Comic Books as an Insight into Global Politics: A Study of the Significance of the Allegories Found in Marvel Comics


Comic books and superhero films are often regarded as mere fiction, but oftentimes these mediums are used within the classroom in order to understand complicated topics in history such as war. But, this thesis looks at expanding this viewpoint to

Comic books and superhero films are often regarded as mere fiction, but oftentimes these mediums are used within the classroom in order to understand complicated topics in history such as war. But, this thesis looks at expanding this viewpoint to look at how comic books and their coinciding films, specifically Marvel's X-Men and Civil War, act as allegories to real world politics and social justice issues. This thesis examines the importance of the allegories found within comic books and their accompanying films, and how the allegories found in these works of literature and film are relevant in today's changing world. Specifically, this thesis will look towards explaining global politics found within these sources through its examination of social justice issues and international politics, and what this teaches us about our past, present, and even the future political realm.

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