Utilizing Self-lysis Salmonella as a Vaccine Delivery System to Target Cancer Tumor cells
and Induce Apoptosis and Immune Response: A Focus on the Construction of the Suicide Vector

Modified Salmonella strains and recombinant DNA in a plasmid are used to construct a Salmonella strain that is dependent on the experimentally inserted plasmid. This construction will be done via lab techniques such as polymerase chain reactions (PCR), transformation, and other means

Modified Salmonella strains and recombinant DNA in a plasmid are used to construct a Salmonella strain that is dependent on the experimentally inserted plasmid. This construction will be done via lab techniques such as polymerase chain reactions (PCR), transformation, and other means to create this construction. With future successful construction, the inhibition of flagella assembly, within the tumor environment, and increased synthesis of flagellin will be possible. In the case that only assembly is prevented, then, the reliance on the lysis system to release flagellin into the tumor microenvironment will be used as a means to induce immune response. With the success of the self-lysis ability, these strains could be used to target these tumor cells to deliver anticancer material as a vaccine delivery system.
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