Burial Grounds: An Exploration of Trauma Healing Through Bibliotherapy and Expressive Writing


In the United States, the majority of the population suffers from some form of trauma. There are many ways that an individual can cope and accept their trauma, but two practices stand out as an inexpensive, flexible option for many.

In the United States, the majority of the population suffers from some form of trauma. There are many ways that an individual can cope and accept their trauma, but two practices stand out as an inexpensive, flexible option for many. Bibliotherapy is the use of reading literature as a way to learn more about and understand one’s trauma through the perspective of others. Expressive writing is the practice of writing and reflecting about one’s own traumatic experiences, as well as the emotions that are tethered to it. In this paper, I explore the fields of bibliotherapy and expressive writing as forms of therapy by reviewing the history, use, goals, and effects of each in the context of mental and emotional well-being. Intertwined with the scholarship is my own self-guided bibliotherapy of reading memoirs and poetry collections related to my trauma and self-guided expressive writing in which I wrote a short collection of personal essays and poetry, finding that both fields, separately and used together, are effective avenues for trauma healing.

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Exploring Appearance-Related Peer Victimization Across Gender Certain and Uncertain Preadolescents


Appearance-related peer victimization has been shown to have strong social, health, and economic consequences on victims. Low body satisfaction has also been associated with higher appearance-related peer victimization prevalence. Preadolescent children are particularly vulnerable to the exposure and effects of

Appearance-related peer victimization has been shown to have strong social, health, and economic consequences on victims. Low body satisfaction has also been associated with higher appearance-related peer victimization prevalence. Preadolescent children are particularly vulnerable to the exposure and effects of appearance-related peer victimization. Research shows gender minorities have been particularly at risk for peer victimization. More studies are needed to adequately capture the appearance-related peer victimization experiences of gender minorities within this vulnerable age group. The current study aimed to explore the prevalence rate of appearance-related peer victimization and associated variables across gender certain and uncertain preadolescents residing in the United States. 5354 children between the ages of 8 and 13 participated in this cross-sectional study. Gender groups were categorized as certain (children reported identifying as boy or girl) and uncertain (children reported being unsure of their gender or other). The sample was racially and ethnically diverse. A two-tailed independent samples t-test was performed for each variable to examine mean differences across gender certain and uncertain groups. Key findings revealed significant mean differences in appearance-related peer victimization [t(139) = 3.21, p < .001, d =.36], body satisfaction [t(211) = 6.32, p <.001, d = .55], body esteem [ t(5352) = 10.77, p = <.001, d = .71], and self-esteem [t(231) = 9.25, p = <.001, d = .73] such that gender uncertain children reported higher mean levels of appearance-related peer victimization; gender uncertain children also reported lower levels of body satisfaction, body esteem, and self-esteem. A correlational analysis indicated that as peer victimization frequency increased all children reported lower body satisfaction, body esteem, and general self-esteem. Body satisfaction and general self-esteem were more strongly positively correlated among gender uncertain children versus gender certain children. However, gender certain children reported stronger positive associations between body esteem and general self-esteem in comparison with gender uncertain children. Gender uncertain children report higher rates of appearance-related peer victimization and lower body satisfaction. Additional studies are needed to replicate and expand research on the appearance-related peer victimization experiences of preadolescent gender minority children and the related effects to body satisfaction.

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A New Basic Hybrid Working Model for Organizations’ Implementation Towards Generation Z


The world has been greatly impacted by the global pandemic. One of the most substantial shifts was within the workplace and the emergence of a virtual working environment. It has been proven that Generation Z is leaning towards a hybrid

The world has been greatly impacted by the global pandemic. One of the most substantial shifts was within the workplace and the emergence of a virtual working environment. It has been proven that Generation Z is leaning towards a hybrid working environment for their future careers. According to a recent AT&T survey of employees and business leaders at large U.S. companies, about 86% of employees would prefer hybrid work (Kelly, 2022). Companies have not yet considered successful hybrid working set-ups that could benefit their organization. Research is proving that 72% of businesses reported having no hybrid strategy or basic model that is being implemented into the organization. Both companies and individuals agree that a hybrid working model will help court more young talent. This research study explores the new option of creating a basic hybrid working model that can be adopted by any organization for its remote eligible workers. The model brings together the preferences of Generation Z with research on important hybrid working features specified by additional outside research. A survey conducted on people between the ages of 18 to 25 with one hundred seventeen responses found that 70.9% answered that they would prefer a hybrid working environment. The process for this hybrid work format is compared to that of a hybrid car engine (Appendix A). In order to have a successful output, there need to be specific inputs to ensure the model’s functionality. By following and adding to the model, an organization can increase the success of its hybrid working environment for the new generation of workers coming in after experiencing the pandemic. The overall study aims to voice insights on Gen Z’s working preferences and provide a future solution for creating successful hybrid working conditions for organizations with the potential for further research.

