Staging a Career in Fashion - Education as the Key to Success for the Fashion Business Professional; Adding a Fashion Business Major to the W.P. Carey School of Business

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This thesis has two goals. The first is to explore and report on the state of the fashion and fashion business industry today. And the second is to propose a degree program plan, informed by the first goal, that will

This thesis has two goals. The first is to explore and report on the state of the fashion and fashion business industry today. And the second is to propose a degree program plan, informed by the first goal, that will adequately prepare an Arizona State University student for a career in the fashion business industry. Keeping these two goals in mind, the thesis that follows looks at the industry through an academic and innovative lens. Primary and secondary research enforces these lenses and reveals the importance of a four-year university that provides students with a comprehensive experience, one that provides students with academic and experience-based opportunities. In order to best prepare students for a career in the intended industry. In order to best prepare students for a career in the intended industry, this thesis proposes that a combination of hands-on experiences, networking/mentoring programs, and project-based courses be implemented. This can be achieved by a final degree plan that offers key courses related to business such as fashion branding and an elective portfolio focused on fashion from the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts and the W.P. Carey School of Business.
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A Beginner’s Guide to Product Management

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This paper is a beginner’s guide to the product management (PM) career. The paper starts with an introduction to myself and my product management journey, as well as my purpose in writing the guide. Next, I cover the basics of

This paper is a beginner’s guide to the product management (PM) career. The paper starts with an introduction to myself and my product management journey, as well as my purpose in writing the guide. Next, I cover the basics of a product management career, such as career path, salaries, job descriptions, responsibilities and characteristics of product managers, and the different types of product managers. I then go in depth on the product development lifecycle, the place where the product manager’s work resides. The product development lifecycle consists of: finding and planning the right opportunity, designing the solution, building the solution, sharing the solution, and assessing the solution. Product managers work cross-functionally with marketing, design, and engineering teams. After discussing each step to the process, I move into the topic of how to get the knowledge and skillset necessary for a product management job. This includes tips and advice on degree choice, books, websites, PM internships and full-time jobs, and how to prepare for interviews. The guide provides fundamental information about product management, getting a product management job, and where to go after to learn more.
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Meme-Marketing: How Modern Corporations Enhance Customer Engagement

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With the millennial and Gen Z generations being comprised of avid social media users, corporations have turned to online platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, as a way of communicating and connecting to their audiences. One method that corporations are

With the millennial and Gen Z generations being comprised of avid social media users, corporations have turned to online platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, as a way of communicating and connecting to their audiences. One method that corporations are using to attract consumers is utilizing internet memes. Brands and corporations are now marketing through internet memes to enhance and define the brand’s personality and voice. This study examines the ways corporations use internet memes to personify their brand image and the overall effectiveness of meme usage in engaging consumers. Based on an exploratory analysis of brands over several media pages, we find evidence that brands with an edgy or humorous personality have increased engagement when using this method of communication, while more luxury brands should avoid using memes. Our research was conducted by examining and analyzing the social media accounts of four companies that use memes regularly as ways to promote their brands between November 1, 2018 and February 1, 2019. Our findings suggest that there is no definite correlation between internet memes and consumer engagement, rather that they are beneficial to use in addition to traditional marketing. In order to gain a stronger understanding of the relationships between internet memes and engagement, future research can study online brand personalities more in-depth and develop theories on the effectiveness of meme usage.
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The Online Entrepreneur's Digital Marketing Handbook

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"The Online Entrepreneur's Digital Marketing Handbook" is exactly what it sounds like \u2014 a resource for entrepreneurs (or aspiring entrepreneurs) to learn about all things digital marketing, ranging from web design to advertising to much more, in order to be

"The Online Entrepreneur's Digital Marketing Handbook" is exactly what it sounds like \u2014 a resource for entrepreneurs (or aspiring entrepreneurs) to learn about all things digital marketing, ranging from web design to advertising to much more, in order to be better equipped to have success with building out their business ideas. The paper serves as not only a resource that explains fundamental elements of marketing strategy and digital strategy, but as something that connects people with the resources they need to actually implement these strategies. By reading this paper, you can learn about web design and how it correlates with digital and business strategy, about key advertising channels and what the current best practices are for using these platforms, about social media marketing tactics, about age-old marketing disciplines like email marketing, and about trends expected for the future of digital marketing. Nearly every discipline discussed within the paper is an extremely deep field itself, and thus learning more in depth about any of the fields is recommended, but the paper at least provides a compilation of what fields are most important to consider, and the most crucial elements of strategy and best practices needed for someone to have success, whether it's for a small project, or for the launch of a new business. Far too many entrepreneurs have the opportunity for success, and the resolve, but they focus their energy on the wrong things when it comes to marketing, because they don't know where to start. With a better grasp on the digital marketing landscape, key elements of strategy, and the most crucial digital marketing channels, entrepreneurs should have higher odds of success by diverting resources to what's important, and not getting distracted by all the choices out there.
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In The Business of Counter-Culture: What Makes a Contemporary Streetwear Brand Successful and How Creativity Influences Brand Differentiation

