A Generalized H-Infinity Mixed Sensitivity Convex Approach to Multivariable Control Design Subject to Simultaneous Output and Input Loop-Breaking Specifications

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In this dissertation, we present a H-infinity based multivariable control design methodology that can be used to systematically address design specifications at distinct feedback loop-breaking points. It is well understood that for multivariable systems, obtaining good/acceptable closed loop properties at

In this dissertation, we present a H-infinity based multivariable control design methodology that can be used to systematically address design specifications at distinct feedback loop-breaking points. It is well understood that for multivariable systems, obtaining good/acceptable closed loop properties at one loop-breaking point does not mean the same at another. This is especially true for multivariable systems that are ill-conditioned (having high condition number and/or relative gain array and/or scaled condition number). We analyze the tradeoffs involved in shaping closed loop properties at these distinct loop-breaking points and illustrate through examples the existence of pareto optimal points associated with them. Further, we study the limitations and tradeoffs associated with shaping the properties in the presence of right half plane poles/zeros, limited available bandwidth and peak time-domain constraints. To address the above tradeoffs, we present a methodology for designing multiobjective constrained H-infinity based controllers, called Generalized Mixed Sensitivity (GMS), to effectively and efficiently shape properties at distinct loop-breaking points. The methodology accommodates a broad class of convex frequency- and time-domain design specifications. This is accomplished by exploiting the Youla-Jabr-Bongiorno-Kucera parameterization that transforms the nonlinear problem in the controller to an affine one in the Youla et al. parameter. Basis parameters that result in efficient approximation (using lesser number of basis terms) of the infinite-dimensional parameter are studied. Three state-of-the-art subgradient-based non-differentiable constrained convex optimization solvers, namely Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method (ACCPM), Kelley's CPM and SolvOpt are implemented and compared.

The above approach is used to design controllers for and tradeoff between several control properties of longitudinal dynamics of 3-DOF Hypersonic vehicle model -– one that is unstable, non-minimum phase and possesses significant coupling between channels. A hierarchical inner-outer loop control architecture is used to exploit additional feedback information in order to significantly help in making reasonable tradeoffs between properties at distinct loop-breaking points. The methodology is shown to generate very good designs –- designs that would be difficult to obtain without our presented methodology. Critical control tradeoffs associated are studied and compared with other design methods (e.g., classically motivated, standard mixed sensitivity) to further illustrate its power and transparency.
Date Created

Brain computer interfaces for the control of robotic swarms

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A robotic swarm can be defined as a large group of inexpensive, interchangeable

robots with limited sensing and/or actuating capabilities that cooperate (explicitly

or implicitly) based on local communications and sensing in order to complete a

mission. Its inherent redundancy provides flexibility and

A robotic swarm can be defined as a large group of inexpensive, interchangeable

robots with limited sensing and/or actuating capabilities that cooperate (explicitly

or implicitly) based on local communications and sensing in order to complete a

mission. Its inherent redundancy provides flexibility and robustness to failures and

environmental disturbances which guarantee the proper completion of the required

task. At the same time, human intuition and cognition can prove very useful in

extreme situations where a fast and reliable solution is needed. This idea led to the

creation of the field of Human-Swarm Interfaces (HSI) which attempts to incorporate

the human element into the control of robotic swarms for increased robustness and

reliability. The aim of the present work is to extend the current state-of-the-art in HSI

by applying ideas and principles from the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI),

which has proven to be very useful for people with motor disabilities. At first, a

preliminary investigation about the connection of brain activity and the observation

of swarm collective behaviors is conducted. After showing that such a connection

may exist, a hybrid BCI system is presented for the control of a swarm of quadrotors.

The system is based on the combination of motor imagery and the input from a game

controller, while its feasibility is proven through an extensive experimental process.

Finally, speech imagery is proposed as an alternative mental task for BCI applications.

This is done through a series of rigorous experiments and appropriate data analysis.

This work suggests that the integration of BCI principles in HSI applications can be

successful and it can potentially lead to systems that are more intuitive for the users

than the current state-of-the-art. At the same time, it motivates further research in

the area and sets the stepping stones for the potential development of the field of

Brain-Swarm Interfaces (BSI).
Date Created

Image processing based control of mobile robotics

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Toward the ambitious long-term goal of a fleet of cooperating Flexible Autonomous Machines operating in an uncertain Environment (FAME), this thesis addresses various control objectives for ground vehicles.

There are two main objectives within this thesis, first is the use of

Toward the ambitious long-term goal of a fleet of cooperating Flexible Autonomous Machines operating in an uncertain Environment (FAME), this thesis addresses various control objectives for ground vehicles.

There are two main objectives within this thesis, first is the use of visual information to control a Differential-Drive Thunder Tumbler (DDTT) mobile robot and second is the solution to a minimum time optimal control problem for the robot around a racetrack.

One method to do the first objective is by using the Position Based Visual Servoing (PBVS) approach in which a camera looks at a target and the position of the target with respect to the camera is estimated; once this is done the robot can drive towards a desired position (x_ref, z_ref). Another method is called Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS), in which the pixel coordinates (u,v) of markers/dots placed on an object are driven towards the desired pixel coordinates (u_ref, v_ref) of the corresponding markers.

By doing this, the mobile robot gets closer to a desired pose (x_ref, z_ref, theta_ref).

For the second objective, a camera-based and noncamera-based (v,theta) cruise-control systems are used for the solution of the minimum time problem. To set up the minimum time problem, optimal control theory is used. Then a direct method is implemented by discretizing states and controls of the system. Finally, the solution is obtained by modeling the problem in AMPL and submitting to the nonlinear optimization solver KNITRO. Simulation and experimental results are presented.

The DDTT-vehicle used within this thesis has different components as summarized below:

(1) magnetic wheel-encoders/IMU for inner-loop speed-control and outer-loop directional control,

(2) Arduino Uno microcontroller-board for encoder-based inner-loop speed-control and encoder-IMU-based outer-loop cruise-directional-control,

(3) Arduino motor-shield for inner-loop speed-control,

(4) Raspberry Pi II computer-board for outer-loop vision-based cruise-position-directional-control,

(5) Raspberry Pi 5MP camera for outer-loop cruise-position-directional control.

Hardware demonstrations shown in this thesis are summarized: (1) PBVS without pan camera, (2) PBVS with pan camera, (3) IBVS with 1 marker/dot, (4) IBVS with 2 markers, (5) IBVS with 3 markers, (6) camera and (7) noncamera-based (v,theta) cruise control system for the minimum time problem.
Date Created