An Empirical Study on the Impact of Equity Incentives on Corporate Performance of Chinese Sci Tech Innovation Board Listed Companies

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With the development of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, equity incentives have gradually evolved into the "standard configuration" for listed companies on the board in recent years. However, due to the short opening time of the Science and Technology

With the development of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, equity incentives have gradually evolved into the "standard configuration" for listed companies on the board in recent years. However, due to the short opening time of the Science and Technology Innovation Board in China, the equity incentive system on the board is still constantly being explored and advanced. Therefore, studying the relationship between equity incentives and corporate performance of listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is of great practical significance for promoting the long-term development of the company.Therefore, based on a systematic review of domestic and foreign research results, combined with the basic theory of equity incentives, this article selected listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board in China that implemented equity incentives from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022 as research samples, and used equity incentives as explanatory variables. This study adopts factor analysis to evaluate corporate performance through a comprehensive index, based on the operational capability, cash flow ability, and growth potential of companies. Finally, a regression analysis model is created using current period regression, lagged one period, and lagged two periods regression methods to examine the relationship between equity incentives and corporate performance of listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. The relationship between equity incentives and R&D investment is analyzed using lagged two periods, and TobinQ is also analyzed Zscore conducted regression analysis to verify the conclusion of the relationship between equity incentives and corporate performance. Empirical research analysis shows that under comprehensive indicators, there is no significant promoting effect between equity incentives and corporate performance of companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Compared with companies in other listed sectors, the equity incentive effect of companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is strengthened. Equity incentives of companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board are conducive to improving Tobin Q performance without increasing bankruptcy risk. Equity incentives of companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board can enhance R&D investment. Based on empirical research results, this article intends to provide comprehensive suggestions for better implementation of equity incentives for listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Finally, this article proposes future research directions.
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A Study of the Influencing Factors of NFTs in Social Media Marketing

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NFT market have developed into an annual sales scale of nearly $60 billion. After the crazy blockchain investment myth, how can the rational trading market grasp consumer demand? As the main platform of marketing for 21st century, social media is

NFT market have developed into an annual sales scale of nearly $60 billion. After the crazy blockchain investment myth, how can the rational trading market grasp consumer demand? As the main platform of marketing for 21st century, social media is widely used by both traditional artists and NFT creator. When artworks are combined with NFT in social media marketing, how do they affect the willingness to purchase digital collectibles? In the hot era of GPT, how will artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) affect people's purchasing behavior? This article measures the impact on consumer purchasing willingness from the activity level of social media accounts (number of posts), creator attributes (human vs. artificial intelligence), published content (diversity, content tendency), etc. Through experiments, this article verifies that consumers' demand for uniqueness will positively affect the willingness to purchase digital collectibles and payment prices; artificial intelligence generated content(AIGC) will reduce consumers' willingness to purchase and payment prices, but as the diversity and quantity of published content increases, the negative impact is significantly weakened; compared with emotionally inclined content, the negative impact of artificial intelligence generated content is greater on technology-oriented content.
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Research on Financial Crisis Management of Photovoltaic Enterprises

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At present, the photovoltaic industry has entered into the stage of affordable power generation, with power generation costs tending towards thermal power. China has also gradually cancelled various subsidy policies, and the risks faced by enterprises have changed to a

At present, the photovoltaic industry has entered into the stage of affordable power generation, with power generation costs tending towards thermal power. China has also gradually cancelled various subsidy policies, and the risks faced by enterprises have changed to a certain extent. This paper aims to explore the characteristics and causes of financial crises faced by photovoltaic enterprises through horizontal and vertical comparisons, and analyze the relationship between financial crisis management capabilities and performance. By identifying the risk areas that are most likely to turn into crises and developing crisis response strategies in advance, we provide useful exploration at the practical level to enhance the competitiveness of Chinese photovoltaic enterprises.
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An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Institutional Investors' Site Visits and Abnormal Returns of Listed Companies

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Institutional on-site visit can reflect the focus of institutional investors in a timely manner. This article starts with the short-term and long-term impacts of institutional on-site visit, using abnormal return models and factor model to study the value of institutional

Institutional on-site visit can reflect the focus of institutional investors in a timely manner. This article starts with the short-term and long-term impacts of institutional on-site visit, using abnormal return models and factor model to study the value of institutional on-site visit. It is found that institutional on-site visit has certain information value in the short term, but the abnormal return is not large, and long-term abnormal returns are not obvious. Further information processing is needed in conjunction with other information to find effective investment methods. Research has found that: (1) The results of the CAPM model show that cumulative abnormal returns are significantly different from 0 during the impact window period, and the t-values are very high. The abnormal returns of the Fama French model are only significant within the two intervals of [T0-1, T0+1] and [T0+1, T0+5], indicating a certain level of significant abnormal returns within the week after the event announcement date. However, the average daily abnormal return within the interval is less than 1%, indicating that the abnormal returns are not significant. (2) During the financial reporting period, the abnormal returns were significantly negative in the 5 trading days before the research, while the abnormal returns were significantly positive in the 5 trading days after the on-site visit. On the survey day, the abnormal returns were not significant. In the non financial reporting period, the sample size accounted for 28.11%. Although abnormal returns were positive before and after the survey, their impact during the time window was not significant. (3) There were significant negative abnormal returnsii before the survey, while there were significant positive returns after the survey. (4) Institutional on-site visit cannot predict excess returns for individual stocks, and this effect is valid within 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year.
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The Empirical Study of Digital and Corporate Performance of Chinese Listed Companies

