Development of Frequency Selective Surfaces for RF Interrogator Design

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The honors thesis presented in this document describes an extension to an electrical engineering capstone project whose scope is to develop the receiver electronics for an RF interrogator. The RF interrogator functions by detecting the change in resonant frequency

The honors thesis presented in this document describes an extension to an electrical engineering capstone project whose scope is to develop the receiver electronics for an RF interrogator. The RF interrogator functions by detecting the change in resonant frequency of (i.e, frequency of maximum backscatter from) a target resulting from an environmental input. The general idea of this honors project was to design three frequency selective surfaces that would act as surrogate backscattering or reflecting targets that each contains a distinct frequency response. Using 3-D electromagnetic simulation software, three surrogate targets exhibiting bandpass frequency responses at distinct frequencies were designed and presented in this thesis.

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Using Variable Gain Amplifiers to Normalize Varying Power RF Signals

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This thesis details the design process of a variable gain amplifier (VGA) based circuit which maintains a consistent output power over a wide range of input power signals. This effect is achieved by using power detection circuitry to adjust the

This thesis details the design process of a variable gain amplifier (VGA) based circuit which maintains a consistent output power over a wide range of input power signals. This effect is achieved by using power detection circuitry to adjust the gain of the VGA based on the current input power so that it is amplifier to a set power level. The paper details the theory behind this solutions as well as the design process which includes both simulations and physical testing of the actual circuit. It also analyses results of these tests and gives suggestions as to what could be done to further improve the design. The VGA based constant output power solution was designed as a section of a larger circuit which was developed as part of a senior capstone project, which is also briefly described in the paper.

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