Access Balancing in Storage Systems by Labelling Steiner Systems

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A storage system requiring file redundancy and on-line repairability can be represented as a Steiner system, a combinatorial design with the property that every $t$-subset of its points occurs in exactly one of its blocks. Under this representation, files are

A storage system requiring file redundancy and on-line repairability can be represented as a Steiner system, a combinatorial design with the property that every $t$-subset of its points occurs in exactly one of its blocks. Under this representation, files are the points and storage units are the blocks of the Steiner system, or vice-versa. Often, the popularities of the files of such storage systems run the gamut, with some files receiving hardly any attention, and others receiving most of it. For such systems, minimizing the difference in the collective popularity between any two storage units is nontrivial; this is the access balancing problem. With regard to the representative Steiner system, the access balancing problem in its simplest form amounts to constructing either a point or block labelling: an assignment of a set of integer labels (popularity ranks) to the Steiner system's point set or block set, respectively, requiring of the former assignment that the sums of the labelled points of any two blocks differ as little as possible and of the latter that the sums of the labels assigned to the containing blocks of any two distinct points differ as little as possible. The central aim of this dissertation is to supply point and block labellings for Steiner systems of block size greater than three, for which up to this point no attempt has been made. Four major results are given in this connection. First, motivated by the close connection between the size of the independent sets of a Steiner system and the quality of its labellings, a Steiner triple system of any admissible order is constructed with a pair of disjoint independent sets of maximum cardinality. Second, the spectrum of resolvable Bose triple systems is determined in order to label some Steiner 2-designs with block size four. Third, several kinds of independent sets are used to point-label Steiner 2-designs with block size four. Finally, optimal and close to optimal block labellings are given for an infinite class of 1-rotational resolvable Steiner 2-designs with arbitrarily large block size by exploiting their underlying group-theoretic properties.
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Extending REACT to Support Quality of Service: Algorithms and Implementation, With Screening and Performance Experiments on a Wireless Testbed

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REACT is a distributed resource allocation protocol that can be used to negotiate airtime among nodes in a wireless network. In this thesis, REACT is extended to support quality of service (QoS) airtime in an updated version called REACT QoS

REACT is a distributed resource allocation protocol that can be used to negotiate airtime among nodes in a wireless network. In this thesis, REACT is extended to support quality of service (QoS) airtime in an updated version called REACT QoS . Nodes can request the higher airtime class to receive priority in the network. This differentiated service is provided by using the access categories (ACs) provided by 802.11, where one AC represents the best effort (BE) class of airtime and another represents the QoS class. Airtime allocations computed by REACT QoS are realized using an updated tuning algorithm and REACT QoS is updated to allow for QoS airtime along multi-hop paths. Experimentation on the w-iLab.t wireless testbed in an ad-hoc setting shows that these extensions are effective. In a single-hop setting, nodes requesting the higher class of airtime are guaranteed their allocation, with the leftover airtime being divided fairly among the remaining nodes. In the multi-hop scenario, REACT QoS is shown to perform better in each of airtime allocation and delay, jitter, and throughput, when compared to 802.11. Finally, the most influential factors and 2-way interactions are identified through the use of a locating array based screening experiment for delay, jitter, and throughput responses. The screening experiment includes a factor on how the channel is partitioned into data and control traffic, and its effect on the responses is determined.
Date Created

Hash Families and Applications to t-Restrictions

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The construction of many families of combinatorial objects remains a challenging problem. A t-restriction is an array where a predicate is satisfied for every t columns; an example is a perfect hash family (PHF). The composition of a PHF and

The construction of many families of combinatorial objects remains a challenging problem. A t-restriction is an array where a predicate is satisfied for every t columns; an example is a perfect hash family (PHF). The composition of a PHF and any t-restriction satisfying predicate P yields another t-restriction also satisfying P with more columns than the original t-restriction had. This thesis concerns three approaches in determining the smallest size of PHFs.

Firstly, hash families in which the associated property is satisfied at least some number lambda times are considered, called higher-index, which guarantees redundancy when constructing t-restrictions. Some direct and optimal constructions of hash families of higher index are given. A new recursive construction is established that generalizes previous results and generates higher-index PHFs with more columns. Probabilistic methods are employed to obtain an upper bound on the optimal size of higher-index PHFs when the number of columns is large. A new deterministic algorithm is developed that generates such PHFs meeting this bound, and computational results are reported.

