The Strategy and Operations of Southwest Airlines That Led to Their Success and How it
Almost Fell Apart

An analysis Southwest airlines and how they became successful with their business strategy, but while also looking at their weaknesses and how it led to a disaster during the holidays of 2022.
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Supply Chain Value of Sustainable and Local Fashion Production

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This report addresses the value that companies can create along their supply chains by producing sustainably and locally, and proposes a business plan for a sleepwear and loungewear brand based on these findings. The purpose is to investigate whether or

This report addresses the value that companies can create along their supply chains by producing sustainably and locally, and proposes a business plan for a sleepwear and loungewear brand based on these findings. The purpose is to investigate whether or not there are opportunities for firms to make or save money by acting sustainably or producing locally, outside of the public relations value that could come from such efforts. By using research derived from scholarly articles and insight from experts, a background on the industry’s general trends and beliefs regarding sustainable and local production are addressed. Based on this research, it can be concluded that producing sustainably and locally is feasible and can provide supply chain related benefits for brands in certain situations. With this conclusion, a business plan was generated which aligned with the research presented in the analysis. It is important to acknowledge that there are certain actions related to sustainability and local production which could generally be beneficial for all apparel brands, but many suggestions are only applicable to smaller companies that sell at a higher price point.
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Supply Chain Logistics Network Optimization: Risk Mitigation and Cost Reduction Within the Aerospace Industry

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Purpose: This paper serves to illustrate the risks that affect multinational organizations during this new era of global production and increased supply chain complexity. This paper also strives to showcase the benefits of conducting a Network Optimization analysis on a

Purpose: This paper serves to illustrate the risks that affect multinational organizations during this new era of global production and increased supply chain complexity. This paper also strives to showcase the benefits of conducting a Network Optimization analysis on a firm’s logistics system including but not limited to reducing the impact of supply chain market and operational risk, improving efficiency, and increasing cost savings across the organization. Approach: This paper will have two main sections beginning with an in depth look into the theory supporting supply chain logistics network optimizations. Through this literature review, the best practices in the industry will be compared to risk mitigation methodology to determine an analytical process that can be applied to companies considering conducting a network optimization. The second stage of this paper takes a clinical look at the aerospace industry and the implementation process of a Logistics Network Optimization at an industry leader to ultimately recommend additional considerations they should implement into their process. Recommendation: To ensure the effective adoption of a network optimization in the aerospace industry, and other manufacturing industries, the maintenance of logistics data and creation of long term 3PL partnerships are needed for success. It is also important to frame a network optimization not as an operational project, but rather a critical business process aimed to mitigate risk within the supply chain though a four-stage risk identification process.

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The Role of Transportation Management Systems (TMS) in Complex Supply Chains

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Technology continues to impact human's daily lives and behavior, from how we purchase our groceries to how we get access to news and the means we communicate with others. New technologies are constantly being introduced and are not only influencing

Technology continues to impact human's daily lives and behavior, from how we purchase our groceries to how we get access to news and the means we communicate with others. New technologies are constantly being introduced and are not only influencing the public but also how businesses operate. During this technological era companies are investing more in research and development to learn more about the potential benefits of these technologies. This research, in particular, will address the need for companies' investment and continuous improvement in transportation management systems among complex supply chains to increase adoption rates of TMS technology. Also I will show how Transportation management systems have increased cost savings, customer satisfaction, the optimization of data, and planning. Such research is further supported by personal interviews with Intel, Big lots, Leslie’s Pools, and At Home, whom all have experience with transportation management systems within their business operations.

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The Effect of COVID-19 on N95 Mask Supply Chains

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The novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 exposed issues in the supply chain for N95 face masks. The demand for protective face masks spiked globally and domestically due to the unexpected outbreak of the pandemic. An important issue was the dependency on

The novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 exposed issues in the supply chain for N95 face masks. The demand for protective face masks spiked globally and domestically due to the unexpected outbreak of the pandemic. An important issue was the dependency on N95 mask production in countries abroad. The focus on face masks in this thesis accounts for all models of the N95 mask.<br/>This thesis will focus on onshore and offshore production of N95 face masks before and during the pandemic. Specifically, we will focus on (1) the production of masks in 2019; (2) 3M, Honeywell, and Prestige Ameritech’s production changes; (3) the observations made by All The Things LLC, a broker for face masks; (4) the rise of counterfeit masks and actions taken to stop counterfeit production; (4) actions taken by the federal government to aid in production and distribution; and (5) future research opportunities on this topic. This research project into the production of N95 face masks ceased in February of 2021. <br/>This thesis defends the critical need for more domestically produced N95 masks. The U.S. needs to increase the number of N95 masks produced domestically, manage the Strategic National Stockpile to eliminate masks past their shelf life, and create a plan to replenish the stockpile to reduce the possibility of a shortage when the next public health emergency takes place.

