This dissertation examines neoliberal discourse’s construction and its impact represented in short stories published during the late 1980s and 1990s in the northern and central part of Mexico. Focusing primarily on short stories by authors Luis Humberto Crosthwaite, Rafael Saavedra,…
This dissertation examines neoliberal discourse’s construction and its impact represented in short stories published during the late 1980s and 1990s in the northern and central part of Mexico. Focusing primarily on short stories by authors Luis Humberto Crosthwaite, Rafael Saavedra, Oscar de la Borbolla, and Rosario Sanmiguel, this study analyzes how re-imagined, in their literary texts, the immediate aftermath of neoliberal policies in Mexican’s society, economy, culture, and politics. By re-imagining neoliberalism, I propose that each text creates a dialogue with and a juxtaposition of reality to the rhetoric constructed by the state apparatuses; and, at the same time, by exploring Mexicans’ daily lives, each text offers a different perspective on neoliberalism’s effects on them. Each chapter draws on an interdisciplinary theoretical framework to provide a complete understanding of the origin of neoliberalism, its discursive evolution, its implementation in Mexico, its benefits and consequences, and its influence on the transformation of language, culture, politics, and feminism. Part I discusses the linguistic transformations on the Mexican side of the border after the arrival of neoliberal policies in areas of commerce, as presented in the short stories by Luis Humberto Crosthwaite and Rafael Saavedra. The conclusion of this analysis is that a kind of transitory bilingualism has emerged and, eventually, has become part of Tijuana’s linguistic identity. Part II explores the transformation of Mexico City represented in the book of Ucronías of Oscar de la Borbolla. In this part, I propose that these texts are ucronías políticas (political uchronies) –hybrid, humoristic news reports– that subvert neoliberal discourse by staging the negative effects of neoliberalism through the portrayal of marginalized spaces to make visible those forgotten by an apparently progressive rhetoric. Part III presents a rereading through an economic lens of Callejón Sucre y otros relatos, by Rosario Sanmiguel. The primary argument is that although the short stories in this book present feminist characters, some of them are neoliberal feminists. Neoliberal feminists are women in a privileged position of agency and empowerment; they can or need not accept patriarchal norms, and some characters in these stories decide to accept them.
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The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
Las Islas Canarias son un archipiélago de la costa africana situado a cien kilómetros de la costa de Marruecos y del Sáhara Occidental. Estas islas fueron conquistadas a finales del siglo XV y son actualmente parte del Estado español, y…
Las Islas Canarias son un archipiélago de la costa africana situado a cien kilómetros de la costa de Marruecos y del Sáhara Occidental. Estas islas fueron conquistadas a finales del siglo XV y son actualmente parte del Estado español, y su posición como punto de paso tricontinental ha facilitado una historia colonial que es paralela a la del Caribe y que está caracterizada por la asimilación de sus poblaciones indígenas, las plantaciones de caña de azúcar y el comercio esclavista atlántico, la emergencia de un Nuevo Mundo, las migraciones constantes desde las Islas Canarias hacia el Caribe, el desarrollo de movimientos independentistas y la turistificación del paraíso caribeño/canario, entre otros aspectos. La identidad de las Islas Canarias, si embargo, ha permanecido en una posición ambigua en la discusión de conceptos de tricontinentalidad o puente entre continentes, cuando estas islas no son simplemente consideradas como una región más de España con ligeras diferencias. Desde el Caribe, varios autores regionales han cuestionado sus propias identidades proponiendo los conceptos de creolización, relación o meta-archipiélago. Las ideas comunes exploradas por intelectuales de ambos archipiélagos incluyen los conceptos de colonialidad, modernidad, mitologización de la isla, fragmentación, atlanticidad, frontera y ultraperiferia, entre otros.
De esta manera, esta tesis doctoral conecta las Islas Canarias y el Caribe a través de la exploración de sus discursos identitarios, y aplica a Canarias las teorías poscoloniales desarrolladas en el Caribe. Partiendo del análisis de diversos trabajos de Fernando Ortiz, Antonio S. Pedreira, Édouard Glissant, Jean Bernabé, Patrick Chamoiseau, Raphael Confiant, Antonio Benítez Rojo, José Luis González, Juan Flores, Gustavo Pérez-Firmat, Walter Mignolo, Enrique Dussel, Gloria Anzaldúa y Juan Manuel García Ramos, entre otros, esta tesis propone el término canaribeñidad para definir el desarrollo bilateral y común de las identidades nacionales en las Islas Canarias y el Caribe, destacando la contribución canaria a la identidad caribeña (la fundación de la literatura cubana, el guajiro/jíbaro, la brujería…) y viceversa (discursos independentistas y nacionalistas, la experiencia diaspórica, la música, el tabaco, el sentido de fraternidad con el Caribe…). El corpus analizado en esta disertación incluye obras literarias transatlánticas, desde las primeras crónicas hasta ejemplos de teatro, novelas, ensayos, artículos periodísticos y poesía de los siglos XVI-XX.
