Border To Border: Creating A Theoretical Early Child Development Intervention Program for Refugees in Mexico Using Theory of Change Models

Using existing research on refugee populations in Mexico, theory of change models were created to model a potential early childhood development program for refugee children ages 0-5 in Mexico. The populations taken into consideration were refugees in Mexico from other

Using existing research on refugee populations in Mexico, theory of change models were created to model a potential early childhood development program for refugee children ages 0-5 in Mexico. The populations taken into consideration were refugees in Mexico from other Latin American countries, refugees migrating through Mexico towards the northern border, and refugees who had crossed/were crossing the border into the United States.
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The Wham-Womb Sound Symbolic Effect: English-Speaking Children and Adults Link Phonemes with Arousal

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Sound symbolism—the association between word sounds and meaning—has been shown to be an effective communication tool that promotes language comprehension and word learning. Much of the literature is constrained to investigating sound as it relates to physical characteristics (e.g. size

Sound symbolism—the association between word sounds and meaning—has been shown to be an effective communication tool that promotes language comprehension and word learning. Much of the literature is constrained to investigating sound as it relates to physical characteristics (e.g. size or shape), and research has predominantly studied the phenomenon in adults. The current study examined the sound symbolic wham-womb effect, which postulates that words with the /æ/ phoneme are associated with increased arousal while words with the /u/ phoneme are associated with little to no arousal. The effect was tested in both adults and children aged 5-7 years old using a word-to-scene matching task. Participants were presented with two pseudowords (differing only by their vowel phoneme: /æ/ or /u/; e.g. smad and smood) and two scenes depicting an animal in either a more arousing or less arousing situation. Participants were then asked to match which of the scenes fit one of the pseudowords. Results showed that the trial-by-trial performance for adults and children were significantly greater than chance, indicating that the wham-womb effect is exhibited in both adults and children. There was also a significant difference in performance between adults and children, with adults showing a more robust effect. This study provides the first empirical evidence that both children and adults link phonemes to arousal and that this effect may change across development.
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Exploring the Interplay of Prosody, Language Skills, and Brain Connectivity: A Stroke Resting State fMRI Study

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This thesis explores the interplay of aphasia symptoms and brain connectivityusing resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The research presented here is a step towards understanding the neural basis of linguistic prosody in particular, and its relationship with language impairments

This thesis explores the interplay of aphasia symptoms and brain connectivityusing resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The research presented here is a step towards understanding the neural basis of linguistic prosody in particular, and its relationship with language impairments in post-stroke aphasia. This study focuses on examining the functional connectivities of the frontal-parietal control network and the dorsal attention networks with specific regions within traditional language networks, as a growing body of research suggests that prosodic cues in speech may recruit control and attention networks to support language processing. Using resting- state fMRI, the present study examined the functional connectivity of the frontal parietal control and dorsal attention networks with traditional language regions in 28 participants who have experienced a stroke-related language impairment (i.e. aphasia) and 32 matched neurotypical adults. Overall, the study reveals significant functional connectivity differences of the frontoparietal control and dorsal attention networks between the stroke and control groups, indicating that individuals with aphasia have brain connectivity differences beyond the traditional language networks. Multiple regression analyses were then used to determine if functional connectivities of the frontoparietal control and dorsal attention networks within themselves and with traditional language regions could predict aphasia symptoms, as measured by the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB). Overall, the regression results indicate that greater functional connectivity between the frontoparietal control and dorsal attention networks with traditional language regions is associated with improved language abilities, with different connectivities predicting different types of aphasia symptoms (e.g. speech, naming / word finding, auditory comprehension, overall impairment). Altogether this study contributes to the understanding of the neural bases of language impairments post-stroke, highlighting the intricate connections between language and other cognitive networks, which may be mediated by prosody.
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Exploring the Effects of a Two-to-One Mapping Structure on Cross-Situational Word Learning in Children

In cross-situational word learning, individuals associate words with their meanings by observing their use across multiple encounters. This is considered to be a crucial mechanism involved in early childhood language acquisition. However, whether learners can track multiple words for referents

In cross-situational word learning, individuals associate words with their meanings by observing their use across multiple encounters. This is considered to be a crucial mechanism involved in early childhood language acquisition. However, whether learners can track multiple words for referents cross-situationally, such as when learning synonyms, remains poorly understood. The present study investigated the effects of age on children’s cross-situational word learning (CSWL) from a two-to-one structure, where objects are given two names. Younger (4 to 5.4 years, N = 29) and older (5.5 to 7.9 years, N = 48) children completed a cross-situational word learning task in which, during the first half of training, objects were labeled with one label (First words) and in the second half of training, objects were given a new second label (Second words). Results showed that age interacted with learning: younger children learned second labels but not first labels, whereas older children learned first labels but not second labels. These findings indicate the limitations of children’s capacity to learn complex word-referent mappings in CSWL.
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Promoting curiosity during free play: Relations between parent-child interactions and infants’ novelty exploration


