Applications of Reduced Order Modeling for Geometrically Nonlinear Structures: Highly Asymmetric Structures and Contact Nonlinearity

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Over the past few decades there has been significant interest in the design and construction of hypersonic vehicles. Such vehicles exhibit strongly coupled aerodynamics, acoustics, heat transfer, and structural deformations, which can take significant computational efforts to simulate using standard

Over the past few decades there has been significant interest in the design and construction of hypersonic vehicles. Such vehicles exhibit strongly coupled aerodynamics, acoustics, heat transfer, and structural deformations, which can take significant computational efforts to simulate using standard finite element and computational fluid dynamics techniques. This situation has lead to development of various reduced order modelling (ROM) methods which reduce the parameter space of these simulations so they can be run more quickly. The planned hypersonic vehicles will be constructed by assembling a series of sub-structures, such as panels and stiffeners, that will be welded together creating built-up structures.In this light, the focus of the present investigation is on the formulation and validation of nonlinear reduced order models (NLROMs) of built-up structures that include nonlinear geometric effects induced by the large loads/large response. Moreover, it is recognized that gaps between sub-structures could result from the these intense loadings can thus the inclusion of the nonlinearity introduced by contact separation will also be addressed. These efforts, application to built-up structures and inclusion of contact nonlinearity, represent novel developments of existing NLROM strategies. A hat stiffened panel is selected as a representative example of built-up structure and a compact NRLOM is successfully constructed for this structure which exhibited a potential internal resonance. For the investigation of contact nonlinearity, two structural models were used: a cantilevered beam which can contact several stops and an overlapping plate model which can exhibit the opening/closing of a gap. Successful NLROMs were constructed for these structures with the basis for the plate model determined as a two-step process, i.e., considering the plate without gap first and then enriching the corresponding basis to account for opening of the gap. Adaptions were then successfully made to a Newton-Raphson solver to properly account for contact and the associated forces in static predictions by NLROMs.
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Nonlinear Reduced Order Modeling of Structures Exhibiting a Strong Nonlinearity

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The focus of this dissertation is first on understanding the difficulties involved in constructing reduced order models of structures that exhibit a strong nonlinearity/strongly nonlinear events such as snap-through, buckling (local or global), mode switching, symmetry breaking. Next, based on

The focus of this dissertation is first on understanding the difficulties involved in constructing reduced order models of structures that exhibit a strong nonlinearity/strongly nonlinear events such as snap-through, buckling (local or global), mode switching, symmetry breaking. Next, based on this understanding, it is desired to modify/extend the current Nonlinear Reduced Order Modeling (NLROM) methodology, basis selection and/or identification methodology, to obtain reliable reduced order models of these structures. Focusing on these goals, the work carried out addressed more specifically the following issues:

i) optimization of the basis to capture at best the response in the smallest number of modes,

ii) improved identification of the reduced order model stiffness coefficients,

iii) detection of strongly nonlinear events using NLROM.

For the first issue, an approach was proposed to rotate a limited number of linear modes to become more dominant in the response of the structure. This step was achieved through a proper orthogonal decomposition of the projection on these linear modes of a series of representative nonlinear displacements. This rotation does not expand the modal space but renders that part of the basis more efficient, the identification of stiffness coefficients more reliable, and the selection of dual modes more compact. In fact, a separate approach was also proposed for an independent optimization of the duals. Regarding the second issue, two tuning approaches of the stiffness coefficients were proposed to improve the identification of a limited set of critical coefficients based on independent response data of the structure. Both approaches led to a significant improvement of the static prediction for the clamped-clamped curved beam model. Extensive validations of the NLROMs based on the above novel approaches was carried out by comparisons with full finite element response data. The third issue, the detection of nonlinear events, was finally addressed by building connections between the eigenvalues of the finite element software (Nastran here) and NLROM tangent stiffness matrices and the occurrence of the ‘events’ which is further extended to the assessment of the accuracy with which the NLROM captures the full finite element behavior after the event has occurred.
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Multiscale reduced order models for the geometrically nonlinear response of complex structures

