A Wearable Real-Time Auditory Feedback System to Improve Gait and Posture in Parkinson’s Disease

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Nearly one percent of the population over 65 years of age is living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and this population worldwide is projected to be approximately nine million by 2030. PD is a progressive neurological disease characterized by both motor

Nearly one percent of the population over 65 years of age is living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and this population worldwide is projected to be approximately nine million by 2030. PD is a progressive neurological disease characterized by both motor and cognitive impairments. One of the most serious challenges for an individual as the disease progresses is the increasing severity of gait and posture impairments since they result in debilitating conditions such as freezing of gait, increased likelihood of falls, and poor quality of life. Although dopaminergic therapy and deep brain stimulation are generally effective, they often fail to improve gait and posture deficits. Several recent studies have employed real-time feedback (RTF) of gait parameters to improve walking patterns in PD. In earlier work, results from the investigation of the effects of RTF of step length and back angle during treadmill walking demonstrated that people with PD could follow the feedback and utilize it to modulate movements favorably in a manner that transferred, at least acutely, to overground walking. In this work, recent advances in wearable technologies were leveraged to develop a wearable real-time feedback (WRTF) system that can monitor and evaluate movements and provide feedback during daily activities that involve overground walking. Specifically, this work addressed the challenges of obtaining accurate gait and posture measures from wearable sensors in real-time and providing auditory feedback on the calculated real-time measures for rehabilitation. An algorithm was developed to calculate gait and posture variables from wearable sensor measurements, which were then validated against gold-standard measurements. The WRTF system calculates these measures and provides auditory feedback in real-time. The WRTF system was evaluated as a potential rehabilitation tool for use by people with mild to moderate PD. Results from the study indicated that the system can accurately measure step length and back angle, and that subjects could respond to real-time auditory feedback in a manner that improved their step length and uprightness. These improvements were exhibited while using the system that provided feedback and were sustained in subsequent trials immediately thereafter in which subjects walked without receiving feedback from the system.
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Building Invariant, Robust And Stable Machine Learning Systems Using Geometry and Topology

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Over the past decade, machine learning research has made great strides and significant impact in several fields. Its success is greatly attributed to the development of effective machine learning algorithms like deep neural networks (a.k.a. deep learning), availability of large-scale

Over the past decade, machine learning research has made great strides and significant impact in several fields. Its success is greatly attributed to the development of effective machine learning algorithms like deep neural networks (a.k.a. deep learning), availability of large-scale databases and access to specialized hardware like Graphic Processing Units. When designing and training machine learning systems, researchers often assume access to large quantities of data that capture different possible variations. Variations in the data is needed to incorporate desired invariance and robustness properties in the machine learning system, especially in the case of deep learning algorithms. However, it is very difficult to gather such data in a real-world setting. For example, in certain medical/healthcare applications, it is very challenging to have access to data from all possible scenarios or with the necessary amount of variations as required to train the system. Additionally, the over-parameterized and unconstrained nature of deep neural networks can cause them to be poorly trained and in many cases over-confident which, in turn, can hamper their reliability and generalizability. This dissertation is a compendium of my research efforts to address the above challenges. I propose building invariant feature representations by wedding concepts from topological data analysis and Riemannian geometry, that automatically incorporate the desired invariance properties for different computer vision applications. I discuss how deep learning can be used to address some of the common challenges faced when working with topological data analysis methods. I describe alternative learning strategies based on unsupervised learning and transfer learning to address issues like dataset shifts and limited training data. Finally, I discuss my preliminary work on applying simple orthogonal constraints on deep learning feature representations to help develop more reliable and better calibrated models.
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Anticipatory and Invisible Interfaces to Address Impaired Proprioception in Neurological Disorders

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The burden of adaptation has been a major limiting factor in the adoption rates of new wearable assistive technologies. This burden has created a necessity for the exploration and combination of two key concepts in the development of upcoming wearables:

The burden of adaptation has been a major limiting factor in the adoption rates of new wearable assistive technologies. This burden has created a necessity for the exploration and combination of two key concepts in the development of upcoming wearables: anticipation and invisibility. The combination of these two topics has created the field of Anticipatory and Invisible Interfaces (AII)

In this dissertation, a novel framework is introduced for the development of anticipatory devices that augment the proprioceptive system in individuals with neurodegenerative disorders in a seamless way that scaffolds off of existing cognitive feedback models. The framework suggests three main categories of consideration in the development of devices which are anticipatory and invisible:

• Idiosyncratic Design: How do can a design encapsulate the unique characteristics of the individual in the design of assistive aids?

