Retaining and Supporting Effective Elementary School Principals Through Collaborative Teams and Data-Informed-Decision-Making

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ABSTRACTIn this action research study, I explored and developed a means to address the challenge of developing, supporting, and retaining effective elementary school principals skilled in instructional leadership and serving in historically marginalized communities. Evidence from the research literature and

ABSTRACTIn this action research study, I explored and developed a means to address the challenge of developing, supporting, and retaining effective elementary school principals skilled in instructional leadership and serving in historically marginalized communities. Evidence from the research literature and earlier action research cycles indicated principals often worked in isolation and needed more support to retain these elementary school leaders. Notably, retention has been shown to be influenced by building collaborative teams to accomplish shared goals. In the current study, an intervention was developed to support school principals by improving their knowledge and skills with respect to using data-informed decision-making in a collaborative environment. The intervention titled, “Got Juice? Jam Sessions!” was composed of a three-pronged approach, including (a) professional development using the Collaborative Learning Cycle, (b) a hybrid Community of Practice consisting of online and in-person elements, and (c) one-on-one coaching with school leaders on the implementation of data-informed decision-making. The overarching goal was to examine how the three support processes influenced leadership practice, self-efficacy, and school principals' perceptions of remaining in the profession. In the study, leaders' perceptions of their knowledge, skills, attitudes, self-efficacy, level of support, intent to stay in the profession, and intent to apply a team-based approach to data-informed decision-making were assessed. A mixed-methods study included the collection of quantitative survey data and qualitative interview data. Results showed the intervention provided a system of support for school leaders that increased leaders' perceptions of their knowledge, skills, attitudes, self-efficacy, intent to stay in the profession, and intent to implement the team-based approach to implementing data-informed decision-making at their school sites. In the discussion, I described the complementarity of the quantitative and qualitative data, explained the results based on the theoretical frameworks and the extant literature, presented limitations and their mitigation, and offered implications for practice and research.
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Supporting Minoritized Student Leaders

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Creating meaningful, supportive, and inclusive climates and situations that recognize and honor minoritized students’ backgrounds and experiences while fostering a safe and welcoming learning environment and promoting minoritized student retention have become critical emphases of universities’ efforts. Notably, minoritized student

Creating meaningful, supportive, and inclusive climates and situations that recognize and honor minoritized students’ backgrounds and experiences while fostering a safe and welcoming learning environment and promoting minoritized student retention have become critical emphases of universities’ efforts. Notably, minoritized student leaders have served important roles in these efforts by universities as these individuals represented their peers from various student organizations to university staff members and administrators advocating on behalf of their peers to enhance minoritized students’ experiences at the university. Moreover, development and enhancement of important skills to facilitate these efforts was likely to aid them in being effective as they represented their peers. To support the development and enhancement of student leaders’ ability to effectively represent their organizations, I devised a brief innovation to build student leaders’ skills in four areas including (a) relationship building to foster peer students’ belonging, (b) advocacy and activism, (c) data gathering, and (d) presentation and effective communication skills. In the dissertation, I considered the experiences of minoritized student leaders. Quantitative, survey results showed student leaders increased their skills and attitudes toward serving in their roles. Qualitative findings demonstrated five themes emerged from the interview data about the experiences of minoritized student leaders. Those themes included personal reflection on their leadership efforts, creating space to build community, leveraging their voice, working together with staff members, and recognizing the influence of identity dynamics and the importance of inclusive environments. In the discussion, I described the complementarity of the quantitative and qualitative results, connected the findings to theoretical perspectives, offered limitations of the study, suggested implications for practice, and presented conclusions.
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Professional Development Made Personal: A Mixed-Methods Investigation of College Instructors’ Perspective Transformations in ACUE’s Inclusive Teaching Program

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College instructors are critical to increasing completion rates and creating more equitable educational opportunities that position all learners for upward mobility. Yet, few have received formal, comprehensive training in inclusive teaching practices that positively affect student learning, improve retention and