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The focus of this investigation includes three aspects. First, the development of nonlinear reduced order modeling techniques for the prediction of the response of complex structures exhibiting "large" deformations, i.e. a geometrically nonlinear behavior, and modeled within a commercial finite

The focus of this investigation includes three aspects. First, the development of nonlinear reduced order modeling techniques for the prediction of the response of complex structures exhibiting "large" deformations, i.e. a geometrically nonlinear behavior, and modeled within a commercial finite element code. The present investigation builds on a general methodology, successfully validated in recent years on simpler panel structures, by developing a novel identification strategy of the reduced order model parameters, that enables the consideration of the large number of modes needed for complex structures, and by extending an automatic strategy for the selection of the basis functions used to represent accurately the displacement field. These novel developments are successfully validated on the nonlinear static and dynamic responses of a 9-bay panel structure modeled within Nastran. In addition, a multi-scale approach based on Component Mode Synthesis methods is explored. Second, an assessment of the predictive capabilities of nonlinear reduced order models for the prediction of the large displacement and stress fields of panels that have a geometric discontinuity; a flat panel with a notch was used for this assessment. It is demonstrated that the reduced order models of both virgin and notched panels provide a close match of the displacement field obtained from full finite element analyses of the notched panel for moderately large static and dynamic responses. In regards to stresses, it is found that the notched panel reduced order model leads to a close prediction of the stress distribution obtained on the notched panel as computed by the finite element model. Two enrichment techniques, based on superposition of the notch effects on the virgin panel stress field, are proposed to permit a close prediction of the stress distribution of the notched panel from the reduced order model of the virgin one. A very good prediction of the full finite element results is achieved with both enrichments for static and dynamic responses. Finally, computational challenges associated with the solution of the reduced order model equations are discussed. Two alternatives to reduce the computational time for the solution of these problems are explored.
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Thermoelastodynamic responses of panels through reduced order modeling: oscillating flux and temperature dependent properties

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This thesis focuses on the continued extension, validation, and application of combined thermal-structural reduced order models for nonlinear geometric problems. The first part of the thesis focuses on the determination of the temperature distribution and structural response induced by an

This thesis focuses on the continued extension, validation, and application of combined thermal-structural reduced order models for nonlinear geometric problems. The first part of the thesis focuses on the determination of the temperature distribution and structural response induced by an oscillating flux on the top surface of a flat panel. This flux is introduced here as a simplified representation of the thermal effects of an oscillating shock on a panel of a supersonic/hypersonic vehicle. Accordingly, a random acoustic excitation is also considered to act on the panel and the level of the thermo-acoustic excitation is assumed to be large enough to induce a nonlinear geometric response of the panel. Both temperature distribution and structural response are determined using recently proposed reduced order models and a complete one way, thermal-structural, coupling is enforced. A steady-state analysis of the thermal problem is first carried out that is then utilized in the structural reduced order model governing equations with and without the acoustic excitation. A detailed validation of the reduced order models is carried out by comparison with a few full finite element (Nastran) computations. The computational expedience of the reduced order models allows a detailed parametric study of the response as a function of the frequency of the oscillating flux. The nature of the corresponding structural ROM equations is seen to be of a Mathieu-type with Duffing nonlinearity (originating from the nonlinear geometric effects) with external harmonic excitation (associated with the thermal moments terms on the panel). A dominant resonance is observed and explained. The second part of the thesis is focused on extending the formulation of the combined thermal-structural reduced order modeling method to include temperature dependent structural properties, more specifically of the elasticity tensor and the coefficient of thermal expansion. These properties were assumed to vary linearly with local temperature and it was found that the linear stiffness coefficients and the "thermal moment" terms then are cubic functions of the temperature generalized coordinates while the quadratic and cubic stiffness coefficients were only linear functions of these coordinates. A first validation of this reduced order modeling strategy was successfully carried out.
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