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The Parafoveal Region's Contribution to Shape and Color Perception


Color, shape, and motion perception are easily identifiable in the center of the visual field. However, less is understood about the recognition of change in color and shape when motion occurs in the parafoveal region of the eye. This study

Color, shape, and motion perception are easily identifiable in the center of the visual field. However, less is understood about the recognition of change in color and shape when motion occurs in the parafoveal region of the eye. This study seeks to gain more knowledge on this subject and help guide future research. Major goals of this research included to find if there is significant difference between change and no change of shape and color in the peripheral vision and to seek a better understanding of this perception. A total of 47 undergraduate psychology students participated. Subjects were shown videos of a shape moving across the screen that either had a shape change, color change, or no change occur. Participants were then asked to report if they saw a change or no change. We found that students noticed that change at a rate significantly greater than average. These findings suggest perception of shape and color change may be present in the parafoveal region of the visual field.

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Tide Pods and Teenagers: The Psychology of Risk-Taking in Young Adults

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The worldwide involvement and the detrimental impact of viral online challenges are distinct features that create a growing societal concern for young people. This study used an exploratory approach to investigate factors that predict young adult’s participation in viral online

The worldwide involvement and the detrimental impact of viral online challenges are distinct features that create a growing societal concern for young people. This study used an exploratory approach to investigate factors that predict young adult’s participation in viral online challenges. Specifically, the study analyzed the extent to which age, personality, social media use, and psychological motives (i.e., social connectedness and online self-concept) predicted participation in viral online challenges in a sample of 18- to 25-year-old college students. In a correlational, cross-sectional online survey, participants completed measures of the Big Five personality traits, degree of social media use, social media engagement, and motives, as well as attitudes and behaviors related to internet challenges. I tested two multiple regression models to investigate key predictors of attitudes and participation in viral online challenges. I found that age, degree of social media use, and social media engagement predicted differences in participants’ familiarity with and likelihood of having taken part in specific online challenges. In addition, social media use and engagement and social connectedness were significant positive predictors of participants’ scores on a measure of attitudes surrounding viral online challenges. Whereas the Big Five personality trait of conscientiousness was a significant negative predictor of attitudes about viral online challenges, there was little evidence overall of a link between the Big Five personality traits and participation in viral online challenges. Limitations of the present study and directions for future research are discussed.
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'I’m Not Like You': Analyzing In-Group Disability Gatekeeping in Online Social Spaces

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This paper analyzes the r/fakedisordercringe subreddit to better understand the purpose of the server as it relates to socially gatekeeping disability, or determining who is legitimately disabled. A mixed-methods analysis is employed using communications, sociology, and psychology theoretical frameworks. Implications

This paper analyzes the r/fakedisordercringe subreddit to better understand the purpose of the server as it relates to socially gatekeeping disability, or determining who is legitimately disabled. A mixed-methods analysis is employed using communications, sociology, and psychology theoretical frameworks. Implications discuss disability visibility and other conditions affecting treatment of people with disabilities.

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U.S. Citizenship Through Naturalization: Experiences of Mexican Legal Permanent Residents in the Process of Naturalizing

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This undergraduate honors thesis explores the process and motivating factors associated with immigrants from Mexico who are in the process of becoming U.S. citizens. This project is based on 20 interviews with Legal Permanent Residents (LPR) of Mexican origin who

This undergraduate honors thesis explores the process and motivating factors associated with immigrants from Mexico who are in the process of becoming U.S. citizens. This project is based on 20 interviews with Legal Permanent Residents (LPR) of Mexican origin who have had lawful permanent status for 20 years or more. While immigrants are eligible to apply for citizenship after five years of being LPRs, most, like my respondents, take longer. Why do LPRs experience a delay of 20 years or more in applying for citizenship? Findings from this study reveal that motivating factors associated with becoming a U.S. citizen are 1) a desire to be socially accepted and integrated by and into American society; 2) to overcome the fear of failing their citizenship interview; and 3) to change the growing anti-immigrant rhetoric by becoming citizens and increasing the presence of naturalized citizens in American society. Respondents also revealed that their bilingual-speaking children were the biggest motivators that helped with accessing information in regard to citizenship and voting.