College instructors are critical to increasing completion rates and creating more equitable educational opportunities that position all learners for upward mobility. Yet, few have received formal, comprehensive training in inclusive teaching practices that positively affect student learning, improve retention and completion rates, and close equity gaps. The Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) has helped to fill this gap through its Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning (ITEL) microcredential course, a cohort-based professional development opportunity with an international reach. However, no prior studies had investigated whether the ITEL program resulted in transformative learning (Mezirow, 1991) for participants. In this mixed-methods, action research study, I examined whether eight ITEL participants from four higher education institutions experienced perspective changes when enrolled in a cohort that offered synchronous discussions; if so, what experiences contributed to their perspective changes; and how the changes informed their teaching and nonteaching contexts, including professional and personal interactions. Data sources included participants’ module reflections, transcripts from synchronous discussions, and responses to an adapted version of King’s (2009) Learning Activities Survey (LAS). Descriptive analysis, content analysis, and grounded interpretation approaches were used to analyze the data. Research findings showed that most participants experienced changes in their perspectives about teaching and outside of teaching that they attributed to their participation in ITEL. Participants identified learning activities that were both unique to this offering and core to ACUE’s standard learning design as contributing to their transformations. The majority of participants also attributed their perspective changes, in part, to learning that occurred in multiple course modules. Participants’ qualitative responses were grouped into three major themes––reimagining students’ experiences, reimagining one’s professional identity as a learner, and reimagining one’s life experiences––which were reflected in an emerging framework. The study’s results have critical implications for researchers and practitioners, including how they design professional development experiences and the extent to which they incorporate community-building activities, reflection and application opportunities, and facilitation. Additionally, research findings demonstrate the power of inclusive teaching programs to develop educators’ personal and professional identities and make them more equity-minded instructors, family members, friends, and community members.
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High Quality, Virtual Supervision in a Reimagined Teacher Preparation Model

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Faculty members in Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University have been reimagining the undergraduate and graduate teacher preparation programs to serve better PreK-12 students and improve the teaching profession. An important feature of the reimagined teacher preparation

Faculty members in Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University have been reimagining the undergraduate and graduate teacher preparation programs to serve better PreK-12 students and improve the teaching profession. An important feature of the reimagined teacher preparation model included placing teacher candidates (TCs) on teams of educators with distributed expertise, which was intended to provide PreK-12 students more opportunities for deeper and personalized learning. Lead teachers who also served as mentors for TCs facilitated these teams. Within this reimagined approach to organizing the educator workforce and preparing future teachers, there was still a need to supervise appropriately TCs during their student teaching experience. Faculty supervisors conducted a minimum of six observations of each TC during each student teaching semester. These observations required a substantial amount of time being spent meeting with TCs at school sites, as well as a substantial amount of travel between placement locations. To address this problem of practice, an online, virtual supervision (VS) approach to providing coaching and feedback was implemented during the fall 2020 semester. The VS approach included an initial training for faculty supervisors, adoption of a video coaching platform, and a flexible protocol for completing four virtual walkthroughs and two virtual performance assessments for each TC during the student teaching semester. The purpose of this mixed methods action research study was to examine the effects of using VS to provide coaching and feedback to teacher candidates (TCs). Participants included three faculty supervisors who organized and facilitated coaching conversations with their assigned TCs who also participated in the study. Data for this mixed methods study included pre- and post-intervention faculty supervisor interviews, post-intervention TC interviews, and retrospective, pre-intervention and post-intervention surveys of TCs. Findings suggested faculty supervisors and TCs preferred the flexibility in scheduling coaching conversations and the ‘any-time-any-where’ availability of the faculty supervisor for support offered through the VS model. TCs also indicated they received quality feedback and coaching. The discussion focused on complementarity of the quantitative and qualitative data, connecting the findings to the research literature, limitations, implications for practice and research, personal lessons learned, and conclusions.
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Creating and Using a Career Development Course to Prepare Life Science Students for Career Decision Making

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Providing adequate resources for undergraduate students’ career development has been of utmost importance to meet demands from national agencies and industry leaders. At Arizona State University, the size of the undergraduate populations in the School of Life Sciences (SOLS)