Secondly, a restriction on the structure of PHFs is introduced, called fractal, a method from Blackburn. His method is extended in several ways; from homogeneous hash families (every row has the same number of symbols) to heterogeneous ones; and to distributing hash families, a relaxation of the predicate for PHFs. Recursive constructions with fractal hash families as ingredients are given, and improve upon on the best-known sizes of many PHFs.

Thirdly, a method of Colbourn and Lanus is extended in which they horizontally copied a given hash family and greedily applied transformations to each copy. Transformations of existential t-restrictions are introduced, which allow for the method to be applicable to any t-restriction having structure like those of hash families. A genetic algorithm is employed for finding the "best" such transformations. Computational results of the GA are reported using PHFs, as the number of transformations permitted is large compared to the number of symbols. Finally, an analysis is given of what trade-offs exist between computation time and the number of t-sets left not satisfying the predicate.
Date Created

Interaction Testing, Fault Location, and Anonymous Attribute-Based Authorization

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This dissertation studies three classes of combinatorial arrays with practical applications in testing, measurement, and security. Covering arrays are widely studied in software and hardware testing to indicate the presence of faulty interactions. Locating arrays extend covering arrays to achieve

This dissertation studies three classes of combinatorial arrays with practical applications in testing, measurement, and security. Covering arrays are widely studied in software and hardware testing to indicate the presence of faulty interactions. Locating arrays extend covering arrays to achieve identification of the interactions causing a fault by requiring additional conditions on how interactions are covered in rows. This dissertation introduces a new class, the anonymizing arrays, to guarantee a degree of anonymity by bounding the probability a particular row is identified by the interaction presented. Similarities among these arrays lead to common algorithmic techniques for their construction which this dissertation explores. Differences arising from their application domains lead to the unique features of each class, requiring tailoring the techniques to the specifics of each problem.

One contribution of this work is a conditional expectation algorithm to build covering arrays via an intermediate combinatorial object. Conditional expectation efficiently finds intermediate-sized arrays that are particularly useful as ingredients for additional recursive algorithms. A cut-and-paste method creates large arrays from small ingredients. Performing transformations on the copies makes further improvements by reducing redundancy in the composed arrays and leads to fewer rows.

This work contains the first algorithm for constructing locating arrays for general values of $d$ and $t$. A randomized computational search algorithmic framework verifies if a candidate array is $(\bar{d},t)$-locating by partitioning the search space and performs random resampling if a candidate fails. Algorithmic parameters determine which columns to resample and when to add additional rows to the candidate array. Additionally, analysis is conducted on the performance of the algorithmic parameters to provide guidance on how to tune parameters to prioritize speed, accuracy, or a combination of both.

This work proposes anonymizing arrays as a class related to covering arrays with a higher coverage requirement and constraints. The algorithms for covering and locating arrays are tailored to anonymizing array construction. An additional property, homogeneity, is introduced to meet the needs of attribute-based authorization. Two metrics, local and global homogeneity, are designed to compare anonymizing arrays with the same parameters. Finally, a post-optimization approach reduces the homogeneity of an anonymizing array.
Date Created

Locating Arrays: Construction, Analysis, and Robustness

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Modern computer systems are complex engineered systems involving a large collection of individual parts, each with many parameters, or factors, affecting system performance. One way to understand these complex systems and their performance is through experimentation. However, most modern computer

Modern computer systems are complex engineered systems involving a large collection of individual parts, each with many parameters, or factors, affecting system performance. One way to understand these complex systems and their performance is through experimentation. However, most modern computer systems involve such a large number of factors that thorough experimentation on all of them is impossible. An initial screening step is thus necessary to determine which factors are relevant to the system's performance and which factors can be eliminated from experimentation.

Factors may impact system performance in different ways. A factor at a specific level may significantly affect performance as a main effect, or in combination with other main effects as an interaction. For screening, it is necessary both to identify the presence of these effects and to locate the factors responsible for them. A locating array is a relatively new experimental design that causes every main effect and interaction to occur and distinguishes all sets of d main effects and interactions from each other in the tests where they occur. This design is therefore helpful in screening complex systems.

The process of screening using locating arrays involves multiple steps. First, a locating array is constructed for all possibly significant factors. Next, the system is executed for all tests indicated by the locating array and a response is observed. Finally, the response is analyzed to identify the significant system factors for future experimentation. However, simply constructing a reasonably sized locating array for a large system is no easy task and analyzing the response of the tests presents additional difficulties due to the large number of possible predictors and the inherent imbalance in the experimental design itself. Further complications can arise from noise in the system or errors in testing.