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The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
Esta tesis doctoral examina la prevalencia del discurso racial y hegemónico que sigue siendo una barrera para el ejercicio de los derechos fundamentales de ciudadanía y la búsqueda de la justicia social en América Latina, el Caribe y en todo…
Esta tesis doctoral examina la prevalencia del discurso racial y hegemónico que sigue siendo una barrera para el ejercicio de los derechos fundamentales de ciudadanía y la búsqueda de la justicia social en América Latina, el Caribe y en todo el continente americano. Entre 1840 y 1960, la ideología del mestizaje, o mezcla de razas, fue el elemento constitutivo en estructurar el discurso de la formación de la nación de escritores muy diversos como José Antonio Saco, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, José Martí, Fernando Ortiz y Alejo Carpentier, entre otros. La ideología mantenía—ante la evidencia de una división profundamente arraigada en consideraciones raciales—que el mestizaje, un proceso a la vez biológico y cultural, sentó las bases para la unificación de la nacionalidad cubana frente al primer dominio colonial español y luego al poder imperial de los Estados Unidos. El estudio se vertebra de la teoría cultural poscolonial de Frantz Fanon, Homi Bhabha y Edward Said para analizar y cuestionar la perspectiva eurocéntrica de Alejo Carpentier en sus novelas Écue-Yamba-Ó (1933) y El reino de este mundo (1949). Aunque estas novelas parecen proponer el reconocimiento y reivindicación de la imaginada y oprimida población afrocaribeña, se observa que Carpentier termina por respaldar las imágenes estereotipadas en el discurso racial y colonial por su formación europea. La tesis, por lo tanto, resalta los elementos de resistencia que los afrocaribeños han desarrollado en un intento por aumentar su visibilidad en el Caribe y crear la conciencia de su aporte a la cultura caribeña híbrida, sincrética y transculturada.
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The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
La escritura de José Martí en sus primeros años como escritor y periodista se desenvuelve en una atmósfera política tan dinámica como el entorno cultural al que se expone a su llegada a México desde su experiencia diaspórica en…
La escritura de José Martí en sus primeros años como escritor y periodista se desenvuelve en una atmósfera política tan dinámica como el entorno cultural al que se expone a su llegada a México desde su experiencia diaspórica en España. Por ello, este estudio propone situar la etapa mexicana de Martí desde marzo de 1875 hasta diciembre de 1875 como un episodio clave en el desarrollo crítico de sus ideas centrales. Por lo tanto, esta investigación radica en el estudio de los elementos que participan en la formulación martiana en torno al concepto de cultura como síntoma de las nuevas sociedades latinoamericanas, mismo que aparece acorde y en intrínseca relación con el concepto de independencia que Martí articula particularmente en "Nuestra América" (1891). Por lo tanto, para los propósitos de esta investigación y partiendo del reconocimiento de la ausencia de un acercamiento crítico a esta etapa de Martí, es necesario observar detenidamente las relaciones entre el ámbito político y social tanto en México como en Cuba para así comprender sus aportes literario-periodísticos. Asimismo, es imprescindible un acercamiento múltiple en distintos niveles que permitan comprender el panorama intelectual y los debates que se formulan durante el siglo XIX en México y en los cuales Martí participa activamente. Dichos elementos en conjunto son fundamentales para comprender la expresión martiana como una de las vías de transmisión tanto de su estética como de sus preocupaciones e intereses modernistas.