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The Dehumanization of Incarcerated Children


The juvenile justice system was established over a century ago with “the goal of diverting youthful offenders from the destructive punishments of criminal courts and encouraging rehabilitation based on the individual juvenile’s needs” (National Research Council and Institute of Medicine,

The juvenile justice system was established over a century ago with “the goal of diverting youthful offenders from the destructive punishments of criminal courts and encouraging rehabilitation based on the individual juvenile’s needs” (National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, 2001, p. 154). Although significant progress has been made in maintaining the goals set out when the juvenile justice system was established, there is still a lack of awareness about the dehumanization of juvenile offenders who have been incarcerated. Individual failures of juvenile offenders can occur for a variety of reasons, including a lack of support from their communities and the juvenile justice system as a whole. Throughout the years, there have been several reformations made to the juvenile justice system as there seems to have been a prime focus on punishment rather than rehabilitation. Reformations were made through a few court cases regarding sentences such as capital punishment and life imprisonment without parole. The cases that have brought reform to the juvenile justice system have also brought awareness to the immaturity and cognitive development of juvenile offenders. There are numerous risk and mitigating factors that children face as they grow up, which is exacerbated for those who are incarcerated. The fact that juveniles come out of incarceration with more problems than they did when they entered juvenile facilities is an indication of the need to focus on restorative justice rather than punishment.

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Decolonizing Queer Advocacy: Two-Spirit Futurisms and the Importance of Indigenous Speculative Fiction

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This thesis seeks provide queer scholarship with first steps to take toward decolonizing its current conceptions of queerness, including what queer advocates stand to gain from reading the works of Indigiqueer and Two-Spirit authors. I revisit Indigenous history and the

This thesis seeks provide queer scholarship with first steps to take toward decolonizing its current conceptions of queerness, including what queer advocates stand to gain from reading the works of Indigiqueer and Two-Spirit authors. I revisit Indigenous history and the longstanding relationship Indigenous communities, queer communities, and modern systems have with colonialism to convey why the queer community needs to concern itself with Indigenous issues. With an emphasis on Indigenous speculative fiction, I analyze select stories from Joshua Whitehead’s Love After the End: An Anthology of Two-Spirit & Indigiqueer Speculative Fiction (2021) and Qwo-Li Driskill et al.’s Sovereign Erotics: A Collection of Two-Spirit Literature (2011). Using Grace Dillon’s theory from Walking the Clouds (2012), I make clear how these pieces decolonize gender, sexuality, and queer identity and demonstrate that these anthologies are important for the advancement of queer scholarship. I then present takeaways from each piece for queer advocates and scholars to begin to apply within the real world. This thesis concludes that it is time for queer scholarship to merge itself with Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer speculative fiction.
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Denial in Addiction: Escaping Myself

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This memoir will be delivered in parts, beginning with the statistical data behind addiction, followed by memories of my life that exacerbated my alcohol use disorder. A painted picture of my existence will lead into the final part of gathered

This memoir will be delivered in parts, beginning with the statistical data behind addiction, followed by memories of my life that exacerbated my alcohol use disorder. A painted picture of my existence will lead into the final part of gathered resources to help yourself or others who may struggle with addiction. I plan to bring insight and education from an addict's point of view. I feel exposed as I write and peel back the deepest layers of what has consumed me for many years. Bringing my inner self to the light is helping me gain confidence in my sobriety. This being said, I am not special. I am not the first student to suffer from addiction and I, unfortunately, will not be the last. My hope is that you, or others in your life, through my story, can gain the confidence that you need to achieve control of the life you always wanted to live. Even though you have an addiction, addiction does not have you, as more than 23 million United States adults struggle with addiction to drugs or alcohol.
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