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Streetwear is a category of fashion that has evolved from being a niche style of dress influenced by American counter cultures, into a formidable industry. Over time, Streetwear has become a culture in itself whose members are critical of inauthentic

Streetwear is a category of fashion that has evolved from being a niche style of dress influenced by American counter cultures, into a formidable industry. Over time, Streetwear has become a culture in itself whose members are critical of inauthentic brands and commercialization. Streetwear brands have the need to be perceived as authentic, exclusive, and being connected to celebrity to survive in the industry long-term. Additionally, as the industry grows larger, the marketplace has become increasingly saturated. This can be attributed to how easy it is to create a fledgling streetwear brand due to advances in garment production technology and streetwear's roots in low-cost clothing. Streetwear brands need to differentiate themselves in an effective manner to stand out to consumers in the saturated streetwear market. Primary research conducted via a survey administered to streetwear consumers was done to learn more about the effectiveness of popular tactics and marketplace events streetwear brands use to differentiate themselves. Secondary research was done in literature on the topics of creativity and energized differentiation. Research by Gerzema and Lebar presented in their book The Brand Bubble on the topic of energized differentiation is reviewed and applied to streetwear brands. This thesis will discuss the key elements brands need to have to be successful in the streetwear industry. Along with this, it will also look at the effectiveness of specific tactics bands can execute to effectively differentiate themselves in the saturated industry and the important role creativity plays in their success.
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An Analysis of the Cosmetics Industry as a Good Steward for the Sustainability Movement

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In 2016, in the United States alone, the cosmetics industry made an estimated 62.46 billion dollars in revenue (Revenue of the Cosmetic Industry in the U.S. 2002-2016 | Forecast). With a consistent increase in sales in the last several years,

In 2016, in the United States alone, the cosmetics industry made an estimated 62.46 billion dollars in revenue (Revenue of the Cosmetic Industry in the U.S. 2002-2016 | Forecast). With a consistent increase in sales in the last several years, the industry has reached continued success even during times of hardship, such as the Great Recession of 2008. The use of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), external campaigns, and thoughtful packaging and ingredients resonates with targeted consumers. This has served as an effective strategy to maintain growth in the industry. Cosmetic companies promote their brand image using these sustainability tactics, but there seems to be a lack of transparency in this unregulated industry. The purpose of this thesis is to determine if the cosmetics industry is a good steward of the sustainability movement. Important terms and concepts relating to the industry will be discussed, then an analysis of sustainability focused cosmetic brands will be provided, which highlights the extent to which these brands engage in activities that promote sustainability. This is followed by an application of findings to a company that could benefit from using such practices. Overall, the analysis of the different brands proved to be shocking and disappointing. This is due to the sheer amount that scored very poorly based on the sustainability criteria developed. The cosmetics industry is too inconsistent and too unregulated to truly act as a good steward for sustainability. Though some companies in the industry succeed, these accomplishments are not consistent across all cosmetic companies. Hence, the cosmetics industry as a good steward for sustainability can only be as strong as its weakest link.
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Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a burgeoning technology, industry, and field of study. While interest levels regarding its applications in marketing have not yet translated into widespread adoption, AI holds tremendous potential for vastly altering how marketing is done. As such,