Se incluye en este análisis la escritura pública de los diarios capitalinos tales como El Partido Liberal y El Federalista, en los que Martí publica de manera prolífica durante los casi dos años de estancia en el país. Asimismo, ha sido pertinente observar su anotaciones privadas pertenecientes a los Cuadernos de Apuntes, los cuales escritos durante los mismos años en México, no fueron destinados originalmente para su publicación. Añadir las anotaciones personales de Martí a este estudio contribuye a enriquecer la perspectiva de este periodo. Como se observa, las formulaciones críticas de Martí conviven con los debates que circulaban en la capital mexicana en relación a los procesos de descolonización e independencia. Por lo tanto, la importancia de reevaluar los elementos que inmortalizan a José Martí no solo como un ícono cubano y figura emblemática transnacional permiten observar sus primigenias acepciones en torno a la identidad hispanoamericana. Asimismo, el aporte académico que añade este estudio reside en la presentación de conflictos y discursos heterogéneos que impactan las definiciones en torno a prensa y literatura de José Martí, una de las mentes más innovadoras y perspicaces del siglo XIX, cuya relevancia literaria continúa siendo pertinente.
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The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
In the 19th and 20th centuries, many Latin American intellectuals began to question why their countries had failed to modernize and produce the type of economic prosperity and democratic societies that they desired. Influenced by the scientific theories of…
In the 19th and 20th centuries, many Latin American intellectuals began to question why their countries had failed to modernize and produce the type of economic prosperity and democratic societies that they desired. Influenced by the scientific theories of their time, many of the explanations offered by these intellectuals centered on a single issue—race. Yet scientific and historical definitions regarding “race” have varied greatly ranging from a conceptualization of race as a cultural to a biological construct. This same time period also saw the emergence of two new literary genres which addressed “racial” conflict in their own right—indigenismo and neo-indigenismo. In the last thirty years, postmodernist and postcolonialist readings of these texts have tended to articulate these interethnic conflicts in highly racialized terms which diminish the importance of any cultural differentiation that may exist (i.e. attitudes, aptitudes, norms, religions, expectations) while simultaneously augmenting perceived racial discord between groups—even where racial difference barely exists.
This dissertation is an analysis of Pueblo enfermo (1909) and Raza de bronce (1919) by Alcides Arguedas, as well as Sociología guatemalteca: el problema social del indio (1923) and Hombres de maíz (1949) by Miguel Ángel Asturias. By taking an interdisciplinary approach and drawing on texts from history, anthropology, economics and literature I challenge many of the commonly held notions regarding the issues of race in these texts. I argue that, despite tinges of what social scientists have termed “scientific racism” that these works should be interpreted as criticisms of what the authors understood as cultural problems and deficiencies within their societies. Additionally, I argue that this highly politicized cultural criticism of their countries by Arguedas and Asturias was meant to challenge the mestizo and Ladino hegemony of their times as a means of making their countries more democratic, and that the strident postmodernist and would-be postcolonial readings reveal actually hidden anachronistic and ahistorical bias of their authors.
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The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
This transdisciplinary study (involving humanities, anthropology, linguistics, and philosophy) contrasts the reductionist ideological “top-down” focus on the construction of our cultural “world” with the meandering technical “bottom-up” approach, searching for forgotten or usually omitted aspects in current studies of culture.…
This transdisciplinary study (involving humanities, anthropology, linguistics, and philosophy) contrasts the reductionist ideological “top-down” focus on the construction of our cultural “world” with the meandering technical “bottom-up” approach, searching for forgotten or usually omitted aspects in current studies of culture. The discovery goes from the cultural “thing theory” to semiotics, to communication, and to the emergence of human language from the biosemiotic and zoosemiotic processes of communication, in order to examine the impact of these processes on human culture and cultural theories. Finally, based on “heretical ideas” of Jan Patočka and Martin Heidegger, some philosophical implications for the new humanism and for humanities are outlined.
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The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
Esta disertación explora la descripción del espacio turístico de costa a través de tres novelas contemporáneas. El análisis de Antagonía, El Tercer Reich y Crematorio revela tanto un cambio en la percepción sobre el turismo de masas en los últimos…
Esta disertación explora la descripción del espacio turístico de costa a través de tres novelas contemporáneas. El análisis de Antagonía, El Tercer Reich y Crematorio revela tanto un cambio en la percepción sobre el turismo de masas en los últimos cuarenta años, en el que se rechaza el turismo de masas por su impacto negativo en el espacio natural, como el uso de unas convenciones literarias específicas que hunden sus raíces en el siglo XIX, lo que nos permite afirmar la presencia de un cronotopo; el cronotopo del turismo de costa.
La originalidad de nuestra investigación radica en el acercamiento a un tema de importancia que la crítica literaria todavía no ha estudiado en profundidad. Era necesario investigar las novelas turísticas contemporáneas de costa con una perspectiva amplia, permitiendo observar no sólo el pasado sino también las distintas direcciones de este campo específico. El presente análisis busca servir de modelo a futuras investigaciones.
