Development of Frequency Selective Surfaces for RF Interrogator Design

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The honors thesis presented in this document describes an extension to an electrical engineering capstone project whose scope is to develop the receiver electronics for an RF interrogator. The RF interrogator functions by detecting the change in resonant frequency

The honors thesis presented in this document describes an extension to an electrical engineering capstone project whose scope is to develop the receiver electronics for an RF interrogator. The RF interrogator functions by detecting the change in resonant frequency of (i.e, frequency of maximum backscatter from) a target resulting from an environmental input. The general idea of this honors project was to design three frequency selective surfaces that would act as surrogate backscattering or reflecting targets that each contains a distinct frequency response. Using 3-D electromagnetic simulation software, three surrogate targets exhibiting bandpass frequency responses at distinct frequencies were designed and presented in this thesis.

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Using Variable Gain Amplifiers to Normalize Varying Power RF Signals

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This thesis details the design process of a variable gain amplifier (VGA) based circuit which maintains a consistent output power over a wide range of input power signals. This effect is achieved by using power detection circuitry to adjust the

This thesis details the design process of a variable gain amplifier (VGA) based circuit which maintains a consistent output power over a wide range of input power signals. This effect is achieved by using power detection circuitry to adjust the gain of the VGA based on the current input power so that it is amplifier to a set power level. The paper details the theory behind this solutions as well as the design process which includes both simulations and physical testing of the actual circuit. It also analyses results of these tests and gives suggestions as to what could be done to further improve the design. The VGA based constant output power solution was designed as a section of a larger circuit which was developed as part of a senior capstone project, which is also briefly described in the paper.

Date Created

Automatic Water Shutoff Web Server Infrastructure and Smart Home Integration

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This thesis covers the continued development of an automatic water shutoff product developed as a capstone project by students in the college of engineering. The continued development covers the process of setting up a publicly accessible web server along

This thesis covers the continued development of an automatic water shutoff product developed as a capstone project by students in the college of engineering. The continued development covers the process of setting up a publicly accessible web server along with required server components and creating an Alexa skill for smart home integration.
Date Created

Coffee Can Radar Antenna Redesign for SAR Applications

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The purpose of this project is to analyze the MIT OpenCourseWare coffee can radar design and modify it to be better suited for drone based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) applications while maintaining the low-cost aspect of the original design. The

The purpose of this project is to analyze the MIT OpenCourseWare coffee can radar design and modify it to be better suited for drone based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) applications while maintaining the low-cost aspect of the original design. The MIT coffee can radar can function as a ranged radar, a Doppler radar, or as SAR. Through simulations and research, the suggestions for how to modify the radar resulted in swapping the coffee can monopole antennas for patch antenna arrays or helical ordinary end-fire antennas, adding an Arduino for automatic recording of output pulses, and switching from a breadboard construction to a PCB to shrink form factor and keep costs and construction time low.
Date Created

Around the Corner Imaging: Developing a Graphical User Interface

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This Creative Project was carried out in coordination with the capstone project, Around the Corner Imaging with Terahertz Waves. This capstone project deals with a system designed to implement Around the Corner, or Non Line-of-Sight (NLoS) Imaging. This document discusses

This Creative Project was carried out in coordination with the capstone project, Around the Corner Imaging with Terahertz Waves. This capstone project deals with a system designed to implement Around the Corner, or Non Line-of-Sight (NLoS) Imaging. This document discusses the creation of a GUI using MATLAB to control the Terahertz Imaging system. The GUI was developed in response to a need for synchronization, ease of operation, easy parameter modification, and data management. Along the way, many design decisions were made ranging from choosing a software platform to determining how variables should be passed. These decisions and considerations are discussed in this document. The resulting GUI has measured up to the design criteria and will be able to be used by anyone wishing to use the Terahertz Imaging System for further research in the field of Around the Corner or NLoS Imaging.
Date Created

915 MHz Telemetry and Real-Time Flight Control Wireless Link

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Remotely controlled flying vehicles such as UAVs are becoming more common due to decreases in material costs and increases in performance of components. Radio control link options, however, have not improved at the same rate as airframes, motors, flight controllers,

Remotely controlled flying vehicles such as UAVs are becoming more common due to decreases in material costs and increases in performance of components. Radio control link options, however, have not improved at the same rate as airframes, motors, flight controllers, etc [HobbyKing]. Most UAVs require a radio link, often at 2.4 GHz, for flight control, and a second link at 915 MHz for telemetry data transmission [HobbyKing]. Occasionally there is also a video link at either 2.4 GHz or 5.8 GHz. Having multiple transmitters increase power usage from the limited battery reserve that the UAV carries. It also increases weight and space used on the airframe. In addition, the 2.4 GHz band is often congested [ISM Congestion] and does not provide as great a range for a given transmission power as lower frequencies do [Wu]. Attempting to reduce space and weight, power consumption, and simplify design, while increasing control and telemetry range requires the design, testing, and implementation of a radio link that handles both real-time flight control and telemetry with the same transceiver. Only the flight control and telemetry will be addressed in this project. Merging and/or improving the video link will not be tackled at this time in order to simplify project goals to fit inside time constraints. The new radio link system will be verified for functionality then power and range test data will be gathered to determine how effective it is.
Date Created

