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Who’s In Charge? A Critical Analysis of Arizona School Boards and the Influence of Educational
Background and Political Partisanship on Decision-Making

This thesis project explores the extent to which elected education officials, specifically school board members, with a background in education make policy decisions differently than those who do not have a background in education. This line of questioning began with

This thesis project explores the extent to which elected education officials, specifically school board members, with a background in education make policy decisions differently than those who do not have a background in education. This line of questioning began with a project completed in a class I took in the fall semester of 2023 - Innovations in School Democracy, where students chose a critical issue in the education sphere and situated it within the context of civic education. The critical issue I addressed at the time was the significant number of individuals in “high-ranking” positions in the education field who do not appear to have a background in anything education-related, outside of their own schooling. The issue lies with the fact that these individuals are making large scale policy decisions that impact all students, teachers, parents, and school faculty members within their district without having any research or practice-based educational foundation or experience to draw upon for their decision making. For the purpose of this thesis, I expanded this phenomenon beyond the realm of civic education by performing a comparative analysis of elected education official decision-making between school boards that have members with educational backgrounds and those who don’t, in addition to analyzing the stances and policies of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The goal of this analysis is to see how, or if, decisions differ and to what extent those decisions appear to be driven by current political ideologies versus educational research and best practices. I hypothesize that elected education officials who have a background in education will make decisions that are more student- and educator-focused and have fewer indicators of a specific partisan political ideology. Conversely, I hypothesize the opposite for decision-making by officials without an education background, where I expect to find more evidence of influential partisan political ideology. In order to determine if a decision-making gap exists, I examined school board websites and pulled district-related news articles in order to cross-analyze the verbiage on specific political buzzwords or phrases that could be clearly linked to a political party’s ideology or stance on public schooling matters and policies. I performed a similar search through the campaign platform and current Arizona Education System biographical page for Superintendent Tom Horne. To begin this investigation, thirty school districts in the state of Arizona were selected for preliminary research - ten small districts, ten medium-size districts, and ten large districts. Through the use of school district websites and the biographies of school board members, I determined which school boards had individuals with a background in education and which did not. From there, two school boards from each district size category were selected for examination - one board categorized as having a strong educational background presence and one board that either had very minimal presence, or none at all. From this research, I intended to present preliminary findings about the extent to which differences in policy-making decisions relate to school board member education background and experience, as well as the degree to which explicit partisan politicization appears to influence such decisions. Upon completion of this limited research, my findings ended up deriving more directly from the mission and vision statements of school districts and school boards, though policy decisions were still loosely analyzed through district media articles. However, my research on Superintendent Horne lent itself well to answer all three of my proposed research questions.
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At Least 8,026,698,860 Understandings of Emotional Abuse Experiences Worldwide as of 5:16 PM on April 9, 2023

Humanity lives in a volatile, complex, and ambiguous world plagued by objective misunderstandings of the subjective experiences or hardships endured by global individuals. Today’s youth exist in a society where the individuality of the human condition is often masked by

Humanity lives in a volatile, complex, and ambiguous world plagued by objective misunderstandings of the subjective experiences or hardships endured by global individuals. Today’s youth exist in a society where the individuality of the human condition is often masked by the expectation that people abandon their authenticity to conform to the exclusive desires of a “mainstream” collective. The modern education system in the United States is, unfortunately, not untouched by the aforementioned expectation, especially with respect to trauma-related considerations. While academic growth is important in educational settings, there appear to be several critical, missing pieces: Have individual notions of trauma been considered? Has intentional thought been given to the perceived invisibility of emotional abuse or manipulation as its own domain of traumatic experiences? This thesis, and the accompanying creative project deliverable, aim to shed light on re-envisioned notions of trauma, emotional abuse, and the importance of utilizing inclusive and comprehensive trauma response strategies in K-12 classrooms.
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Retaining and Supporting Effective Elementary School Principals Through Collaborative Teams and Data-Informed-Decision-Making

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ABSTRACTIn this action research study, I explored and developed a means to address the challenge of developing, supporting, and retaining effective elementary school principals skilled in instructional leadership and serving in historically marginalized communities. Evidence from the research literature and