• Adaptation to Intrapersonal Variations: As individuals progress through the various stages of a disability
eurological disorder, how can the technology adapt thresholds for feedback over time to address these shifts in ability?

• Context Aware Invisibility: How can the mechanisms of interaction be modified in order to reduce cognitive load?

The concepts proposed in this framework can be generalized to a broad range of domains; however, there are two primary applications for this work: rehabilitation and assistive aids. In preliminary studies, the framework is applied in the areas of Parkinsonian freezing of gait anticipation and the anticipation of body non-compliance during rehabilitative exercise.
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Topological Descriptors for Parkinson's Disease Classification and Regression Analysis

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At present, the vast majority of human subjects with neurological disease are still diagnosed through in-person assessments and qualitative analysis of patient data. In this paper, we propose to use Topological Data Analysis (TDA) together with machine learning tools to

At present, the vast majority of human subjects with neurological disease are still diagnosed through in-person assessments and qualitative analysis of patient data. In this paper, we propose to use Topological Data Analysis (TDA) together with machine learning tools to automate the process of Parkinson’s disease classification and severity assessment. An automated, stable, and accurate method to evaluate Parkinson’s would be significant in streamlining diagnoses of patients and providing families more time for corrective measures. We propose a methodology which incorporates TDA into analyzing Parkinson’s disease postural shifts data through the representation of persistence images. Studying the topology of a system has proven to be invariant to small changes in data and has been shown to perform well in discrimination tasks. The contributions of the paper are twofold. We propose a method to 1) classify healthy patients from those afflicted by disease and 2) diagnose the severity of disease. We explore the use of the proposed method in an application involving a Parkinson’s disease dataset comprised of healthy-elderly, healthy-young and Parkinson’s disease patients.
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Real-Time Feedback Training to Improve Gait and Posture in Parkinson's Disease

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Progressive gait disorder in Parkinson's disease (PD) is usually exhibited as reduced step/stride length and gait speed. People with PD also exhibit stooped posture, which can contribute to reduced step length and arm swing. Since gait and posture deficits in

Progressive gait disorder in Parkinson's disease (PD) is usually exhibited as reduced step/stride length and gait speed. People with PD also exhibit stooped posture, which can contribute to reduced step length and arm swing. Since gait and posture deficits in people with PD do not respond well to pharmaceutical and surgical treatments, novel rehabilitative therapies to alleviate these impairments are necessary. Many studies have confirmed that people with PD can improve their walking patterns when external cues are presented. Only a few studies have provided explicit real-time feedback on performance, but they did not report how well people with PD can follow the cues on a step-by-step basis. In a single-session study using a novel-treadmill based paradigm, our group had previously demonstrated that people with PD could follow step-length and back angle feedback and improve their gait and posture during treadmill walking. This study investigated whether a long-term (6-week, 3 sessions/week) real-time feedback training (RTFT) program can improve overground gait, upright posture, balance, and quality of life. Three subjects (mean age 70 ± 2 years) with mild to moderate PD (Hoehn and Yahr stage III or below) were enrolled and participated in the program. The RTFT sessions involved walking on a treadmill while following visual feedback of step length and posture (one at any given time) displayed on a monitor placed in front of the subject at eye-level. The target step length was set between 110-120% of the step length obtained during a baseline non-feedback walking trial and the target back angle was set at the maximum upright posture exhibited during a quiet standing task. Two subjects were found to significantly improve their posture and overground walking at post-training and these changes were retained six weeks after RTFT (follow-up) and the third subject improved his upright posture and gait rhythmicity. Furthermore, the magnitude of the improvements observed in these subjects was greater than the improvements observed in reports on other neuromotor interventions. These results provide preliminary evidence that real-time feedback training can be used as an effective rehabilitative strategy to improve gait and upright posture in people with PD.
Date Created

Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation Amplitude on Motor Performance in Parkinson’s Disease

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Background: The efficacy of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson’s disease has been convincingly demonstrated in studies comparing motor performance with and without stimulation, but characterization of the stimulation dose-response curves has been limited.

