Discussing the Efficacy and Providing Recommendations For A Gardening Initiative in A US-Mexico Border Community

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Diabetes mellitus impacts nations across the globe, and the incidence is increasing at an alarming rate, especially among low and middle income countries (World Health Organization, 2020). Mexico faces specific challenges in the diabetes epidemic that creates a disproportionate increase

Diabetes mellitus impacts nations across the globe, and the incidence is increasing at an alarming rate, especially among low and middle income countries (World Health Organization, 2020). Mexico faces specific challenges in the diabetes epidemic that creates a disproportionate increase in premature mortality as well as healthcare costs (Arredondo & Reyes, 2013). The rural residents of Naco, Mexico face additional barriers related to healthcare access and education; these barriers elevate the importance of diabetes management and prevention strategies (Valenzuela et al., 2003). This paper will evaluate community-based diabetes interventions relevant to the Mexican community and identify characteristics of successful interventions. The health impact, role, structure, and development of community gardens in Naco will be evaluated using multiple community-based frameworks followed by clear translatable recommendations for stakeholders.
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Free Bird: Preventing Sexual Assault on College Campuses

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Sexual assault affects hundreds of thousands of individuals every year. College students are especially at risk as women ages 18-24 are 3 times more likely to be a victim of sexual assault than other females (Campus Sexual Violence, n.d.). Because

Sexual assault affects hundreds of thousands of individuals every year. College students are especially at risk as women ages 18-24 are 3 times more likely to be a victim of sexual assault than other females (Campus Sexual Violence, n.d.). Because victims of sexual assault can experience negative sequelae for weeks, months, and even years after the incident occurs, it is critical to provide them with easily accessible help and guidance. For my thesis project, I investigated how sexual assault influences these victims' lives as well as what help is readily accessible to them. After researching sexual assault in college students and reading through many websites, articles, and journals, I researched the types of information provided to sexual assault victims through the websites of national sexual violence organizations. I then coded the websites of Arizona colleges and universities (N = 10) for the topics covered in their sites. Because several of these colleges had inadequate material on their websites, I developed a website that would provide additional information to sexual assault survivors. The idea of Free Bird is to establish a safe space for victims of sexual assault to find information that will allow them to heal along their journey. I learned a lot while completing this project, and I hope that the creation of this website will allow others to become more educated on the topic and realize what a problem sexual assault is in our society today.
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Delivering Safe Infant Sleep Practices to the Valley's Pregnant Youth

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Following the publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) prevention guidelines in 1992, and the subsequent Back to Sleep campaign in 1994, SIDS-related deaths in the U.S. have decreased by more than half. However, since

Following the publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) prevention guidelines in 1992, and the subsequent Back to Sleep campaign in 1994, SIDS-related deaths in the U.S. have decreased by more than half. However, since 2001, this trend has plateaued, and today, thousands of families suffer the unexpected death of their infant. This creative project aims to explore the risks that infants of adolescent mothers face in regard to SIDS-related deaths, and to deliver safe infant sleep guidelines to a group of pregnant teenagers in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Incorporated into the teen childbirth education courses at Chandler Regional Medical Center, this project delivered evidence-based guidance in hopes of providing the prospective mothers the knowledge and confidence to adopt safe infant sleep practices into their lives.
Date Created

My Visit to the Emergency Room!

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The purpose of this project is to create an educational activity book for Spanish-speaking children that face a language barrier when seeking care in the Emergency Room. In order to effectively develop relationships and provide exceptional healthcare for clients, nurses

The purpose of this project is to create an educational activity book for Spanish-speaking children that face a language barrier when seeking care in the Emergency Room. In order to effectively develop relationships and provide exceptional healthcare for clients, nurses must understand how to effectively communicate (Escarce & Kapur, 2006). Current research reports that clients with Spanish as their primary language were more likely to have a poor experience when seeking health care assistance (Hispanic Health Disparities and Communication Barriers, 2016). Additionally, they were more likely not to seek care at all due to little or no communication capabilities with healthcare staff (Hispanic Health Disparities and Communication Barriers, 2016). The language barrier present and the lack of resources available to address the issue have created a disparity in the quality of healthcare for Spanish-speaking clients (Juckett, 2013). The book was made with the intention of being distributed to Spanish-speaking children and/or children with Spanish-speaking guardians, upon arrival to the Emergency Department. This educational activity book is to be used by the child, their guardians, and their involved health care staff to more comfortably navigate their way through the Emergency Room process.
Date Created

Christian Beliefs Surrounding End of Life Care

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Spirituality is of paramount importance in end of life care yet this aspect of care is frequently unrecognized. Spiritual and religious needs are often not accurately assessed or understood. This study sought to investigate Christian end of life beliefs and

Spirituality is of paramount importance in end of life care yet this aspect of care is frequently unrecognized. Spiritual and religious needs are often not accurately assessed or understood. This study sought to investigate Christian end of life beliefs and needs. A qualitative study design was used to explore end of life beliefs and needs of members from a non-denominational Christian church who self-declared their Christianity. A 10-item Assessment Tool on end of life needs and beliefs was created by this investigator and used in the study (Appendix 1). A total of 14 participants were interviewed. Notes and audio recordings were taken and later transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis including an open analysis and an axial analysis of the data. The open analysis identified trends and common concepts which were then categorized into broader themes during the axial analysis. Findings included several major themes that described the Christian population's end of life needs and beliefs. The major themes identified included: trust in God, beliefs about necessity of religious practices, lack of fear of death, similarities in religious rituals and practices, and a desire for quality of life. During a statistical analysis, findings revealed that 86% believed that pain and suffering should be treated and prevented. One hundred percent (100%) of the participants reported that their faith helped with their acceptance of death. An additional 64% stated that they did not fear death. The findings in this study can improve religious and cultural awareness for nurses and others in the healthcare field.
Date Created

The Development of a Mentorship Program Facilitating Positive Health Outcomes in Pregnant Adolescents

The S.T.O.M.P. (Supporting Teen Outcomes Mentorship Program) program has been developed to provide assistance for the adolescent parenting dynamic. The purpose of S.T.O.M.P. is to serve as an additional aid to support a number of adolescent mothers participating in a

The S.T.O.M.P. (Supporting Teen Outcomes Mentorship Program) program has been developed to provide assistance for the adolescent parenting dynamic. The purpose of S.T.O.M.P. is to serve as an additional aid to support a number of adolescent mothers participating in a group-based support program at Chandler Regional Medical Center, but to initiate core values, skills, and social networks for the young mothers. A collection of current literature in support of one-on-one mentorship programs, comprehensive needs as identified by the adolescent pregnant population, personal experience and findings, as well as collaborative discussions amongst health educators has supported the identification of the core objectives of this creative project; the development of a one-on-one mentorship program.
Date Created