Environmental factors, including parents, play an important role in promoting children’s curiosity. Though curiosity is rooted in infancy, little is known about how parent-child interactions affect infants’ curiosity. The current study investigated the different ways parents promote curiosity through their

Environmental factors, including parents, play an important role in promoting children’s curiosity. Though curiosity is rooted in infancy, little is known about how parent-child interactions affect infants’ curiosity. The current study investigated the different ways parents promote curiosity through their infants’ exploration of a novel toy. We observed parent–child interactions between 39 parent-infant dyads in a semi-structured naturalistic 10-minute free play session. During the last 5 minutes of the session, parents were tasked with introducing a novel toy (i.e. a knotted foam curler) to the session, with no further instructions. Parent exploration-promoting and infant-exploratory behaviors during those 5 minutes were coded using a newly developed coding scheme, “Parental roles in Infant Curiosity through Exploration” (PICE). Findings revealed that when infants explored the novel toy, parents were more likely to observe rather than promote the exploration. However, when parents did promote the novel toy, infants were more likely to explore it if parents used explicit verbal cues. The study's focus on exploration-promoting verbal and nonverbal behaviors enables researchers to identify specific parenting behaviors that may have a significant impact on infant development and in turn, help develop interventions to support parents in fostering their children's curiosity and promoting early learning.

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The Role of Working Memory in Statistical Word Learning

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Statistical word learning (SWL) has been proposed and tested as a powerful mechanism for word learning under referential ambiguity. Learners are adept at resolving word-referent ambiguity by calculating the co-occurrences between words and referents across ambiguous scenes. Despite the generalizability

Statistical word learning (SWL) has been proposed and tested as a powerful mechanism for word learning under referential ambiguity. Learners are adept at resolving word-referent ambiguity by calculating the co-occurrences between words and referents across ambiguous scenes. Despite the generalizability of such capacity, it is less clear which underlying factors may play a role in SWL, such as learners’ language experience and individual differences of working memory. The current study therefore asked two questions: 1) How do learners of different language experience (monolinguals and bilinguals) approach SWL of different mapping types–when each referent has one name (1:1 mapping) or two names (2:1 mapping)? and 2) How do working memory capacities (spatial and phonological) play a role in SWL by mapping type? In this pre-registered study (OSF:, 69 English monolinguals and 88 bilinguals completed two SWL tasks (1:1 and 2:1 mapping), a symmetry span task indexing spatial working memory, and a listening span task indexing phonological working memory. Results showed no differences between monolinguals and bilinguals in SWL of both mapping types. However, spatial and phonological working memory positively predicted SWL regardless of language experience, but only in 1:1 mapping. The findings show a dissociation of working memory’s role in SWL of different mapping types. The study proposes a novel insight into a theoretical debate underlying statistical learning mechanisms: learners may adopt more explicit processes (i.e. hypothesis-testing) during 1:1 mapping but implicit processes (i.e. associative learning) during 2:1 mapping. Future studies can locate memory-related brain areas during SWL to test out the proposal.
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Does synchrony between a parent and child provide risk or resilience for a child's symptoms of psychopathology?

The number of children currently experiencing a psychopathological disorder is growing quickly. It is essential to identify different causes of this to understand better how to prevent psychopathology in children. Prior research has shown that different emotion dynamics between the

The number of children currently experiencing a psychopathological disorder is growing quickly. It is essential to identify different causes of this to understand better how to prevent psychopathology in children. Prior research has shown that different emotion dynamics between the parent and child, like rigidity, flexibility, or synchrony, have been found to be associated with psychopathology. Synchrony or the matching of positive emotions in a dyad has been found to be protective against symptoms of psychopathology for children. In addition, flexibility, or the number of emotion transitions between a dyad, has also been shown to be protective against symptoms of psychopathology, although rigidity or fewer emotion transitions in a dyad has been predictive of psychopathology. However, this research has been almost entirely focused on infants and toddlers as well as adolescents, with little research being done on synchrony, rigidity, and flexibility in middle childhood. This study aimed to identify whether synchrony, rigidity, and flexibility are predictive or protective of internalizing, externalizing, and ADHD symptoms of psychopathology in middle childhood. Data was collected from a sample of 762 ethnically diverse children from the Arizona Twin Project that were assessed at ages 9 (Mage=9.71, SD=.93) and 11 (Mage=11.65, SD=1.04). Children and their parents were examined when the child was 9 during a video-recorded discussion task to determine rigidity, flexibility, and synchrony that was coded by iMotion Affectiva. Internalizing, externalizing, and ADHD symptoms of psychopathology were measured at ages 9 and 11 both through parent-report and child report. Results found that during a conflict-based discussion, synchrony and negative co-regulation between the parent and child were protective against internalizing, externalizing, and ADHD symptoms of psychopathology both concurrently and longitudinally. Rigidity and flexibility between the parent and child were not found to be associated with psychopathology. These findings can help inform future parenting programs or influence parent child interactions by teaching the importance of using positive emotions during negative conversations with parents.
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Age of Divorce, Parenting Time, and Later Relationships:
A Mediational Model

