Incorporating Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening into Pediatric Primary Care

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Purpose/Background: Children exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress have an increased risk of developing chronic illness and early death in the absence of protective factors. Many providers feel inadequately prepared to screen for and treat

Purpose/Background: Children exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress have an increased risk of developing chronic illness and early death in the absence of protective factors. Many providers feel inadequately prepared to screen for and treat ACEs. This quality improvement project, based on the Health Belief Model, investigated if providing ACEs education before a screening program is effective in improving attitudes, knowledge, and the number of completed screenings. Method: The project was conducted at a pediatric primary care practice in the southwestern United States. All providers voluntarily consented to attend four education sessions: 1) Trauma overview, 2) Trauma physiology, 3) Trauma-informed care, 4) Screening tool/referral process. An anonymous pre/post-education Likert-Scale survey was completed to assess knowledge and attitudes about ACEs and screening. The number of completed ACEs screening tools and referrals made were collected four- and eight-weeks post-implementation. Results: Data were analyzed using Intellectus Statistics SoftwareTM. There was a significant increase in ACEs knowledge from the pre-test (p= .011, ?=.05). There was not a significant change in attitudes from the pre-test (p=.066, ?=.05). However, the mean pre- to post-survey scores increased for both categories, indicating improved attitudes. Over the first four weeks, 75% of eligible children were screened and 6% were referred to an ACEs resource program. In the second four weeks, 56% of children were screened and 8.6% were referred. Discussion: A comprehensive education program for providers can improve knowledge about ACEs screening, leading to improved screening practices, early identification, and the introduction of protective resources.
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Bridging the Gap in Pediatric Feeding Tube Education

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Background: Existing practice standards for discharge education are insufficient to support parents of children with new enteral feeding devices in the outpatient setting which has led to increased clinic and emergency department visits, hospital stays, and preventable complications. The purpose

Background: Existing practice standards for discharge education are insufficient to support parents of children with new enteral feeding devices in the outpatient setting which has led to increased clinic and emergency department visits, hospital stays, and preventable complications. The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project was to design and deliver a comprehensive evidence-based enteral feeding tube hospital-based discharge education intervention for parents after their child’s gastrostomy tube placement surgery. Guided by Transition’s theory, the project aims to bridge the gap in education by providing the parent with ongoing support and education about their child’s gastrostomy tube. Methods: This project measured the impact of inpatient discharge education with ongoing support and outpatient education on parent knowledge and confidence. All English-speaking parents of pediatric patients ages 0-17 years with new gastrostomy tubes at a large, urban, freestanding pediatric hospital in the southwest United States were eligible for participation. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. The education intervention was delivered at hospital discharge then reinforced at the first follow-up visit in the surgery clinic. Data analysis included demographic items, a Paired Samples T-Test, and a Two-tailed Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test analyses. Results: Results indicated a statistically significant difference in parent knowledge after the educational intervention. Results also indicated a clinically significant increase in parent confidence. Conclusion: Providing ongoing support and education positively impacts parent knowledge and confidence related to the care of their child’s new gastrostomy tube. Future impacts of this educational intervention may demonstrate a decrease in clinic and emergency department (ED) visits, hospital expenditure, and preventable complications.
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Culturally Tailored Interventions for Childhood Obesity in Mexico

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The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project is to develop and implement a culturally tailored educational program into a community clinic in a northern border community in Mexico to prevent and combat childhood obesity. In Mexico,