Providing adequate resources for undergraduate students’ career development has been of utmost importance to meet demands from national agencies and industry leaders. At Arizona State University, the size of the undergraduate populations in the School of Life Sciences (SOLS) grew from 1,591 to 3,661, an increase of over 130% from 2003-2017. As of December 19, 2019, SOLS hosted a record 5,318 undergraduate majors on campus and 1,646 students in its online biological sciences program. This steady increase in life science undergraduate student enrollment at ASU attested to the need for appropriate career development education to be woven into the curriculum. Under the framework of higher education’s purpose to provide adequate resources for career success, a career development intervention was designed and implemented as a career planning course for life science students. The purpose of this project was to provide a continuum of job and career information to SOLS’ students to ensure they had appropriate, comprehensive information as they learned about and considered various career opportunities in the life sciences. Three theoretical perspectives guided the research project: Holland’s (1985, 1997) theory of vocational personalities and their connections to work environments, Sampson, Peterson, Reardon and Lenz’s (2003) cognitive information processing career decision theory (CIP), and Bandura’s (1986) self-efficacy theory. Survey results showed increases in all seven constructs—knowledge of career exploration and development tasks, perception of possible professional and career goals and opportunities, goal selection, occupational information, problem solving, planning, self-appraisal—over time among the students. Interview data indicated students noted (a) enrollment in the course for reasons such as determining a career choice that met their needs and preferences while managing expectations and pressures from external sources; (b) broadening perceptions of career options, and (c) developing career exploration and planning skills. The success from this discipline-specific career development course was timely because university leaders were seeking solutions to increase students’ career readiness. The discussion focused on complementarity of the data, connections to the extant research, implications for practice and research, personal lessons learned, and a conclusion.
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Professional Development for Communication Skills, Collaboration Skills, and Fostering Positive Connections in the Workplace

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Change in the workplace is a constant. This is even more true due to changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes have altered work locations, the modes of communication used, and how meetings are held, conversations, and trainings. It

Change in the workplace is a constant. This is even more true due to changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes have altered work locations, the modes of communication used, and how meetings are held, conversations, and trainings. It has become evident that, with these pandemic-caused changes, communication skills, the ability to empathize, and the opportunity to connect with one another are more desirable than ever before. The purpose of this mixed-method study was to examine how, and to what extent, participation in professional development workshops developed and refined the participants’ communication skills, collaboration skills, communication self-efficacy, and collaboration self-efficacy, and generated an environment that fostered positive connections. The study was guided by five theoretical frameworks, including the work of Wenger (1998), Tuckman (1965), Bandura (1977), Goleman (1995), and Luthans et al. (2007). This action research study utilized a mixed-method research approach in which both qualitative and quantitative instruments were used to gather data. Study participants were staff members in New College. The innovation was conducted over the length of the semester and involved participation in a series of professional development workshops. Quantitative data indicated a positive change in the dependent variables between a retrospective pre-innovation assessment and a post-innovation assessment. The qualitative data allowed for a descriptive story to be told and also provided a way to understand the numerical data. Discussion focused on describing the complementarity of the data, explaining outcomes relative to the theoretical frameworks, and noting limitations, implications for practice and future research, and lessons learned.
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College Success Curriculum: Helping Freshman Create New Habits

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Incoming freshman at East Los Angeles College were struggling with successfully completing their first semester, leading to low rates of course success and retention. Students reported struggles with adapting to the culture of college, particularly with behaving like a college

Incoming freshman at East Los Angeles College were struggling with successfully completing their first semester, leading to low rates of course success and retention. Students reported struggles with adapting to the culture of college, particularly with behaving like a college student and managing time. The purpose of this action research study was to determine if embedding a College Success Curriculum (CSC) into a required class would help students more successfully navigate the first semester. The CSC was embedded into the action-researcher's freshman composition class and covered the following concepts: appropriate classroom behavior, communication, time management, and organization. Quantitative data included retrospective pre-intervention and post-intervention survey data. Qualitative data included the researcher's journal and student-written journal entries. Findings from this study indicated that students learned to communicate via email and to prioritize their time, however, the CSC did not have a measurable effect on students’ behavior, time management, or organization. Course success and retention after receiving the CSC remained at previous years’ rates. There continues to be a need to assist freshmen students in these critical college skills, and perhaps adapt some of the strategies used in this project for future iterations.
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Collaborative language learning in higher education: student engagement and language self-efficacy in a communicative, flipped context

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The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of how collaborative language learning activities affected student perceptions of their engagement and language self-efficacy in a communicative, flipped language learning classroom in higher education. The new online platforms

The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of how collaborative language learning activities affected student perceptions of their engagement and language self-efficacy in a communicative, flipped language learning classroom in higher education. The new online platforms accompanying many textbooks now allow students to prepare for classes ahead of time, allowing instructors to use more class time for student engagement in actual language practices. However, there has been little investigation of the effects of this communicative, flipped classroom model on students’ learning processes and outcomes. This mixed methods action research study revealed that the introduction of varied collaborative language learning activities had a positive impact on students’ self-efficacy and engagement as well as provides implications that will be of value to language educators interested in enhancing their use of the communicative, flipped classroom model.
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Cultural identity and third space: an exploration of their connection in a Title I school