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This paper focuses on the path of business model digitalization and its impact on corporate performance, and empirically tests the relationship between the path of business model digitalization and corporate performance of listed companies in China.The empirical results show that:

This paper focuses on the path of business model digitalization and its impact on corporate performance, and empirically tests the relationship between the path of business model digitalization and corporate performance of listed companies in China.The empirical results show that: digital transformation will improve enterprise performance, the technological innovation capability of enterprises helps to improve the business performance of enterprises; the level of enterprise technological innovation has a strengthening effect on the positive impact of digitalization on enterprise performance; corporate financing constraints will weaken the positive effect of corporate digital transformation on corporate performance; the improvement of technological innovation capability is conducive to the improvement of the performance of digital transformation enterprises; technological innovation of manufacturing enterprises is difficult to have a greater impact on enterprise performance by improving production efficiency. Based on the empirical results of this paper, in order to fully grasp the development opportunities of the digital economy, the government should take the digital transformation of enterprises as a way to help enterprises develop with high quality. At the industrial level, we should promote the digital transformation of economic industries based on the principle of differentiation. At the enterprise level, we should strengthen the financial services and R&D investment that match the financing needs of enterprises, effectively play the positive regulatory role of enterprises' technological innovation ability on the performance of enterprises' digital transformation, and effectively weaken the negative regulatory role of financing constraints on the performance of enterprises' digital transformation.
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Towards Better Social Interaction: The Potential for the Design and Usage of IT Artifacts on Improving Performance Efficiency, and Equity of Social Interaction

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The advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) has significantly transformed how people communicate and obtain information in both their personal and professional lives. In the realm of digitally-facilitated social interaction, this dissertation calls for attention to the importance of

The advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) has significantly transformed how people communicate and obtain information in both their personal and professional lives. In the realm of digitally-facilitated social interaction, this dissertation calls for attention to the importance of information technology artifacts (IT artifacts) on social welfare by showcasing that the careful design and usage of IT artifacts have the potential to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and fairness of social interactions. The first study centers around addressing the cold-start issue that often arises when new products are introduced. Specifically, I investigate how machine-generated content can enhance the equity of new products. Analyzing data from, my research demonstrates that the use of machine-generated content is effective in tackling the cold-start problem by increasing the adoption of the product in the initial phase. Additionally, my findings reveal that machine-generated content can also reduce information asymmetry for users regarding the datasets or associated providers. As a result, these outcomes provide strong evidence supporting the use of machine-generated content to enhance equity in online communities. The second research investigates the impact of a platform’s decision to impose application fees on enhancing the quality of matching results in an online labor market. Based on data obtained from, my analysis demonstrates that the implementation of application costs serves as a motivator for workers to submit fewer but more selective bids. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of employers offering contracts, as workers are less likely to apply casually or without much thought. Overall, these results indicate that application costs can enhance the efficiency of the matching process. In the third study, I examine whether gender differences exist in telework adjustment as a response to disasters and to what extent such adjustments can help reduce gender inequality, using the COVID-19 pandemic as an example. The study's findings reveal the following: 1) Female workers exhibit a higher rate of telework adjustment than their male counterparts by 7% after accounting for differences in job sorting, and female workers are more responsive to external constraints. 2) Telework adjustment can help mitigate gender inequality in the labor market.
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知识产权对产品销量的影响分析 -以B公司积木玩具为例

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随着国内消费和零售行业市场的快速发展, 我国消费者人群对文化及娱乐产品的消费呈现出“多样化”。作为玩具生产制造大国,中国玩具产量约为全球总产量的80%。为丰富玩具的内涵、提升玩具的产品附加值,近年来中国玩具企业纷纷探索新的品牌及产品规划,积极向“玩具 +IP (Intellectual Property)” 的模式发展。积木玩具作为玩具类目的的头部大品类,也在积极引入不同的IP,打造IP主题系列积木。B公司为中国原创积木品牌,创立7年以来全国销量遥遥领先,在打造公司原创IP的同时,积极引入中国及世界知名IP形象,打造不同IP系列的积木产品,吸引IP人群以及积木粉丝。由此IP的引入,IP+产品的组合对积木产品的销量的影响以及IP如何通过产品感知和价格敏感度影响用户的产品选择的研究对B公司的发展格外重要,同时也对积木同行业起到借鉴的作用。 本论文通过积木行业的调研分析来看IP+积木产品组合的趋势及积木公司的产品策略,同时通过文献的研究更好的理解IP对产品带来的附加值。通过研究B公司21年及22年1-3月产品销量(后续论文成文过程中可根据需要调整分析基础数据的时间段)数据和产品属性(IP属性,年龄段,平均销售单价,积木颗粒数,产品销售渠道五个属性)建立单因素与销量的一元回归分析及多因素与销量的多元回归分析模型,从而分析IP对积木产品销量的影响。同时通过调研问卷方式采集用户反馈的基础数据来分析IP如何通过产品感知和价格敏感度影响用户的产品选择。
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新一代电子消费品购买意愿的影响因素实证研究 ——以A公司WiFi6产品为例