Date Created

Optimization of Distribution Centers' Locations

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There does not appear to be a singular variable that determines where companies choose to place their distribution centers, however there are several underlying factors that may alter companies’ decisions on what countries they develop distribution networks in. There

There does not appear to be a singular variable that determines where companies choose to place their distribution centers, however there are several underlying factors that may alter companies’ decisions on what countries they develop distribution networks in. There are many reasons companies choose a distribution centers’ location: infrastructure, trade barriers, and costs are often considered as well as the supply and demand markets for the product offerings. Countries can alter aspects to increase the number of businesses that operate within their bounds. When a distribution center is constructed local communities benefit from corporate initiatives and funding as well as jobs and access to cheaper products. Countries often utilize taxes and regulation to positively impact the environment when introducing distribution centers to their economy. The goal is to understand the weights of different factors that shape where distribution centers are located and inform decision makers on the aspects they should alter to get the greatest return on investment. The resulting data will display how large retailers have positioned their current warehouse to indicate likely expansions and the factors that are currently affecting location decisions. <br/><br/>The research project asks the following questions:<br/><br/>When determining the best location for distribution centers, what factors have the largest impact on business decisions? <br/>What role do governments play in developing space for companies to conduct business in (how do they update their infrastructure and customs methods including the impact on trade across industries)? <br/>How can governments and the community limit outsourcing and/or bring businesses (and thus distribution centers) closer to home? <br/><br/>When determining distribution center locations, most companies analyze the political and market structure to decide whether they will enter the market. Once companies have chosen the general region they are hoping to gain, infrastructure and costs are analyzed to find to maintain a competitive advantage in cost while maintaining relatively close locations to stores and consumers. Many companies utilize intermodal transportation on a macroscale, however in last mile logistics it is uncommon for large retailers such as Amazon and Walmart to use anything other than trucks (most commonly their own fleet). Governments have a clear role in gaining or limiting business, however, these factors are typically only considered upon entry or due to changes in major trade barriers therefore policy changes are less likely to encourage growth than investments in infrastructure or alterations in economic conditions such as taxes. Consumers and governments should work together to create an environment that fosters business growth in both new companies entering the market and existing companies expanding by creating unique policies that utilize taxes and business investments to invest in infrastructure.

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American Logistics Aid Network Process Improvement and Optimization Project

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American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) is a non-profit logistics aid firm that provides supply chain assistance to non-profit organizations in times of crisis. It acts somewhat as a non-profit 3PL, connecting nonprofits seeking humanitarian aid goods, materials handling equipment, warehousing,

American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) is a non-profit logistics aid firm that provides supply chain assistance to non-profit organizations in times of crisis. It acts somewhat as a non-profit 3PL, connecting nonprofits seeking humanitarian aid goods, materials handling equipment, warehousing, logistics transportation, and expertise to an outstanding network of partner companies and organizations who help to deliver on their requests. In June of 2020, our team began an internship to identify and implement key process improvements for ALAN’s internal and external processes. This thesis is a summary of our findings, our solutions proposal, and their applicability to other non-profit organizations.

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American Logistics Aid Network Process Improvement and Optimization Project

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American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) is a non-profit logistics aid firm that provides supply chain assistance to non-profit organizations in times of crisis. It acts somewhat as a non-profit 3PL, connecting nonprofits seeking humanitarian aid goods, materials handling equipment, warehousing,

American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) is a non-profit logistics aid firm that provides supply chain assistance to non-profit organizations in times of crisis. It acts somewhat as a non-profit 3PL, connecting nonprofits seeking humanitarian aid goods, materials handling equipment, warehousing, logistics transportation, and expertise to an outstanding network of partner companies and organizations who help to deliver on their requests. In June of 2020, our team began an internship to identify and implement key process improvements for ALAN’s internal and external processes. This thesis is a summary of our findings, our solutions proposal, and their applicability to other non-profit organizations.

Date Created

American Logistics Aid Network Process Improvement and Optimization Project

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American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) is a non-profit logistics aid firm that provides supply chain assistance to non-profit organizations in times of crisis. It acts somewhat as a non-profit 3PL, connecting nonprofits seeking humanitarian aid goods, materials handling equipment, warehousing,

American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) is a non-profit logistics aid firm that provides supply chain assistance to non-profit organizations in times of crisis. It acts somewhat as a non-profit 3PL, connecting nonprofits seeking humanitarian aid goods, materials handling equipment, warehousing, logistics transportation, and expertise to an outstanding network of partner companies and organizations who help to deliver on their requests. In June of 2020, our team began an internship to identify and implement key process improvements for ALAN’s internal and external processes. This thesis is a summary of our findings, our solutions proposal, and their applicability to other non-profit organizations.

Date Created

The Evolution of Automotive Engineering Technology in correlation between the Human Factors

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The focus of this research paper is understanding the impacts of human factors on the technology innovations in automobiles and the direction our society is headed. There will be an assessment of our current state and the possible solutions to

The focus of this research paper is understanding the impacts of human factors on the technology innovations in automobiles and the direction our society is headed. There will be an assessment of our current state and the possible solutions to combat the issue of creating technology advancements for automobiles that cater towards the human factors. There will be an introduction on the history of the first automobile invented to provide an understanding of the what the first automobile consisted of and will continue discussing the technological innovations that were implemented due to human factors. Diving into the types of technological innovations such as the ignition system, car radio, the power steering system, and self-driving, it will show the progression of the technological advancements that was implemented in relation to the human factors that was prominent among society. From there, it is important to understand what human factors and the concept of human factor engineering are. It will provide a better understanding of why humans have created technology in relation to the human factors. Then, there will be an introduction of the mobile phone industry history/timeline as a comparison to show the impacts of how human factors have had on the development of the technology in mobile phones and how heavily it catered towards human factors. There will be a discussion of the 3 key human factors that have been catered towards the development and implementation of technology in automobiles. They are selecting the path that requires the least cognitive effort, overestimating the performance of technology, and reducing the attention due to an automated system being put into place. Lastly, is understanding that if we create or implement technology such as self-driving, it should not solely be for comfort and ease of use, but for the overall efficient use of transportation in the future. This way humans would not rely heavily too much on the technology and limit the effect that human factors have on us.
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