The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project is to develop and implement a culturally tailored educational program into a community clinic in a northern border community in Mexico to prevent and combat childhood obesity. In Mexico, 33.2% of children are overweight or obese and numbers are continuing to rise, which has a significant impact on physical and psychological health and can lead to diabetes, fatty liver disease, thyroid disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, and other chronic diseases. Guided by Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy, weekly education sessions were delivered to members of the community clinic for two weeks. Content included both a nutrition component and an exercise component. An emphasis was made on increasing physical activity, increasing water consumption, decreasing sugar sweetened beverages, and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption. Videos were developed for each education session. Worksheets and handouts were developed to enhance learning and give participants a tangible reference for individual learning. Content was taken from the CDC and adapted to fit the needs of the community. All content was culturally tailored for low literacy levels and translated to Spanish. Knowledge, behavior change, and self-efficacy were measured by pre and post surveys. Self-efficacy showed statistically significant change from pre and post intervention. These findings suggest that healthy eating and exercise education can potentially increase knowledge, promote behavior change, and enhance self-efficacy, which can, in turn, prevent and combat childhood obesity and related disease states.
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Telehealth Education for Pediatric Asthma Management

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Objectives: Asthma education is essential for every pediatric asthma management plan. This Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Quality Improvement (QI) project, guided by the Social Cognitive Theory, aims to explore effective and innovative interventions for asthma management and determine if

Objectives: Asthma education is essential for every pediatric asthma management plan. This Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Quality Improvement (QI) project, guided by the Social Cognitive Theory, aims to explore effective and innovative interventions for asthma management and determine if telehealth is an effective way to deliver asthma education to parents. Methods: Parents (n = 5) of children with asthma at an urban pediatric primary care clinic were recruited to attend four weekly, 60-minute asthma education sessions over Zoom®. Participants were recruited with flyers and clinic referrals. Participants answered pre- and post-intervention online questionnaires following informed consent, including the Parental Asthma Management Self-Efficacy Scale (PAMSES), the Asthma Control Test (ACT), and a parent program evaluation. Paired sample t-tests were conducted to analyze data and measure mean differences in pre-and post-parent self-efficacy and asthma control in their child. Results: The results include a statistically significant change in pre-intervention and post-intervention mean PAMSES scores. There was no significant difference between pre-intervention and post-intervention ACT scores; however, there was an increase in mean ACT scores from baseline. Conclusions: Telehealth is a practical and cost-effective way to address gaps in asthma education and improve patient outcomes. The use of telehealth may be an effective way to address gaps in parent/patient education regarding the prevention of and management of asthma symptoms. Ongoing assessment is needed to evaluate if asthma telehealth education can be effective in other settings, languages, and age groups.
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Rural Childhood Cancer in Arizona: A Needs Assessment

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Childhood cancer affects nearly eleven-thousand children under the age of fifteen years each year, which launches families into a treatment trajectory of unforeseen complexities in several domains. As pediatric oncology healthcare providers tailor family-centered care for these highly fragile children,

Childhood cancer affects nearly eleven-thousand children under the age of fifteen years each year, which launches families into a treatment trajectory of unforeseen complexities in several domains. As pediatric oncology healthcare providers tailor family-centered care for these highly fragile children, it is vital to understand the family’s lifestyle and available community resources. Children residing in remote areas may experience more burdensome needs as they progress in the cancer treatment trajectory, which healthcare providers may not be aware of unless the information is specifically solicited or incidentally discovered. Use of an evidence-based needs assessment for families who reside in remote zip codes will aid in identification of unique needs and assist the multi-disciplinary care team to specifically tailor interventions to the family. Forty semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents of childhood cancer survivors using an expert-validated needs assessment tool. The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project is to develop a needs assessment for children with cancer in order to identify which needs are amplified in a remote community in order to match and create resources to meet those needs.
Date Created

Pediatric Weight Management: Provider Needs Assessment to Improve Care for Military Dependents

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Background/Purpose: The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the pediatric population is a global epidemic. Rapid weight gain in early childhood exacerbates risk factors for obesity, chronic disease in adulthood, and disqualifies 31% of American youth from serving in the

