Applications of the Droop cell quota model to data based cancer growth and treatment models

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The phycologist, M. R. Droop, studied vitamin B12 limitation in the flagellate Monochrysis lutheri and concluded that its specific growth rate depended on the concentration of the vitamin within the cell; i.e. the cell quota of the vitamin B12. The

The phycologist, M. R. Droop, studied vitamin B12 limitation in the flagellate Monochrysis lutheri and concluded that its specific growth rate depended on the concentration of the vitamin within the cell; i.e. the cell quota of the vitamin B12. The Droop model provides a mathematical expression to link growth rate to the intracellular concentration of a limiting nutrient. Although the Droop model has been an important modeling tool in ecology, it has only recently been applied to study cancer biology. Cancer cells live in an ecological setting, interacting and competing with normal and other cancerous cells for nutrients and space, and evolving and adapting to their environment. Here, the Droop equation is used to model three cancers.

First, prostate cancer is modeled, where androgen is considered the limiting nutrient since most tumors depend on androgen for proliferation and survival. The model's accuracy for predicting the biomarker for patients on intermittent androgen deprivation therapy is tested by comparing the simulation results to clinical data as well as to an existing simpler model. The results suggest that a simpler model may be more beneficial for a predictive use, although further research is needed in this field prior to implementing mathematical models as a predictive method in a clinical setting.

Next, two chronic myeloid leukemia models are compared that consider Imatinib treatment, a drug that inhibits the constitutively active tyrosine kinase BCR-ABL. Both models describe the competition of leukemic and normal cells, however the first model also describes intracellular dynamics by considering BCR-ABL as the limiting nutrient. Using clinical data, the differences in estimated parameters between the models and the capacity for each model to predict drug resistance are analyzed.

Last, a simple model is presented that considers ovarian tumor growth and tumor induced angiogenesis, subject to on and off anti-angiogenesis treatment. In this environment, the cell quota represents the intracellular concentration of necessary nutrients provided through blood supply. Mathematical analysis of the model is presented and model simulation results are compared to pre-clinical data. This simple model is able to fit both on- and off-treatment data using the same biologically relevant parameters.
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Optimal Control in a Multistage Physiologically Structured Insect Population Model

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We present an age- and stage-structured population model to study some methods of control of one of the most important grapevine pests, the European grapevine moth. We consider control by insecticides that reduce either the proportion of surviving eggs, larvae

We present an age- and stage-structured population model to study some methods of control of one of the most important grapevine pests, the European grapevine moth. We consider control by insecticides that reduce either the proportion of surviving eggs, larvae or both, as well as chemicals that cause mating disruption, thereby reducing the number of eggs laid. We formulate optimal control problems with cost functionals related to real-life costs in the wine industry, and we prove that these problems admit a unique solution. We also provide some numerical examples from simulation.

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Operator-valued frames associated with measure spaces

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Since Duffin and Schaeffer's introduction of frames in 1952, the concept of a frame has received much attention in the mathematical community and has inspired several generalizations. The focus of this thesis is on the concept of an operator-valued frame

Since Duffin and Schaeffer's introduction of frames in 1952, the concept of a frame has received much attention in the mathematical community and has inspired several generalizations. The focus of this thesis is on the concept of an operator-valued frame (OVF) and a more general concept called herein an operator-valued frame associated with a measure space (MS-OVF), which is sometimes called a continuous g-frame. The first of two main topics explored in this thesis is the relationship between MS-OVFs and objects prominent in quantum information theory called positive operator-valued measures (POVMs). It has been observed that every MS-OVF gives rise to a POVM with invertible total variation in a natural way. The first main result of this thesis is a characterization of which POVMs arise in this way, a result obtained by extending certain existing Radon-Nikodym theorems for POVMs. The second main topic investigated in this thesis is the role of the theory of unitary representations of a Lie group G in the construction of OVFs for the L^2-space of a relatively compact subset of G. For G=R, Duffin and Schaeffer have given general conditions that ensure a sequence of (one-dimensional) representations of G, restricted to (-1/2,1/2), forms a frame for L^{2}(-1/2,1/2), and similar conditions exist for G=R^n. The second main result of this thesis expresses conditions related to Duffin and Schaeffer's for two more particular Lie groups: the Euclidean motion group on R^2 and the (2n+1)-dimensional Heisenberg group. This proceeds in two steps. First, for a Lie group admitting a uniform lattice and an appropriate relatively compact subset E of G, the Selberg Trace Formula is used to obtain a Parseval OVF for L^{2}(E) that is expressed in terms of irreducible representations of G. Second, for the two particular Lie groups an appropriate set E is found, and it is shown that for each of these groups, with suitably parametrized unitary duals, the Parseval OVF remains an OVF when perturbations are made to the parameters of the included representations.
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Conceptions of function composition in college precalculus students

