Electron-Transfer Chain in Respiratory Complex I

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Complex I is a part of the respiration energy chain converting the redox energy into the cross-membrane proton gradient. The electron-transfer chain of iron-sulfur cofactors within the water-soluble peripheral part of the complex is responsible for the delivery of electrons

Complex I is a part of the respiration energy chain converting the redox energy into the cross-membrane proton gradient. The electron-transfer chain of iron-sulfur cofactors within the water-soluble peripheral part of the complex is responsible for the delivery of electrons to the proton pumping subunit. The protein is porous to water penetration and the hydration level of the cofactors changes when the electron is transferred along the chain. High reaction barriers and trapping of the electrons at the iron-sulfur cofactors are prevented by the combination of intense electrostatic noise produced by the protein-water interface with the high density of quantum states in the iron-sulfur clusters caused by spin interactions between paramagnetic iron atoms. The combination of these factors substantially lowers the activation barrier for electron transfer compared to the prediction of the Marcus theory, bringing the rate to the experimentally established range. The unique role of iron-sulfur clusters as electron-transfer cofactors is in merging protein-water fluctuations with quantum-state multiplicity to allow low activation barriers and robust operation. Water plays a vital role in electron transport energetics by electrowetting the cofactors in the chain upon arrival of the electron. A general property of a protein is to violate the fluctuation-dissipation relation through nonergodic sampling of its landscape. High functional efficiency of redox enzymes is a direct consequence of nonergodicity.

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Polarizability of the Active Site of Cytochrome C Reduces the Activation Barrier for Electron Transfer

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Enzymes in biology’s energy chains operate with low energy input distributed through multiple electron transfer steps between protein active sites. The general challenge of biological design is how to lower the activation barrier without sacrificing a large negative reaction free

Enzymes in biology’s energy chains operate with low energy input distributed through multiple electron transfer steps between protein active sites. The general challenge of biological design is how to lower the activation barrier without sacrificing a large negative reaction free energy. We show that this goal is achieved through a large polarizability of the active site. It is polarized by allowing a large number of excited states, which are populated quantum mechanically by electrostatic fluctuations of the protein and hydration water shells. This perspective is achieved by extensive mixed quantum mechanical/molecular dynamics simulations of the half reaction of reduction of cytochrome c. The barrier for electron transfer is consistently lowered by increasing the number of excited states included in the Hamiltonian of the active site diagonalized along the classical trajectory. We suggest that molecular polarizability, in addition to much studied electrostatics of permanent charges, is a key parameter to consider in order to understand how enzymes work.

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