Background/Purpose: The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the pediatric population is a global epidemic. Rapid weight gain in early childhood exacerbates risk factors for obesity, chronic disease in adulthood, and disqualifies 31% of American youth from serving in the Armed Forces. Although the pediatric dependents weight crisis reflects the national dilemma, there are inconsistencies in provider knowledge, limited access to evidence-based, weight management intervention, and treatment options. This paper will assess provider needs, identify opportunity to improve practice, and process used in weight management in the clinic. Method: Eight military and four civilian pediatric and family practice providers completed a 16-item needs assessment survey. The survey was distributed via email using an online survey tool, and a printed version was provided to those who had not completed it online. Data was collected over 8 weeks and a descriptive analysis of content was done using the Intellectus software. Results: Although the response rate was 88.9%, it was lower than anticipated due to COVID-19 related military deployments. Descriptive data were obtained on a variety of provider needs and practices. Results provided valuable information on current attitudes of providers. Providers demonstrated a significant need for a multidisciplinary support team including a dietician and more time dedicated to weight management at office visits. At least 50% of providers have had motivational interviewing training and report that they apply these techniques as part of an intervention in patient’s weight management care. Implication: Data supports overweight and obesity care practice changes in the clinic. Areas identified by providers included the need for further training and clinic management support including the availability of a pediatric dietician added to the healthcare team.
Date Created

Bringing Visibility to Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease: A Needs Assessment to Inform Camp Programming

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Sickle cell disease is a genetic hemoglobinopathy resulting in chronic and daily pain, risk of serious sequelae, and altered activities of daily living. Resources dedicated to helping individuals with sickle cell disease are lacking, especially compared to other chronic diseases.

Sickle cell disease is a genetic hemoglobinopathy resulting in chronic and daily pain, risk of serious sequelae, and altered activities of daily living. Resources dedicated to helping individuals with sickle cell disease are lacking, especially compared to other chronic diseases. Children with sickle cell disease experience school absence, fractured peer relationships, frequent healthcare visits, stigma, and feelings of isolation. Additionally, chronic pain decreases developmentally important play and physical activity in these children. The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project is to conduct a needs assessment to inform sickle cell disease family camp programming in southern Arizona. Once a camp experience can be safely implemented, the effects of a camp experience on knowledge, empowerment, and disease management in children with sickle cell disease will be investigated. Research specific to camps for children suffering from sickle cell disease is lacking, however ample evidence suggests the benefit of disease specific camps. Medical specialty camps provide an opportunity for children and families to normalize their condition, participate in activities, and form peer relationships in an environment that safely accommodates their unique needs. This has led to the initiation of an evidence-based project to develop a needs assessment for families affected by sickle cell disease and community partners to inform camp activity development guided by Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Framework for Program Evaluation.
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Childhood Drowning: How Can Healthcare Providers Help?

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Introduction: Drowning is the leading cause of death in children between 1 and 4 years of age; in Arizona drownings are double the national average for this age group. The goal of this Doctor of Nursing project was to educate

Introduction: Drowning is the leading cause of death in children between 1 and 4 years of age; in Arizona drownings are double the national average for this age group. The goal of this Doctor of Nursing project was to educate and empower pediatric providers to give quality drowning prevention (DP) anticipatory guidance (AG) to caregivers of children between 1 and 4 years of age at every well exam. Method: This quality improvement (QI) project included 32 providers from six pediatric clinics in Arizona. A one-hour education session focused on drowning prevention followed one month later by a a thirty-minute follow-up feedback session were conducted. Pre- and post- education surveys were administered at the first session to measure perceived previous and future intended DP AG practice. An additional follow-up survey was administered at the second session to evaluate perceived change. In addition, caregivers were contacted and surveyed one to three months post initial education to assess provider delivery of AG. Likert-scales and descriptive statistics were used to evaluate data sets. Results: Post-educational intervention, providers reported increased intention (p = 0.027) to provide water safety AG, and increased intention (p < 0.001) to connect water AG to developmental milestones. Post-intervention follow-up indicated an increased provision of developmentally specific water safety AG to caregivers (p < 0.001) and increased connection of developmental milestones in AG (p = 0.016). Barriers that prevent water safety AG were reported as time constraints and other perceived AG of higher priority. Implications: This QI project adds to the literature and demonstrates the benefit of education to invigorate and empower increased provision of quality DP AG from providers.
Date Created

