Hardware Acceleration of Most Apparent Distortion Image Quality Assessment Algorithm on FPGA Using OpenCL

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The information era has brought about many technological advancements in the past

few decades, and that has led to an exponential increase in the creation of digital images and

videos. Constantly, all digital images go through some image processing algorithm for

various reasons

The information era has brought about many technological advancements in the past

few decades, and that has led to an exponential increase in the creation of digital images and

videos. Constantly, all digital images go through some image processing algorithm for

various reasons like compression, transmission, storage, etc. There is data loss during this

process which leaves us with a degraded image. Hence, to ensure minimal degradation of

images, the requirement for quality assessment has become mandatory. Image Quality

Assessment (IQA) has been researched and developed over the last several decades to

predict the quality score in a manner that agrees with human judgments of quality. Modern

image quality assessment (IQA) algorithms are quite effective at prediction accuracy, and

their development has not focused on improving computational performance. The existing

serial implementation requires a relatively large run-time on the order of seconds for a single

frame. Hardware acceleration using Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) provides

reconfigurable computing fabric that can be tailored for a broad range of applications.

Usually, programming FPGAs has required expertise in hardware descriptive languages

(HDLs) or high-level synthesis (HLS) tool. OpenCL is an open standard for cross-platform,

parallel programming of heterogeneous systems along with Altera OpenCL SDK, enabling

developers to use FPGA's potential without extensive hardware knowledge. Hence, this

thesis focuses on accelerating the computationally intensive part of the most apparent

distortion (MAD) algorithm on FPGA using OpenCL. The results are compared with CPU

implementation to evaluate performance and efficiency gains.
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