ABSTRACTIn this action research study, I explored and developed a means to address the challenge of developing, supporting, and retaining effective elementary school principals skilled in instructional leadership and serving in historically marginalized communities. Evidence from the research literature and earlier action research cycles indicated principals often worked in isolation and needed more support to retain these elementary school leaders. Notably, retention has been shown to be influenced by building collaborative teams to accomplish shared goals. In the current study, an intervention was developed to support school principals by improving their knowledge and skills with respect to using data-informed decision-making in a collaborative environment. The intervention titled, “Got Juice? Jam Sessions!” was composed of a three-pronged approach, including (a) professional development using the Collaborative Learning Cycle, (b) a hybrid Community of Practice consisting of online and in-person elements, and (c) one-on-one coaching with school leaders on the implementation of data-informed decision-making. The overarching goal was to examine how the three support processes influenced leadership practice, self-efficacy, and school principals' perceptions of remaining in the profession. In the study, leaders' perceptions of their knowledge, skills, attitudes, self-efficacy, level of support, intent to stay in the profession, and intent to apply a team-based approach to data-informed decision-making were assessed. A mixed-methods study included the collection of quantitative survey data and qualitative interview data. Results showed the intervention provided a system of support for school leaders that increased leaders' perceptions of their knowledge, skills, attitudes, self-efficacy, intent to stay in the profession, and intent to implement the team-based approach to implementing data-informed decision-making at their school sites. In the discussion, I described the complementarity of the quantitative and qualitative data, explained the results based on the theoretical frameworks and the extant literature, presented limitations and their mitigation, and offered implications for practice and research.
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Examining School Participatory Budgeting within a High School Context

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Student voice has been an inactive component of public education since its conception. Educational practitioners and stakeholders create, define, and uphold federal, state, and local policy centered on growing student educational outcomes. However, most often students are not provided space

Student voice has been an inactive component of public education since its conception. Educational practitioners and stakeholders create, define, and uphold federal, state, and local policy centered on growing student educational outcomes. However, most often students are not provided space or opportunities to actively engage with policy or decisions that directly impact their educational experiences. To boost student voice, this action research study explored school participatory budgeting’s impact on student engagement with school decision-making, civic engagement, and leadership development at Arcadia High School. School participatory budgeting (SPB) is an innovative civic learning tool designed for students to learn democracy in action through the process of participating in the student voice committee on campus, developing proposals, and voting to fund improvement projects that build a stronger school community. This study utilized a parallel-results convergent MMAR that involved collecting both qualitative and quantitative data simultaneously, analyzing them separately, and integrating results into study findings. Participants included eight students that were members of the student voice committee. Study participants completed pre- and post-surveys as well as participated in a focus group. The study and intervention were supported by Mitra’s Pyramid of Student Voice and The Social Change Model. Results of the study indicated that school participatory budgeting had a positive impact on students’ engagement with school decision making, civic engagement, and leadership development. Results also revealed that participants were able to lead change for collective student voice, engage civically through real world application, encourage participatory democracy over elite democracy, and increase both communication and collaborative skills. Furthermore, an integration of quantitative and qualitative data was presented, along with connections to the existing research questions and literature. Additional discussion centered on the limitations of the study, implications for practice, future cycles of research, and recommendations for educational practitioners.
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Guiding Site Leaders to Effectively Lead Change

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ABSTRACTLeading change is one of the most daunting tasks for K–12 site leaders. It is well established that the site leaders’ influence on student learning is profound, and the importance of implementing changes to improve practice is paramount. This action

ABSTRACTLeading change is one of the most daunting tasks for K–12 site leaders. It is well established that the site leaders’ influence on student learning is profound, and the importance of implementing changes to improve practice is paramount. This action research study aimed to examine how a research-based professional development and coaching program could impact site leaders’ attitudes, beliefs, practices, and the teachers’ perceptions. The study occurred over 14 weeks at a public elementary school. The intervention contained two professional development sessions, which included learning and planned implementation of research-based strategies and weekly coaching sessions once the school year started. The theories that supported this study included change leadership, distributed leadership, transformational leadership, social cognitive theory, sensemaking, and literature on veteran teachers. A mixed methods action research design using quantitative and qualitative data was gathered simultaneously through a pre- and postintervention collection. Data was gathered from Monday Memos, a staff meeting observation, staff meeting agendas, coaching field notes, the Staff Perception Survey, and interviews which were all used to analyze then address the research questions. During the qualitative data analysis, the codes were categorized, and themes were examined to determine any shifts from the initial data compared to the postintervention data. Due to the small sample size and lack of data normality on the Staff Perception Survey, instead of a conventional t test, the more conservative nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test was applied to assess pre-to-post differences. Results indicated no statistically significant differences between the pre- and postintervention survey among individual items or collective construct items (i.e., teacher voice, shared vision, removing obstacles, and building culture). The results suggest that there was a shift in how the site leaders conceptualized their role as a leader of change through the coaching program intervention. It was expanded, hopeful, and the site leaders saw the increased weight of their role in the impact of leading change. Further, through the research-based coaching program, site leaders changed their practice regarding their consistency and both expanded and shifted change strategies. In conclusion, limitations give perspective while implications for practice and research provide for an exciting future.
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Examination of the Student Training for a Restorative Outlook for Needed Growth (S.T.R.O.N.G.) Program to Decrease Student Tardiness

