The Pressing Issue of Holocaust Denial in the Balkans: A Contemporary Study of the Relationship Between North Macedonia and Bulgaria

This thesis focuses on the growing and pressing issue of Holocaust denial, explicitly focusing on the relationship between the Republic of North Macedonia and Bulgaria and the conflicting perspectives of each country. My hope is that this thesis will guide

This thesis focuses on the growing and pressing issue of Holocaust denial, explicitly focusing on the relationship between the Republic of North Macedonia and Bulgaria and the conflicting perspectives of each country. My hope is that this thesis will guide readers through a historical study of the relationship between the now present-day Republic of North Macedonia and Bulgaria and examine the ongoing issue of Holocaust denial between the two countries.
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GRT Defense PowerPoint.pdf

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HON Thesis Final Draft.pdf

At first, this project intended to uncover a link between massacres of minority populations in the United States and the idea of Great Replacement Theory (GRT), sometimes known as White Genocide Theory, which originated in Jean Raspail’s The Camp of

At first, this project intended to uncover a link between massacres of minority populations in the United States and the idea of Great Replacement Theory (GRT), sometimes known as White Genocide Theory, which originated in Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints. GRT is an offensive aimed at eliminating Black and Brown people and their cultures before they, according to the thought process of the theory, eliminate the white race and Western culture through mass immigration, insurgence and interracial breeding, which is depicted in vivid and disturbing detail in The Camp of the Saints. There exists a clear trail in which the theory spawned in French Catholic circles then was exported all throughout the Western powers during the second wave of globalization with particularly devastating impact in the United States. Raspail’s work coincides with a 1972 French hate law that was decried as authoritarian and overprotective of minorities by putting in strict standards to prevent hate speech but was accused of being too lenient about what is defamatory of whites and Catholics (2003, Bleich, pp. 56). Because of this interaction in the French legal system, this project seeks to find out if there is a correlation between GRT and the United States Supreme Court, the American cultural equivalent of the French legal system, by finding frequency of five key words associated with GRT within Supreme Court syllabi and opinions then performing general linear regression in search of statistical significance between the phrases and whether the court cases are associated with race, a variable purely independent of the five key words being monitored.
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Great Replacement Theory: From France to the Supreme Court


At first, this project intended to uncover a link between massacres of minority populations in the United States and the idea of Great Replacement Theory (GRT), sometimes known as White Genocide Theory, which originated in Jean Raspail’s The Camp of

At first, this project intended to uncover a link between massacres of minority populations in the United States and the idea of Great Replacement Theory (GRT), sometimes known as White Genocide Theory, which originated in Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints. GRT is an offensive aimed at eliminating Black and Brown people and their cultures before they, according to the thought process of the theory, eliminate the white race and Western culture through mass immigration, insurgence and interracial breeding, which is depicted in vivid and disturbing detail in The Camp of the Saints. There exists a clear trail in which the theory spawned in French Catholic circles then was exported all throughout the Western powers during the second wave of globalization with particularly devastating impact in the United States. Raspail’s work coincides with a 1972 French hate law that was decried as authoritarian and overprotective of minorities by putting in strict standards to prevent hate speech but was accused of being too lenient about what is defamatory of whites and Catholics (2003, Bleich, pp. 56). Because of this interaction in the French legal system, this project seeks to find out if there is a correlation between GRT and the United States Supreme Court, the American cultural equivalent of the French legal system, by finding frequency of five key words associated with GRT within Supreme Court syllabi and opinions then performing general linear regression in search of statistical significance between the phrases and whether the court cases are associated with race, a variable purely independent of the five key words being monitored.

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Building Resilience Against Russian Disinformation: A Case Study of Estonia


This paper examines the issue of Russian disinformation in Estonia and how the country has built resilience against this threat. Drawing upon existing literature and a series of interviews conducted with Estonians of a variety of professional backgrounds, this work

This paper examines the issue of Russian disinformation in Estonia and how the country has built resilience against this threat. Drawing upon existing literature and a series of interviews conducted with Estonians of a variety of professional backgrounds, this work explores Estonia's whole-of-society approach to resilience and examines its incorporation of national security strategy, inter-institutional cooperation, and media literacy education. Ultimately, this paper argues that Estonia's efforts have been largely successful in enabling the country to strengthen its society against Russian disinformation and offers key takeaways for other countries such as the United States.

