Utilizing Self-lysis Salmonella as a Vaccine Delivery System to Target Cancer Tumor cells
and Induce Apoptosis and Immune Response: A Focus on the Construction of the Suicide Vector

Modified Salmonella strains and recombinant DNA in a plasmid are used to construct a Salmonella strain that is dependent on the experimentally inserted plasmid. This construction will be done via lab techniques such as polymerase chain reactions (PCR), transformation, and other means

Modified Salmonella strains and recombinant DNA in a plasmid are used to construct a Salmonella strain that is dependent on the experimentally inserted plasmid. This construction will be done via lab techniques such as polymerase chain reactions (PCR), transformation, and other means to create this construction. With future successful construction, the inhibition of flagella assembly, within the tumor environment, and increased synthesis of flagellin will be possible. In the case that only assembly is prevented, then, the reliance on the lysis system to release flagellin into the tumor microenvironment will be used as a means to induce immune response. With the success of the self-lysis ability, these strains could be used to target these tumor cells to deliver anticancer material as a vaccine delivery system.
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Using Salmonella as a pH-Modulator to Explore and Manipulate the Tumor Microenvironment

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Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation are expensive, painful, and often ineffective, as they compromise the patient’s immune system. Genetically-modified Salmonella Typhimurium (GMS) strains, however, have been proven to target tumors and suppress tumor growth. The GMS then undergo

Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation are expensive, painful, and often ineffective, as they compromise the patient’s immune system. Genetically-modified Salmonella Typhimurium (GMS) strains, however, have been proven to target tumors and suppress tumor growth. The GMS then undergo programmed lysis, optimally leaving no trace of Salmonella in the body. Additionally, constant culturing of S. Typhimurium changes the pH of the culture medium. The objective of this research is to investigate using Salmonella to induce changes in the typically acidic tumor microenvironment (TME) pH, ideally hindering tumor growth. Future studies involve utilizing Salmonella to treat a multitude of cancers.

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Codon Optimization of Human TRAIL Gene for Maximal Expression in a Self-Destructing Salmonella Strain for Efficient Colorectal Cancer Treatment

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Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer that affects both men and women and the second leading cause of death in cancer related deaths[1, 2]. The most common form of treatment is chemotherapy followed by radiation, which

Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer that affects both men and women and the second leading cause of death in cancer related deaths[1, 2]. The most common form of treatment is chemotherapy followed by radiation, which is insufficient to cure stage four cancers[3]. Salmonella enteric has long been shown to have inherent tumor targeting properties and have been able to penetrate and exist in all aspects of the tumor environment, something that chemotherapy is unable to achieve. This lab has developed a genetically modified Salmonella typhimurium (GMS) which is able to deliver DNA vaccines or synthesized proteins directly to tumor sites. These GMS strains have been used to deliver human TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) protein directly to tumor sites, but expression level was limited. It is the hope of the experiment that codon optimization of TRAIL to S. typhimurium preferred codons will lead to increased TRAIL expression in the GMS. For preliminary studies, BALB/c mice were subcutaneously challenged with CT-26 murine colorectal cancer cells and treated with an intra-tumor injection with either PBS, strain GMS + PCMV FasL (P2), or strain GMS + Pmus FasL). APC/CDX2 mutant mice were also induced to develop human colon polyps and treated with either PBS, strain GMS + vector (P1), P2, or P3. The BALB/c mouse showed statistically significant levels of decreased tumor size in groups treated with P2 or P3. The APC/CDX2 mouse study showed statistically significant levels of decreased colon polyp numbers in groups treated with P3, as expected, but was not significantly significant for groups treated with P1 and P2. In addition, TRAIL was codon optimized for robust synthesis in Salmonella. The construct will be characterized and evaluated in vitro and in vivo. Hopefully, the therapeutic effect of codon optimized TRAIL will be maximal while almost completely minimizing any unintended side effects.
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Genomic Location and Intensity of Transcription of Non-coding RNA Regulation Candidates in Porphyromonas gingivalis

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Many pathogens are bacteria and antibiotic resistance is increasing. The development of novel treatments is hampered by a poor understanding of the mechanisms of their regulation. Specifically, non-coding RNAs play an important role in the internal regulation of bacteria. To

Many pathogens are bacteria and antibiotic resistance is increasing. The development of novel treatments is hampered by a poor understanding of the mechanisms of their regulation. Specifically, non-coding RNAs play an important role in the internal regulation of bacteria. To further the investigation of non-coding RNA and pathogenicity, RNA sequencing data for PorX/PorY dependent regulation in P. gingivalis, a Gram negative oral pathogen was studied. The PorX/PorY two component regulatory system controls phenotypes for this bacteria's virulence including an important type IX secretion system for gingipain proteases, which degrades host cytokines, down regulating the host response by reducing inflammation. This study compared transcription of non-coding RNA in wild type and PorX knockout mutant strain, in the 33277 strain and the more virulent W83 strain in both liquid and solid cultures to identify and categorize loci of genomic sequence for further study of porX/porY regulation.
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Investigate and characterize the means to reduce the toxicity of genetically engineered cancer therapeutic recombinant attenuated Salmonella

