Applications of Reduced Order Modeling for Geometrically Nonlinear Structures: Highly Asymmetric Structures and Contact Nonlinearity

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Over the past few decades there has been significant interest in the design and construction of hypersonic vehicles. Such vehicles exhibit strongly coupled aerodynamics, acoustics, heat transfer, and structural deformations, which can take significant computational efforts to simulate using standard

Over the past few decades there has been significant interest in the design and construction of hypersonic vehicles. Such vehicles exhibit strongly coupled aerodynamics, acoustics, heat transfer, and structural deformations, which can take significant computational efforts to simulate using standard finite element and computational fluid dynamics techniques. This situation has lead to development of various reduced order modelling (ROM) methods which reduce the parameter space of these simulations so they can be run more quickly. The planned hypersonic vehicles will be constructed by assembling a series of sub-structures, such as panels and stiffeners, that will be welded together creating built-up structures.In this light, the focus of the present investigation is on the formulation and validation of nonlinear reduced order models (NLROMs) of built-up structures that include nonlinear geometric effects induced by the large loads/large response. Moreover, it is recognized that gaps between sub-structures could result from the these intense loadings can thus the inclusion of the nonlinearity introduced by contact separation will also be addressed. These efforts, application to built-up structures and inclusion of contact nonlinearity, represent novel developments of existing NLROM strategies. A hat stiffened panel is selected as a representative example of built-up structure and a compact NRLOM is successfully constructed for this structure which exhibited a potential internal resonance. For the investigation of contact nonlinearity, two structural models were used: a cantilevered beam which can contact several stops and an overlapping plate model which can exhibit the opening/closing of a gap. Successful NLROMs were constructed for these structures with the basis for the plate model determined as a two-step process, i.e., considering the plate without gap first and then enriching the corresponding basis to account for opening of the gap. Adaptions were then successfully made to a Newton-Raphson solver to properly account for contact and the associated forces in static predictions by NLROMs.
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