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随着数字技术的高速发展,整个社会正逐渐转变成数字社会,信息网络设备对人们的日常生活而言变得越来越重要。根据WiFi联盟的研究数据,2022年WiFi经济价值将高达3.3万亿美元,WiFi对社会经济的影响和作用将进一步放大,WiFi产品不再是懂IT技术的消费者的需求,它逐渐成为普通消费者生活中不可或缺的需求。最新商用的WiFi技术是WiFi6,其最高速度可达万兆。WiFi6在速度、漫游能力、安全性、易用性等方面有大幅改善,预计到2022年底,WiFi6在网设备将达到23亿台。下一代WiFi技术则是WiFi7,预计将于2024年规模商用。 创新公司可以借技术更新换代机会设计新产品进入一个新的市场。本文提出从有用性、易用性和宜人性三方面去研究影响消费者对新一代电子消费品购买意愿的因素,并结合A公司WiFi6产品进行实证调查和正交研究分析,研究发现,在(WiFi6这样的)新一代电子消费品上,不仅产品的有用性,而且产品的易用性和宜人性均能显著促进和影响消费者的购买意愿,这为创新公司利用技术更新换代的机会,有效快速地设计和提供符合消费者需求的产品提供了一定的参考和实践指导,从而抓住机会抢占市场,助推数字经济发展。 本文同时探究了路径依赖、KOL理论、框架效应等行为经济学现象在WiFi6这样的新一代电子消费品上的具体体现。
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药品 “两票制”对中国医药产业供应链影响的实证研究

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2016年12月26日中国全面实施 “两票制”政策,“两票制”与“多票制”的不同就是药品销售发票的开具次数不同,“两票制”只能开两次发票,就是药品生产企业销售药品给医药流通企业可以开一次发票,医药流通企业销售药品给公立医疗机构可以再开一次发票,总共只能开两次发票。研究发现“两票制”对医药行业在股市层面和企业基本面层面的影响出现了背离现象;同时发现“两票制”对于上游企业的毛利率和销管费用率有正向影响,对于高市值企业的毛利率和二级行业集中度有正向影响,对国有控股企业的行业集中度有正向影响;对于总资产规模较小的企业的影响要大于规模较大企业;降低了患者的药费负担。 本文所研究的“发票”是指在中国境内购销商品,提供或者接受服务以及从事其他经营活动中,所开具和收取的收付款凭证。纳税人从事正常的生产经营活动,一方面要向收款方收取发票,同时也要向付款方开具发票。全国统一发票监制章的式样和发票版面印刷的要求,由国家税务总局规定,禁止私印、伪造、变造发票。
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Factors Affecting Uniswap Liquidity

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In recent years, the decentralized exchange (DEX) has shown an explosive growth trend in recent years. Uniswap, as one of the largest decentralized exchanges, invented Uniswap, a decentralized financial protocol of the same name based on exchanging cryptocurrencies. Automated transactions

In recent years, the decentralized exchange (DEX) has shown an explosive growth trend in recent years. Uniswap, as one of the largest decentralized exchanges, invented Uniswap, a decentralized financial protocol of the same name based on exchanging cryptocurrencies. Automated transactions between cryptocurrency tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Currency trading participants create a liquidity pool based on this agreement, and this paper mainly studies the factors that affect the liquidity of currency trading.Specifically, this paper explores the factors that affect monetary liquidity through three hypotheses. The first is the impact of rates on liquidity, exploring the differences in liquidity under various rates. Then, the impact of differences in Uniswap protocol versions on liquidity was studied. Compared with the V2 version, the Uniswap V3 version added centralized liquidity,which changed the unpaid loss. . This feature makes Uniswap V3 the most flexible and efficient protocol. Finally, the influence of different active users on liquidity is compared, and the change trend of liquidity under different numbers of users is explored. Based on the above three assumptions, this paper adopts GARCH and OLS regression analysis to explore and analyze the collected currency transaction data, and draws the following conclusions for the three assumptions: (1) Researcher may conclude that rates are correlated with trading volume, and volume growth impacts liquidity capacity and increases rates. Therefore, the fee rate has a significant impact on liquidity. (2) Compared with V2, V3, quantitative analysis was carried out using unpaid loss. It was found that impermanent loss has a more significant impact on the liquidity of the V3 version but has little correlation with the V2 version. (3) According to the analysis and comparison of the model, there is no obvious ARCH phenomenon among active users, so it is believed that there is no significant correlation between the two. (4) Combining conclusions 1 and 3, researcher further analyzed the impact of several independent variables on liquidity and found that the fee rate has a more significant influence than active users
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