Methods: In a series of case studies,

Background: The efficacy of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson’s disease has been convincingly demonstrated in studies comparing motor performance with and without stimulation, but characterization of the stimulation dose-response curves has been limited.

Methods: In a series of case studies, eight subjects with Parkinson’s disease and bilateral DBS systems were evaluated at their clinically determined stimulation (CDS) and at three reduced amplitudes, ie, approximately 70%, 30%, and 0% of the CDS (MOD, LOW, and OFF, respectively). Performance was assessed using the motor section of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-III), which includes subscores for tremor, bradykinesia, gait, posture, and tapping. Data at the reduced settings were analyzed to determine if individual subjects demonstrated a threshold-like response, which was defined as a dose-response curve in which one decrement in stimulation accounted for ≥70% of the maximum change observed. Day-to-day variability was assessed using the CDS data from the three different days.

Results: In the dose-response curves, two subjects exhibited a threshold-like response, four exhibited a graded change, and two did not exhibit substantial changes. For some subjects, variability in CDS performance across the three days exceeded the change observed when reducing amplitude to the MOD setting. Comparisons across this set of eight subjects demonstrated that the mean UPDRS-III and all but one subscore significantly increased (performance degraded) when amplitude was reduced from CDS to the LOW and OFF conditions, but there were no significant changes when amplitude was reduced from CDS to the MOD condition.

Conclusion: Individual differences in the DBS dose-response curves may provide opportunities to optimize clinical performance. Day-to-day variability in motor performance cautions against the use of a single UPDRS measurement in clinical selection of DBS settings.

Date Created

Measuring Glide Reflection Symmetry in Human Movements

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Many studies on human walking pattern assume that adult gait is characterized by bilateral symmetrical behavior. It is well understood that maintaining symmetry in walking patterns increases energetic eciency. We present a framework to provide a quantitative assessment of human

Many studies on human walking pattern assume that adult gait is characterized by bilateral symmetrical behavior. It is well understood that maintaining symmetry in walking patterns increases energetic eciency. We present a framework to provide a quantitative assessment of human walking patterns, especially assessments related to symmetric and asymmetric gait patterns purely based on glide reflection. A Gliding symmetry score is calculated from the data obtained from Motion Capture(MoCap) system. Six primary joints (Shoulder, Elbow, Palm, Hip, Knee, Foot) are considered for this study. Two dierent abnormalities were chosen and studied carefully. All the two gaits were mimicked in controlled environment. The framework proposed clearly showed that it could distinguish the abnormal gaits from the ordinary walking patterns. This framework can be widely used by the doctors and physical therapists for kinematics analysis, bio-mechanics, motion capture research, sports medicine and physical therapy, including human gait analysis and injury rehabilitation.
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Geometric approaches for modeling movement quality: applications in motor control and therapy

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There has been tremendous technological advancement in the past two decades. Faster computers and improved sensing devices have broadened the research scope in computer vision. With these developments, the task of assessing the quality of human actions, is considered an

There has been tremendous technological advancement in the past two decades. Faster computers and improved sensing devices have broadened the research scope in computer vision. With these developments, the task of assessing the quality of human actions, is considered an important problem that needs to be tackled. Movement quality assessment finds wide range of application in motor control, health-care, rehabilitation and physical therapy. Home-based interactive physical therapy requires the ability to monitor, inform and assess the quality of everyday movements. Obtaining labeled data from trained therapists/experts is the main limitation, since it is both expensive and time consuming.

Motivated by recent studies in motor control and therapy, in this thesis an existing computational framework is used to assess balance impairment and disease severity in people suffering from Parkinson's disease. The framework uses high-dimensional shape descriptors of the reconstructed phase space, of the subjects' center of pressure (CoP) tracings while performing dynamical postural shifts. The performance of the framework is evaluated using a dataset collected from 43 healthy and 17 Parkinson's disease impaired subjects, and outperforms other methods, such as dynamical shift indices and use of chaotic invariants, in assessment of balance impairment.