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Student tardiness has not received as much attention as absences in research on school attendance, despite the disruptions to learning it can cause. The purpose of this study was to design, implement, and study an alternative intervention—the Student Training for

Student tardiness has not received as much attention as absences in research on school attendance, despite the disruptions to learning it can cause. The purpose of this study was to design, implement, and study an alternative intervention—the Student Training for a Restorative Outlook for Needed Growth (S.T.R.O.N.G.) Program—to the existing punitive tardy detention practice at a high school where tardiness was a problem. The program promoted on-time behavior to school and class by utilizing positive restorative practice elements along with self-paced learning modules focused on growth mindset, goal setting, punctuality, and organizational skills. The driving force behind the creation of the S.T.R.O.N.G. Program was to determine if this intervention could support a change in students’ intent to be on time for class. Students in the S.T.R.O.N.G. Program intervention participated in three steps, beginning with individual restorative conversations and a group restorative conversation. In the second step, students engaged in learning module lessons related to growth mindset, goal setting, punctuality, and organizational skills. After each learning module, students reflected on their learning in individual journals. In the final step, students exited the intervention with a student feedback form. This mixed-methods action research study involved collecting data from interviews, surveys, and reflective journals. Thirteen students participated in the intervention and took an initial student intake questionnaire asking them about their student experiences in the existing punitive tardy detention practice. Qualitative data were coded, analyzed, and used with quantitative data to triangulate findings. The results of the study indicated that students were not in favor of the existing punitive tardy detention practice and preferred an alternative, positive tardy practice that supported self-improvement to help with their on-time behavior. Results also showed the S.T.R.O.N.G. Program to be useful and effective at teaching students information related to the constructs in the learning modules, resulting in students declaring a positive attitude.
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Leadership Futures by Design: A Case Study of Futures-Oriented Innovation in a Principal Preparation Program

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The purpose of this action research study was to better understand how aspiring school leaders orient themselves toward present and future uncertainty and to explore what mindsets and conceptual understandings they believe they need to lead through uncertainty. An innovation,

The purpose of this action research study was to better understand how aspiring school leaders orient themselves toward present and future uncertainty and to explore what mindsets and conceptual understandings they believe they need to lead through uncertainty. An innovation, delivered through a graduate course on leading change in a Master of Educational Leadership program, focused on supporting participants’ mindsets and conceptual understanding toward leading change in the midst of uncertainty, including the COVID-19 global pandemic. A total of 34 students participated in this qualitative case study. The educational innovation was designed by this action researcher and was informed by transformative leadership theory, design thinking, and imagination. Four sources of data were used to answer the research questions, including students’ written assignments and video reflection assignments, as well as researcher course observations and semi-structured interviews with participants. Major findings suggested that the educational innovation was effective in supporting participants identity development as transformative leaders, as well as supporting participants’ adoption of design thinking mindsets and use of imagination as tools for leading change in complex systems and during uncertain times.
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From Zero Tolerance to Restorative Justice: Implementing Restorative Justice in a High School System

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Implementation of large-scale initiatives within educational systems can present many challenges, particularly when the initiative is non-linear and relies on deep understanding rooted in a restorative mindset. This study examined implementation of restorative justice within one large, primarily urban school

Implementation of large-scale initiatives within educational systems can present many challenges, particularly when the initiative is non-linear and relies on deep understanding rooted in a restorative mindset. This study examined implementation of restorative justice within one large, primarily urban school district in the United States. Through a mixed methods approach, data was collected from three personnel levels of the organization: district leadership, school leadership, and school staff members and applied a sensemaking framework to examine the flow of information and understanding within and among organizational levels. To accomplish this investigation, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected. First, interview data was collected from district and school level leaders to inform supportive leadership actions and organizational structures and also to understand challenges that leaders faced when working to implement restorative justice within a district and across a school campus. Next, school staff members participated in a survey to provide deeper understanding regarding their confidence in implementing restorative justice practices, their perceptions of school and district level administrative support, and the alignment of their beliefs and actions with tenets of restorative justice. Finally, results were analyzed and compared across levels of the organization to provide a summary of findings and recommendations for ongoing and expanded implementation at the school at the focus of the study and across other schools within the district.
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