Implementation of Adolescent Depression Care Guidelines into the Electronic Health Record at a Rural Pediatric Primary Care Clinic

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Background: Healthcare providers are encouraged to prepare their practice to effectively manage the care of mild to moderate adolescent depression. Cost-effective screening, diagnostic, and newly developed pediatric primary care depression management guidelines have been established. To integrate guidelines into practice,

Background: Healthcare providers are encouraged to prepare their practice to effectively manage the care of mild to moderate adolescent depression. Cost-effective screening, diagnostic, and newly developed pediatric primary care depression management guidelines have been established. To integrate guidelines into practice, primary care providers (PCPs) must document effectively to ensure a complete treatment plan is in place in the patient’s electronic health record (EHR).

Intervention: Elements from a flowsheet were implemented into the EHR to promote thorough assessment and documentation of care delivered to adolescents with depression.

Methods: An initial chart review was completed on patients diagnosed with depression. An updated depression template was implemented within the EHR for six weeks. A follow-up chart review was completed post-intervention to determine if documentation of elements from the adolescent depression guidelines improved after the EHR update. Pre-intervention and post- intervention surveys were delivered to PCP’s to understand their perspective on adolescent depression management.

Outcomes: The chart review revealed that baseline PHQ-9 screenings were documented in 91% (n=43) of the charts reviewed in the pre-intervention timeframe. Only 78% (n=7) of the charts reviewed during post-intervention included PHQ-9 screenings. Early intervention treatment options documented in the pre-intervention timeframe included education 100% (n=47), medication prescriptions 53% (n=25), and psychotherapy referrals 18% (n=18). During post- intervention, education 100% (n=9), medication prescriptions 78% (7), and psychotherapy referrals 22% (n=7) were documented by the PCPs.

Recommendation: The quality improvement project focused heavily on documentation completed over a one year pre-intervention timeframe compared to a six-week post-intervention timeframe. Further evaluation and chart review over the next year will provide a more adequate comparison of documentation within primary care practice.

Date Created

Enhanced Primary Care Electronic Medical Record Education to Improve the Use of Patient Portals

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Background: Health information technology (HIT) refers to the electronic health care systems organizations used to store, share and analyze healthcare information. A central component of the HIT infrastructure is an electronic health record (EMR) and although HIT has been shown

Background: Health information technology (HIT) refers to the electronic health care systems organizations used to store, share and analyze healthcare information. A central component of the HIT infrastructure is an electronic health record (EMR) and although HIT has been shown to increase enthusiasm for patient care, decrease healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes overall utilization in the United States (US) remains low.

Methods: At an urban primary care pediatric office located in the southwestern US, an educational quality improvement project for healthcare practice providers and front office staff was conducted to increase the utilization of the existing EMR-linked patient portal. The healthcare providers were asked to complete a pre- and post- survey evaluation of their knowledge and usage of the patient portal. Provider and patient portal data usage was collected over a five-month period, September 2019 to January 2020.

Results: Data was analyzed using the Intellectus Statistics softwareTM. Significant results were found at the conclusion of the project in the number of active patient portal users, web-enabled, portal logins, labs published/viewed, messages sent, appointment reminders and Santovia utilization. At the end of the project no significance was found with messages received by the healthcare providers or staff through the patient portal. Survey results found significant differences between pre- and post- portal usage. No significance was found on providers’ knowledge on how to web-enable patients. Providers’ also demonstrated no significant change in their perceptions of the benefit in utilizing the portal in patient care after the educational intervention. Survey results allowed for additional analysis of commonly utilized portal functionalities, disease or health topics utilized in Santovia, and suggestions on how to make the use of the patient portal easier for providers.

Implications for Health Care Providers: This quality improvement project found that implementation an EMR-linked patient portal requires a comprehensive practice approach with structured education sessions. Including all employees can improve patient portal utilization. This educational project resulted in significant increases in most portal functionalities within 5 months. Further practice change evaluations are needed to evaluate how to improve patient portal utilization with a larger group of participants in a variety of outpatient settings.
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