In this thesis, an unsupervised method is also proposed that measures movement quality assessment of simple actions like sit-to-stand and dynamic posture shifts by modeling the deviation of a given movement from an ideal movement path in the configuration space, i.e. the quality of movement is directly related to similarity to the ideal trajectory, between the start and end pose. The S^1xS^1 configuration space was used to model the interaction of two joint angles in sit-to-stand actions, and the R^2 space was used to model the subject's CoP while performing dynamic posture shifts for application in movement quality estimation.
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Kinematic and dynamical analysis techniques for human movement analysis from portable sensing devices

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Today's world is seeing a rapid technological advancement in various fields, having access to faster computers and better sensing devices. With such advancements, the task of recognizing human activities has been acknowledged as an important problem, with a wide range

Today's world is seeing a rapid technological advancement in various fields, having access to faster computers and better sensing devices. With such advancements, the task of recognizing human activities has been acknowledged as an important problem, with a wide range of applications such as surveillance, health monitoring and animation. Traditional approaches to dynamical modeling have included linear and nonlinear methods with their respective drawbacks. An alternative idea I propose is the use of descriptors of the shape of the dynamical attractor as a feature representation for quantification of nature of dynamics. The framework has two main advantages over traditional approaches: a) representation of the dynamical system is derived directly from the observational data, without any inherent assumptions, and b) the proposed features show stability under different time-series lengths where traditional dynamical invariants fail.

Approximately 1\% of the total world population are stroke survivors, making it the most common neurological disorder. This increasing demand for rehabilitation facilities has been seen as a significant healthcare problem worldwide. The laborious and expensive process of visual monitoring by physical therapists has motivated my research to invent novel strategies to supplement therapy received in hospital in a home-setting. In this direction, I propose a general framework for tuning component-level kinematic features using therapists’ overall impressions of movement quality, in the context of a Home-based Adaptive Mixed Reality Rehabilitation (HAMRR) system.

The rapid technological advancements in computing and sensing has resulted in large amounts of data which requires powerful tools to analyze. In the recent past, topological data analysis methods have been investigated in various communities, and the work by Carlsson establishes that persistent homology can be used as a powerful topological data analysis approach for effectively analyzing large datasets. I have explored suitable topological data analysis methods and propose a framework for human activity analysis utilizing the same for applications such as action recognition.
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Feedback paradigm for rehabilitation of people with Parkinson's disease

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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that produces a characteristic set of neuromotor deficits that sometimes includes reduced amplitude and velocity of movement. Several studies have shown that people with PD improved their motor performance when presented with

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that produces a characteristic set of neuromotor deficits that sometimes includes reduced amplitude and velocity of movement. Several studies have shown that people with PD improved their motor performance when presented with external cues. Other work has demonstrated that high velocity and large amplitude exercises can increase the amplitude and velocity of movement in simple carryover tasks in the upper and lower extremities. Although the cause for these effects is not known, improvements due to cueing suggest that part of the neuromotor deficit in PD is in the integration of sensory feedback to produce motor commands. Previous studies have documented some somatosensory deficits, but only limited information is available regarding the nature and magnitude of sensorimotor deficits in the shoulder of people with PD. The goals of this research were to characterize the sensorimotor impairment in the shoulder joint of people with PD and to investigate the use of visual feedback and large amplitude/high velocity exercises to target PD-related motor deficits. Two systems were designed and developed to use visual feedback to assess the ability of participants to accurately adjust limb placement or limb movement velocity and to encourage improvements in performance of these tasks. Each system was tested on participants with PD, age-matched control subjects and young control subjects to characterize and compare limb placement and velocity control capabilities. Results demonstrated that participants with PD were less accurate at placing their limbs than age-matched or young control subjects, but that their performance improved over the course of the test session such that by the end, the participants with PD performed as well as controls. For the limb velocity feedback task, participants with PD and age-matched control subjects were less accurate than young control subjects, but at the end of the session, participants with PD and age-matched control subjects were as accurate as the young control subjects. This study demonstrates that people with PD were able to improve their movement patterns based on visual feedback of performance and suggests that this feedback paradigm may be useful in exercise programs for people with PD.
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