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The growing acceptance of divorce has sparked a discussion regarding the distribution of children’s parenting time with each parent. As a result, researchers are evaluating how divorce impacts children and what can be done to improve their wellbeing. This study

The growing acceptance of divorce has sparked a discussion regarding the distribution of children’s parenting time with each parent. As a result, researchers are evaluating how divorce impacts children and what can be done to improve their wellbeing. This study sought to examine how a child’s age at their parent’s divorce predicts later parent-child relationships and romantic attachment style. Furthermore, it evaluates parenting time as a potential mediator to this relationship. In order to test this mediational model, we distributed a survey to nearly 1,000 college students with divorced parents. This questionnaire was composed of several batteries that assessed the following: their age at their parent’s divorce, the amount of parenting time awarded to each parent after the divorce, their relationship with each parent, and their romantic attachment style, in addition to many other variables that were used as covariates. Given the complexities of divorce, we controlled for potential third variable explanations that were found to be associated with parenting time, parent-child relationships, and romantic attachment style. We hypothesized that younger ages of divorce lead to less parenting time which in turn worsens the father-child relationship and their romantic attachment style. The data supports the mediational model in regard to the father-child relationship with no correlation found between our predictors and attachment style. This highlights the importance of equal parenting time becoming the new standard.
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Extending the Wham-Womb Effect: Mapping Vowel Phonemes onto the Emotional Dimension of Arousal Using Cartoon Illustrations

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Recent studies indicate that words containing /ӕ/ and /u/ vowel phonemes can be mapped onto the emotional dimension of arousal. Specifically, the wham-womb effect describes the inclination to associate words with /ӕ/ vowel-sounds (as in “wham”) with high-arousal emotions and

Recent studies indicate that words containing /ӕ/ and /u/ vowel phonemes can be mapped onto the emotional dimension of arousal. Specifically, the wham-womb effect describes the inclination to associate words with /ӕ/ vowel-sounds (as in “wham”) with high-arousal emotions and words with /u/ vowel-sounds (as in “womb”) with low-arousal emotions. The objective of this study was to replicate the wham-womb effect using nonsense pseudowords and to test if findings extend with use of a novel methodology that includes verbal auditory and visual pictorial stimuli, which can eventually be used to test young children. We collected data from 99 undergraduate participants through an online survey. Participants heard pre-recorded pairs of monosyllabic pseudowords containing /ӕ/ or /u/ vowel phonemes and then matched individual pseudowords to illustrations portraying high or low arousal emotions. Two t-tests were conducted to analyze the size of the wham-womb effect across pseudowords and across participants, specifically the likelihood that /ӕ/ sounds are paired with high arousal images and /u/ sounds with low arousal images. Our findings robustly confirmed the wham-womb effect. Participants paired /ӕ/ words with high arousal emotion pictures and /u/ words with low arousal ones at a 73.2% rate with a large effect size. The wham-womb effect supports the idea that verbal acoustic signals tend to be tied to embodied facial musculature that is related to human emotions, which supports the adaptive value of sound symbolism in language evolution and development.

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The Gleam-Glum Effect with Pseudo-Words: /i/ vs /Λ/ Phonemes Carry Emotional Valence that Influences Semantic Interpretation

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I recently established the gleam-glum effect confirming in both English and Mandarin that words with the /i/ vowel-sound (like “gleam”) are rated more emotionally positive than matched words with the /ʌ/ vowel-sound (like “glum”). Here I confirm that these

I recently established the gleam-glum effect confirming in both English and Mandarin that words with the /i/ vowel-sound (like “gleam”) are rated more emotionally positive than matched words with the /ʌ/ vowel-sound (like “glum”). Here I confirm that these vowel sounds also influence the semantic perception of monosyllabic pseudo-words. In Experiment 1, 100 participants rated 50 individual /i/ monosyllabic pseudo-words (like “zeech”) as significantly more positive than 50 matched /ʌ/ pseudo-words (like “zuch”), replicating my previous findings with real words. Experiment 2 assessed the gleam-glum effect on pseudo-words using a forced-choice task. Participants (n = 148) were presented with the 50 pairs of pseudo-words used in Experiment 1 and tasked to guess the most likely meaning of each pseudo-word by matching them with one of two meaning words that were either extremely positive or extremely negative in affective valence (Warriner et al., 2013). I found a remarkably robust effect in which every one of the 50 pseudo-word pairs was on average more likely to have the /i/ word matched with the positive meaning word and /ʌ/ word with the negative one (exact binomial test, p < .001, z = 7.94). The findings confirm that the gleam-glum effect facilitates bootstrapping meaning of words from their pronunciations. These findings coupled with previous real word findings (Yu et al., in press), showing not only that the effect encompasses the entire English lexicon but can also be explained with an embodied facial musculature mechanism, is consistent with the idea that sound symbolism may shape vocabulary use of a language over time by influencing semantic perception.
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