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Past research has shown that students have difficulty developing a robust conception of function. However, little prior research has been performed dealing with student knowledge of function composition, a potentially powerful mathematical concept. This dissertation reports the results of an

Past research has shown that students have difficulty developing a robust conception of function. However, little prior research has been performed dealing with student knowledge of function composition, a potentially powerful mathematical concept. This dissertation reports the results of an investigation into student understanding and use of function composition, set against the backdrop of a precalculus class that emphasized quantification and covariational reasoning. The data were collected using task-based, semi-structured clinical interviews with individual students outside the classroom. Findings from this study revealed that factors such as the student's quantitative reasoning, covariational reasoning, problem solving behaviors, and view of function influence how a student understands and uses function composition. The results of the study characterize some of the subtle ways in which these factors impact students' ability to understand and use function composition to solve problems. Findings also revealed that other factors such as a students' persistence, disposition towards "meaning making" for the purpose of conceptualizing quantitative relationships, familiarity with the context of a problem, procedural fluency, and student knowledge of rules of "order of operations" impact a students' progress in advancing her/his solution approach.
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Persistence of discrete dynamical systems in infinite dimensional state spaces

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Persistence theory provides a mathematically rigorous answer to the question of population survival by establishing an initial-condition- independent positive lower bound for the long-term value of the population size. This study focuses on the persistence of discrete semiflows in infinite-dimensional

Persistence theory provides a mathematically rigorous answer to the question of population survival by establishing an initial-condition- independent positive lower bound for the long-term value of the population size. This study focuses on the persistence of discrete semiflows in infinite-dimensional state spaces that model the year-to-year dynamics of structured populations. The map which encapsulates the population development from one year to the next is approximated at the origin (the extinction state) by a linear or homogeneous map. The (cone) spectral radius of this approximating map is the threshold between extinction and persistence. General persistence results are applied to three particular models: a size-structured plant population model, a diffusion model (with both Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions) for a dispersing population of males and females that only mate and reproduce once during a very short season, and a rank-structured model for a population of males and females.
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Students' ways of thinking about two-variable functions and rate of change in space

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This dissertation describes an investigation of four students' ways of thinking about functions of two variables and rate of change of those two-variable functions. Most secondary, introductory algebra, pre-calculus, and first and second semester calculus courses do not require students

This dissertation describes an investigation of four students' ways of thinking about functions of two variables and rate of change of those two-variable functions. Most secondary, introductory algebra, pre-calculus, and first and second semester calculus courses do not require students to think about functions of more than one variable. Yet vector calculus, calculus on manifolds, linear algebra, and differential equations all rest upon the idea of functions of two (or more) variables. This dissertation contributes to understanding productive ways of thinking that can support students in thinking about functions of two or more variables as they describe complex systems with multiple variables interacting. This dissertation focuses on modeling the way of thinking of four students who participated in a specific instructional sequence designed to explore the limits of their ways of thinking and in turn, develop a robust model that could explain, describe, and predict students' actions relative to specific tasks. The data was collected using a teaching experiment methodology, and the tasks within the teaching experiment leveraged quantitative reasoning and covariation as foundations of students developing a coherent understanding of two-variable functions and their rates of change. The findings of this study indicated that I could characterize students' ways of thinking about two-variable functions by focusing on their use of novice and/or expert shape thinking, and the students' ways of thinking about rate of change by focusing on their quantitative reasoning. The findings suggested that quantitative and covariational reasoning were foundational to a student's ability to generalize their understanding of a single-variable function to two or more variables, and their conception of rate of change to rate of change at a point in space. These results created a need to better understand how experts in the field, such as mathematicians and mathematics educators, thinking about multivariable functions and their rates of change.
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