This thesis has three contributions. First, it provides an algorithm to construct locating arrays using the Lovász Local Lemma with Moser-Tardos resampling. Second, it gives an algorithm to analyze the system response efficiently. Finally, it studies the robustness of the analysis to the heavy-hitters assumption underlying the approach as well as to varying amounts of system noise.
Date Created

Covering arrays: generation and post-optimization

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Exhaustive testing is generally infeasible except in the smallest of systems. Research

has shown that testing the interactions among fewer (up to 6) components is generally

sufficient while retaining the capability to detect up to 99% of defects. This leads to a


Exhaustive testing is generally infeasible except in the smallest of systems. Research

has shown that testing the interactions among fewer (up to 6) components is generally

sufficient while retaining the capability to detect up to 99% of defects. This leads to a

substantial decrease in the number of tests. Covering arrays are combinatorial objects

that guarantee that every interaction is tested at least once.

In the absence of direct constructions, forming small covering arrays is generally

an expensive computational task. Algorithms to generate covering arrays have been

extensively studied yet no single algorithm provides the smallest solution. More

recently research has been directed towards a new technique called post-optimization.

These algorithms take an existing covering array and attempt to reduce its size.

This thesis presents a new idea for post-optimization by representing covering

arrays as graphs. Some properties of these graphs are established and the results are

contrasted with existing post-optimization algorithms. The idea is then generalized to

close variants of covering arrays with surprising results which in some cases reduce

the size by 30%. Applications of the method to generation and test prioritization are

studied and some interesting results are reported.
Date Created

Scheduled medium access control in mobile ad hoc networks

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The primary function of the medium access control (MAC) protocol is managing access to a shared communication channel. From the viewpoint of transmitters, the MAC protocol determines each transmitter's persistence, the fraction of time it is permitted to spend transmitting.

The primary function of the medium access control (MAC) protocol is managing access to a shared communication channel. From the viewpoint of transmitters, the MAC protocol determines each transmitter's persistence, the fraction of time it is permitted to spend transmitting. Schedule-based schemes implement stable persistences, achieving low variation in delay and throughput, and sometimes bounding maximum delay. However, they adapt slowly, if at all, to changes in the network. Contention-based schemes are agile, adapting quickly to changes in perceived contention, but suffer from short-term unfairness, large variations in packet delay, and poor performance at high load. The perfect MAC protocol, it seems, embodies the strengths of both contention- and schedule-based approaches while avoiding their weaknesses. This thesis culminates in the design of a Variable-Weight and Adaptive Topology Transparent (VWATT) MAC protocol. The design of VWATT first required answers for two questions: (1) If a node is equipped with schedules of different weights, which weight should it employ? (2) How is the node to compute the desired weight in a network lacking centralized control? The first question is answered by the Topology- and Load-Aware (TLA) allocation which defines target persistences that conform to both network topology and traffic load. Simulations show the TLA allocation to outperform IEEE 802.11, improving on the expectation and variation of delay, throughput, and drop rate. The second question is answered in the design of an Adaptive Topology- and Load-Aware Scheduled (ATLAS) MAC that computes the TLA allocation in a decentralized and adaptive manner. Simulation results show that ATLAS converges quickly on the TLA allocation, supporting highly dynamic networks. With these questions answered, a construction based on transversal designs is given for a variable-weight topology transparent schedule that allows nodes to dynamically and independently select weights to accommodate local topology and traffic load. The schedule maintains a guarantee on maximum delay when the maximum neighbourhood size is not too large. The schedule is integrated with the distributed computation of ATLAS to create VWATT. Simulations indicate that VWATT offers the stable performance characteristics of a scheduled MAC while adapting quickly to changes in topology and traffic load.
Date Created

The design and analysis of hash families for use in broadcast encryption

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Broadcast Encryption is the task of cryptographically securing communication in a broadcast environment so that only a dynamically specified subset of subscribers, called the privileged subset, may decrypt the communication. In practical applications, it is desirable for a Broadcast Encryption