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a burgeoning technology, industry, and field of study. While interest levels regarding its applications in marketing have not yet translated into widespread adoption, AI holds tremendous potential for vastly altering how marketing is done. As such, AI in marketing is a crucial topic to research. By analyzing its current applications, its potential use cases in the near future, how to implement it and its areas for improvement, we can achieve a high-level understanding of AI's long-term implications in marketing. AI offers an improvement to current marketing tactics, as well as entirely new ways of creating and distributing value to customers. For example, programmatic advertising and social media marketing can allow for a more comprehensive view of customer behavior, predictive analytics, and deeper insights through integration with AI. New marketing tools like biometrics, voice, and conversational user interfaces offer novel ways to add value for brands and consumers alike. These innovations all carry similar characteristics of hyper-personalization, efficient spending, scalable experiences, and deep insights. There are important issues that need to be addressed before AI is extensively implemented, including the potential for it to be used maliciously, its effects on job displacement, and the technology itself. The recent progression of AI in marketing is indicative that it will be adopted by a majority of companies soon. The long-term implications of vast implementation are crucial to consider, as an AI-powered industry entails fundamental changes to the skill-sets required to thrive, the way marketers and brands work, and consumer expectations.
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The Commercialization of the Wedding Industry

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Through the research of: accredited business articles, wedding sites such as The Knot, personal interviews with brides, research novels, television shows, and movies; this project will depict why and how traditional, American "White Weddings" have become so commercialized by advertisements

Through the research of: accredited business articles, wedding sites such as The Knot, personal interviews with brides, research novels, television shows, and movies; this project will depict why and how traditional, American "White Weddings" have become so commercialized by advertisements and businesses as a result of various media channels' reinforcements of cultural ideals and norms about brides and weddings since the 1920s. The purpose of this paper is to identify the largest cultural and commercial forces that contributed to the growth and expansion of the wedding industry.
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A Case Study and Analysis of Process Improvement Applied in the Retail Industry

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The objective of this case study is to understand the context for which process improvement is effective and the challenges of implementing change. In 2015, a major apparel retailer pioneered a value stream mapping project that addressed the order writing

The objective of this case study is to understand the context for which process improvement is effective and the challenges of implementing change. In 2015, a major apparel retailer pioneered a value stream mapping project that addressed the order writing process between its merchandising team and an external vendor. This case follows the development and execution of the project and the challenge of sustaining the improvements rendered. Thorough analysis supports the recommendation for continued organizational support, a post-event auditing process, and specific metrics to indicate the project's success.
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The Confidence Gap: How Women Hold Themselves Back in the Business World

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I will explore that confidence gap between men and women and how it holds women back in a male-dominated business world. Then, I will give recommendations to businesswomen and managers to overcome the confidence gap. Everyone knows that women on

I will explore that confidence gap between men and women and how it holds women back in a male-dominated business world. Then, I will give recommendations to businesswomen and managers to overcome the confidence gap. Everyone knows that women on average get paid less per dollar than men. Clearly, this is partly due to a social ill that discriminates against women. However, I am not the type of person to sit back and wait for things to change. As a young woman graduating Barrett and moving onto law school, I wanted to explore what I myself can do to combat disadvantages I may encounter in the corporate world. My objective is to investigate the differences between men and women in the business world using the book, The Confidence Code, by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman as a framework for discussion. Is there a confidence gap between males and females and how is that hindering the latter in the workplace? Next, I will discuss why it is important for businesses to even care about having women on their teams at all. Finally, I will explore possible ways to build self-confidence in women in order to make them more successful in their careers. I will give recommendations to businesswomen themselves and to businesses in general to achieve this goal. For the purposes of this thesis, I will define confidence in business as "the belief that one is able to succeed at something" and furthermore, "the act of actually trying to be successful at something". To take it a step further, confidence also means being resilient instead of discouraged in the face of failure. Self-confidence is absolutely essential to a successful career as a businessperson. It is necessary to build skills such as: speaking up, sharing ideas, negotiating, applying for jobs, positions, projects, and promotions, not letting others intimidate you, not feeling the need to unnecessarily apologize, and to be proactive instead of hesitant. I found that part of the reason for the wage gap and why there are so few women CEOs is due to women's lack of confidence. For example, women do not initiate salary negotiations as often as men do and they ask for significantly less money when they do. Women will not apply for promotions unless they feel 100% qualified while men will go for it if they feel they have about half the qualifications. Then I decided to do research on whether or not women are as confident as men- and the answer is absolutely yes. Companies with more women in leadership positions outperform companies without. Men and women generally produce the same results but women still doubt themselves more. Finally, it turns out women actually have more effective leadership strategies then men. The confidence gap is due to many biological, psychological, and sociological factors. At the beginning of my research, I was frustrated by what I was finding. But the good news is that there are many ways women can overcome the confidence gap through reframing, taking action, and practice. There are ways businesses can foster a culture that meets the needs of women in a previously male dominated space. This information is empowering and I hope my thesis can help other women the way it has helped me.
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