Discussing the Efficacy and Providing Recommendations For A Gardening Initiative in A US-Mexico Border Community

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Diabetes mellitus impacts nations across the globe, and the incidence is increasing at an alarming rate, especially among low and middle income countries (World Health Organization, 2020). Mexico faces specific challenges in the diabetes epidemic that creates a disproportionate increase

Diabetes mellitus impacts nations across the globe, and the incidence is increasing at an alarming rate, especially among low and middle income countries (World Health Organization, 2020). Mexico faces specific challenges in the diabetes epidemic that creates a disproportionate increase in premature mortality as well as healthcare costs (Arredondo & Reyes, 2013). The rural residents of Naco, Mexico face additional barriers related to healthcare access and education; these barriers elevate the importance of diabetes management and prevention strategies (Valenzuela et al., 2003). This paper will evaluate community-based diabetes interventions relevant to the Mexican community and identify characteristics of successful interventions. The health impact, role, structure, and development of community gardens in Naco will be evaluated using multiple community-based frameworks followed by clear translatable recommendations for stakeholders.
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