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Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world and represents a tremendous burden on patients, families and societies. S. Typhimurium strains are specifically attracted to compounds produced by cancer cells and could overcome the traditional therapeutic

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world and represents a tremendous burden on patients, families and societies. S. Typhimurium strains are specifically attracted to compounds produced by cancer cells and could overcome the traditional therapeutic barrier. However, a major problem with using live attenuated Salmonella as anti-cancer agents is their toxicity at the dose required for therapeutic efficacy, but reducing the dose results in diminished efficacy. In this project, we explored novel means to reduce the toxicity of the recombinant attenuated Salmonella by genetically engineering those virulence factors to facilitate maximal colonization of tumor tissues and reduced fitness in normal tissues. We have constructed two sets of Salmonella strains. In the first set, each targeted gene was knocked out by deletion of the gene. In the second set, the predicted promoter region of each gene was replaced with a rhamnose-regulated promoter, which will cease the synthesis of these genes in vivo, a rhamnose-free environment.
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Generation of Influenza Virus From Avian Cells Infected by Salmonella Carrying the Viral Genome

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Domestic poultry serve as intermediates for transmission of influenza A virus from the wild aquatic bird reservoir to humans, resulting in influenza outbreaks in poultry and potential epidemics/pandemics among human beings. To combat emerging avian influenza virus, an inexpensive, heat-stable,

Domestic poultry serve as intermediates for transmission of influenza A virus from the wild aquatic bird reservoir to humans, resulting in influenza outbreaks in poultry and potential epidemics/pandemics among human beings. To combat emerging avian influenza virus, an inexpensive, heat-stable, and orally administered influenza vaccine would be useful to vaccinate large commercial poultry flocks and even migratory birds. Our hypothesized vaccine is a recombinant attenuated bacterial strain able to mediate production of attenuated influenza virus in vivo to induce protective immunity against influenza. Here we report the feasibility and technical limitations toward such an ideal vaccine based on our exploratory study. Five 8-unit plasmids carrying a chloramphenicol resistance gene or free of an antibiotic resistance marker were constructed. Influenza virus was successfully generated in avian cells transfected by each of the plasmids. The Salmonella carrier was engineered to allow stable maintenance and conditional release of the 8-unit plasmid into the avian cells for recovery of influenza virus. Influenza A virus up to 107 50% tissue culture infective doses (TCID50)/ml were recovered from 11 out of 26 co-cultures of chicken embryonic fibroblasts (CEF) and Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells upon infection by the recombinant Salmonella carrying the 8-unit plasmid. Our data prove that a bacterial carrier can mediate generation of influenza virus by delivering its DNA cargoes into permissive host cells. Although we have made progress in developing this Salmonella influenza virus vaccine delivery system, further improvements are necessary to achieve efficient virus production, especially in vivo.

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Improving Salmonella Vector With Recmutation to Stabilize the DNA Cargoes

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Background: Salmonella has been employed to deliver therapeutic molecules against cancer and infectious diseases. As the carrier for target gene(s), the cargo plasmid should be stable in the bacterial vector. Plasmid recombination has been reduced in E. coli by mutating several

Background: Salmonella has been employed to deliver therapeutic molecules against cancer and infectious diseases. As the carrier for target gene(s), the cargo plasmid should be stable in the bacterial vector. Plasmid recombination has been reduced in E. coli by mutating several genes including the recA, recE, recF and recJ. However, to our knowledge, there have been no published studies of the effect of these or any other genes that play a role in plasmid recombination in Salmonella enterica.

Results: The effect of recA, recF and recJ deletions on DNA recombination was examined in three serotypes of Salmonella enterica. We found that (1) intraplasmid recombination between direct duplications was RecF-independent in Typhimurium and Paratyphi A, but could be significantly reduced in Typhi by a ΔrecA or ΔrecF mutation; (2) in all three Salmonella serotypes, both ΔrecA and ΔrecF mutations reduced intraplasmid recombination when a 1041 bp intervening sequence was present between the duplications; (3) ΔrecA and ΔrecF mutations resulted in lower frequencies of interplasmid recombination in Typhimurium and Paratyphi A, but not in Typhi; (4) in some cases, a ΔrecJ mutation could reduce plasmid recombination but was less effective than ΔrecA and ΔrecF mutations. We also examined chromosome-related recombination. The frequencies of intrachromosomal recombination and plasmid integration into the chromosome were 2 and 3 logs lower than plasmid recombination frequencies in Rec[superscript +] strains. A ΔrecA mutation reduced both intrachromosomal recombination and plasmid integration frequencies.

Conclusions: The ΔrecA and ΔrecF mutations can reduce plasmid recombination frequencies in Salmonella enterica, but the effect can vary between serovars. This information will be useful for developing Salmonella delivery vectors able to stably maintain plasmid cargoes for vaccine development and gene therapy.

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