Affordable Soft and Semi-rigid Robot Designs -- Case Studies via Compliance Tuning and Mechanism Design

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Robotic technology can be broadly categorized into two main approaches based on the compliance of the robot's materials and structure: hard and soft. Hard, traditional robots, with mechanisms to transmit forces, provide high degrees of freedom (DoFs) and precise manipulation,

Robotic technology can be broadly categorized into two main approaches based on the compliance of the robot's materials and structure: hard and soft. Hard, traditional robots, with mechanisms to transmit forces, provide high degrees of freedom (DoFs) and precise manipulation, making them commonly used in industry and academic research. The field of soft robotics, on the other hand, is a new trend from the past three decades of robotics that uses soft materials such as silicone or textiles as the body or material base instead of the rigid bodies used in traditional robots. Soft robots are typically pre-programmed with specific geometries, and perform well at tasks such as human-robot interaction, locomotion in complex environments, and adaptive reconfiguration to the environment, which reduces the cost of future programming and control. However, full soft robotic systems are often less mobile due to their actuation --pneumatics, high-voltage electricity or magnetics -- even if the robot itself is at a millimeter or centimeter scale. Rigid or hard robots, on the other hand, can often carry the weight of their own power, but with a higher burden of cost for control and sensing. A middle ground is thus sought, to combine soft robotics technologies with rigid robots, by implementing mechanism design principles with soft robots to embed functionalities or utilize soft robots as the actuator on a rigid robotic system towards an affordable robotic system design. This dissertation showcases five examples of this design principle with two main research branches: locomotion and wearable robotics. In the first research case, an example of how a miniature swimming robot can navigate through a granular environment using compliant plates is presented, compared to other robots that change their shape or use high DoF mechanisms. In the second pipeline, mechanism design is implemented using soft robotics concepts in a wearable robot. An origami-inspired, soft "exo-shell", that can change its stiffness on demand, is introduced. As a follow-up to this wearable origami-inspired robot, a geometry-based, ``near" self-locking modular brake is then presented. Finally, upon combining the origami-inspired wearable robot and brake design, a concept of a modular wearable robot is showcased for the purpose of answering a series of biomechanics questions.
Date Created

Design, Model, and Control of a Low-Cost 3 Degree of Freedom Balancing Laminate Leg with an Actively Controlled Ankle Using Fundamental Controls Concepts

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This thesis introduces a new robotic leg design with three degrees of freedom that

can be adapted for both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotive systems, and serves as

a blueprint for designers attempting to create low cost robot legs capable of balancing

and walking.

This thesis introduces a new robotic leg design with three degrees of freedom that

can be adapted for both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotive systems, and serves as

a blueprint for designers attempting to create low cost robot legs capable of balancing

and walking. Currently, bipedal leg designs are mostly rigid and have not strongly

taken into account the advantages/disadvantages of using an active ankle, as opposed

to a passive ankle, for balancing. This design uses low-cost compliant materials, but

the materials used are thick enough to mimic rigid properties under low stresses, so

this paper will treat the links as rigid materials. A new leg design has been created

that contains three degrees of freedom that can be adapted to contain either a passive

ankle using springs, or an actively controlled ankle using an additional actuator. This

thesis largely aims to focus on the ankle and foot design of the robot and the torque

and speed requirements of the design for motor selection. The dynamics of the system,

including height, foot width, weight, and resistances will be analyzed to determine

how to improve design performance. Model-based control techniques will be used to

control the angle of the leg for balancing. In doing so, it will also be shown that it

is possible to implement model-based control techniques on robots made of laminate

Date Created