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Implementing an assimilative agenda within the traditional U.S. education system has prevented the authentic inclusion, validation, and development of American Indian students. The enduring ramifications, including the loss of cultural identity, underscored the critical need to decolonize, or challenge, the

Implementing an assimilative agenda within the traditional U.S. education system has prevented the authentic inclusion, validation, and development of American Indian students. The enduring ramifications, including the loss of cultural identity, underscored the critical need to decolonize, or challenge, the historic assimilative agenda of the school space. The purpose of this action research study was to examine the connection between the cultural exploration activities of Culture Club, cultural identity, and the creation of a Third Space to serve as a decolonizing framework for this Indigenous program conducted within a school space.

The epistemological perspective guiding this study was that of constructionism. The theoretical frameworks were post-colonial theory, Indigenous methodology, and, most prominently, Third Space theory. A thorough review of Third Space theory resulted in deduction of four criteria deemed to be necessary for creating a Third Space. These four theoretically-deduced criteria were (a) creating new knowledge, (b) reclaiming and reinscribing hegemonic notions of identity and school, (c) creating new or hybrid identities, and (d) developing more inclusive perspectives. The criteria were employed to create the Culture Club innovation and to determine whether a Third Space was effectively created within Culture Club.

This qualitative action research study focused on the Culture Club innovation, an after-school, cultural exploration, extracurricular program for sixth-grade American Indian students, at a Title I school in a large southwest metropolitan area. The participants were five, sixth-grade American Indian students. The role of the researcher was to facilitate a Third Space within Culture Club, as well as collect and analyze data.

Data were collected using semi-structured interviews; recorded Culture Club sessions; phase 3, and research journal entries. Once the data were transcribed, eclectic coding methodology, consisting of open, descriptive, and in vivo coding was employed and interpretive analysis procedures followed.

Findings showed modest changes in participants’ cultural identities but confirmed the creation of a Third Space within Culture Club. Findings have important implications for both practice and future research. Recommendations for improving and sustaining the decolonizing framework of Culture Club to create safe spaces for American Indian students and their explorations of their Indigeneity are also proposed.
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Instructional coaching in higher education: partnering to infuse ELL instructional practices into social studies courses

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As evidenced in the growing achievement gap between English language learners (ELLs) and their non-ELL counterparts, it is clear future teachers need to be better prepared to work with ELLs. This study examined the influence of infusing ELL strategies

As evidenced in the growing achievement gap between English language learners (ELLs) and their non-ELL counterparts, it is clear future teachers need to be better prepared to work with ELLs. This study examined the influence of infusing ELL strategies into methods courses through instructional coaching. This study was inspired by the larger iTeachELLs project at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University.

This action research project drew upon Vygotsky’s (1978) sociocultural theory and Bandura’s (1977) social cognitive theory. Specifically, the study was built on Vygotsky’s socially shared activities and Bandura’s concepts of modeling and providing opportunities to individuals to practice and attain mastery experiences. Knight et al.’s (2015) impact cycle of coaching served as the framework for the intervention in this study. This perspective was grounded in socially shared activities that included a clear model of the new learning and opportunities for instructors to practice implementing the new learning.

University instructors and teacher candidates participated in the study. A mixed method approach was used to gather data from instructors and teacher candidates. Quantitative data came from a survey that assessed three constructs: (a) knowledge, (b) use, and (c) self-efficacy of Stanford’s (2013) six principles for ELL instruction. Qualitative data were gathered in several ways. Instructor interviews focused on the coaching experiences, whereas teacher candidate interviews focused on knowledge and use of ELL principles. Additional qualitative data included reflective conversations with instructors and course assignments from teacher candidates.

Results suggested instructors gained in their knowledge, use, and self-efficacy of the six principles for ELL instruction, which they taught to their teacher candidate charges. As a result, teacher candidates increased their knowledge, use, and self-efficacy of the ELL principles. The interview data for teacher candidates was consistent with the survey data.

Results from this study highlighted the potential of coaching in higher education as a powerful approach to deliver professional development. Further, results suggested that infusing ELL instructional practices into content methods courses appeared to be a viable method to better prepare teacher candidates to work with ELL students.
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