact their everyday life. It aims to create an awareness that such a false belief seems to exist and wants to encourage the youth of India to develop their own preferred ways of connecting with their culture and its traditions. It requests and encourages every individual to question and inquire into traditions, practices, rituals, stories, songs, etc.Since India has diverse philosophies, practices, values and principles and approaches to life to offer, and coming from South India, my first two steps to be a part of this futuristic movement involve 1) studying initial works under Saiva Siddhantham - a philosophy that is unpopular, about 800 years old and believes in godliness as an energy-oriented existence, experience and way of life rather than a worship of form-based mythological characters solitarily, and 2) decoding and analyzing/interpreting characters and stories from mythologies, to understand if and how they might relate to the contemporary world. Bharatanatyam and oral storytelling have been used as artforms to represent issues, and shine an interpretative rather than mystical perspective on historical mythologies. The question “What is True to you at this Moment?” is also sought after as a way of honoring multiple ways of living and epistemologies.
Date Created

Under the Surface: Reflecting on how Unrealistic Body Standards for Disney Princesses Stack Up in the 21st Century

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This study presents documentary analysis and observational data evaluating the portrayal of female body types in movies produced by the Walt Disney Company and its impact on our most vulnerable population, young children. We examine past scholarly works and present

This study presents documentary analysis and observational data evaluating the portrayal of female body types in movies produced by the Walt Disney Company and its impact on our most vulnerable population, young children. We examine past scholarly works and present a tool for quantifying the progression of Disney in representing a larger variety of body types in their films in order to make a determination as to whether or not Disney has improved in their presentation of the female body overtime. Overall, our findings indicate that Disney movies have not progressed significantly over time in terms of representing a realistic female body type to its young audience quite yet in a meaningful way.
Date Created

Under the Surface: Reflecting on how Unrealistic Body Standards for Disney Princesses Stack Up in the 21st Century

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This study presents documentary analysis and observational data evaluating the portrayal of female body types in movies produced by the Walt Disney Company and its impact on our most vulnerable population, young children. We examine past scholarly works and present

This study presents documentary analysis and observational data evaluating the portrayal of female body types in movies produced by the Walt Disney Company and its impact on our most vulnerable population, young children. We examine past scholarly works and present a tool for quantifying the progression of Disney in representing a larger variety of body types in their films in order to make a determination as to whether or not Disney has improved in their presentation of the female body overtime. Overall, our findings indicate that Disney movies have not progressed significantly over time in terms of representing a realistic female body type to its young audience quite yet in a meaningful way.

Date Created

Los Diablos - Final Cut

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My project focuses on how the Hispanic community that surrounds ASU supports and rallies behind Hispanic student-athletes at ASU.

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Salas Final Project (Spring 2022)

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My project focuses on how the Hispanic community that surrounds ASU supports and rallies behind Hispanic student-athletes at ASU.

Date Created

Los Diablos: How the Hispanic Community Rallies Behind
Hispanic Student-Athletes at ASU

My project focuses on how the Hispanic community that surrounds ASU supports and rallies behind Hispanic student-athletes at ASU.
Date Created

Media Blackout: Analyzing Cross-Sectional Social Activism and Performative Bandwagon Mentality for #BLM following George Floyd’s Death


Since the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade, Black people have struggled for individual freedoms and equality in the United States. The notion that this long-lasting fight for equal rights ended after the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and

Since the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade, Black people have struggled for individual freedoms and equality in the United States. The notion that this long-lasting fight for equal rights ended after the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s is a fallacy. The battle for equality is by no means finished but an ongoing struggle for a large percentage of our American population. In its broadest sense, Black Lives Matter is a grassroots social movement of activists called to action in the face of repeated instances of Black men and women being murdered in notoriously controversial and unjust circumstances. With the conception of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2013, a significant contingent of society has pushed to bring forward the voices of underrepresented and unequally treated members of our communities (Lee, 2020). <br/>When formulating a research study, I wanted to combat some common misconceptions about online activism. Living in an online media-dominated age, with the backdrop of a global pandemic and an increasingly polarized political climate, my overarching goal was to observe how social media has contributed to this modern-day civil rights movement. Indeed, this research was conducted during a period of political and cultural divisiveness not experienced in the United States since perhaps the Civil War. Following the 2020 U.S. election where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were elected over Donald Trump and Mike Pence, political polarization has reached a boiling point. As the foremost social movement in the United States during the era of social media, it is of utmost importance we gain a better understanding of how ordinary people, connected by a common cause, built Black Lives Matter.

Date Created

Whispers from Above: Creative Community Exploration of Grief

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Whispers from Above is a creative project that aims to normalize the conversation and validate the emotional experience of grief, through the use of art therapies. Art therapy can be expressive in which someone creates their own work, such as

Whispers from Above is a creative project that aims to normalize the conversation and validate the emotional experience of grief, through the use of art therapies. Art therapy can be expressive in which someone creates their own work, such as visual art, poetry, performance, music, movement, etc. Art therapy can also be receptive in which someone analyzes and understands someone else's artwork. This project was released on SoundCloud in order to make grief resources more accessible to all and to build an online community.<br/><br/>Whispers from Above worked with twelve poets, fifteen artists, six different interviewees, and multiple musicians to create a month of grief support. The finale piece of Whispers from Above was devised from the twenty-nine poems used within this month-long healing journey. All the individual poems were woven into a single devised poem to be presented as the final piece symbolizing that no one is alone in grief.<br/><br/>Whispers from Above is creative community exploration of grief, loss, and death in which we hope contributors, and listeners find solace and support. This series will exist on SoundCloud after March 27th, 2021 with a monthly release of a poem or interview accompanied by art, and music.

Date Created

The Importance of Watching Live Theatre: Once on This Island’s Impact on Audiences’ Views on Cultural Awareness, Identity, and Class Divisions

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My study explores how watching live theatre can impact students’ views on cultural awareness, identity, and class divisions. 22 students who had little to no previous participation with the arts were chosen to see the musical, Once on This Island

My study explores how watching live theatre can impact students’ views on cultural awareness, identity, and class divisions. 22 students who had little to no previous participation with the arts were chosen to see the musical, Once on This Island , at ASU Gammage. Once on This Island offers a story of hope, love, and sacrifice that inspires audiences to fight for what they believe in. The students were asked to fill out a pre-show survey before seeing the show and participate in a discussion concluded by a post-show survey after they watched the show. The questions in the surveys and discussions revolved around the students’ feelings towards cultural awareness, identity, and class divisions. The responses revealed that students were introduced to a new culture and became more tolerant of engaging with other cultures as they were immersed in a new perspective. Also, students reexamined how they identified themselves and what the role of relationships played on their identity. Finally, the study found that through seeing the live production, the students became more accepting of all social classes because they were able to empathize with characters in a different social class than themselves.
Date Created