Neuroaesthetics: A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis of the Relationship Between Beauty and Addiction


This paper provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the relationship between beauty and addiction, with a focus on the emerging field of neuroaesthetics. Neuroaesthetics investigates the neural mechanisms that underlie aesthetic experiences and how the brain cognitively processes beauty. Since there

This paper provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the relationship between beauty and addiction, with a focus on the emerging field of neuroaesthetics. Neuroaesthetics investigates the neural mechanisms that underlie aesthetic experiences and how the brain cognitively processes beauty. Since there is a biological foundation of this report, I will predominantly discuss neuroanatomy, neurological studies, and the overlap in neural circuitry between beauty and addiction. In addition, I will discuss the philosophical roots of beauty, as well as the environmental elements involved. Chapter 1 begins by explaining the history of beauty and its importance. I discuss the main constituents of beauty and differentiate between key terms involved in the beauty experience. In order to understand the link between beauty and addiction, it is essential to have a knowledgeable background on what beauty is. Next, I discuss the neurobiology of addiction. The main component of this chapter involves the mesolimbic and mesocortical reward pathways. I also describe neuroanatomical terms involved in addiction. The last chapter considers the implications of neuroaesthetics in various studies, which primarily involve the use of fMRIs. I discuss the sensory evaluations of beauty and the brain regions involved in the beauty experience. From this, I found that the experience of beauty activates these main brain regions: PFC, amygdala, striatum, NAcc, cingulate, VTA, and most remarkably, field A1 of the mOFC. By combining the neurological studies with studies of aesthetics, I reached the conclusion that there is an overlap in the neural pathways during the experience of beauty and during addiction. Although it is necessary for further research to be conducted to properly declare this, I discovered that the pursuit of beauty can lead to addictive behaviors, as the reward centers of the brain are activated by aesthetic experiences.

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