Supply Chain Value of Sustainable and Local Fashion Production

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This report addresses the value that companies can create along their supply chains by producing sustainably and locally, and proposes a business plan for a sleepwear and loungewear brand based on these findings. The purpose is to investigate whether or

This report addresses the value that companies can create along their supply chains by producing sustainably and locally, and proposes a business plan for a sleepwear and loungewear brand based on these findings. The purpose is to investigate whether or not there are opportunities for firms to make or save money by acting sustainably or producing locally, outside of the public relations value that could come from such efforts. By using research derived from scholarly articles and insight from experts, a background on the industry’s general trends and beliefs regarding sustainable and local production are addressed. Based on this research, it can be concluded that producing sustainably and locally is feasible and can provide supply chain related benefits for brands in certain situations. With this conclusion, a business plan was generated which aligned with the research presented in the analysis. It is important to acknowledge that there are certain actions related to sustainability and local production which could generally be beneficial for all apparel brands, but many suggestions are only applicable to smaller companies that sell at a higher price point.
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