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Comic Books as an Insight into Global Politics: A Study of the Significance of the Allegories Found in Marvel Comics


Comic books and superhero films are often regarded as mere fiction, but oftentimes these mediums are used within the classroom in order to understand complicated topics in history such as war. But, this thesis looks at expanding this viewpoint to

Comic books and superhero films are often regarded as mere fiction, but oftentimes these mediums are used within the classroom in order to understand complicated topics in history such as war. But, this thesis looks at expanding this viewpoint to look at how comic books and their coinciding films, specifically Marvel's X-Men and Civil War, act as allegories to real world politics and social justice issues. This thesis examines the importance of the allegories found within comic books and their accompanying films, and how the allegories found in these works of literature and film are relevant in today's changing world. Specifically, this thesis will look towards explaining global politics found within these sources through its examination of social justice issues and international politics, and what this teaches us about our past, present, and even the future political realm.

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Islam and French Secularism: A History of Laïcité as Ideology and State-Building

There has been great debate regarding the place of public religious worship in France in recent years. With each new instance of terrorist violence, discussion over France's changing religious landscape rears. Elemental to this conversation is the concept of Laïcité,

There has been great debate regarding the place of public religious worship in France in recent years. With each new instance of terrorist violence, discussion over France's changing religious landscape rears. Elemental to this conversation is the concept of Laïcité, France's unique version of secularism. Laïcité is often used to support discriminatory bans on hijabs, niqabs, and burqas in public spaces. I argue that French colonial history in the Maghreb region demonstrates that Laïcité is a form of national state-building and opportunism in practice. It is a concept that developed alongside the establishment of colonial empire. An examination of this colonial history explains much of the current tensions in France over Islam, secularism, and public space.
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The Impact of International Aid on Sustainable Development in Haiti

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This thesis explores what factors have hindered the effectiveness of international aid in promoting sustainable development—an approach that focuses on not just immediate responses, but long-term changes that promote the well-being of current and future generations in relation to environmental degradation, social equity, and economic growth—in Haiti.
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Identity and Power: Language Politics in Colonial and Post-Colonial Algeria

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Considered by colonists as an extension of France, Algeria was subjected to more than 125 years of French control. The Algerian people were thus heavily influenced by the French language and were required to abandon their native language in many

Considered by colonists as an extension of France, Algeria was subjected to more than 125 years of French control. The Algerian people were thus heavily influenced by the French language and were required to abandon their native language in many aspects of their life such as government and education. This thesis aims to highlight the linguistic power relations established by the French in Colonial Algeria. Language usage and policies leading up to the Algerian War for Independence are critical to understanding the successor government. Analyzing three sections of language in Colonial Algeria- radio, language of instruction, and literature- I find that the language of instruction in education is the most influential in determining and formulating identities and power relations. Ultimately, this thesis concludes that language, power, and identity overlap and influence each other in several ways, producing a complex post-colonial society

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The Czechoslovakian Ethnocracy: 10 Years in the Making

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Czechoslovakia failed to implement democracy and nationalism in an equal and fair manner to the Czechs and Slovaks. As Masaryk mirrored Czechoslovakia off of the United States and his close friend President Wilson, the founding Czechoslovakian documents created an unequal

Czechoslovakia failed to implement democracy and nationalism in an equal and fair manner to the Czechs and Slovaks. As Masaryk mirrored Czechoslovakia off of the United States and his close friend President Wilson, the founding Czechoslovakian documents created an unequal version of the basic democratic principles. The domestic geopolitical culture of nationalism and nationalism abroad influenced ethnic identification between the new borders for the Czechs and Slovaks. Without the shared social language of Czechoslovakian nationalism the Czechs and Slovaks did not unite politically, ethnically, or at all. This allowed for the Czechs to take over and create their idealist democracy, otherwise known as an ethnocracy.

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