Bridging the Gap in Pediatric Feeding Tube Education

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Background: Existing practice standards for discharge education are insufficient to support parents of children with new enteral feeding devices in the outpatient setting which has led to increased clinic and emergency department visits, hospital stays, and preventable complications. The purpose

Background: Existing practice standards for discharge education are insufficient to support parents of children with new enteral feeding devices in the outpatient setting which has led to increased clinic and emergency department visits, hospital stays, and preventable complications. The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project was to design and deliver a comprehensive evidence-based enteral feeding tube hospital-based discharge education intervention for parents after their child’s gastrostomy tube placement surgery. Guided by Transition’s theory, the project aims to bridge the gap in education by providing the parent with ongoing support and education about their child’s gastrostomy tube. Methods: This project measured the impact of inpatient discharge education with ongoing support and outpatient education on parent knowledge and confidence. All English-speaking parents of pediatric patients ages 0-17 years with new gastrostomy tubes at a large, urban, freestanding pediatric hospital in the southwest United States were eligible for participation. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. The education intervention was delivered at hospital discharge then reinforced at the first follow-up visit in the surgery clinic. Data analysis included demographic items, a Paired Samples T-Test, and a Two-tailed Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test analyses. Results: Results indicated a statistically significant difference in parent knowledge after the educational intervention. Results also indicated a clinically significant increase in parent confidence. Conclusion: Providing ongoing support and education positively impacts parent knowledge and confidence related to the care of their child’s new gastrostomy tube. Future impacts of this educational intervention may demonstrate a decrease in clinic and emergency department (ED) visits, hospital expenditure, and preventable complications.
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