Analysis, design, simulation, and measurements of flexible high impedance surfaces

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High Impedance Surfaces (HISs), which have been investigated extensively, have proven to be very efficient ground planes for low profile antenna applications due to their unique reflection phase characteristics. Another emerging research field among the microwave and antenna technologies is

High Impedance Surfaces (HISs), which have been investigated extensively, have proven to be very efficient ground planes for low profile antenna applications due to their unique reflection phase characteristics. Another emerging research field among the microwave and antenna technologies is the design of flexible antennas and microwave circuits to be utilized in conformal applications. The combination of those two research topics gives birth to a third one, namely the design of Conformal or Flexible HISs (FHISs), which is the main subject of this dissertation. The problems associated with the FHISs are twofold: characterization and physical realization. The characterization involves the analysis of scattering properties of FHISs in the presence of plane wave and localized sources. For this purpose, an approximate analytical method is developed to characterize the reflection properties of a cylindrically curved FHIS. The effects of curvature on the reflection phase of the curved FHISs are examined. Furthermore, the effects of different types of currents, specifically the ones inherent to finite sized periodic structures, on the reflection phase characteristics are observed. After the reflection phase characterization of curved HISs, the performance of dipole antennas located in close proximity to a curved HIS are investigated, and the results are compared with the flat case. Different types of resonances that may occur for such a low-profile antenna application are discussed. The effects of curvature on the radiation performance of antennas are examined. Commercially available flexible materials are relatively thin which degrades the bandwidth of HISs. Another practical aspect, which is related to the substrate thickness, is the compactness of the surface. Because of the design limitations of conventional HISs, it is not possible to miniaturize the HIS and increase the bandwidth, simultaneously. To overcome this drawback, a novel HIS is proposed with a periodically perforated ground plane. Copper plated through holes are extremely vulnerable to bending and should be avoided at the bending parts of flexible circuits. Fortunately, if designed properly, the perforations on the ground plane may result in suppression of surface waves. Hence, metallic posts can be eliminated without hindering the surface wave suppression properties of HISs.
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Performance enhancement of space-time adaptive processing for GPS and microstrip antenna design using ferrite rings

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Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system widely used in civilian and military application, but its accuracy is highly impacted with consequential fading, and possible loss of communication due to multipath propagation and high power interferences. This dissertation proposes

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system widely used in civilian and military application, but its accuracy is highly impacted with consequential fading, and possible loss of communication due to multipath propagation and high power interferences. This dissertation proposes alternatives to improve the performance of the GPS receivers to obtain a system that can be reliable in critical situations. The basic performance of the GPS receiver consists of receiving the signal with an antenna array, delaying the signal at each antenna element, weighting the delayed replicas, and finally, combining the weighted replicas to estimate the desired signal. Based on these, three modifications are proposed to improve the performance of the system. The first proposed modification is the use of the Least Mean Squares (LMS) algorithm with two variations to decrease the convergence time of the classic LMS while achieving good system stability. The results obtained by the proposed LMS demonstrate that the algorithm can achieve the same stability as the classic LMS using a small step size, and its convergence rate is better than the classic LMS using a large step size. The second proposed modification is to replace the uniform distribution of the time delays (or taps) by an exponential distribution that decreases the bit-error rate (BER) of the system without impacting the computational efficiency of the uniform taps. The results show that, for a BER of 0.001, the system can operate with a 1 to 2 dB lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) when an exponential distribution is used rather than a uniform distribution. Finally, the third modification is implemented in the design of the antenna array. In this case, the gain of each microstrip element is enhanced by embedding ferrite rings in the substrate, creating a hybrid substrate. The ferrite rings generates constructive interference between the incident and reflected fields; consequently, the gain of a single microstrip element is enhanced by up to 4 dB. When hybrid substrates are used in microstrip element arrays, a significant enhancement in angle range is achieved for a given reflection coefficient compared to using a conventional substrate.
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Thin film transistor control circuitry for MEMS acoustic transducers

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ABSTRACT This work seeks to develop a practical solution for short range ultrasonic communications and produce an integrated array of acoustic transmitters on a flexible substrate. This is done using flexible thin film transistor (TFT) and micro electromechanical systems (MEMS).

ABSTRACT This work seeks to develop a practical solution for short range ultrasonic communications and produce an integrated array of acoustic transmitters on a flexible substrate. This is done using flexible thin film transistor (TFT) and micro electromechanical systems (MEMS). The goal is to develop a flexible system capable of communicating in the ultrasonic frequency range at a distance of 10 - 100 meters. This requires a great deal of innovation on the part of the FDC team developing the TFT driving circuitry and the MEMS team adapting the technology for fabrication on a flexible substrate. The technologies required for this research are independently developed. The TFT development is driven primarily by research into flexible displays. The MEMS development is driving by research in biosensors and micro actuators. This project involves the integration of TFT flexible circuit capabilities with MEMS micro actuators in the novel area of flexible acoustic transmitter arrays. This thesis focuses on the design, testing and analysis of the circuit components required for this project.
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Advanced methods in post cartesian imaging

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Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with data acquisition on a non-rectangular grid permits a variety of approaches to cover k-space. This flexibility can be exploited to achieve clinically relevant characteristics -- fast yet full coverage for short scan times, center out

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with data acquisition on a non-rectangular grid permits a variety of approaches to cover k-space. This flexibility can be exploited to achieve clinically relevant characteristics -- fast yet full coverage for short scan times, center out schemes for short Te, over-sampled k-space for robustness to motion, long acquisition time for improved signal-to-noise (SNR) performance and benign under-sampling (aliasing) artifact. This dissertation presents advances in Periodically Rotated Overlapping ParallEL Lines with Enhanced Reconstruction (PROPELLER) trajectory design and improved reconstruction for spiral imaging. Scan time in PROPELLER imaging can be reduced by tailoring the trajectory to the required Field-Of-View (FOV). A technique to design the PROPELLER trajectory for an elliptical FOV is described. The proposed solution is a set of empirically derived closed form equations that preserve the standard PROPELLER geometry and specify the minimum number of blades necessary. Reconstructing spiral scans requires accurate trajectory information. A simple method to measure the deviation from the designed trajectory due to gradient coupling is presented. A line phantom is used to force a uniform structure in a predetermined orientation in k-space. This uniformity permits measurements of zeroth order trajectory deviations due to gradient coupling. Spiral reconstruction is also sensitive to B0 inhomogeneities (variations in the external magnetic field). This sensitivity manifests itself as a spatially varying blur. An algorithm to correct for concomitant field and first order B0 inhomogeneity effects is developed based on de-blurring via convolution by separable kernels. To reduce computation time, an empirical equation for sufficient kernel length is derived. It is also necessary to know the noise characteristics of the proposed algorithm; this is investigated via Monte-Carlo simulations. The algorithm is further extended to correct for concomitant field artifacts by modeling these artifacts as blurring due to a temporally static field map. This approach has the potential for further reduction in computational cost by combining the B0 map with the concomitant field map to simultaneously correct for artifacts resulting from both field inhomogeneities and concomitant field map.
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