Role of circHomer1 in Synaptic Plasticity and Cocaine-Seeking Behavior

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Cocaine induces long-lasting changes in mesolimbic ‘reward’ circuits of the brain after cessation of use. These lingering changes include the neuronal plasticity that is thought to underlie the chronic relapsing nature of substance use disorders. Genes involved in neuronal plasticity

Cocaine induces long-lasting changes in mesolimbic ‘reward’ circuits of the brain after cessation of use. These lingering changes include the neuronal plasticity that is thought to underlie the chronic relapsing nature of substance use disorders. Genes involved in neuronal plasticity also encode circular RNAs (circRNAs), which are stable, non-coding RNAs formed through the back-splicing of pre-mRNA. The Homer1 gene family, which encodes proteins associated with cocaine-induced plasticity, also encodes circHomer1. Based on preliminary evidence from shows cocaine-regulated changes in the ratio of circHomer1 and Homer1b mRNA in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), this study examined the relationship between circHomer1 and incentive motivation for cocaine by using different lengths of abstinence to vary the degree of motivation. Male and female rats were trained to self-administer cocaine (0.75 mg/kg/infusion, IV) or received a yoked saline infusion. Rats proceeded on an increasingly more difficult variable ratio schedule of lever pressing until they reached a variable ratio 5 schedule, which requires an average of 5 lever presses, and light and tone cues were delivered with the drug infusions. Rats were then tested for cocaine-seeking behavior in response to cue presentations without drug delivery either 1 or 21 days after their last self-administration session. They were sacrificed immediately after and circHomer1 and Homer1b expression was then measured from homogenate and synaptosomal fractions of NAc shell using RT-qPCR. Lever pressing during the cue reactivity test increased from 1 to 21 days of abstinence as expected. Results showed no group differences in synaptic circHomer1 expression, however, total circHomer1 expression was downregulated in 21d rats compared to controls. Lack of change in synaptic circHomer1 was likely due to trends toward different temporal changes in males versus females. Total Homer1b expression was higher in females, although there was no effect of cocaine abstinence. Further research investigating the time course of circHomer1 and Homer1b expression is warranted based on the inverse relationship between total circHomer1and cocaine-seeking behavior observed in this study.
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