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The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
The following thesis tries to rescue the novels Sab and Dos mujeres, written by the XIX century writer Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, from the hegemonic discourse offered by the contemporary critics. This is possible by comparing the Epistolar novel Tu…
The following thesis tries to rescue the novels Sab and Dos mujeres, written by the XIX century writer Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, from the hegemonic discourse offered by the contemporary critics. This is possible by comparing the Epistolar novel Tu amante ultrajada no puede ser tu amiga with the two novels analyzed. Also, this thesis examines the epistolary novel as a set of documents that creates a literary work on their own. That is to say, it studies how these letters, written to her lovers during the years 1839 to 1854, create an autobiographical fiction, a novel of the romantic period, and a character that makes a myth out of the writer and poet Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda.
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The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
In the mid-1990’s, in Mexico, a group of novelists emerged during a public appearance at a literary venture aimed to go against predominant forms of aesthetics, canon, groups or literary ‘mafias’ prevalent during that time period. The group of five…
In the mid-1990’s, in Mexico, a group of novelists emerged during a public appearance at a literary venture aimed to go against predominant forms of aesthetics, canon, groups or literary ‘mafias’ prevalent during that time period. The group of five young writers called themselves “El grupo crack,” (The crack group). They brought with them the crack manifesto (1996) where each member of the group wrote to plea for a renovation of the novel with the assurance of having literary works that would challenge the reader as much as the literary status quo. Along with the manifesto, each one of them presented a novel. A few years after the presentation, the members of the group received many literary prices and accolades, inside and out of academic circles.
One of the primary objectives of this work is to expose the poetic proposal of the literary grupo crack as it relates to previous movements, groups, and literary trends. Among the five writers of the group, Jorge Volpi has shown a significant growth in his literary corpus in a very short period of time. Aside from the great recognition he has received for his novel En busca de Klingsor (1999), (In search of Klingsor), Volpi has been a motive of study, mostly, for his narrative, leaving behind his essays. There are two collections of political-cultural essays that are well hidden in the early Jorge Volpi bibliography. The first one is titled La imaginación y el poder. Una historia intelectual de 1968 (1998), (Imagination and Power. An Intellectual history of 1968), and the second, La guerra y las palabras. Una historia intelectual de 1994 (2004), (War and Words. An intellectual history of 1994). Both works have been ignored in the bibliography of the grupo crack.
To analyze both works it was necessary to contextualize Mexican history of the years 1968 and 1994, respectively. The analysis shows the interaction and coexistence between the intellectual class and the Mexican political class in an authoritarian regime, same symbiosis that Vargas Llosa would once refer to as “the perfect dictatorship.”
Date Created
The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
Every act of communication, and therefore, reading, are in themselves acts of translation and interpretation, as the reader creates a mental representation or reconstruction of the text, extrapolating meaning from it. Interlinguistic translation adds another dimension to these hermeneutic processes,…
Every act of communication, and therefore, reading, are in themselves acts of translation and interpretation, as the reader creates a mental representation or reconstruction of the text, extrapolating meaning from it. Interlinguistic translation adds another dimension to these hermeneutic processes, and in the movement through space and time, constant re-interpretation, new translations, and, often, modern theories and perspectives, can interfere with or bring clarity to the meaning of the original text, as well as add to the myth-creation of the writers themselves.
This study centers on some of the great literary figures in poetic and essayistic production in the world of Spanish-speaking letters: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, José Martí, and Octavio Paz. These figures represent not only important literary movements going from the baroque to modernismo, to the vanguardia and to the creation of the self-conscious “modern” poet, but also are among the most well known Spanish-language writers in the English-speaking world. They are all self-aware creators, who, in distinct ways, join poetry, critical essays and theory that are at once an extension of and revolve around their personal poetics, projected toward the currents of their respective epochs.
Finding problematic moments in translation theory and practice, and studying them in the context of the analysis of these great literary figures, at the same time contributes to a new understanding of translation theory itself. These ‘case studies’ expose certain key moments of existing translations, moments that later contribute to critical and interpretive dialogue in a type of hermeneutic spiral of influence. They also show the importance of translation as a contribution to cultural changes and literary movements. This ultimately aids in the understanding of the important points of contact between the many worlds occupied by these great writers and the ways in which they, and in turn, their translators, recreate the contexts in which they were produced.
Date Created
The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)