Chord Progression: An Independent Study In Music Journalism


Chord Progression is a creative project, designed to enhance one's understanding on the evolution of music journalism. It includes an academic essay that highlights key moments in the history of this field, a collection of three original album reviews, three

Chord Progression is a creative project, designed to enhance one's understanding on the evolution of music journalism. It includes an academic essay that highlights key moments in the history of this field, a collection of three original album reviews, three one-on-one artist interviews and a personal account on the most recent music festival in Arizona. This project was intended to be used as resume material when searching for opportunities in professional writing and editing positions. I hope that you enjoy reading!

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El Niño


The setting of the story is Phoenix, Arizona, a city that is made up of a plethora of natural wonders and a diverse, rich culture. However, our city also has a large population of undocumented citizens, gang violence, social segregation,

The setting of the story is Phoenix, Arizona, a city that is made up of a plethora of natural wonders and a diverse, rich culture. However, our city also has a large population of undocumented citizens, gang violence, social segregation, drug trade activity, and political polarization. Recently, immigrants and minorities have been blamed for most of these problems. The origins of crime and the drug trade must be addressed, so that incoming immigrants have a fair opportunity at the American Dream. Americans must understand this, as we are a nation of immigrants, and knowing our history will ground us in our identity, as well as redirect us to our core values. I decided to write this rap musical for the people in the ghettoes all around the world, but especially for the people in my barrio. To know where we are headed, it helps to know where we come from.

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Patients’ Relationship with Technology in Healthcare: How Social, Economic, and Political Factors Influence this Relationship and Patients’ Medical Care

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As time passes and equipment advances, healthcare keeps evolving. The way medicine is practiced today is largely influenced by the resources established from technology. This technology has been a benefit in the treatment of many patients but has, at the

As time passes and equipment advances, healthcare keeps evolving. The way medicine is practiced today is largely influenced by the resources established from technology. This technology has been a benefit in the treatment of many patients but has, at the same time, also provided new obstacles. Each advancement has an influence on the way medicine is practiced and the type of care patients are receiving. This thesis explores these factors to determine the overall impact patients face as innovation progresses through future development.

Date Created

Outcomes and Motivations for Science and Religion to Cooperate Against Human Induced Climate Change


Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of the generation. Both faith organizations and scientific research are striving to solve problems related to climate change. Both show significant motivations to act on the effects that global warming is

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of the generation. Both faith organizations and scientific research are striving to solve problems related to climate change. Both show significant motivations to act on the effects that global warming is predicted to have. Combining the motivations and finding common ground could be the key to changing the fundamental issues that lead to climate change and both sides need each other to carry out the goal of preventing climate change. Some potential outcomes of cooperation are explored and the impact that these measures could have are described. These effects will be synthesized from previous research on the subjects, compiling qualitative data on the motivations and effects of both religion and science on climate change.