Broadcast Encryption is the task of cryptographically securing communication in a broadcast environment so that only a dynamically specified subset of subscribers, called the privileged subset, may decrypt the communication. In practical applications, it is desirable for a Broadcast Encryption Scheme (BES) to demonstrate resilience against attacks by colluding, unprivileged subscribers. Minimal Perfect Hash Families (PHFs) have been shown to provide a basis for the construction of memory-efficient t-resilient Key Pre-distribution Schemes (KPSs) from multiple instances of 1-resilient KPSs. Using this technique, the task of constructing a large t-resilient BES is reduced to finding a near-minimal PHF of appropriate parameters. While combinatorial and probabilistic constructions exist for minimal PHFs with certain parameters, the complexity of constructing them in general is currently unknown. This thesis introduces a new type of hash family, called a Scattering Hash Family (ScHF), which is designed to allow for the scalable and ingredient-independent design of memory-efficient BESs for large parameters, specifically resilience and total number of subscribers. A general BES construction using ScHFs is shown, which constructs t-resilient KPSs from other KPSs of any resilience ≤w≤t. In addition to demonstrating how ScHFs can be used to produce BESs , this thesis explores several ScHF construction techniques. The initial technique demonstrates a probabilistic, non-constructive proof of existence for ScHFs . This construction is then derandomized into a direct, polynomial time construction of near-minimal ScHFs using the method of conditional expectations. As an alternative approach to direct construction, representing ScHFs as a k-restriction problem allows for the indirect construction of ScHFs via randomized post-optimization. Using the methods defined, ScHFs are constructed and the parameters' effects on solution size are analyzed. For large strengths, constructive techniques lose significant performance, and as such, asymptotic analysis is performed using the non-constructive existential results. This work concludes with an analysis of the benefits and disadvantages of BESs based on the constructed ScHFs. Due to the novel nature of ScHFs, the results of this analysis are used as the foundation for an empirical comparison between ScHF-based and PHF-based BESs . The primary bases of comparison are construction efficiency, key material requirements, and message transmission overhead.
Date Created

Statistical monitoring and control of locally proactive routing protocols in MANETs

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Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have attracted attention for mission critical applications. This dissertation investigates techniques of statistical monitoring and control for overhead reduction in a proactive MANET routing protocol. Proactive protocols transmit overhead periodically. Instead, we propose that the

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have attracted attention for mission critical applications. This dissertation investigates techniques of statistical monitoring and control for overhead reduction in a proactive MANET routing protocol. Proactive protocols transmit overhead periodically. Instead, we propose that the local conditions of a node should determine this transmission decision. While the goal is to minimize overhead, a balance in the amount of overhead transmitted and the performance achieved is required. Statistical monitoring consists of techniques to determine if a characteristic has shifted away from an in-control state. A basic tool for monitoring is a control chart, a time-oriented representation of the characteristic. When a sample deviates outside control limits, a significant change has occurred and corrective actions are required to return to the in-control state. We investigate the use of statistical monitoring of local conditions in the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol. Three versions are developed. In A-OLSR, each node uses a Shewhart chart to monitor betweenness of its two-hop neighbourhood. Betweenness is a social network metric that measures a node's influence; betweenness is larger when a node has more influence. Changes in topology are associated with changes in betweenness. We incorporate additional local node conditions including speed, density, packet arrival rate, and number of flows it forwards in A+-OLSR. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is used to optimize timer values. As well, the Shewhart chart is replaced by an Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) chart, which is more sensitive to small changes in the characteristic. It is known that control charts do not work as well in the presence of correlation. Hence, in A*-OLSR the autocorrelation in the time series is removed and an Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model found; this removes the dependence on node speed. A*-OLSR also extends monitoring to two characteristics concurrently using multivariate cumulative sum (MCUSUM) charts. The protocols are evaluated in simulation, and compared to OLSR and its variants. The techniques for statistical monitoring and control are general and have great potential to be applied to the adaptive control of many network protocols.
Date Created

Correlation based tools for analysis of dynamic networks

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Time series analysis of dynamic networks is an important area of study that helps in predicting changes in networks. Changes in networks are used to analyze deviations in the network characteristics. This analysis helps in characterizing any network that has

Time series analysis of dynamic networks is an important area of study that helps in predicting changes in networks. Changes in networks are used to analyze deviations in the network characteristics. This analysis helps in characterizing any network that has dynamic behavior. This area of study has applications in many domains such as communication networks, climate networks, social networks, transportation networks, and biological networks. The aim of this research is to analyze the structural characteristics of such dynamic networks. This thesis examines tools that help to analyze the structure of the networks and explores a technique for computation and analysis of a large climate dataset. The computations for analyzing the structural characteristics are done in a computing cluster and there is a linear speed up in computation time compared to a single-core computer. As an application, a large sea ice concentration anomaly dataset is analyzed. The large dataset is used to construct a correlation based graph. The results suggest that the climate data has the characteristics of a small-world graph.
Date Created