Perturbation and Sparsification of a Uniform Linear Array

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In modern remote sensing, arrays of sensors, such as antennas in radio frequency (RF) systems and microphones in acoustic systems, provide a basis for estimating the direction of arrival of a narrow-band signal at the sensor array. A Uniform linear

In modern remote sensing, arrays of sensors, such as antennas in radio frequency (RF) systems and microphones in acoustic systems, provide a basis for estimating the direction of arrival of a narrow-band signal at the sensor array. A Uniform linear array (ULA) is the most well-studied array geometry in that its performance characteristics and limitations are well known, especially for signals originating in the far field. In some instances, the geometry of an array may be perturbed by an environmental disturbance that actually changes its nominal geometry; such as, towing an array behind a moving vehicle. Additionally, sparse arrays have become of interest again due to recent work in co-prime arrays. These sparse arrays contain fewer elements than a ULA but maintain the array length. The effects of these alterations to a ULA are of interest. Given this motivation, theoretical and experimental (i.e. via computer simulation) processes are used to determine quantitative and qualitative effects of perturbation and sparsification on standard metrics of array performance. These metrics include: main lobe gain, main lobe width and main lobe to side lobe ratio. Furthermore, in order to ascertain results/conclusions, these effects are juxtaposed with the performance of a ULA. Through the perturbation of each element following the first element drawn from a uniform distribution centered around the nominal position, it was found that both the theoretical mean and sample mean are relatively similar to the beam pattern of the full array. Meanwhile, by using a sparsification method of maintaining all the lags, it was found that this particular method was unnecessary. Simply taking out any three elements while maintaining the length of the array will produce similar results. Some configurations of elements give a better performance based on the metrics of interest in comparison to the ULA. These results demonstrate that a sparsified, perturbed or sparsified and perturbed array can be used in place of a Uniform Linear Array depending on the application.
Date Created

VLIW Remotely Reconfigurable DSP Element

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The purpose of the Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) Remotely Reconfigurable DSP Element is to use VLIW as a design process and to design hardware components of a reconfigurable DSP Element and ascertaining the overall length of the Very Long

The purpose of the Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) Remotely Reconfigurable DSP Element is to use VLIW as a design process and to design hardware components of a reconfigurable DSP Element and ascertaining the overall length of the Very Long Instruction Word. This project is focused solely on hardware components being designed by hand with regards to certain specifications deemed by General Dynamics Mission Systems, and using the designs, finding the overall length of the VLIW for use in future work. To design each of the elements, General Dynamics had specified several requirements. Each element was then designed individually according to the requirements. After the initial design, each was sent back for a design review from General Dynamics, and after revision, all parts were linked together for an overall calculation on the length of the VLIW. VLIW Reconfigurable DSP Elements is not a new concept, but has yet to have a proof of concept published. Future work includes a proof of concept with software (done by the ASU Capstone team), then future development by General Dynamics. Should they choose to continue with this project, they will continue testing on FPGA boards, and perhaps future development into an ASIC. Overall the purpose of General Dynamics for proposing this project is for deep space payloads, for which this project has the most applications.
Date Created

An Economic Perspective -- Hybrid Solar Modules: Harnessing Solar Energy for Electrical and Thermal Applications

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A hybrid PV/T module was built, consisting of a thermal liquid heating system and a photovoltaic module system that combine in a hybrid format. This report will discuss the work on the project from Fall 2012 to Spring 2013 and

A hybrid PV/T module was built, consisting of a thermal liquid heating system and a photovoltaic module system that combine in a hybrid format. This report will discuss the work on the project from Fall 2012 to Spring 2013 and the extended section on the economics for the Honors Thesis. Three stages of experiments were completed. Stage 1 showed our project was functional as we were able to verify our panel produced electricity and increased the temperature of water flowing in the system by 0.65°C. Stage 2 testing included “gluing” the flow system to the back of the panel resulting in an average increase of 4.76°C in the temperature of the water in the system. Stage 3 testing included adding insulating foam to the module which resulted in increasing the average temperature of the water in our flow system by 6.95°C. The economic calculations show the expected energy cost savings for Arizona residents.
Date Created

Hybrid Solar Module: Harnessing Solar Energy for Electrical and Thermal Applications

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A hybrid PV/T module was built, consisting of a thermal liquid heating system and a photovoltaic module system that combine in a hybrid format. This report will discuss the work on the project from Fall 2012 to Spring 2013. Three

A hybrid PV/T module was built, consisting of a thermal liquid heating system and a photovoltaic module system that combine in a hybrid format. This report will discuss the work on the project from Fall 2012 to Spring 2013. Three stages of experiments were completed. Stage 1 showed our project was functional as we were able to verify our panel produced electricity and increased the temperature of water flowing in the system by 0.65°C. Stage 2 testing included “gluing” the flow system to the back of the panel resulting in an average increase of 4.76°C in the temperature of the water in the system. Stage 3 testing included adding insulating foam to the module which resulted in increasing the average temperature of the water in our flow system by 6.95°C.
Date Created